Human Design gives you an energy blueprint from the moment that you were born. Your unique Human Design energy blueprint will give you direction, shows you your purpose in life and what your energy is about and what not. To live out your authentic self and illuminate you’re not authentic self.
I am a generator, here on earth to work, create something, invent something and I’m carrying the energy to do this. I am here to respond, I should not be initiating. With not initiating, I should not have a particular goal, with a particular plan to get there, I can have an intention, but I cannot have goals in life. I have a completely open ego (duality, polarity, higher heart chakra). For someone like me the best way to live, is to live in the flow.
I have single definition, which means all of my energy is constantly flowing through my defined (colored centers/ chakras), being the root chakra, sacral chakra and the G center (heart chakra). In these centers I can find my truth.
In my open white centers I carry the openness for wisdom for the people, community, tribe, humanity surrounding me. When I would identify myself with something that would be good for others, it could lead myself into the wrong direction. As this might not be the right direction for me. To feel what is the right direction for me I should always connect to my Sacral and G Center (heart chakra).
Some people have split definition, where the energy has to be bridged from one part in their system to the other part of their system. My Splenic (left), Emotional Solar Plexus (right), Ego Heart chakra (higher, duality, polarity heart), Throat chakra, Anja and Crown Chakra are open centers. These centers are open to conditioning.
My primary conditioning from the society and other people comes from my open centers. The open Ego Heart center, can causes me to fluctuate between not being confident at all and trying to over compensate and proof myself towards others. I need to follow my self-esteem and catch myself when I’m being conditioned by others, as I have nothing to proof to myself or anyone ells if I want to reach my full potential.
Holland is a rather disciplined, regulated and structured society, I need a lot of flexibility, I will not be thriving in any formal discipline or schedule. All that stuff about 9-5 work, deadlines, pullet points, project delivery, promises, that not about my energy. I would simply further condition myself if I would be striving for anything like this. What usually happens is that the mind will overwrite your energy completely, human design is here to show you what you are and what you are not. I should not be making any promises to myself or anyone ells. For example, I will call you tomorrow morning, so I have the flexibility to call whenever I feel like making the call.
I’m here to do my best, follow the calling, respond to life and what life pushes towards me. My Sacral chakra is my inner authority, to make choices in life depending on my energy. Sacral response works like this, asking yes or no questions. And maybe is usually also no. People often overwrite their sacral response, with the mind. Once I’m doing things that I shouldn’t be doing, this will only lead to frustration.
Frustration is my not self-theme, not self-theme is when you are not honoring your sacral response and commit to things that are not in alignment with my sacral response. In my case, I have one of the format channels activations, which creates the foundation for the entire logical circulatory, which makes me a very interesting hybrid between left brain and right brain, logic and abstract.
Photo by Thijs Vroemen
I have the activation that allows me to master the entire logical system, which means that I can see patterns, that are ensure individual and collective survival and I will be able to lead humanity into a better future. I know how to do this and a part of me will constantly be looking for some sort of pattern in everything I do, and I will want to perfect the pattern and only when I feel that I have a structure and perfected pattern and when I feel it is secure and perfected pattern and the self-worth is there and now I can talk about it.
In my variables I’m right (you can be either left or right), this makes me abstract. There are people perfecting patterns in a very active way, I’m more perfecting patterns in a very passive way and this is the best way for me to do this.
I have this ability to focus my energy on something and go deep in this, and if I’m in the middle of something under no circumstances should I allow anyone to interrupt me. In this creative focused mode, its almost unhealthy for me to be disturbed by anyone. It’s like when you are going with a very fast car, in a very high speed and all of a sudden you have to push the breaks, which could lead to this bumpy landing somewhere.
I’m a man in this physical incarnation, but I actually have very female foundation of my energy. Because of my variables, but also because of my profile, 3/5. Line number 3 and line number 5 are both yin/ feminine lines. I have a feminine, feminine profile or soul-purpose in my energy. Which means it is passive, receptive, abstract, it’s very peripheral, so it takes in everything.
Like a male profile, is more like a hunter, very narrow vision, is people who see and they go and hunt. For me I just look at everything at the same time, very peripheral, way of taking in information, where my primarily function is to just be, and not really do. Which is a bit counter intuitive for men in western society.
I’m here to see what patterns are and what patterns are not perfect for once survival and which are perfect for once survival. Only when I’m in this total beingness, receptiveness and stillness. Stillness is very important for my system, traditional meditation is the best way for me to have this absolute stillness.
My body needs this stillness, to gather all my energy into one place and then somehow release this some way specifically. I’ve always had trouble at school, because the current schooling system is very male energy driven, and that is not what my energy is about.
