to Mar 7

Alchemy of Bodywork Training level 1

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This is a call to reconnect with your inner healer. Do you want to get a deeper understanding of how to heal the physical body through Transformational Bodywork?
Do you want to learn how to fluidly weave together multiple Bodywork techniques into one holistic river that opens the body for more light & love to flow through?

What is it about?

Come and join us on this unique hearted workshop. Where we brought together two different traditional and holistic methods ARYM and Alchemy of Touch. In this Alchemy of Bodywork training you will learn how to give a holistic & therapeutic bodywork/ massage using techniques on the back & front of the body. You learn how to release energetic blockages, throughout the physical body’s nervous system, muscle & fascia (myofacial release). 

Our training is designed and intended to give you enough understanding about holistic intuitive bodywork & massage to start practicing on loved ones, friends, family and acquaintances. Also the training will give you a deeper understanding how the physical body holds on to physical, emotional, mental, and energetic blockages.

What will you receive during this training?

·      A deeper understanding about energetic, emotional, physical and mental bodies and how to release memories hidden in the tissues. We use our own intuitive touch and techniques from Alchemy of Touch and ARYM method.

·      We will share knowledge & wisdom in Pleiadian & Sirian Lightwork from the Dolphin Star Temple Mystery School and ancient secret of the Flower of Life, Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshop from the School of Remembering Mystery School, Heart healing meditations, clearing aura, chakras, Central Sun photon belt clearing & healing, medicine wheel practice.

·      Energetic tools to protect your aura and set healthy boundaries for you as a practitioner and your future clients, so you don’t feel chattered after giving a healing bodywork massage session. You will be working with 100% organic natural virgin coconut oil and essential oils, that of course will be provided by us.

·      A complete manual of description of all techniques and methods, images and anatomy of techniques and methods mentioned above.

Daily Schedule:

We are giving people the opportunity to do the training all at once in 3 days or to be divided in 3 clusters.  You can choose which cluster you would like to do at first and which cluster you would like to do later in the next couple of months. If you desire to refresh your practice, you can choose to repeat as many clusters as you would like to.

Note: Clusters are built so you MUST have done the previous cluster in order to attend the next one. Example: To attend Cluster 3 you must have done Cluster 1 and 2.

Day 1 (cluster 1):

09:00 – 10:00  Group meditation to set a sacred work space.

10:00 – 13:00  Explanation & practice of techniques on back torso, shoulders, arms & hands.

13:00 – 14:00  Vegan lunch break.

14:00 – 17:00  Explanation & practice of techniques on hips, sacrum, legs & feet.

17:00 – 17:30  Clearing & cleansing meditation after the practice.

Day 2 (cluster 2):

09:00 – 10:00  Group meditation to set a sacred work space.

10:00 – 13:00  Explanation & practice of techniques on the psoas, belly, diaphragm, ribcage.

13:00 – 14:00  Vegan lunch break.

14:00 – 17:00  Explanation & practice of techniques on the front of the legs and neck.

17:00 – 17:30  Clearing & cleansing meditation after the practice.

Day 3 (cluster 3):

09:00 – 10:00  Group meditation to set a sacred works space.

10:00 – 13:00  Practice session 1: each participant gets two hours to poetically intuitively move through a full bodywork session, while playing their own symphony. During this practice session you can still ask questions and receive feedback on the quality of the techniques and application of all techniques in a free flowing session.

13:00 – 14:00  Lunch time.

14:00 – 16:30  Practice session 2: each participant gets two hours to poetically intuitively move through a full bodywork session, while playing their own symphony. During this practice session you can still ask questions and receive feedback on the quality of the techniques and application of all techniques in a free flowing session.

16:30 – 17:00  Small break.

17:00 – 17:30  Clearing & cleansing meditation after the practice full bodywork session.

Please arrive 10 or 15 minutes before 9 am to allow yourself to settle and connect with the space and the group.

Pre-Registration is required to attend, at least 2 days before start date of training

Who are we?

Living in Mana is about moving human consciousness, awareness and spirit from living in the duality/polarity of the mind to living in the original singular reality in the heart. Living in Mana is a journey to living in the seed to the soul. After this training you are able to consider if you would like to pursuit deepening your knowledge and wisdom and attend our Alchemy of Bodywork training level 2.

Sofia Mellano is a certified Ayurvedic Yoga Massage therapist thought in ARYM Institute by Ananta Sylvain Girard in India. This method combines the traditional holistic Indian massage based on Ayurveda with modern yoga inspired stretches and strokes similar to Thai Deep Tissue therapy.

Martijn Vroemen is a certified Alchemy of Touch therapist thought in the “Alchemy of Touch Bodywork Academy” by Tapesh Paradiso & Anouk Devi. Alchemy of Touch is a dynamic & poetic form of transformational bodywork. Including Deep Tissue, Myofascial Chi-Release, Holistic Bodywork, Fluid Touch (Alchemy of Touch), Joint Mobilization (Trager), Visceral (Hara/ Belly) Work, Deep Tissue in Motion (Alchemy of Touch), Thai Yoga Stretches, Meditation, Osho Rebalancing Massage, Digital pressure Massage, Polarity Energy Work. More info on “Why I chose to become a Alchemy of Touch therapist?” can be found here. 

Fee (includes all materials, manual and vegan lunch):

3 Day intensive Modality : 4.440.000 IDR to be paid in advanced. Registration ends 2 days before start training.

Each cluster Modality: 1.750.000 IDR per cluster to be paid in advanced. 

For more information and registration email us to or WhatsApp at +62 812 3982 0292.

We are excited to invite any soul with or without holistic bodywork massage knowledge. Minimum age is 12 years old.

For reviews and recommendations from previous clients, click on any of the links below:




In love & service, Sofia & Martijn.

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4:00 PM16:00

Ascension a Ceremonial Experience - ATIH (Online & in Bali)

Ascension a Ceremonial Experience ATIH image.png

Are you ready to Ascend to the 4th Dimension? All it takes is to rewire the heart back to the brain and activate the Human Light Body, Merkaba.

 In this “Ascension A Ceremonial Experience” online and in person event in Bali we give everyone who’s attending all the information needed to “Ascend” from living in the 3rd Dimension on Earth, to the 4thDimension on Earth. This “Ascension A Ceremonial Experience” is based on the “Awakening the Illuminated Heart” by Drunvalo Melchizedek. 

We start with a Satsang sharing about the highest excitement and deepest challenge for everyone involved in the attending group.

Then well start with the explanation of the “Ascension A Ceremonial Experience”:

-       Activation of the Beams of Light (antennas)

-       Activation of the Human Halo

-       Opening 3rd Eye

-       Meditation connecting to Mother Earth, Father Sun/ Sky

-       Meditation moving from the Pineal Gland, to the throat, then into the heart

-       Moving into the Sacred Space and then into the Tiny Space within the Heart

-       Reconnecting the Heart to the Pineal Gland using the tip of the tongue on roof of the mouth

-       Reconnecting the Pineal Gland to the Pituitary Gland and pushing the energy out into the external chakra

-       Human Halo becomes activated, 3 eye opening, and sensory perception becomes more full sensory

-       Then focus within the Tiny Space breathing above so below to activate the Human Light Body, Merkaba

-       Once Merkaba is activated and started spinning at the speed of Light

-       The last 90 degree turn, how to move from within the Tiny space of the human Heart, in a straight line from the left to the right side of your chest into your 4th dimensional Heart chakra, from there you are able to take the Last 90 degree turn when you feel ready to do so and have approval from your Higher Self.

