Would you like to become fully stable living within the most Sacred and Tiny space within your heart? And Awaken your Human Light Body, Merkaba? Where you will be able to create your reality from a place of singularity, unity, love, compassion, harmony, humility, peace, rather than polarity, fear. Would you like to open your 3rd eye, for a more Full Sensory Perception of your reality?
Activate your beams of Light, antennas, and Human Halo?
Would you like to move yourself from the 3rd dimensional plane of life on Earth to the 4th dimensional plane of life on Earth?
Would you like to receive the Sword of Truth & Holy Grail initiation by Archangel Michael and his feminine aspect Michaella of the Light?
Then the Awakening the Illuminated Heart Ceremony is for you!
In this Awakening the Illuminated Heart Ceremony you will receive all ascension tools needed for you to become living in the most Sacred & Tiny space within your own heart. Ascension is an inner and outer game that we get to play in every now moment in this reality called life. And in this special transition time on Earth where we are moving from the Dark into the Light Cosmic Cycle of time within our Milky Way Galaxy. Ascension is being triggered inside each and every one of us by the energies that are being sent into our atmosphere, bodies, and Earth by The Great Central Sun of All That Is. Ascension is about raising our vibration by choosing what is right for you and only you can make this decision for yourself.
The Awakening the Illuminated Heart (ATIH) are the teachings that where given to Drunvalo Melchizedek who is part of Melchizedek consciousness which is 7 & 8 dimensional consciousness from the Star system Sirius. Drunvalo received these teachings directly from the Ascended Masters, the Great White Brotherhood of Light, the Pleiadian and Sirian Archangels of the Light (Archangel Hermes/ Thoth the Egyptian/ Atlantean). The ATIH gives you all the tools for your ascension into the next level of existence of life on Earth.
The Awakening the Illuminated Heart Ceremony will take place in the beautiful Sacred Ulu Watu sanctuary in the country side of Uluwatu, and contains all of the Ancient Mystery School teachings for you to Awaken your Human Light Body, Mer-Ka-Ba in Egyptian or Rainbow body in Buddhism. Within the whole universe, the Mer-Ka-Ba is THE Light Body vehicle that allows you to raise your vibration and frequency to the highest levels of awareness and consciousness, when activated properly it IS your ascension vehicle.
The Awakening the Illuminated Heart is your ascension journey, it includes the ancient secret of the Flower of Life, the Sacred Geometry of the Heart, and how we carry the original reality that was created by God, Source, Creation within our first organ, the Human Heart.
You will also be receiving the Sword of Truth & Holy Grail initiation by Archangel Michael and his feminine aspect Michaela of the Light, more info about this initiation you can find here.
We start with a Satsang sharing about the highest excitement and deepest challenge for everyone involved in the attending group.
Then well start with the explanation of the “Awakening the Illuminated Heart Ceremony”:
Activation of the Beams of Light (antennas)
Activation of the Human Halo
Opening 3rd Eye, Pineal Chakra
Sword of Truth & Holy Grail initiation by Archangel Michael, more info about this initiation you can find here.
Meditation connecting to Mother Earth, Father Sun/ Sky
Meditation moving from the Pineal Gland, to the throat, moving into the heart
Moving into the Sacred Space and then into the Tiny Space within the Heart
Reconnecting the Heart to the Pineal Gland using the tip of the tongue on roof of the mouth
Reconnecting the Pineal Gland to the Pituitary Gland and pushing the energy out into the external chakra
Human Halo becomes activated, 3 eye opening, and sensory perception becomes more full sensory
Then focus within the Tiny Space breathing above so below to activate the Human Light Body, Merkaba
Once Merkaba is activated and started spinning at the speed of Light
Once Merkaba is activated and started spinning at the speed of Light
The last 90 degree turn, how to move from within the Tiny space of the human Heart, in a straight line from the left to the right side of your chest into your 4th dimensional Heart chakra, from there you are able to take the Last 90 degree turn when you feel ready to do so and have approval from your Higher Self.
The “Awakening the Illuminated Heart Ceremony” will provide you with everything needed to enter your Heart and create the life that you desire from only love. To support this process parts of the experience is completely dedicated to healing, reactivation of the 3rd eye, activation of the Beams of Light, activation of the Human Halo, activation of the Merkaba or Human Light Body all assisted by the Dolphin Star Temple Higher Council of Light, Archangel Michael, the Pleiadian, Andromedan and Sirian Archangels.