This could and has been always very frustrating for me with my kind of energy. I would go for a class and somebody would ask me what did you learn about the class and I have no clue, because my energy system needs more time to integrate what the course was about.
Systems that allow very rigid, masculine certifications might not be ideal systems for my energy. It would be stupid to put me in a box that is not me. The way I would have to study, simply absorbing it, and I’m absorbing it on cellular level, the whole me is absorbing at the same time. I take in the entire universe, all the time. For a human brain it’s just too much to process, my system takes in everything. People who can explain what they have learned, don’t take in all the information, and that is why they can explain what they have learned.
Consciously I will not be able to process everything, because mind doesn’t have the capacity to do this, however it is stored on a cellular level in my body and when I’m in a situation in life when this particular information is needed. And someone asks a question, they will draw that information out of me. With teaching it would be impossible for me to prepare for the class. I can have a bit of a plan, but just go in, show up and participants are going to ask questions and I’ll be able to answer their questions, based on the gathered information. I’m able to hold groups as a generator, but the group has to ask me questions.
My journey in this life is very much about “me”, and actually less about other people. Everything that I do, as long as I follow my own convictions, as long as I love myself first, as long as I trust my own judgement about things, do what I believe in only. I am going to be fine. But as soon as I try to fit in, please others, negotiate I am going to be off track. My journey is about me, my needs and I am very sensitive and my needs are very sensitive, being gentle with myself.
In Bali I will be able to make peace with the amount of feminine energy that I have. I am definitely not a good fit for western society, western society is very much dominated by emotional solar plexus people and is more traditional. I have to address my needs, self-centeredness, if other people might perceive that what I do is selfish, that is completely their problem. It is not mine problem.
My energy is here to teach people what it means to live your own life, the way you want. I am very much at service to others, which is a big activation in my energy, other people will constantly, constantly project their expectations towards me, and see me as their savior, and the will line up in my life, for me to safe them. That can be overwhelming sometimes. They would come to me for advice, and they would come to me to be saved, and usually those lines are endless. And the moment I would say no, the moment I would say I had enough, or I want some time for myself. Then they might label me as a heretic. Because I might not always have the energy to help other people. I can serve other people, when I feel I can do this.
My life is like some sort of kaleidoscope of all sorts of different trial and error experiments that lead to experience. Lots of mistakes and failures how people might judge this as being failure or mistakes. But failures or mistakes are illusion, in the universe there are no such things as failures or mistakes. There are only opportunities to learn and grow. For me there are no mistakes or failures, I am like an inventor, there are people who are here to invest and I am here to invent things. And with inventing things, you have to make mistakes or failures in order to learn and grow. I am here to remind people that it is okay to make mistakes or failures. I might not see myself as a savior, but other people will come to me to be their savior.
I am a reluctant leader. Rather being in my own retreat, my own space. Most common way of leadership is very elective, democrat leadership. People will keep drawing me out to lead, but my way of leading is in a more creative role model kind of way. And I just go into the right direction that feels right for me, and then people will admire me for my courage, my bravery, my skills and they will follow that lead because they trust my bravery.
When someone like me gets lost in the forest with a group, I would get up and say. We have to go this way and I would lead the group out of being lost in the forest. And people will follow me as a reluctant leader.
Photo by Thijs Vroemen
To be that particular savior, I have to retreat a lot. To provide clarity on the inner truth. I embody the truth and there for a need to retreat a lot from people to integrate that truth. Keeping a journey and doing self-reflection would work very well for me. One of my goals here is to collect stories. Like in the tribal times, I am one of the story keepers, who collect the stories for the generations to come.
I might not identify with this, but I am actually king of the tribe, but in this reluctant leadership role model. I would truly know how to rule the tribe, to see that everyones needs are met and all promises are kept. That the tribe has enough resources. That people hunt and produce enough for everyone. And I kind of know how to govern it all. I would be great as a leader of a group of community. I would be a respected master among all of them. I should set an intention to draw in a partner that is self-supporting. I am not a traditional bread winner. So I would not benefit from a partner who would be demanding this from me. I am definitely here to provide for myself, but I am not here to provide for others. Others should be providing me. What emotionally pisses me off the most is people not keeping their promises or break loyalty. And if someone tries to limit your spirit.
I actually don’t have my own emotions, all emotions that I am experiencing are emotions from other people, the collective and planet transits. I could feel really sad and depressed while sitting next to someone who is feeling sad and depressed and I could feel super happy when sitting next to someone who is feeling super happy. When other people get into emotional turbulence I should disengage. When I am physically not close to them I will feel better. In my normal emotional state I am very balanced. So if I am emotionally not balanced, it’s because other people are having an influence om my emotions.
I could also truly master all that is connected to self-esteem and self-worth. And for expending my voice, I will have to go into retreat a lot. Silent meditations would really benefit for me. Like vipassana on my own.