Activation Beams of Light and connecting the Tiny space of the Heart to Pineal Gland.

Activation Beams of Light and connecting the Tiny space of the Heart to Pineal Gland.

Human Halo activation

Human Halo activation

Merkaba activation

Merkaba activation

The total “Ascension A Ceremonial Experience” takes 4 hours. Also take at least one hour time after the Experience to integrate everything, before making other plans.

 You will receive the presentation with 15 slides PDF explaining all the steps to complete your Ascension from the workshop afterwards. Also you will be receiving all meditations on audio. For you to keep remembering your way home into your Awakened Illuminated Heart and to become fully stable living within love in the heart.

 WHEN? January 24th

This month we plan to do this Online & in Bali “Ascension A Ceremonial Experience” for Europe, Australia Asia:

19:00 p.m. Sydney (till 23:00 p.m.)

17:00 p.m. Tokyo (till 21:00 p.m.)

16:00 p.m. Bali, Perth, Singapore, Hong Kong (till 20:00 p.m.)

13:30 p.m. New Delhi (till 17:30 p.m.)

12:00 p.m. Dubai (till 16:00 p.m.)

11:00 a.m. Istanbul (till 15:00 p.m.)

10:00 a.m. Cape Town, South Africa (till 14:00 p.m.)

09:00 a.m. Amsterdam/ Paris/ Madrid (till 13:00 p.m.)

08:00 a.m. London/ Lisbon/ Dublin (till 12:00 p.m.) 

WHERE? Online Via ZOOM - you will receive the link after registration

Or in our Sacred Ulu Watu Sanctuary, Gang Pucuk 11, Pecatu, Badung, Bali, Indonesia.

 How much? $ 55,50 USD.

Registration ends on January 20th.
Still not sure? Send us as many questions as you have! You will receive a link to Zoom meeting after payment.

WhatsApp: +62 812 3982 0292

Watch this video by our beloved teach Drunvalo Melchizedek about ATIH and Last 90 degree turn:

And read the article experience: “Ascension A Ceremonial Experience – ATIH” on our website.

View Event →
to Jan 24

Online Human Design workshop

  • Google Calendar ICS
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✨Ready to take the next step to understand how your own and unique energy works in its highest potential?

Learning about Human Design is a wonderful opportunity to dive deeper into the Human Design System.

We believe that our purpose in life is to help you to find as many tools as possible to start living in your Heart in alignment with your Soul.

✨This is why we created this uplifting and empowering "How to Read your Human Design Chart" online Workshop. If you feel the call to receive more amazing and uplifting tools to achieve your highest potential, understand your type of energy, know more about your gifts and potential weaknesses, listen to your own inner guidance and honor your uniqueness, then this opportunity is for you!

⚡️This is a 2 day and a total of 4 hours online meeting via Zoom where we will look at

-The Four Types (Generators, Projectors, Manifestors and Reflectors)

-The Four different Strategies

-Inner Authorities

-The Nine Open and Closed Energy Centers

-The Profiles

🔥You will also receive a PDF and 2 months access to the Recording of the workshop

📅 WHEN? January

Bali 23 & 24 8 am

EST 22 & 23 7 pm

Sydney 23 & 24 11 am

📍WHERE? Online Via ZOOM -you will receive the link after registration-

☀️HOW MUCH? 50 usd per person

Registration ends on January 21st 2021.

Still not sure? Send us as many questions as you have! You will receive a link to Zoom meeting after payment.


WhatsApp: +62 812 3982 0292


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5:30 PM17:30

Full Moon Circle - Sacred Ulu Watu

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Living in Mana is all about moving human consciousness, awareness and spirit from living in the duality/polarity of the mind to living in the original singular reality in the heart. Living in Mana is a journey to living in the seed to the soul.

On this full moon we like to invite you for a introduction of what Living in Mana is all about, awareness, consciousness elevating ceremonial experience in our Sacred Ulu Watu sanctuary.

We will open the full moon ceremony with a Satsang, were everybody who comes to the ceremony can share whatever truth they would like to share and add into the group process. Something they would like to work on for themselves that they want to share with the group, healing old beliefs, negative pictures, negative thought forms, certain old paradigm contracts, past, present, future re-alignment with cosmic cycles of time. You name it, it may be positive, negative or neutral and everyone can share their truth and feel safe and supported while sharing their truth.

During the meditation process we will be inviting the Pleiadian & Sirian Archangels of Light to guide us in releasing any old stuff. You will energetically meet the Emissaries of Light that go by the names of Archangel Michael, Hermes, Saint Germain.

We will also be guiding the group into the most Sacred Space within the human Heart. The Ascended Masters call this space in the Heart the hidden chamber in the Heart or the Tiny Space within the Sacred Space of the human Heart. 

We as human, are basically one big Flower of Life with 50 trillion body cells. The Flower of Life is the geometry of creation, it’s the geometry of consciousness. And as above, so below, so within, so without. Which means that Source, Creation or God is outside of us, but we can also become One with Source, Creation or God within ourselves.

The Human Heart holds the first cells in creation, the human Heart holds the original reality that is singular. In our heart the Flower of Life, geometry of creation, geometry of consciousness starts. When you see the Flower of Life, in the center you see all the spheres coming together in One central point. This One central point in the geometry is the Tiny space within your heart. Around that tiny space of the heart is a larger space, which is called the Sacred Space of the Heart.

Within this Tiny space in the human Heart you become one with God, but how God will manifest himself to you, is up to God alone. Once your spirit, awareness and consciousness enter this Tiny space inside your Heart. The vibration goes up with a few octaves. Once you know your way into this Sacred Tiny Space within your own Heart you can keep going back to this space where you find only love, you can create from love and singularity. To Living in the Heart.

We received the Sacred Tiny Space in the Heart teachings from Drunvalo Melchizedek. Drunvalo is from the order of Melchizedek, which is a higher dimensional level of consciousness from the Sirius star cluster. Melchizedek consciousness came to Mother Earth to help the Earths people raise their consciousness and ascend with the Earth to a new level of consciousness.

Everybody is welcome to walk in from 17:30. We start at 18:00 and go on till 20:00.

Suggested donation is 100k. If you cannot afford to donate anything, please come anyways as the donation is not a commitment for us. 

Living in the Light of your own Heart, Sofia & Martijn

View Event →
to Dec 28

Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshop

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Living in Mana is all about moving human consciousness, awareness and spirit from living in the duality/polarity of the mind to living in the original singular reality in the heart. Living in Mana is a journey to living in the seed of the soul.

With the “Awakening the Illuminated Heart” workshop we intent to give each participant a healing journey to Awaken their highest potential in this life. This workshop will give you substantial tools and information for your ascension into higher levels of awareness and consciousness in this life -your Mer Ka Ba or Human Light Body-

This is an advanced workshop and we suggest all attendees to first attend the “Intensive Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing” workshop before attending this workshop. The Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing workshop gives you the tools to awaken your Divine Ka -Ka means Body in Ancient Egyptian-

In the healing journey participants will learn to move their awareness, consciousness and spirit from living in the mind (polarity/ duality) to fully embodied living inside the human heart (singularity).

During this 3 day “Awakening the Illuminated Heart” workshop you will receive a manual with all the information discussed in the lectures and self-healing meditations. All guided meditation processes will be recorded live and given to the you for your own self-practice.

