Living in the Sacred & most Tiny Space within the Human Heart is the only space within our Highest Creation is this physical existence where we will be able to perceive the one reality from a place of singularity, unity or Oneness. Read more about Oneness and the Original Creation Story here WHY THE ORIGINAL CREATION STORY.
The Flower of Life represents the Original Reality of singularity Oneness and Unity. The distorted Flower of Life is polarised. It’s the reality that was created by Lucifer and the Annunaki.
In Human Evolution the Creation Story is the same, it starts with One, the the sperm cell enters this becomes two cells, the 2 cells fall in love with each other and merge into union of male female pronuclei.
From Union of Male Female pronuclei every day in the creation process another cell evolves into the Seed of Life and the Seed of Life evolved into the Flower of Life.
The Flower of Life geometrically becomes a physical blob, we become a physical blob and science has proved that this physical blob evolves into the Human heart. So the Human heart carries the original reality of Oneness, singularity and Unity.
To be able to keep living in your heart, we have to release our undigested falsehood emotions, these emotions under the red line keep us from being able to fully living in the heart.
Its the above falsehood emotions that keep us living in duality consciousness, once these emotions have been released we are able to live in the 5th dimension of LOVE consciousness.
We use the Human Logical system in its most effective & efficient way to release your undigested falsehood emotions, by connecting you with the breathing in the Unity Breath, reconnecting your Spirit to the Spirit of your Divine Mother, Earth and Divine Father, Sun. Once you are breathing in the Holy Trinity you’ll be guided into following the touch where ever the touch goes you go with your Spirit, awareness connected to the inside and the touch on the outside of the tension, stiffness, contraction, emotions, pain, fear. So that underneath the pain & fear there will only be love left.
The Alchemy & Bodywork emotional trigger point map, you learn to use this map in our Alchemy & Bodywork workshops and level 1 & 2 trainings. More info & booking check out events schedule:
When you enter the Heart, you start meditating in the outer space of the Geometry of the Flower of Life inside your heart. You keep the intention that your spirit is going to move into the Sacred space and through the breath you make the move happen naturally. You ask for there to be light and give yourself a mantra inside the Sacred space to remember your way back to this space when ever you wish to return. The you hold the intention that your spirit is going to move into the most Tiny Sacred space inside your heart and with the breath you are going to make the move.
Find below the “Living in the Sacred & most Tiny space within the Heart meditation. Before you start the meditation, make sure you have gone through the above images with explanation and use a blindfold during the meditation to quiet the mind, pituitary and pineal glands. Keep living in your Heart and create only from love, singularity, Oneness and Unity:
Creation form the Tiny Space of the Heart Meditation
Sit comfortable, put on your Mask
Feel relaxed, no tension, very comfortable. Begin to breathe rhythmically. In and out
Unify with your divine Mother:
Let your attention shift to a place on earth that you love.
It can be by the ocean, in the desert or in the mountains.
See as much detail as you can.
For example, if your place is a mountain scene, see the trees moving with the wind.
See the animals, birds, squirrels.
Look down and see the clear water of the rivers.
Begin to feel love for this place and for all of nature.
Continue to grow into this space of love with nature until your heat is beating with the warmth of your love.
When the time feels right, send your love to the center of the earth using your intention so that mother earth can directly feel the love you have for her.
You can place your love into a small sphere to contain it and send it to the living spirit of Mother Earth, but it is your intention that is so important.
Then wait, with your child like innocence.
Wait until mother earth sends her love back to you and you can feel it. You are her child and I know she loves you so much.
As your mother’s love enters your body, open completely, allowing this love to move anywhere throughout your body.
Let it enter all of your cells.
Let it move throughout your lightbody.
Let it move wherever it wishes to move.
Feel this beautiful love off your mother has surrounded you with and remain in this union with Mother Earth until it feels complete.
4. Unify with your divine father:
At the right moment, which only you can know, without breaking the love union with your mother, look to your Divine father, to your heavenly father. Look to the rest of creation other than the Earth.
Place your attention on the night sky.
See the Milky Way as it meanders across the heavens.
Watch the planets and the moon swirl around you and the Earth. Feel the Sun hidden beneath the earth.
Realize the incredible depth of space.
Feel the love you have for your Divine Father, for the Divine Father is the spirit of all of creation, except for the Earth.
And when this love becomes so great that it can’t stay inside you any longer, let it move into the heavens with your intention.
Again you can send your love into the heavens inside a small sphere, if you wish.
You can send your love to our sun the sun of the Milkey Way or to the central sun.
Once your love has been sent into the heavens to your divine father, again you wait.
You wait for your divine father to send his love back to you.
And of course he will always do so.
