Saint Germain Ascended Master & Master Alchemist
Attachment is often misunderstood for dedication and commitment. Many believe that when one truly cares about a relationship, a creative project, or a planetary healing, one is naturally prone to worrying about that situation or person. "How can you love someone and not worry about them?" This person might say. But I tell you that to worry about others is to invalidate their ability to heal, learn and grow. To worry is to presume the person to be incapable of handling what is happening. To worry adds your fear to their problems. It is like adding insult to injury. To worry about the planet 'not making it" adds to it's potential failure, because your worry adds fear of failure to the planets future creation of possibilities.
Attachment to outcome in relationships or in life situations always means that you are holding fear of loss or off not getting your way. Even when the person is still with you, you are already feeling what it would feel like to grieve over his or her leaving. You already believe you cannot live with the pain, and you there fore build fear of loss and attachment into the life of the relationship. This will either create the very loss that you fear, or create a mediocre relationship because you do not relax enough to learn trust and surrender and unconditional love. Why? Because the fear of loss is in your way: it consumes creative loving space and replaces it with fear-based attachment.
How often have you heard people say, "Well of course I am attached; I love him" or "I just don't know what I'll do if I don't get this job?" or "I just don't know what I'll do if I don't get this amount of clients?" or “I need this amount of IG followers to feel good enough” or "I could not bear to live if I didn't know the planetary ascension would not happen. I can't even think of another fall like Atlantis. It just has to happen." I am sure you are beginning to get the idea that attachment to outcome pollutes the creative energy toward even the worthiest cause. Humans tend to justify such statements as the once above as being as a sign of deeply caring. But fear is fear, no matter what you may choose to call it.
So how do you care deeply and be dedicated to a cause or commitment to a relationship and not be attached? It is really simple. You learn to care more about honouring free will and giving your best at all times than you do about getting your own way. Let me explain, using relationships as an example. Imagine the person in your life that you love the most and would most like to keep around. Feel your feelings towards that person. Feel deeply. Breathe into your heart, and notice what is there when you think of that person. Notice your solar plexus and root chakra areas. Do these areas contract or relax and feel warm when you think of this loved one? Do you feel sadness or worry in your brow or expansion? Observing yourself is a great way to understand more about yourself.
Now imagine that loved one telling you that he or she has felt a powerful inner guidance that celibacy and seclusion are next on their path. See the light in this persons eyes as he or she tell you this. Feel how even though this person is telling you that your relationship is over, you still feel his or her love coming to you. Now observe yourself again, and notice how you feel. Observe your heart, your higher heart, solar plexus, and root chakras and your brow area. What do you feel? Do you contract in fear? Can you feel yourself wanting to hold on tight or scream "NO!"? Are you holding your breath? Are all the feelings that you are having self absorbed? Or have you been able to feel good that the person is following his or her highest path - maybe a little sad at the thought of the person leaving but genuinely wanting him or her to have what is the highest good, because you love this person. If this last statement is true, then you may already be healthy detached.
Healthy detachment means that you still choose to give your best to people and causes about which you care. You do not hold back love and commitment out of fear of loss. You simply ensure the best possible chance of success by giving your best. Without your giving your best, the chances of success are greatly diminished. Of course, in relationships, you still must realize that success may or may not mean staying together for life. Success in relationship comes from staying together the right amount of time that is mutually beneficial. You may hope it is for life - but always be willing to let go in love if it is not.
Learning to love means learning to stop giving time and power to fear.
Unconditional love demands no guarantees; it just flows.
Love never fears loss. Love just loves.
Love does not get hurt because someone fails to live up to your expectations. Love just keeps loving.
Love has no need of validation or rewards. Love just loves.
Fear wraps our bodies in clothing, love allows us to stand naked.
Fear clings to and clutches all that we have, love gives all that we have away.
Fear holds close, love holds dear.
Fear grasps, love let's go.
Fear rankles, love soothes.
Fear attacks, love amends.