As the final result of this healing journey, your natural Mer-Ka-Ba which is your Human Light Body will activate and become immediately permanent. The healing journey encompasses all that you need for Ascension which is the process of going to the next higher level of Consciousness that Mother Earth and Humanity are heading to.
The “Awakening the Illuminated heart” is the best remedy to Illuminate mental chatter or having an overactive mind, because when we rewiring the sacred space of the heart back to the brain, the brain starts working for the heart, instead of the other way around. The human body is like a radio, where the heart becomes the dial that puts the radio to the frequency and direction of life. Within the heart we become one with creation, all that is.
When on the spiritual path, mainly people are living from the heart. But when living from the heart, our awareness and spirit are still living in our brain and we are living from the higher heart chakra. The higher heart chakra is also referred to the duality heart, the heart of “I love you but”, or ego heart in Human Design terminology.
But when you have received the “Awakening the Illuminated Heart Ceremony” you will experience life living with your awareness and spirit in your physical heart space, the physical heart is connected to the heart chakra. The heart chakra is all about unconditional love, I love you no matter what.
The total “Awakening the Illuminated Heart Ceremony” takes 4 hours. Also take at least one hour time after the Ceremony to integrate everything, before making other plans.
You will receive access to the presentation on my website, explaining all the steps to Remember your Awakening the Illuminated Heart Ceremony afterwards. Also you will be receiving all meditations on audio. For you to keep remembering your way home into your Awakened Illuminated Heart and to become fully stable living within love in the heart.
WHERE? Online Via ZOOM - you will receive the link after registration
WHEN? Any time you wish to receive, simply send a request by WhatsApp +62 812 3982 0292 or E-mail
Or in our Sacred Ulu Watu Sanctuary, Gang Pucuk 11, Pecatu, Badung, Bali, Indonesia.
Date: 20th MARCH EQUINOX AWAKENING THE ILLUMINATED HEART CEREMONY @ Sacred Ulu Watu from 09:00-13:00 Bali Time & 09:00-13:00 Central European Times. In person ceremony is including ceremonial cacao & tea. RSVP suggested donation 350K
How much?
PRIVATE CEREMONY €222,- •GROUP CEREMONY € 75,- (price per person, minimum group 3 people)
The main aspects of the teachings of Drunvalo Melchizedek:
– the Flower of Life is an ancient religious symbol of the sacred geometry (like “The Tree of Life” symbol in the Cabala), containing the encoded creation pattern for the fundamental forms of space and time – a graphical expression of the connections between all sentient beings, and with the life force itself. Pertaining to the Flower of Life symbol are the symbols of the Vesica Piscis and the Borromean rings – ancient religious symbols and concepts as well, kept in secret by many religious orders in all the great civilizations around the globe.
As a symbol of Sacred Geometry, the Flower of Life pattern is comprehensible only through intuitive approach, though it is a very pure and mathematically simple concept of harmony and symmetry.
– the Mer-Ka-Ba and the Mer-Ka-Ba Meditation (Merkaba is the 17-meters-diameter energy field around the human physical body, consisting of two counter-rotating tetrahedrons, spinning with the speed of light. Trough meditation, this field can be amplified)
The utilizing of the human light-body leads to ascension. Mer-Ka-Ba is a vehicle for movement between dimensions. It is a state of awareness, that will be a common feature of the future humanity. Drunvalo Melchizedek speaks often about the Indigo and Crystal children, about the miracles they perform – present and future.
– the sacred space in the heart (a physical, chakra-like center in the human body, through which the intent for creation is possible). This concept describes the two ways for manipulating the material world:
First: by the Mind (the aggressive, discordant, active type),
Second: by the Heart (the harmonic, passive type).
The first type is self-energy demanding to be maintained, and surely it’s not cheap (exemplary of which are the black magic phenomena, the politics, the industry, the ongoing presence of conflicts and wars, the stress level of the whole society, etc). The Heart uses the energy of the Universe, utilizing the idea of Oneness, which is self-maintained. The manipulation-through-mind activities consist of the consciousness of many (I-Am, and you-are), the intent-through-heart is the consciousness of One (I-Am-You, and You-Are-Me).
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