

Human Design gives you, your foundation for self-transformation, by giving you, your personal energy blue-print. Human Design tells you what your energy is here for and what it’s not here for. Once you start following your energy type, strategy, authority and you start observing your mind, you start following your authentic self and by illuminating your “not self-theme” along the way you can start transforming your life to playing your own symphony. 

I’m offering foundational Human Design readings that give you your personal energy blue-print as a foundation for your self-transformation. You learn how to respond to life based on your energy type, strategy, inner authority, how to follow your authentic self by watching your mind and open energy centers for “not self-themes”. Also you learn about how your energy is defined in your body and what soul-purpose profile and incarnation cross you have.

Human Design gives you, your personal blue print and shows you exactly how to follow your soul purpose by starting to follow your personal energy blue-print. As our soul is energy we can only reach our true potential, soul-purpose when we start following our unique energy. So we have to stop doing what our energy is not supposed to be doing and start doing what our energy is supposed to be doing, which will lead us to for filling our unique purpose. In you Human Design reading I will tuning into your Akashic Records to give you extra info in what emotions & conditionings are trapped in your energy centers for you to work on clearing those out in your journey of the Soul in de-conditioning, healing & self-mastery.

With the reading you receive a presentation deck that explains your personal human design, next to this document the reading can be recorded interactively in person here in Bali or through a phone call conversation. The reading can also be recorded by myself and then send through by email. The voice recorded reading will be something you can listen to whenever you feel you like to remind yourself about your energy blue-print. You can also share your voice recorded reading with other people who you would like to get a better understanding about yourself. Just like I am sharing my reading below. Readings can take place Online & in person in Bali. For more information please connect.