Credits for the ancient secret of the Flower of Life and “Awakening the Illuminated Heart” teachings have to go to Drunvalo Melchizedek and the School of Remembering Mystery School in Sedona, Arizona. More information can be found on our website: 

We blend the teachings from Drunvalo Melchizedek together with Pleiadian Lightwork from the Dolphin Star Temple Mystery School in Mount Shasta, California, USA founded by Amorah Quan Yin. The Dolphin Star Temple Mystery school teachings are based on the Mystery school teachings of Atlantis, Lemuria and Egypt, channeled teachings from the Ascended Masters, Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, Andromeda Emissaries of Light and the Sirian Archangelic League of Light. More info:

Day one, Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshop:

09:00 – 09:30 welcome words

09:30 – 10:00  lecture on first process of the day

10:00 – 11:30  self-healing process 1

90 minutes self-healing meditation: harmonizing subpersonalities (Inner Nurturer, Inner Child, Inner Warrior, Inner Spirit), Self-Saboteur work into the four corners of the subpersonalities, subpersonality Harmonization Chamber of Light.

11:30 – 11:45  reflection on previous process

11:45 – 12:00  lecture on second process of the day

12:00 – 13:00  self-healing process 2

60 minutes self-healing meditation:

Meeting the Sirian Archangels, Sacred Geometry Chamber of Light for the Soul.

13:00 – 14:00  Lunch time

14:00 – 14:30  reflect on previous process

14:30 – 15:00  lecture on third process of the day

15:00 – 16:00  self-heling process 3

60 minutes self-healing meditation: alignment with Cosmic Cycles of Time, healing past, present, future Hologram, Spit Body Integration Chamber of Light.

16:00 – 16:30  reflect on previous process

16:30 – 17:00  lecture on fourth process of the day

17:00 - 18:00  self-healing process 4

60 minutes self-healing meditation: clearing and activating your Kundalini and Sexual Channels Tantric Channels, Sacred Geometry Chamber of Light for the Perineum

18:00 – 18:30  reflect on previous process, end of first day

Homework      Sacred Geometry Chamber of Light for Pineal Gland.

Day 2, Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshop:

09:00 -  09:30  welcome words

09:30 – 10:00  lecture about first process of the day

10:00 – 11:00  self-healing process 5 

60 minutes self-healing meditation: Dolphin Moves, Dolphin Wave Chamber of Light.

11:00 – 11:30  reflection on previous process

11:30 – 12:00 lecture on second process of the day

12:00 – 13:00  self-healing process 6

60 minutes Sword of Truth & Holy Grail Initiation ceremony with Archangel Michael, the Sirian Archangelic League of Light, Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, the Ascended Masters and moving into the Sacred & Tiny Space of the Heart.

13:00 – 14:00  lunch break

14:00 – 14:30  reflection on previous process

14:30 – 15:00  lecture on third process of the day

15:00 – 15:30  self-healing process 7

15:30 – 17:00  reflect on previous process

90 minutes self-healing meditation: opening 3rd eye, activating beams of light, activating the wires to the beams of light, activating the human halo/ perfect golden sphere around the head from the tiny space within the heart. 

17:00 – 17:30  reflect on previous process, end of day 2

Homework      Sacred Geometry Chamber of Light for 108 faceted Prism

Day 3, Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshop:

09:00 – 09:30  welcome word

09:30 – 10:00  lecture on first process of the day

10:00 – 10:45  self-healing process 8

45 minutes: awakening activating your Mer Ka Ba (Human Light Body) from inside the Tiny most Sacred space inside the human heart.

10:45 – 11:00  reflect on previous process

11:00 – 11:30 lecture on second process of the day

11:30 – 12:15  self-healing process 10

45 minutes: multidimensional alignment, connecting to your true multidimensional self. Realigning all of your chakras with your 4, 5 6th dimensional self, 7 & 8 dimensional self, your 9 & 10th dimensional self, 11 & 12th dimensional self.

12:15 – 13:15  lunch break

13:15 – 13:30  reflect on previous process

13:30 – 14:00  lecture on third process of the day

14:00 – 15:30  self-healing process 11

90 minutes self-healing meditation: thirteen chakra meditation, linking your 13 chakras, with your Higher Self 13 chakras, linking your 13 chakras with Mother Earth and Anchoring your Pillar of Light from the Great Central Sun.

15:30 – 15:45  reflect on previous process

15:45 – 16:15  lecture on fourth process of the day

16:15 – 17:15  60 minutes: Ascension Chamber of Light. Last 90 degree turn, final step in the “Awakening the Illuminated Heart” awakening your highest potential, living in the heart,  living in the seed of the soul.

17:15 – 17:45  reflect on previous process, end of the workshop.

Pre-Registration is required to attend, the price is 3.330.000 IDR and includes all materials and healthy vegan lunch on all days. For more information and registration email us to or WhatsApp at +62 812 3982 0292

We are excited to invite any soul with or without healing experience and knowledge. RSVP before 12pm on December 25.

For reviews and recommendations from previous clients, click on any of the links below:




Living in the Light of your own heart, Sofia & Martijn

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to Dec 20

Intensive Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing workshop

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Living in Mana is all about moving human consciousness, awareness and spirit from living in the duality/polarity of the mind to living in the original singular reality in the heart. Living in Mana is a journey to living in the seed of the soul.

Before you are able to move your consciousness, awareness and spirit from the mind into the heart, you have to have done your inner work. As your heart is your direct connection to your subconscious. Your subconscious part of mind that is hidden in your physical part of mind needs to be emptied from negative memories of this life, past life and ancestral lineage.

Our intension with this 3 day Intensive Pleiadian Lightwork - Energy Healing workshop is to give each participant the tools they need to self-heal the subconscious. Awakening your Divine Ka -Ka means body in Egyptian- Awakening your Divine Body.

Teachings we use come from the Pleiadian Lightwork - Energy Healing Mystery School the Dolphin Star Temple Mystery School in Mount Shasta, California, USA founded by Amorah Quan Yin. The Dolphin Star Temple Mystery school teachings are based on the Mystery school teachings of Atlantis, Lemuria and Egypt, channeled teachings from the Ascended Masters, Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, Andromeda Emissaries of Light and the Sirian Archangelic League of Light.

The 3 day intensive Pleiadian Lightwork – Energy Healing workshop comes with a manual with all the information needed to self-heal the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual elements in the 7 main chakras. Also we will be learning to practice a hands-on Pleiadian Lightwork – Energy Healing session on someone else (day 3). 

All guided meditation processes will be recorded live and given to the participants, so you are able to re-listen to the recordings, whenever you feel you want to remember. The recordings and the manual will able you to keep working on yourself, whenever you feel blocked.

Day one: Pleiadian Lightwork - Energy Healing workshop:

09:00 – 09:30  welcome word

09:30 – 10:00  lecture about first process

10:00 - 11:00  preparing for Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing process 1

60 minutes self-healing meditation process: grounding, aura clearing exercises, clearing with roses, clearing chakras. 

11:00 – 11:30  reflection on previous process

11:30 – 12:00  lecture about second process

12:00 – 13:00  preparing for Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing process 2

60 minutes self-healing meditation process: 

Bringing chakras back into present time, energetic de-cording (removing energetic cords). 

13:00 – 14:00  lunch break

14:00 – 14:30  reflection on previous process

14:30 – 15:00  lecture about third process

15:00 – 16:00  preparing for Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing process 3

60 minutes self-healing process: clearing negative pictures, beliefs, judgements, perfect pictures, thoughtforms.

16:00 – 16:30  reflection on previous process

16:30 – 17:00  lecture on fourth process

17:00 – 18:00  preparing for Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing process 4

Clearing psychic agreements (contracts), Physical, Emotional, Mental & Spiritual Synchronization Chamber of Light.

18:00 – 18:30  reflection on previous process, end of the day one.

Homework      that day before going to bed, do the process for the “Sleeping Chamber of Light” and doze off to sleep.

Day 2:  Pleiadian Lightwork - Energy Healing workshop:

09:00 – 09:30  welcome word

09:30 – 10:00  lecture about first process of the day

10:00 – 11:00  Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing process 1

60 minutes self-heling meditation process: meeting the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, clearing and activating your Ka Template, opening your Ka channels and Dolphin Brain repatterning.

11:00 – 11:30  reflection on previous process

11:30 – 12:00  lecture on second process of the day

12:00 – 13:00  Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing process 2

60 minutes self-healing meditation process: 

Dolphin Moves, Etheric Hands-On Dolphin Brain Repatterning, Integration Chamber of Light.

13:00 – 14:00  Lunch break

14:30 – 15:00  reflection on previous process

15:00 – 16:30  Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing process 3

90 minutes self-healing meditation process: Integrating and healing your subpersonalities, meeting your Inner Nurturer, meeting your Inner Child, meeting your Inner Warrior/ Warrioress, meeting your inner Spirit, balancing your Personal Shield, subpersonality Harmonization Chamber of Light.

16:30 – 17:00  reflection on previous process, end of day two Intensive.

Homework      that day before going to bed, do the process for the “Interdimensional Chamber of Light”

Day three: Pleiadian Lightwork - Energy Healing workshop:

09:00 – 09:30  welcome words

09:30 – 10:00  lecture on first process of the day

10:00 – 11:00  Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing process 4

60 minutes self-healing meditation process: clearing erroneous Neural Pathways, cellular Reorientation and Repatterning session.

11:00 – 11:30  reflect on previous process

11:30 – 12:00  lecture on second process of the day

12:00 – 13:00  Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing process 5

60 minutes self-healing meditation process: Higher Self Connection, blending with Your Higher Self, Divine Axis Alignment with your Higher Self, Divine Axis Realignment Chamber of Light.

13:00 – 14:00  Lunch break 

14:00 – 14:30  reflection on previous process

14:30 – 15:00  lecture on how to facilitate Pleiadian Lightwork on someone

15:00 – 15:45  Pleiadian Lightwork facilitation session 1

45 minutes practicing doing Pleiadian Lightwork on someone, hands on

15:45 – 16:00  short break

16:00 – 16:45  Pleiadian Lightwork facilitation session 2

45 minutes practicing doing Pleiadian Lightwork on someone, hands on

16:45 – 17:30  reflect on previous process, end of 3 day intensive.

Homework: that day before going to bed, do the process for the “Quantum Transfiguration Chamber of Light”. The day after before going to bed, do the process for the “Emotional Healing Chamber of Light”. The day after that before going to bed, do the process for the “Love Configuration Chamber of Light”.

Pre-Registration is required to attend, the price is 3.330.000 IDR and includes all materials and healthy vegan lunch on all days. For more information and registration email us to or WhatsApp at +62 812 3982 0292

We are excited to invite any soul with or without healing experience and knowledge. Minimum age is 14 years old. Registration before 12pm on December 17.

For reviews and recommendations from previous clients, click on any of the links below:




Living in the Light of your Heart, Sofia & Martijn

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12:00 PM12:00

Human Design Reading workshop

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Living in Mana is all about moving human consciousness, awareness and spirit from living in the duality/polarity of the mind to living in the original singular reality in the heart. Living in Mana is a journey to living in the seed to the soul.

Human Design gives you an energy blueprint from the moment that you were born. Your unique Human Design energy blueprint will give you direction, shows you your purpose in life and what your energy is about and what not. To live out your authentic self and illuminate you’re not authentic self.

Human Design is really the foundation for your journey in self-transformation, self-understanding, self-adventure and spiritual growth. 

We have designed this workshop to create an interactive way for you to learn your foundational Human Design energy blue-print and to for you to learn other people’s Human Design.

This gives you a better understanding about following your authentic self and how others follow their authentic self. And you are able to illuminate your not authentic self and help guide people around you to illuminate their not authentic self. 

In this Human Design Reading workshop you will learn about:

-       The four different energy types within humanity (1.) Generator or Manifesting Generator, 2.) Manifestor, 3.) Projector & 4.) Reflector each energy type has a different role and purpose within humanity

-       The different strategies in life for each different energy type

-       Your authority and the authority of the people around you

-       What each of the nine energy centers/ chakras mean for you and the people you interact with, which chakras are open and enveloping for wisdom or conditioning and which chakras are defined/ closed to find your truth inside of yourself

-       How the energy inside of you and the people you interact with are defined, or perhaps split, triple split, quadruple split or no definition and what this means for your and the people you interact with

-       How to live out your life purpose by staying true to your unique soul’s profile and incarnation cross

-       What are the possible difficulties in the polarities of different Human Designs and how are you able to manifest the partner and life you desire, using and living out your Human Design.

After the workshop you will know the foundation of your own Human Design energy blue print and the foundation of the Human Design energy blue print from the people you interact with. To know yourself is to know your Human Design.

The whole workshop will be recorded on audio and given out to the participants who attend the workshop, so you can listen to the audio recording again and again. We will also be handing out your personal Human Design document, for your to read and reflect on after the workshop.

Sunday 13 December 12:00 till 4:00pm price 500k pp.

Living in the Light of your Heart,  Sofia & Martijn 

Want to read more about Human Design?

Check these two articles on our website:

Why Human Design?

Get your personalized Human Design Reading

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11:45 AM11:45

12/12 Sacred Portal Activation

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On this 12th of December, 12:12 we like to invite you for a Sacred Portal Activation experience in our sanctuary. In this activation we will be guiding you into a Higher Self 13 Chakras meditation, aligning your 13 Chakras with the Highest Divine Plan (divine truth, love & light) for Earth and her people and anchoring your Pillar of Light from “the Great Central Sun” into your Body & Soul Matrix. As we are moving into the Age of Aquarius, the Golden Age, we are moving from the old 7 Chakras system to the New Age 13 Chakra system.

13 Chakras meditation

On this potent portal day we will guide you in a deep meditation where you will be harmonizing, clearing and healing your 13 Chakras, with your Higher Self of Light 13 Chakras. Using Golden infinity symbols between your 13 Chakras and the 13 Chakras of your Higher Self of Light, your own Higher consciousness, your multidimensional self:

1.)   Earth Portal Chakras

2.)   Earth Transducer Chakra

3.)   Root Chakra

4.)   Sacral Chakra

5.)   Navel Chakra

6.)   Solar Plexus Chakra

7.)   Heart Chakra

8.)   Throat Chakra

9.)   Third Eye Chakra

10.)         Crown Chakra

11.)         Cosmic Transducer Chakra

12.)         Cosmic Portal Chakra

13.)         Thirteenth Chakra of Oneness

Asking your Higher Self, the Dolphin Star Temple Higher Council of Light (Pleiadian, Sirian, Andromeda Emissaries of Light) to clear and heal all of the 13 Chakras to the Highest good of your personal evolution in the present moment.

Linking aligning with Earth 13 Chakras

We guide you to connect with the Guardians and Overlighting Devas of Light of the 13 Chakras of Earth, to align you and your Higher Self to the Highest Divine Plan (Divine Truth, Love & Light) for Earth and her people. Linking your chakras with Earth 13 Chakras:

1.)   Earth Portal Chakra - Lake & Mount Batur, Bali Indonesia

2.)   Earth Transducer Chakra – Table Mountain, South Africa

3.)   Root Chakra, Uluru, formerly Ayers Rock, Australia

4.)   Sacral Chakra, Mount Kilauea, Hawaii

5.)   Navel Chakra, Delphi, Greece

6.)   Solar Plexus Chakra, Mount Fuji, Japan

7.)   Heart Chakra, The Tor in Glastonbury, England

8.)   Throat Chakra, Palenque, Mexico

9.)   Third Eye Chakra, The Great Piramid Giza, Egypt

10.)                 Crown Chakra, Mount Denali, formerly Mount McKinley, Alaska

11.)                 Cosmic Transducer Chakra, Mount Shasta, California

12.)                 Cosmic Portal Chakra, Machu Pichu, Peru

13.)                 Chakra of Oneness, Lake Titicaca, Peru

Linking your Chakras with an golden infinity symbol to Earths 13 Chakras. While you are embodying your Higher Self of Light, you will be guided to align your chakras with the Chakras of Earth. Asking that all of the healing, awakening and remembering be registered in Earth’s chakras, taking nothing away from you, giving an imprint that will benefit all of the humans on Earth in their own awakening, healing and remembering.

Anchoring your Pillar of Light from the Great Central Sun

It doesn’t matter from which Star system within the universe you, your essence, your soul comes from, each Soul on Earth has a connection to the “Great Central Sun” the Source of All That Is.

With a miniature you, in the form of a ball of Light with your consciousness in it. You will go out of Body with this miniature you inside a travel Merkaba. You will first travel to the Sun of the Milky Way and connect your Higher Consciousness to the Higher Consciousness of the Sun, sending gratitude into the Sun for the light, warmth and love that it send to you and Earth. Asking the Sun to work with you and impulse you with the encodings you need. In order to evolve into your higher purpose here in Earth.

You will move your miniature self from the Sun towards the Central Sun of Pleiades, called Alcyone. You will move through the portal directly into the center of Alcyone, where you connect with the Pleiadian Archangelic Tribes of Light, to imprint you with the encoding of divine connection to the Pleiades.

Then you will move your miniature you from Alcyone directly into the Star Sirius, where you connect with the Sirian Archangelic Tribes of Light and the etheric Dolphin Spirts. Asking them to help you remember your connection to Sirius and Christ consciousness. 

Then you will be guided to move from Sirius, to the Orion belt, directly into the Milky Way, where you will be imprinted with your original purpose for coming to the Milky Way and your divine connection to this galaxy.

From there you will move the miniature you towards the Central Sun of the Andromeda Galaxy, which is the twin of the Milky Way. In the center of the Andromeda Galaxy, you will be imprinted with the memory of Oneness and Equanimity between Male and Female, before the Male & Female Split.

Using your travel Merkaba and intention you will be guided to move from the Andromeda Galaxy towards the “Great Central Sun”, here you will be guided by a guardian of “The Great Central Sun” towards the Crystalline steps of the throne of the Holy Mother & Holy Father of All That Is. Where you will receive a message and a gift from them that will help you on your journey. You will be able to give them a gift as well, the gift they want from you is something that still keeps you separate from their love. Perhaps it is self-doubt, distrust, anger, shame, or fear.

The Holy Mother & Holy father of All That Is will be imprinting you with encodings for you to remember your direct connection to Source and Oneness. After having time to merge with them into sacred male female union, you will be descending with your Pillar of Light from The Great Central Sun, pulling this Pillar of Light on the same journey as you traveled out of your body, back into your physical body. Anchoring your Pillar of Light from The Great Central Sun, anchoring it into your Body, Soul Matrix and connecting it to the Star Crystal of Mother Earth.

Living in Mana is all about moving human consciousness, awareness and spirit from living in the duality/polarity of the mind to living in the original singular reality in the heart. Living in Mana is a journey to living in the heart – the seed to the soul.

Everybody is welcome to walk in from 11:45 for community talk and home grown Lemongrass hot or cold tea. We start the Sacred Portal Activation at 12:12 the full activation will take around 90 minutes.

Suggested donation is 150k. Please RSVP to +62 812 3982 0292.

We will be offering this 12/12 Sacred Portal Activation also online through Zoom live or you can receive the video recording for you to do this 12/12 Sacred Portal Activation on your own. Suggested donation is $10, to be paid into our PayPal account. After receiving the suggested donation you will be invited to join the Zoom meeting or receive the recorded video.

In love & service, Sofia & Martijn

Time zones of this 12/12 Sacred Portal Activation meditation:

20:12 Los Angeles 11/12

22:12 Mexico City 11/12

23:12 New York 11/12

01:12 Buenos Aires 12/12

04:12 London, Lisbon 12/12

05:12 Amsterdam, Berlin, Paris 12/12

06:12 Cape Town 12/12

08:12 Dubai 12/12

09:42 Delhi 12/12

12:12 Bali, Hong Kong, Perth, Singapore 12/12

15:12 Sydney 12/12

17:12 Auckland 12/12

Living in Mana is the name given to our practice & Sacred Ulu Watu is the name given to our Sacred Sanctuary. Living in Mana & Sacred Ulu Watu are part of Luxor Healing Arts PT -

PT Seni Penyembuhan Luxor.

Director: I Made Raymond & I Wayan Joost 

(Family of Mades Warung Seminyak, Kuta, Berawa, domestic & international Airport)

Both Sofia Mellano & Martijn Vroemen have the KITAS working permit through PT Seni Penyembuhan Luxor – Luxor Healing Arts.

For questions call Raymond +62 812 3829 765

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2.) 12:12 Sacred Portal Activation meditation.png
3.) 12:12 Sacred Portal Activation meditation.png
4.) 12:12 Sacred Portal Activation meditation.png
5.) 12:12 Sacred Portal Activation meditation.png
11.) 12:12 Sacred Portal Activation meditation.png
View Event →
to Dec 6

Intensive Sacred Bodywork workshop

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This is a call to reconnect with your inner healer. Do you want to get a deeper understanding of how to heal the physical body through Transformational Bodywork?
Do you want to learn how to fluidly weave together multiple Bodywork techniques into one holistic river that opens the body for more light & love to flow through?

What is it about?

Come and join us on this unique hearted workshop. Where we brought together two different traditional and holistic methods ARYM and Alchemy of Touch. In this intensive Sacred Bodywork workshop you will learn how to give a holistic & therapeutic massage using techniques on the back & front of the body. You learn how to release energetic blockages, throughout the physical body’s nervous system, muscle & fascia (myofacial release). 

The workshop is designed and intended to give you enough understanding about holistic intuitive bodywork & massage to start practicing on loved once, friends, family and acquaintances. Also the workshop will give you a deeper understanding how the physical body holds on to physical, emotional, mental, and energetic blockages.

What will you receive during this workshop?

·      A deeper understanding about energetic, emotional, physical and mental bodies and how to release memories hidden in the tissues. We use our own intuitive touch and techniques from Alchemy of Touch school and ARYM method. 

·      We will share knowledge & wisdom in Pleiadian & Sirian Lightwork from the Dolphin Star Temple Mystery School and ancient secret of the Flower of Life, Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshop from the School of Remembering Mystery School, Heart healing meditations, clearing away energy, photon belt clearing & healing.

·      Energetic tools to protect your aura and set healthy boundaries for you as a practitioner and your future clients, so you don’t feel chattered after giving a healing bodywork massage session. You will be working with your own 100% organic natural virgin coconut oil and essential oils, that of course will be provided by us.

·      A complete manual of techniques and methods mentioned above


Daily Schedule:

We are giving people the opportunity to do the workshop all in once in 3 days or to be divided in clusters.  You can choose which clusters you would like to do at first and which clusters you would like to do later in the next couple of months. If you desire to refresh your practice, you can choose to repeat as many clusters as you would like to.

Note: Clusters are built so you MUST have done the previous cluster in order to attend the next one. Example: To attend Cluster 3 you must have done Cluster 1 and 2.

Day 1 (cluster 1):

09:00 – 10:00  Group meditation to set a sacred work space

10:00 – 13:00  Explanation & practice of techniques on back torso, shoulders, arms & hands

13:00 – 14:00  Vegan lunch break

14:00 – 17:00  Explanation & practice of techniques on hips, sacrum, legs & feet

17:00 – 17:30  Clearing & cleansing meditation after the practice 


Day 2 (cluster 2):

09:00 – 10:00  Group meditation to set a sacred work space

10:00 – 13:00  Explanation & practice of techniques on the psoas, belly, diaphragm, ribcage 

13:00 – 14:00  Vegan lunch break

14:00 – 17:00  Explanation & practice of techniques on the front of the legs and neck

17:00 – 17:30  Clearing & cleansing meditation after the practice


Day 3 (cluster 3):

09:00 – 10:00  Group meditation to set a sacred works space

10:00 – 13:00  Practice session 1: each participant gets two hours to poetically intuitively move through a full bodywork session, while playing their own symphony. During this practice session you can still ask questions and receive feedback on the quality of the techniques and application of all techniques in a free flowing session.

13:00 – 14:00  Lunch time

14:00 – 16:30  Practice session 2: each participant gets two hours to poetically intuitively move through a full bodywork session, while playing their own symphony. During this practice session you can still ask questions and receive feedback on the quality of the techniques and application of all techniques in a free flowing session.

16:30 – 17:00  Small break

17:00 – 17:30  Clearing & cleansing meditation after the practice full bodywork session.

Please arrive 10 or 15 minutes before 9 am to allow yourself to settle and connect with the space and the group. 

Pre-Registration is required to attend before December 2nd

Who are we?

Living in Mana is about moving human consciousness, awareness and spirit from living in the duality/polarity of the mind to living in the original singular reality in the heart. Living in Mana is a journey to living in the seed to the soul. After this intensive you are able to consider if you would like to pursuit deepening your knowledge and wisdom and become a Living in Mana – Deep healing bodywork & energy healer.

Sofia Mellano is a certified Ayurvedic Yoga Massage therapist thought in ARYM Institute by Ananta Sylvain Girard in India. This method combines the traditional holistic Indian massage based on Ayurveda with modern yoga inspired stretches and strokes similar to Thai Deep Tissue therapy.

Martijn Vroemen is a certified Alchemy of Touch therapist thought in the “Alchemy of Touch Bodywork Academy” by Tapesh Paradiso & Anouk Devi. Alchemy of Touch is a dynamic & poetic form of transformational bodywork. Including Deep Tissue, Myofascial Chi-Release, Holistic Bodywork, Fluid Touch (Alchemy of Touch), Joint Mobilization (Trager), Visceral (Hara/ Belly) Work, Deep Tissue in Motion (Alchemy of Touch), Thai Yoga Stretches, Meditation, Osho Rebalancing Massage, Digital pressure Massage, Polarity Energy Work. More info on “Why I chose to become a Alchemy of Touch therapist?” can be found here. 

Fee (includes all materials, manual and vegan lunch):

3 Day intensive Modality : 4.440.000 IDR to be paid in advanced. Registration ends on November 22nd

Each cluster Modality: 1.800.000 IDR per cluster to be paid in advanced. 

For more information and registration email us to or WhatsApp at +62 812 3982 0292.

We are excited to invite any soul with or without holistic bodywork massage knowledge. Minimum age is 12 years old.

For reviews and recommendations from previous clients, click on any of the links below:




In love & service, Sofia & Martijn

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5:30 PM17:30

Full Moon Circle - Sacred Ulu Watu

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Living in Mana is all about moving human consciousness, awareness and spirit from living in the duality/polarity of the mind to living in the original singular reality in the heart. Living in Mana is a journey to living in the seed to the soul.

On this full moon we like to invite you for a introduction of what Living in Mana is all about, awareness, consciousness elevating ceremonial experience in our Sacred Ulu Watu sanctuary.

We will open the full moon ceremony with a Satsang, were everybody who comes to the ceremony can share whatever truth they would like to share and add into the group process. Something they would like to work on for themselves that they want to share with the group, healing old beliefs, negative pictures, negative thought forms, certain old paradigm contracts, past, present, future re-alignment with cosmic cycles of time. You name it, it may be positive, negative or neutral and everyone can share their truth and feel safe and supported while sharing their truth.

During the meditation process we will be inviting the Pleiadian & Sirian Archangels of Light to guide us in releasing any old stuff. You will energetically meet the Emissaries of Light that go by the names of Archangel Michael, Hermes, Saint Germain.

We will also be guiding the group into the most Sacred Space within the human Heart. The Ascended Masters call this space in the Heart the hidden chamber in the Heart or the Tiny Space within the Sacred Space of the human Heart. 

We as human, are basically one big Flower of Life with 50 trillion body cells. The Flower of Life is the geometry of creation, it’s the geometry of consciousness. And as above, so below, so within, so without. Which means that Source, Creation or God is outside of us, but we can also become One with Source, Creation or God within ourselves.

The Human Heart holds the first cells in creation, the human Heart holds the original reality that is singular. In our heart the Flower of Life, geometry of creation, geometry of consciousness starts. When you see the Flower of Life, in the center you see all the spheres coming together in One central point. This One central point in the geometry is the Tiny space within your heart. Around that tiny space of the heart is a larger space, which is called the Sacred Space of the Heart.

Within this Tiny space in the human Heart you become one with God, but how God will manifest himself to you, is up to God alone. Once your spirit, awareness and consciousness enter this Tiny space inside your Heart. The vibration goes up with a few octaves. Once you know your way into this Sacred Tiny Space within your own Heart you can keep going back to this space where you find only love, you can create from love and singularity. To Living in the Heart.

We received the Sacred Tiny Space in the Heart teachings from Drunvalo Melchizedek. Drunvalo is from the order of Melchizedek, which is a higher dimensional level of consciousness from the Sirius star cluster. Melchizedek consciousness came to Mother Earth to help the Earths people raise their consciousness and ascend with the Earth to a new level of consciousness.

Everybody is welcome to walk in from 17:30. We start at 18:00 and go on till 20:00.

Suggested donation is 100k. If you cannot afford to donate anything, please come anyways as the donation is not a commitment for us. 

Living in the Light of your own Heart, Sofia & Martijn

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to Nov 29

Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshop

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Living in Mana is all about moving human consciousness, awareness and spirit from living in the duality/polarity of the mind to living in the original singular reality in the heart. Living in Mana is a journey to living in the seed of the soul.

With the “Awakening the Illuminated Heart” workshop we intent to give each participant a healing journey to Awaken their highest potential in this life. This workshop will give you substantial tools and information for your ascension into higher levels of awareness and consciousness in this life -your Mer Ka Ba or Human Light Body-

This is an advanced workshop and we suggest all attendees to first attend the “Intensive Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing” workshop before attending this workshop. The Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing workshop gives you the tools to awaken your Divine Ka -Ka means Body in Ancient Egyptian-

In the healing journey participants will learn to move their awareness, consciousness and spirit from living in the mind (polarity/ duality) to fully embodied living inside the human heart (singularity).

During this 3 day “Awakening the Illuminated Heart” workshop you will receive a manual with all the information discussed in the lectures and self-healing meditations. All guided meditation processes will be recorded live and given to the you for your own self-practice.

Credits for the ancient secret of the Flower of Life and “Awakening the Illuminated Heart” teachings have to go to Drunvalo Melchizedek and the School of Remembering Mystery School in Sedona, Arizona. More information can be found on our website: 

We blend the teachings from Drunvalo Melchizedek together with Pleiadian Lightwork from the Dolphin Star Temple Mystery School in Mount Shasta, California, USA founded by Amorah Quan Yin. The Dolphin Star Temple Mystery school teachings are based on the Mystery school teachings of Atlantis, Lemuria and Egypt, channeled teachings from the Ascended Masters, Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, Andromeda Emissaries of Light and the Sirian Archangelic League of Light. More info:

Day one, Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshop:

09:00 – 09:30 welcome words

09:30 – 10:00  lecture on first process of the day

10:00 – 11:30  self-healing process 1

90 minutes self-healing meditation: harmonizing subpersonalities (Inner Nurturer, Inner Child, Inner Warrior, Inner Spirit), Self-Saboteur work into the four corners of the subpersonalities, subpersonality Harmonization Chamber of Light.

11:30 – 11:45  reflection on previous process

11:45 – 12:00  lecture on second process of the day

12:00 – 13:00  self-healing process 2

60 minutes self-healing meditation:

Meeting the Sirian Archangels, Sacred Geometry Chamber of Light for the Soul.

13:00 – 14:00  Lunch time

14:00 – 14:30  reflect on previous process

14:30 – 15:00  lecture on third process of the day

15:00 – 16:00  self-heling process 3

60 minutes self-healing meditation: alignment with Cosmic Cycles of Time, healing past, present, future Hologram, Spit Body Integration Chamber of Light.

16:00 – 16:30  reflect on previous process

16:30 – 17:00  lecture on fourth process of the day

17:00 - 18:00  self-healing process 4

60 minutes self-healing meditation: clearing and activating your Kundalini and Sexual Channels Tantric Channels, Sacred Geometry Chamber of Light for the Perineum

18:00 – 18:30  reflect on previous process, end of first day

Homework      Sacred Geometry Chamber of Light for Pineal Gland.

Day 2, Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshop:

09:00 -  09:30  welcome words

09:30 – 10:00  lecture about first process of the day

10:00 – 11:00  self-healing process 5 

60 minutes self-healing meditation: Dolphin Moves, Dolphin Wave Chamber of Light.

11:00 – 11:30  reflection on previous process

11:30 – 12:00 lecture on second process of the day

12:00 – 13:00  self-healing process 6

60 minutes Sword of Truth & Holy Grail Initiation ceremony with Archangel Michael, the Sirian Archangelic League of Light, Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, the Ascended Masters and moving into the Sacred & Tiny Space of the Heart.

13:00 – 14:00  lunch break

14:00 – 14:30  reflection on previous process

14:30 – 15:00  lecture on third process of the day

15:00 – 15:30  self-healing process 7

15:30 – 17:00  reflect on previous process

90 minutes self-healing meditation: opening 3rd eye, activating beams of light, activating the wires to the beams of light, activating the human halo/ perfect golden sphere around the head from the tiny space within the heart. 

17:00 – 17:30  reflect on previous process, end of day 2

Homework      Sacred Geometry Chamber of Light for 108 faceted Prism

Day 3, Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshop:

09:00 – 09:30  welcome word

09:30 – 10:00  lecture on first process of the day

10:00 – 10:45  self-healing process 8

45 minutes: awakening activating your Mer Ka Ba (Human Light Body) from inside the Tiny most Sacred space inside the human heart.

10:45 – 11:00  reflect on previous process

11:00 – 11:30 lecture on second process of the day

11:30 – 12:15  self-healing process 10

45 minutes: multidimensional alignment, connecting to your true multidimensional self. Realigning all of your chakras with your 4, 5 6th dimensional self, 7 & 8 dimensional self, your 9 & 10th dimensional self, 11 & 12th dimensional self.

12:15 – 13:15  lunch break

13:15 – 13:30  reflect on previous process

13:30 – 14:00  lecture on third process of the day

14:00 – 15:30  self-healing process 11

90 minutes self-healing meditation: thirteen chakra meditation, linking your 13 chakras, with your Higher Self 13 chakras, linking your 13 chakras with Mother Earth and Anchoring your Pillar of Light from the Great Central Sun.

15:30 – 15:45  reflect on previous process

15:45 – 16:15  lecture on fourth process of the day

16:15 – 17:15  60 minutes: Ascension Chamber of Light. Last 90 degree turn, final step in the “Awakening the Illuminated Heart” awakening your highest potential, living in the heart,  living in the seed of the soul.

17:15 – 17:45  reflect on previous process, end of the workshop.

Pre-Registration is required to attend, the price is 3.330.000 IDR and includes all materials and healthy vegan lunch on all days. For more information and registration email us to or WhatsApp at +62 812 3982 0292

We are excited to invite any soul with or without healing experience and knowledge. RSVP before 12pm on November 26.

For reviews and recommendations from previous clients, click on any of the links below:




Living in the Light of your own heart, Sofia & Martijn

View Event →
to Nov 22

Intensive Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing workshop

Schermafbeelding 2020-08-09 om 18.02.02.png

Living in Mana is all about moving human consciousness, awareness and spirit from living in the duality/polarity of the mind to living in the original singular reality in the heart. Living in Mana is a journey to living in the seed of the soul.

Before you are able to move your consciousness, awareness and spirit from the mind into the heart, you have to have done your inner work. As your heart is your direct connection to your subconscious. Your subconscious part of mind that is hidden in your physical part of mind needs to be emptied from negative memories of this life, past life and ancestral lineage.

Our intension with this 3 day Intensive Pleiadian Lightwork - Energy Healing workshop is to give each participant the tools they need to self-heal the subconscious. Awakening your Divine Ka -Ka means body in Egyptian- Awakening your Divine Body.

Teachings we use come from the Pleiadian Lightwork - Energy Healing Mystery School the Dolphin Star Temple Mystery School in Mount Shasta, California, USA founded by Amorah Quan Yin. The Dolphin Star Temple Mystery school teachings are based on the Mystery school teachings of Atlantis, Lemuria and Egypt, channeled teachings from the Ascended Masters, Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, Andromeda Emissaries of Light and the Sirian Archangelic League of Light.

The 3 day intensive Pleiadian Lightwork – Energy Healing workshop comes with a manual with all the information needed to self-heal the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual elements in the 7 main chakras. Also we will be learning to practice a hands-on Pleiadian Lightwork – Energy Healing session on someone else (day 3). 

All guided meditation processes will be recorded live and given to the participants, so you are able to re-listen to the recordings, whenever you feel you want to remember. The recordings and the manual will able you to keep working on yourself, whenever you feel blocked.

Day one: Pleiadian Lightwork - Energy Healing workshop:

09:00 – 09:30  welcome word

09:30 – 10:00  lecture about first process

10:00 - 11:00  preparing for Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing process 1

60 minutes self-healing meditation process: grounding, aura clearing exercises, clearing with roses, clearing chakras. 

11:00 – 11:30  reflection on previous process

11:30 – 12:00  lecture about second process

12:00 – 13:00  preparing for Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing process 2

60 minutes self-healing meditation process: 

Bringing chakras back into present time, energetic de-cording (removing energetic cords). 

