
The Lords of Light of the Rainbow Flames are 11 & 12 Dimensional beings who carry the highest level of consciousness alongside God/ Goddess/ All That Is which is 13th Dimensional Consciousness.

Each individual Rainbow Flame carries an element of All That is or Oneness. Each Lord of Light carries a Flame with an aspect of God/ Goddess/ All That Is or Oneness.


The following Higher Dimensional beings representing the Lords of Light of the Rainbow Flames:

  • Shakti, Osiris, Serapis Bey and Archangel Gabriel are representatives of the White Flame of Purity and Divine truth.

  • Red Flame is represented by White Calf Women, Hiawatha and Archangel Uriel. 

  • Radha, Krishna & Archangel Nathaniel are representing the Orange Flame. 

  • Gautama the Buddha, Deodata & Archangel Jophiel the golden yellow flame. 

  • Green Tara, Chen-Resi & Archangel Raphael represent the Green Flame. 

  • Yeshua, Mary Magdalene, Archangel Michael (also partly representing the white flame) represents the Sapphire Blue Flame

  • Lord Maitreya, Quan Yin, Zadkiel, Stain German are represents the Violet Flame.

  • Archangel Raziel represents the Indigo Flame.

  • Archangel Chamuel represents the Rose Pink Flame.

In order for you to understand their purpose, I will describe each flame's function and location around your aura.

The White Flame of Divine Truth will be immediately outside your aura, nearest you. This flame dissolves illusionary and false energies and holds the frequency of Divine Truth.

The Ruby Red Flame is next. It energizes and restores energy flow to your physical body. It is great for dissolving resistance and defensiveness and releasing anger.

Next is the Carnelian Orange Flame, which purifies and balances your emotional body and sexual energy and restores healthy flow to those energies. It holds the energy of healthy sexual flow and emotional stability and surrender.

The Golden Yellow Flame is next. It purifies and cleanses the lower mental body and will center. This flame also assists you in aligning with Divine Will and Divine Power in practical ways.

The Emerald Green Flame comes after the Golden Yellow Flame, bringing balance and compassion to your heart center. This flame is wonderful for healing grief, clearing issues around worth and shame, and finding your balance point in your heart. It holds the frequency of compassion and deservingness of love.

Next is the Sapphire Blue Flame, which is a very clear, lighter shade of sapphire. It opens and purifies your communication centers, allowing expression of your essence in all that vou say and creatively express. It helps to restore confidence and flow to self-expression and creativitv.

The Indigo Flame purifies and balances your higher mental body, enabling you to project your higher vision and Truths into your world without judgment and false projections of beliefs and ego attitudes. This flame holds the frequency of alignment with Divine Mind and higher vision.

Next is the Violet Flame, which raises the frequency of all energies to their higher nature. It is often thought of as the flame of alchemical transmutation, taking base energies and raising them to their higher spiritual purpose, like lead into gold. The Violet Flame is wonderful for aligning all other energy bodies with spirit.

The last flame around your aura is the Heart Pink Flame. This flame holds the frequency of pure, innocent Divine Love and is, naturally, very healing for your heart.

Protecting your own Aura, Chakras and Hologram with the assistance of the Lords of Light of the Rainbow Flames can help you keep your Aura and Body/ Temple clear.

Also the Rainbow Flames meditation can help you clear away energy from your aura, chakras and physical body/ temple that is not yours.

We love to share some free bees here and there so that’s why we share with you the guide Rainbow Flames meditation to keep your house, body/ temple, aura clear.

In love, light & service Martijn.

Martijn Vroemen