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Mana Meditation

Trough meditation human beings are able to access information, higher states of consciousness and a more peaceful lifestyle. There are thousands of meditations and in a meditation training you will be teached how to meditate and further expand your consciousness. 

 Guided meditation trainings are offered based on the teachings Martijn has received from masters in meditation. One of the most powerful meditations that I teach is from master Drunvalo Melchizedek. Where the meditation guides you to unify your spirit with the living spirit of mother earth and the living spirit of father universe.

 This unity breath meditation is the sacred opening to move your awareness and spirit from living in our polarized mind, to living with our awareness and spirit in our singular hearts. 

 The tiny space within the sacred space of the human heart is the most sacred and powerful space within all of creation, meditation within this space can connect you with all life everywhere. 

 Also the tiny sacred space is the space from where you are able to activate your Mer Ka Ba (Human Light Body). We lost our super human capabilities in the fall of Atlantis. Where we basically fall in consciousness from living with our spirit in our 4th dimensional hearts, too living with our spirits in our polarized 3 dimensional minds.  

The time is NOW to move our consciousness back into our 4th dimensional hearts!

60 MINUTES € 35

Mana Yoga

Mana Yoga is a powerful Yang & Yin yoga that Martijn has founded that helps him to stay physically fit, stretched, flexible and centered with his awareness and spirit living in his heart.

It’s a combination of body weight fitness yoga exercises, with breathwork, yoga stretching and meditation. An overall great way to stay fit and make sure that your physical body integrates the current DNA updates that are being send towards your energy bodies.

60 MINUTES € 35 


Mana Surfing

The Yogi’s work with “Prana” in yoga and meditation. The Polynesians use the word “Mana”, which means the same “universal purifying energy” or “cosmic consciousness”. Just like yoga and meditation, surfing is able to raise your energy vibration and your consciousness, when you practice it in a yogi, meditative way. While surfing, doing yoga and meditation Martijn reached a level of cosmic consciousness and there for likes to offer his knowledge in teaching surfing to the public.

60 MINUTES € 35