For you are his child forever, and your divine father will always, always love you.
And just like with the Mother’s love, when you feel the love of the Divine Father enter your being, let it move anywhere it wants to.
It is your Father’s love and its pure. At this moment something that rarely happens is manifesting: The Holy Trinity is alive on Earth. The divine mother and the divine father are joined with you in pure love and you, the divine child, complete the triangle. Become aware of the presence of god all around you and within you. Open your physical heart to the presence of god.
From this holy trinity, keep the breathing flowing, giving your breath with love to the spirit of mother earth, inhaling the love of mother earth
Exhaling your love towards your divine father, inhaling the love of your divine father, exhaling your love to your divine mother.
Keep this infinite 8 alive, between your divine mother, divine father and you their divine child.
5. Feel vibration of Holly Trinity. Feel Love from your Divine Mother, your Divine Father in your Heart, feel Love between them, feel Love for yourself - you Divine Child. Feel vibration of Holly Trinity in your Heart and in all your bodies: physical, emotional, mental, light body.
6. Feel your angel all around you and inside you
7. See, or sense, or know you in Pineal Chakra in the middle of your skull
8. Check your Beams of Light. Connected and locked to the Pineal Chakra inside; bright, strong, straight and in place outside the skull; check pulsation from Pineal Chakra out and in sync. Breathe
9. Feel the skull around you. Now, with your intention let go of this place and move down to your throat, to your chest, closer to your physical heart, and stop in front of your heart. With your intention move inside of your physical heart. Make sound and movement of your heart comfortable for you
10. Close your eyes inside of the physical heart and say to yourself: “I’m going to move and when I stop, I’m in my Sacred Space”. Feel the movement and move. Trust
11. When you stop, ask for the light. “Let there be light”! Feel vibration in your Sacred Space
12. Again close your eyes inside of the Sacred Space and say to yourself: “I’m going to move and when I stop, I’m in my Tiny Space”. Feel the movement and move. Trust
13. When you stop, you are in your Tiny Space, in Tiny Space of the Universe the darkest and quietest place in the Universe, the Source of ALL Creation.
14. Know that your Spirit your Consciousness stays in Tiny Space of the Heart till the end of the meditation. Trust it and place your awareness on the tip of your tongue and begin massaging that special spot on the roof of your mouth: bump, or hole, or nothing. Be gentle. Continue massaging till the end of the meditation. The heart is making love to the brain. Begin to feel excitement and joy growing inside of you. Feel alpha is growing and become strong. Feel joyful and happy. Happy thoughts and happy memories bring more and more excitement. Your Brain is in bliss. Breathe
15. Keep massaging and move your awareness to the Pineal Gland in your head. It is an eye. With your intention rotate it forward 90 degree that your third eye is looking at the place of Third Eye opening on the forehead. Now move your awareness on the Pineal Chakra and continue massaging all four quadrants of the bump or around and in the hole brining more and more alpha.
16. While you are massaging and bringing happy thoughts and memories joy, happiness is rising, alpha is growing. You may recite to yourself ancient native poem
Beauty in front of me
Beauty behind me
Beauty to my left
Beauty to my right
Beauty above me
Beauty below me
I’m surrounded by beauty
Beauty is Love and Love is God
17. Trust, see, sense, feel or know that the green/blue/violet or any other color fog, mist appears in your vision. Bring even more joy and bliss! Breathe
18. Trust, when your alpha is high enough, see, feel, sense, know that the fog is turning into geometry and with movement locks into Pituitary Chakra located just behind your third eye opening on the skull inside
19. With your intention push through the skull and connect with External Chakra that is inside of the Third Eye Beam of Light.
20. Your Third Eye activated. Trust, see, sense, feel or know that the Halo forms around your head. Breathe
21. Stay there for a while. Continue massaging. Breathe
22. Continue massaging and return your awareness to the Tiny Space of your heart. Breathe
23. When you are in your Tiny Space, look into the inner world of your heart. Begin to know, feel, sense or see or feel, or know images pulsing in your heart from nothing, God is moving through your Heart becoming Reality you live in. Breathe
24. You can see, sense, feel or know dreams and images that are coming through your Heart, knowing that these images can also manifest here in this world when you allow it. You can use your attention and intention if you desire to bring into this world something particular or you can leave it up to God and become a vessel through which God will come into this world.
25. You use your personal attention and intention creating something particular from your Heart. When you see, or sense, or know that match to your desire in your Heart, use your intention and intend for what you recognized in your Heart to appear in your world. You can bring your desires into this 3rd dimensional world until it is time to really leave this Earth, but the inner pathway will open wide, and you will know that you are moving in ways that will lead you Home.