Living in Mana’s purpose is to guide humanity to a better future, from living in Duality in the mind (from the heart) to transcending Duality by fully living within the human heart, within the original singularity reality.

To reach this purpose we use tools as Alchemy of Bodywork, Awakening the Illuminated Heart Ceremony by Drunvalo Melchizedek, Healing & Self-Mastery based on the teachings from the Dolphin Star Temple Mystery School by Amorah Quan Yin, Human Design Readings & Workshops. 

Next to private sessions we also share these tools in group workshops, here you find our up coming workshops:


Human Design Workshop

With Martijn

✨Eyes are mirrors of the Soul:

✨Human Design gives you a road map to live in alignment with your Soul purpose.

1 Day workshop of 5 hours 

✨Soul alignment through Human Design:

 ✨Learn how to read any Human Design chart and start living in your unique alignment and learn to read other peoples chart.

✨Human Design is like a Soul Map energy blue-print that serves you as a guide to embody your unique and True Energy. It depends on the universal time you were born and where the planets and the Sun were on the moment you were born. Human Design is a Science of Being Present because it brings awareness moment by moment into your life in order to make decisions and to honor your real essence. You were imprinted with a specific Purpose in life and a unique way to operate and drive your own vehicle, your body.

✨Think about all those times you were put in a box and were conditioned to be someone you are not. We all have a different and unique “way to operate” and Human Design offers you the way to navigate it. During this workshop you will learn how to find your strengths and natural gifts and work on your potential vulnerabilities and become aware of any external conditioning.

✨Ready to take the next step to understand how your own and unique energy works in its highest potential?

✨Learning about Human Design is a wonderful opportunity to dive deeper into your awareness system and ground inside your body to let yourself breakthrough a model you don’t fit in.

✨We believe that our purpose in life is to help you to find as many tools as possible to start living in your Heart and in alignment with your Soul purpose. 

✨This is why we created this uplifting and empowering "How to Read your Human Design Chart" Workshop. If you feel the call to receive more amazing and uplifting tools to achieve your highest potential, understand your type of energy, know more about your gifts and potential weaknesses, listen to your own inner guidance and honor your uniqueness, then this opportunity is for you!

✨In love, light and service Martijn @AwakenWithMartijn @LivinginMana 

Session 1, 3 hours:

-       The Five Energy types: Generators, Manifesting Generators, Projectors, Manifestors and Reflectors. And how we all work together

-       The Five Strategies: this is where your journey of manifestation begins

-       The Four Auras: Open, Focused, Protected, Sampling

-       Inner Authorities: Our primary desicion making tool rooted in the body

-       Definition, difference between single definition, split definition

Session 2, 3 hours:

-       The Nine Energy Centers and what does it mean to have them Defined or Undefined

-       The 12 Profiles, personalities

-       Incarnation Cross, from the people in the workshop

-       Special Human Design Rainbow Flames meditation to clear your aura, breathing tube, 9 HD energy centres/ chakras & Living in the Heart meditation.

✨WHEN? on request only. 

✨After the workshop you will receive the slides that we went through in the workshop. Also we will be recording the workshop on video/ audio and you will receive the video/ audio recording from the workshop. You will get access to the slides and video/ audio for 12 months.

✨Pre-registration ends day before the workshop, limited spots available, secure your spot now! For registration we need full name, email, date of birth, time of birth, city and country of birth. After payment has been received you will receive the link to join the Human Design workshop Zoom meeting.

✨For people who like to join the workshop online we can host the workshop online through Zoom, so you can join from anywhere around the world.

✨Costs: €360,- for private experience or €90,- per person with minimum of 4 people. Pay by PayPal choose “send money to a friend”

✨Contact for info & registration: WhatsApp +31 812 3982 0292Are you ready to take the next step to understand how your own and unique energy works in its highest potential? Then this is for you!

Want to read more about Human Design?

Check these two articles on our website:

Why Human Design?

Get your personalized Human Design Reading

Video Why Human Design workshop & Testimonials by Azizi & Duco Flint: