Bali Trainings

Living in Mana by Martijn’s purpose is to guide humanity to a better future, from living in Duality in the mind (from the heart) to transcending Duality by fully living within the human heart, within the original singularity reality of unconditional love, unity & Oneness.

To reach this purpose we use tools as “Alchemy & Bodywork”, Awakening the Illuminated Heart Ceremony by Drunvalo Melchizedek, Akashic Records, Healing & Self-Mastery based on the teachings from the Dolphin Star Temple Mystery School by Amorah Quan Yin, Human Design Readings & workshops. 

Next to private sessions we also share these tools in our trainings, here you find our up coming Alchemy & Bodywork level 1 trainings:

“Alchemy & Bodywork” level 1 training

This is a call to awaken your inner Alchemist!

Do you want to become an Alchemical Bodyworker who intuitively weaves together Healing & Self-Mastery Spiritual Transformation techniques with multiple Bodywork modalities together in one holistic river to Awakening the Divine Bliss Body?
For the body to release undigested issues from this life, past lives, parental, ancestral lineage on all energy body levels? Emotional, Mental, Physical, Spiritual.

For more love, light & bliss to flow through the body?

Then my heart centred “Alchemy & Bodywork” level 1 & 2 practitioners training is for you! With World Wide Accreditation by the International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine (@iphm_)

Why Living in Mana by Martijn’s “Alchemy & Bodywork”?

Come and join us on this unique hearted workshop. In this Alchemy & Bodywork level 1 training you will learn how to give a holistic & therapeutic bodywork/ massage using techniques on the back & front sides of the body. You learn how to release energetic blockages, throughout the physical body’s nervous system, muscle & fascia (myofascial release). 

Healing & Self-Mastery Spiritual Transformation tools will be supplied to release on all energy body levels, emotional, mental, physical and spiritual bodies from the Dolphin Star Temple Mystery School. The training will also give you a deeper understanding how the physical body holds on to physical, emotional, mental and energetic blockages.

This Bodywork becomes Alchemy, because you learn to Alchemize these Healing & Self-Mastery Spiritual Transformation tools from Mystery Schools, with multiple Bodywork modalities. Guided Unity breath into the most Sacred & Tiny space within the Human Heart. For an Alchemical shamanic journey to illuminated what the body is ready to let go of.

My level 1 certificate training is designed and intended to give you enough understanding about holistic intuitive bodywork & massage to start practicing on loved ones, friends, family and acquaintances. Living in Mana’s “Alchemy & Bodywork” level 2 diploma training will grand you with Worldwide Accredited by the International Practitioners Holistic Medicine accreditation board, with the option to get practitioners insurance through IPHM.

For this training it is required to purchase 1 book: Pleiadian Workbook by Amorah Quan Yin founder of the Dolphin Star Temple Mystery School:

I have copies of the book for sale in Uluwatu IDR 250.000 including all audio recorded meditations, connect with me!

What will you receive during this training?

·      A deeper understanding about energetic, emotional, physical and mental bodies and how to release memories hidden in the tissues. We use multiple Bodywork & Massage modalities, including: Deep Tissue, Myofascial Chi-Release, Holistic Bodywork, Fluid Touch (Alchemy of Touch), Joint Mobilization (Trager), Visceral (Hara/ Belly) Work, Deep Tissue in Motion (Alchemy of Touch), Thai Yoga Stretches, Meditation, Osho Bio Dynamic Rebalancing, Digital pressure Massage, Polarity Energy Work & De-armouring.

·      We will share knowledge & wisdom in Pleiadian & Sirian Lightwork from the Dolphin Star Temple Mystery School and Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshop from The School of Remembering Mystery School, Heart healing meditations, clearing aura, chakras, Central Sun photon belt clearing & healing, medicine wheel practice harmonising meditations.

·      Energetic tools to protect your aura and set healthy boundaries for you as a practitioner and your future clients, so you don’t feel chattered after giving a healing “Alchemy & Bodywork” session. You will be working with 100% organic natural virgin coconut oil and essential oils, that of course will be provided by Martyn.

·      A complete manual of description of all techniques and methods, images and anatomy of techniques and methods mentioned above.

Daily Schedule:

Day 1:

09:00 – 10:00  Group meditation to set a sacred work space

10:00 – 13:00  Explanation & practice of techniques on back torso, shoulders, arms & hands

13:00 – 14:00  Lunch break

14:00 – 17:00  Explanation & practice of techniques on hips, sacrum, legs & feet

17:00 – 17:30  Clearing & cleansing meditation after the practice 

Day 2:

09:00 – 10:00  Group meditation to set a sacred work space

10:00 – 13:00  Explanation & practice of techniques on the psoas, belly, diaphragm, ribcage 

13:00 – 14:00  Lunch break

14:00 – 17:00  Explanation & practice of techniques on the front of the legs and neck

17:00 – 17:30  Clearing & cleansing meditation after the practice

Day 3:

09:00 – 10:00  Group meditation to set a sacred works space

10:00 – 13:00  Practice session 1: each participant gets two hours to poetically intuitively move through a full bodywork session, while playing their own symphony. During this practice session you can still ask questions and receive feedback on the quality of the techniques and application of all techniques in a free flowing session.

13:00 – 14:00  Lunch break

14:00 – 16:30  Practice session 2: each participant gets two hours to poetically intuitively move through a full bodywork session, while playing their own symphony. During this practice session you can still ask questions and receive feedback on the quality of the techniques and application of all techniques in a free flowing session.

16:30 – 17:00  Small break

17:00 – 17:30  Clearing & cleansing meditation after the practice full bodywork session.

Please arrive 10 or 15 minutes before 9am to allow yourself to settle and connect with the space and the group. 

Pre-Registration is required to attend, at least 2 days before start date of the course.

When? Level 1 training dates for 2024 will be monthly:

15/16/17 March & 17-18-19 May 2024 in Sacred Ulu Watu, Gang Pucuk 11, Pecatu Bali, Indonesia.

1/2/3 November 2024 in Sacred Ulu Watu.

Info about our Level 2 training you can read by clicking HERE, dates are:

May 2024 in Sacred Ulu Watu (4 days on, 2 days off, the 4 days on).

8-17th November 2024 in Sacred Ulu Watu (4 days on, 2 days off, the 4 days on).

Who is Living in Mana?

Living in Mana is founded on Martijn’s purpose, to lead humanity to a better future, re-wiring the Human Logical system from living in the mind from the heart. To living within love inside the most Sacred & Tiny Space within the Human Heart. Moving human consciousness, awareness and spirit from living in the duality/polarity of the mind to living in the original singularity reality in the heart. Living in Mana is a journey to living in the seed to the soul.

Martijn is an Alchemical Bodyworker, Human Design Reader & Teacher, Dolphin Star Temple & The School of Remembering Mystery School teacher.

Fee (includes all materials, extensive manual & access to Online video library with techniques & meditations):

3 Day intensive Modality €600,- to be paid in advanced. 

For more information and registration email us to or WhatsApp at +62 812 3982 0292.

We are excited to invite any soul with or without holistic bodywork massage knowledge. Minimum age is 16 years old.

For reviews and recommendations from previous clients, click on any of the links below:





In love, pure gratitude & service Martijn

These are video testimonials from Ale & Salman: