Painting by Bruce Harman
The Initiation of the Bardos; A Channeling of Mother Mary by Amorah Quan Yin, click play:
The Resurrection Process; A Channeling of Jesus Christ by Amorah Quan Yin, click play:
Images explaining the Threefold Flames, where they are located in the body, the symbol of the yod which represents the release of life force. The fibonacci spiral of the pineal gland, that has the Sacred Geometry of the sunflower. The Diamond Octahedron is the Sacred Geometry of the Perineum Center. The Sacred Geometry of the Soul Matrix is the double Tetrahedron into which the soul anchors. The Three Sacred Centers used in the Resurrection Process create multiple spin patterns of the varied geometric shapes. Credits for the above channeled messages go to Amorah Quan Yin founder of the Dolphin Star Temple Mystery school and Pleiadian Lightwork.
We can use The Resurrection Process as an example to release an issue in need of transformation: an area of your consciousness in which you wish to experience ego death and resurrection. Choose something you still feel is a challenge, a place in your body where you know you are still holding fear, resentment, or other old emotions. No matter what you do, you cannot seem to get to the bottom of it and end it. If you do not know what it is at this time, ask guides, during the meditation, to impulse you to feel what it is you need to heal. But if you do know of something you are working on actively, whether it is a physical, emotional, or mental problem, you can ask the guides to help you transmute it, as much as is possible at this time, during the meditation. The audio begins with the Higher Self blending and continues into the Resurrection Chamber, the audio is 44:44 minutes long, it’s powerful: