Martijn founded “Living in Mana” in 2016 when he came to the realization that through yoga, meditation, healing & surfing you are able to tap into the same Universal Purifying Energy, that everything is Energy, is call Prana in India and Mana in Polynesia.
While on his favourite holiday location Bali, he had his Kundalini Awakening while curiously going deep into yoga, meditation, healing & surfing. This Kundalini Awakening activated the Mana Energy inside of him, to living in Cosmic Consciousness of Divine Love, Joy & Peace for months until this level of consciousness became his normal waking state.
Martijn surfing his favourite vortex at “temples” in Uluwatu
This Kundalini Awakening activated Martijn’s passion to learning everything about what happened to himself & the Divine Truth behind All That is. Since Martijn’s background was very much in sports & surfing he was first drawn to learn a multidisciplinary type of bodywork & massage. Alchemy of Touch Massage & Bodywork Academy was presented to Martijn by Tapesh Paradiso and he immediately knew, Tapesh his 40 years of experience in Bodywork & Healing was the perfect first step for Martijn’s journey of remembering.
In January 2018 Martijn was in Bali, where he had the privilege to add Amara Samata’s Inner Guidance modality based on Tibetan Buddhism to his remembrance. Inner Guidance level 1 was the perfect addition to his bodywork teachings and learned him to actualize his true potential in a more holistic way.
Then he knew that his next step in self-improvement, spiritual growth and harmony would be in Energy Healing and Martijn was drawn towards Suzanne Langman from whom he received a couple of Bodywork Energy Healing sessions previously that helped accelerate his Kundalini Awakening. This is how Martijn connected to the Dolphin Star Temple Mystery School through Suzanne he received the Pleiadian Lightwork “Healing & Self-Mastery”, spiritual initiations and activations (Full Sensory Perception level 1, 2 and 3).
During his Pleiadian Lightwork trainings Martijn was directed by his guides to visit Drunvalo Melchizedek. “Drunvalo” is a new age spiritual teacher. Who came to Earth to bring back the science behind the Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life and Merkaba (Egyptian for Human Light Body). In July & October 2018 Martijn received the “Awakening the Illuminated Heart” advanced healing experience from Iryna Eysmont, one of Drunvalo’s The School of Remembering teachers in Sedona. From the most sacred & tiny hidden space in the human heart, his natural Merkaba was activated by a special multi step meditation method, that we now call “Awakening the Illuminated Heart Ceremony”.
In Martijn’s signature “Alchemy of Bodywork” sessions he will naturally weave together all of his wisdom and knowledge gathered as a healer and guide clients to further unlocking their true potential, by traveling through their emotional, mental, etheric, astral, spiritual and physical bodies. Further opening their energy centers, entering the sacred most tiny space within their own heart, activate their Merkaba, human light body. To be living in the consciousness of Oneness.
Martijn added the “Human Design” terminology to his quiver of tools to be of service into helping people, humanity reconnect to their true essence. To rewire the lower self, to start listening to frequency, vibration, resonance, energy over you ego logic. To start following what your energy is supposed to do, and better not spot what it’s not supposed to do. Following now moment to now moment what your energy is supposed to do will lead you to for filling your Soul purpose and align you with your Higher Self.
Reconnect to your essence – Living in Mana.
In love & service,
Awaken with Martijn