Energetically I have to be asked in a conversation to talk and when I am asked to talk then I should move into the conversation. I am better off to not talk in a group of people, until I am being asked to talk. And once I have been invited to talk, people will be listening and my sharing will be landing in the right matter. Every time I would start talking without invitation, I have chances of not being understood or the information landing bumpy.
I am here to be an example of self-love, and I am here to love myself a lot. Trough loving yourself you give the other people around you the permission to do the same. I am born with this engraved compass to know what is the right direction for myself. I will be able to make a detour. But I will always come back on track. And I will be able to also see this for others. I will be able to put them back on track. Fundamentally this is one of my biggest gifts.
I would be thriving with extreme biorhythm extreme patterns, daily rhythms. Eat a lot or not at all. Sleep a lot or not at all. Living out extreme rhythm of life. Its healthy for me to have not have fixed routines. The more I do that, the clearer it will get for me where I need to go in life.
Succeeding where others fail, I would be able to succeed in a not commonly chosen route in life I would be able to succeed in that journey. I am like an ideal HR person, I can read them, read their needs, I just have to figure out how to sell it. That’s something I am learning. I just have to find a way for them to understand.
I have very joyful energy to succeed in life. I am born with a activation that is responsible for progress and development in the society, that could succeed in an overnight success. Those who are no body, become somebody overnight. If I stay focused on myself and what matters to me, and follow my own convictions. Something is going to shift where I will be attracting people into my life who are going to be some sort of trampoline for me. Which can lead to a sudden overnight success. For this to happen I have to stay very much in my truth and be very unapologetic and un-compromisable. Loving humanity in a very next generation, this ability to deliver the messages about truth in a very simple practical way for the masses. Which could make me very popular.
That’s why some sort of distance from others would be healthy for me. To have a personal assistant to book sessions with, would be very good for me. I am not the kind of person that should be easy approachable. And keeping a sort of filter would work very well for me. Also I am very friendly and people tend to like me easily. My respect, reputation and my potential will be seen much wider in their eyes, if I have some sort of filter in between. Personal assistant, to book a session with me, they should make it through my personal assistant. They will respect me more. And I want them to respect me, because a big part of my energy is to guide others. With this filter in place people would put me on this sort of pedestal. I should allow them to put me on this pedestal. Where a big part of me needs to be this guide, but the other big part in me just wants to be in his own retreat.
I should remember, I am a tribal leader, I am here to guide, I am here to teach people about how it is to live their own life and how to love themselves, how to fight for what is right, what is truth, values, loyalty. I should navigate through life asking my sacral energy yes or no questions before agreeing to something. And I really need to take care of my health and my physical body. I was not born with a very strong immune system. So my physical body needs a lot of care. And especially given to my sensitivity, I am doing the bodywork, inner guidance, Pleiadian Lightwork practice for myself and for others. But in this I have to take very well care of my own body and my own health. I am here to master my own health, my mastering the immune system, and this is also something I am here to teach others. This could lead me to almost never to become sick. And I can teach others how to take care of their body, in order to strengthen the immune system for them to not become sick. This is very ingraved in my energy.
Even do I am prone to live out extremes in my daily routine, going for extreme behavior physically would not be very healthy for me. Extreme sports for instance, it is better for me to go with someone who has the splenic center defined. They know how to survive with the splenic defined. I don’t know how to survive in an extreme emergency situation.
It takes about 7 years to fully decondition and to fully understand and live out your own unique Human Design. Try to be in this information a lot and then I will be able to truly understand and decondition myself to live out my authentic self. What usually happens is that people after the reading think they get everything and keep living out their not “self-mental construct”. They don’t see how they are trapped. Listen more and read more about my design is very important, because we keep forgetting and remembering. There are different levels of understanding and you can go deeper and deeper into the thermology and you start seeing patterns how society is created, you see how the universe is created. It’s a journey, be patient with yourself and relax the heart, relax the eagerness’ am really not here to proof anything to anyone. The work I am going to do is purely for my own fulfillment, bringing this gift of being the YOUniverse to the world, where I don’t have to live up to anyone’s expectations on how I should be. I should keep enjoying the journey, going with the flow. Spending my energy only the way my sacral wants me to spend my energy. When doing that I will always be satisfied.
When we actually talk about life purpose, we don’t really talk about life purpose from the mind, it’s not like let’s figure out my life purpose thing. The only life purpose we have is to figure out and understand what your energy is about and to allow it to live your life through you and if you do that, then that’s your life purpose.
A big thank you to Yana Lakshmi Fry for all of her wisdom, knowledge and loving energy into this beautiful Human Design Reading for myself Martijn Vroemen.
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Keep living it up!