
The last 13.000 years we have been living in a falling asleep cosmic cycle. Where we have had the opportunity to learn and grow from an Illusionary consciousness, which is called Duality or Polarity consciousness. 


While there will always be polarity or duality when we keep creating with the brain, from the heart. We can also start creating from within the Human Heart. When we create from the Tiny most Sacred Space within the human heart, there will be no polarity or duality connected to whatever we create from within this space inside the human heart.


When you look into the geometry of creation, the very center of the Flower of Life holds this point of singularity. In creation itself, this space represents, the point at which creation, the Holy Mother and Holy Father of All That Is itself wasn’t created jet.

It’s the point as we call it the great void. Before anything in existence was created, there was just void. When we enter this space within our heart, where there is just void. We become the Creator in the original reality that is singular, there is no Duality or Polarity within this space inside the heart.

Within this space inside the heart, we become the dream and the dreamer and we can dream a new humanity dream into our sacred hearts. Where all hearts are inner connected.

We have recorded this guided “Living in the Heart meditation” for you to keep using this meditation in dreaming a new Humanity into your heart.

To inspire you in becoming the dream and the dreamer we have also include a video from our beloved teacher and master Drunvalo Melchizedek. Drunvalo has helped us remember the ancient secret of the Flower of Life, geometry of creation, geometry of consciousness, Awakening the Illuminated Heart. Based on his teachings from the School of Remembering we have designed the “Awakening the Illuminated Heart Ceremony”.

Once you have done this Living in the Heart meditation and you are able to keep meditating within your heart, you are ready for the “Awakening the Illuminated Heart Ceremony” more information about this experience you find on our website.

In love & service Martijn.

Martijn Vroemen