Living in Mana by Martyn’s signature session is my “Alchemy & Bodywork” where I am weave together the Deep Healing Bodywork, Energy Healing with Akashic Records assistance by the Ascended Masters, Archangels and the Awakening the Illuminated Heart knowledge and wisdom.

I am being guided to Alchemize Healing & Self Mastery Spiritual Transformation Tools from the School of Remembering & Dolphin Star Temple Mystery School with multiple Bodywork techniques & modalities:

Deep Tissue, Myofascial Chi-Release, Holistic Bodywork, Fluid Touch (Alchemy of Touch), Joint Mobilization (Trager), Visceral (Hara/ Belly) Work, Deep Tissue in Motion (Alchemy of Touch), Thai Yoga Stretches, Meditation, Osho Rebalancing Massage, Digital pressure Massage, Polarity Energy Work and de-armouring. These Bodywork techniques where taught to Martijn by Alchemy of Touch Massage & Bodywork Academy.

From an Alternative Medicine perspective, “Bodywork” is: a therapeutic holistic approach to working with the body on all energy body levels: emotional, mental, astral, etheric, spiritual and physical. “Alchemy” means weaving together multiple elements that together are the elements for magic to unfold.

Each “Alchemy & Bodywork” session will be accompanied with Sound Healing Musical Journey, through the music each session becomes a unique and different Shamanic journey through your emotional, mental, physical & spiritual bodies, as your highest creation in this physical existence.

The Healing & Self Mastery will be applied alongside the Shamanic Sound Healing Journey and Bodywork. Each session I will be using new Akashic Records downloads, Energy Healing & Self-Mastery tools, which adds to the uniqueness of each session. Healing & Self-Mastery tools that I may use are listed in our Healing & Self-Mastery page.

When guided I could also be integrating the Awakening the Illuminated Heart Ceremony teachings by Drunvalo Melchizedek. Guiding you to your highest evolution in this physical existence, “In and through the body”.

This session requires physical participation and has all the tools for the most profound and deep healing to occur, this is why this is my signature session.

In love, pure gratitude and service Martijn. Let’s connect!

2 HOURS € 166•2,5 HOURS € 188



I love to travel and I love to be of service to humanity. This is why I allow you to invite me to give you your “Alchemy & Bodywork” session on a desired location, that is most dear to your heart. This could be in the comfort of your own home, somewhere in nature or on a beautiful iconic landscape location where you have a special connection with. I invite you to let your imagination go wild and we’ll make your dream session come true. Price will be depending on location and logistics. Let’s connect!