Simple, yes? Do not misunderstand these teachings as lacking in compassion for human nature. It is clear that when you have been neglected by parents or abused by former loved ones, you seek consolidation, in another, in the hope of making the old pain go away. And it seems to work for a time. But eventually the old pain will surface again, unless it has been completely released and the attitudes causing the pain transcended. The deeper new love reaches into your heart, the deeper the potential for releasing the old hurts and pain. And when you truly understand this, you will be able to stop projecting that pain onto your new partner and love him or her no matter what. Until then, learning to care about the wellbeing of your partner without worry and fear of loss is a good goal to set for yourself. How do you accomplish this goal? By practice.
When you find yourself in fear, hurt, blame, or worry - stop! Take a deep breath, and remind yourself that you are feeling an emotion and that it is not your higher Truth. It is just a feeling. Be compassionate with yourself, by keeping the breath between your emotional solar plexus and higher heart chakra (ego or personality heart) open to flow. Try to not personalize, while acknowledging, honouring, not self-pitying. Compassion is a warm and loving quality that keeps your personality higher heart and heart chakras open and flowing. Compassion cares, but it does not suffer over the suffering. Self-pity suffers over the suffering, like a vicious circle. Compassion radiates. Pity contracts and implodes. Be tender with yourself, but not self-indulge and move yourself from empathy to compassion.
Now imagine yourself standing in a crowd when suddenly a thunderous noise is heard. The ground is trembling, and people begin to panic. It is the 'big earth quake" - just like Atlantis. There is no hope for physical survival. Do you die in panic and horror? Or do you die in surrender and love? believe it or not, it is a choice. Attachment to outcome in this situation might trigger a deep sense of failure and hopelessness: Oh no! It's Atlantis all over again. You dying thought would be filled with this fear and horror. Is that what you want to take with you to the other side? I don't think so. It is a great way to also get stuck in the astral planes with others who are also in panic identity.
What if the realization that you could not ward off this seeming disaster, no mater what you did, triggered you to go into a deep peaceful place? What if you choose in that moment to consciously focus on your breath and on affirming "I surrender in love and gratitude for the life I have lived". These dying words would help you move painlessly into the Light. And Whats more, it could set the path for others who are less conscious to let go and follow - if they are willing. Which scenario would you choose? We are not predicting this in your future, so please do not misunderstand our intention. But if you have attachment to saving the Earth, it is a good idea to practice conscious surrender and love no matter what happens. This will assist you in releasing attachment to outcome and eventually transcend attachment altogether.
Healthy detachment requires practice and conscious choice on the part of those who have been attached. It requires willingness to feel deep emotions without allowing them to rule your choice. Healthy detachment requirers being determined to always love, and to always give yourself totally in love to people and causes, without guarantees. Attachment creates psychic hooks in people or in future creative process. When you release and transcend attachment, you remove these hooks that hold back others and your own process. You create a greater possibility of getting what you want. And jet, you cannot only do it for that reason, or it will not work. Aye, there is the rub. Genuine caring and willingness to let go must go hand in hand. And caring and loving will eventually become so powerful that you will spontaneously care more about honouring free will in your relationships than you do about getting your own way.
You are master creators - all of you. You just may not realize it yet because of the pollution of attachment in your creativity, clouding and blocking the outcome. To "want something so bad" defeats. To want something "with all your heart" is very different. When your love and surrender become mayor parts of your creative process, you will realize that you are a master of creation. In every creative and manifestation process, be clear that you are not limiting the free will of others by imagining scenarios that will include them. Visualize what you want with no other specific people involved. And always ask that everything you ask for and create be in alignment with the Law of the harmonics of co-creation, in which everyone experiences "win/ win." In other words, no one loses in order for you to win, and no one's free will is limited in any way. Your pleasure will actually be greater when you create this way because there will be no undercurrents of guilt, fear, control, contraction, or attachment. And self-respect will grow instead of diminish.
Words by beloved Saint Germain as spokesperson for the Collective Voice of the Dolphin Star Temple Higher Council of Light, member of the Sirian Archangelic League of Light and Galactic Federation of Light.