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We will open every Full Moon Sacred Circle with a Satsang, were everybody who comes to the ceremony can share whatever truth they would like to share and add into the groups process or to use in their own process. Something they would like to work on for themselves that they want to share with the group, healing old beliefs, negative pictures, negative thought forms, self-saboteur, disharmony in subpersonalities, certain old paradigm contracts, past, present, future re-alignment with cosmic cycles of time, healing the male female split or bringing back Male – Female balance in their lives.

You name it, it may be positive, negative or neutral and everyone can share their truth and feel safe and supported while sharing their truth.

During the meditation process we will be inviting the Pleiadian & Sirian Archangels of Light to guide us in releasing any old things. You will energetically meet the Emissaries of Light that go by the names of Archangel Michael, Hermes, Saint Germain, Ra and An Ra to name just a few.

We will be guiding the group into the most Sacred Space within the human Heart. The Ascended Masters call this space in the Heart the hidden chamber in the Heart or the Tiny Space within the Sacred Space of the human Heart. 

We as humans, are one big Flower of Life with 50 trillion body cells. The Flower of Life is the geometry of creation, it’s the geometry of consciousness. And as above, so below, so within, so without. Which means that Source, Creation or God is outside of us, but we can also become One with Source, Creation or God within our Sacred space within the Heart.

The Human Heart holds the first cells in creation, the human Heart holds the original reality that is singular. In our heart the Flower of Life, geometry of creation, geometry of consciousness starts. When you see the Flower of Life symbol, in the center you see all the spheres coming together in One central point. This One central point in the geometry is the Tiny space within your heart. Around that tiny space of the heart is a larger space, which is called the Sacred Space of the Heart.

Within this Tiny space in the human Heart you become one with God, but how God will manifest himself to you, is up to God alone. Once your spirit, awareness and consciousness enter this Tiny space inside your Sacred Heart. Your vibration goes up with a few octaves. Once you know your way into this Tiny Sacred  Space within your own Heart you can keep going back to this space where you find only love, you can create from love and singularity. To Living in the Heart.

We received the Tiny Sacred Space in the Heart teachings from Drunvalo Melchizedek. Drunvalo is from the order of Melchizedek, which is a higher dimensional level of consciousness from the Sirius star cluster. Melchizedek consciousness came to Mother Earth to help the Earths people raise their consciousness and ascend with the Earth to a new level of consciousness, a new Earth, with a new humanity. www.drunvalo.org 

We have learned to channel the Pleiadian & Sirian Archangels of Light from the Dolphin Star Temple Mystery School in Mount Shasta California founded by Amorah Quan Yin. The Dolphin Star Temple Mystery School is based on the teachings of the Ancient Mystery Schools of Egypt, Atlantis and Lemuria. www.dolphinstartemple.org 

After the high vibrational meditation process we will have room to share an integrating homemade tea and homemade vegan snack. Please let us know by WhatsApp or Facebook event if you are coming, so we can prepare the right amount of tea, snacks and meditation spaces.

Dates are:

Wednesday September 2
Friday October 2
Saturday October 31
Monday November 30
Wednesday December 30

We would like you to bring your own yoga mat, meditation pillow and eye pillow if you have. If you don’t have your own yoga mat, meditation pillow and eye pillow to cover your eyes during the meditation. No worries, as we have some available in case you can’t bring your own.

This is a 100k suggested donation-based ceremony. If you cannot afford to donate anything, please come anyways as the donation is not a commitment for us. After the Sunday Sacred Circles you will receive the meditation on audio by e-mail, so you can keep practicing the meditation within your own practice.

Much love & light Sofia & Martijn

Address = Gang Pucuk 11, Pecatu, Uluwatu, Bali
Contact = 0812 3982 0292 (WhatsApp or call)

Visit our Facebook for more events, information and to confirm you are coming to our event:

(click this link to visit our Facebook event)

Martijn Vroemen