13:00 – 14:00  lunch break

14:00 – 14:30  reflection on previous process

14:30 – 15:00  lecture about third process

15:00 – 16:00  preparing for Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing process 3

60 minutes self-healing process: clearing negative pictures, beliefs, judgements, perfect pictures, thoughtforms.

16:00 – 16:30  reflection on previous process

16:30 – 17:00  lecture on fourth process

17:00 – 18:00  preparing for Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing process 4

Clearing psychic agreements (contracts), Physical, Emotional, Mental & Spiritual Synchronization Chamber of Light.

18:00 – 18:30  reflection on previous process, end of the day one.

Homework      that day before going to bed, do the process for the “Sleeping Chamber of Light” and doze off to sleep.

Day 2:  Pleiadian Lightwork - Energy Healing workshop:

09:00 – 09:30  welcome word

09:30 – 10:00  lecture about first process of the day

10:00 – 11:00  Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing process 1

60 minutes self-heling meditation process: meeting the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, clearing and activating your Ka Template, opening your Ka channels and Dolphin Brain repatterning.

11:00 – 11:30  reflection on previous process

11:30 – 12:00  lecture on second process of the day

12:00 – 13:00  Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing process 2

60 minutes self-healing meditation process: 

Dolphin Moves, Etheric Hands-On Dolphin Brain Repatterning, Integration Chamber of Light.

13:00 – 14:00  Lunch break

14:30 – 15:00  reflection on previous process

15:00 – 16:30  Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing process 3

90 minutes self-healing meditation process: Integrating and healing your subpersonalities, meeting your Inner Nurturer, meeting your Inner Child, meeting your Inner Warrior/ Warrioress, meeting your inner Spirit, balancing your Personal Shield, subpersonality Harmonization Chamber of Light.

16:30 – 17:00  reflection on previous process, end of day two Intensive.

Homework      that day before going to bed, do the process for the “Interdimensional Chamber of Light”

Day three: Pleiadian Lightwork - Energy Healing workshop:

09:00 – 09:30  welcome words

09:30 – 10:00  lecture on first process of the day

10:00 – 11:00  Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing process 4

60 minutes self-healing meditation process: clearing erroneous Neural Pathways, cellular Reorientation and Repatterning session.

11:00 – 11:30  reflect on previous process

11:30 – 12:00  lecture on second process of the day

12:00 – 13:00  Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing process 5

60 minutes self-healing meditation process: Higher Self Connection, blending with Your Higher Self, Divine Axis Alignment with your Higher Self, Divine Axis Realignment Chamber of Light.

13:00 – 14:00  Lunch break 

14:00 – 14:30  reflection on previous process

14:30 – 15:00  lecture on how to facilitate Pleiadian Lightwork on someone

15:00 – 15:45  Pleiadian Lightwork facilitation session 1

45 minutes practicing doing Pleiadian Lightwork on someone, hands on

15:45 – 16:00  short break

16:00 – 16:45  Pleiadian Lightwork facilitation session 2

45 minutes practicing doing Pleiadian Lightwork on someone, hands on

16:45 – 17:30  reflect on previous process, end of 3 day intensive.

Homework: that day before going to bed, do the process for the “Quantum Transfiguration Chamber of Light”. The day after before going to bed, do the process for the “Emotional Healing Chamber of Light”. The day after that before going to bed, do the process for the “Love Configuration Chamber of Light”.

Pre-Registration is required to attend, the price is 3.330.000 IDR and includes all materials and healthy vegan lunch on all days. For more information and registration email us to or WhatsApp at +62 812 3982 0292

We are excited to invite any soul with or without healing experience and knowledge. Minimum age is 14 years old. Registration before 12pm on November 19.

For reviews and recommendations from previous clients, click on any of the links below:




Living in the Light of your Heart, Sofia & Martijn

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12:00 PM12:00

Human Design Reading workshop

Schermafbeelding 2020-07-18 om 17.57.43.png

Living in Mana is all about moving human consciousness, awareness and spirit from living in the duality/polarity of the mind to living in the original singular reality in the heart. Living in Mana is a journey to living in the seed to the soul.

Human Design gives you an energy blueprint from the moment that you were born. Your unique Human Design energy blueprint will give you direction, shows you your purpose in life and what your energy is about and what not. To live out your authentic self and illuminate you’re not authentic self.

Human Design is really the foundation for your journey in self-transformation, self-understanding, self-adventure and spiritual growth. 

We have designed this workshop to create an interactive way for you to learn your foundational Human Design energy blue-print and to for you to learn other people’s Human Design.

This gives you a better understanding about following your authentic self and how others follow their authentic self. And you are able to illuminate your not authentic self and help guide people around you to illuminate their not authentic self. 

In this Human Design Reading workshop you will learn about:

-       The four different energy types within humanity (1.) Generator or Manifesting Generator, 2.) Manifestor, 3.) Projector & 4.) Reflector each energy type has a different role and purpose within humanity

-       The different strategies in life for each different energy type

-       Your authority and the authority of the people around you

-       What each of the nine energy centers/ chakras mean for you and the people you interact with, which chakras are open and enveloping for wisdom or conditioning and which chakras are defined/ closed to find your truth inside of yourself

-       How the energy inside of you and the people you interact with are defined, or perhaps split, triple split, quadruple split or no definition and what this means for your and the people you interact with

-       How to live out your life purpose by staying true to your unique soul’s profile and incarnation cross

-       What are the possible difficulties in the polarities of different Human Designs and how are you able to manifest the partner and life you desire, using and living out your Human Design.

After the workshop you will know the foundation of your own Human Design energy blue print and the foundation of the Human Design energy blue print from the people you interact with. To know yourself is to know your Human Design.

The whole workshop will be recorded on audio and given out to the participants who attend the workshop, so you can listen to the audio recording again and again. We will also be handing out your personal Human Design document, for your to read and reflect on after the workshop.

Sunday 15th November 12:00 till 4:00pm price 500k pp.

Living in the Light of your Heart,  Sofia & Martijn 

Want to read more about Human Design?

Check these two articles on our website:

Why Human Design?

Get your personalized Human Design Reading

View Event →
to Nov 8

Intensive Sacred Bodywork workshop

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Do you want to gain a deeper understanding about holistic intuitive bodywork & massage?

Would you like to learn how to poetically intuitively move through a body, while playing your own symphony?   

Come and join us on this unique hearted workshop. Where we brought together two different traditional and holistic methods ARYM and Alchemy of Touch. In this intensive Sacred Bodywork workshop you will learn how to give a holistic & therapeutic massage using techniques on the back & front of the body. You learn how to release energetic blockages, throughout the physical body’s nervous system, muscle & fascia (myofacial release). 

The workshop is designed and intended to give you enough understanding about holistic intuitive bodywork & massage to start practicing on loved once, friends, family and acquaintances. Also the workshop will give you a deeper understanding how the physical body holds on to physical, emotional, mental, and energetic blockages. After this intensive you are able to consider if you would like to pursuit deepening your knowledge and wisdom and become a Living in Mana – Deep healing bodywork & energy healer.

Living in Mana is all about moving human consciousness, awareness and spirit from living in the duality/polarity of the mind to living in the original singular reality in the heart. Living in Mana is a journey to living in the seed to the soul.

Our body is our highest creation in this physical existence, sacred geometry, the geometry of creation, the Flower of Life is you, it’s who you are, you are the creator of your own reality. 

You will learn the basics of the ancient secret of the Flower of Life, the geometry of creation and a meditation to reconnect back to Living in the Heart – the heart is the seed of the soul & the seed to the soul. 

Also we will be giving you energetic tools to protect your aura and set healthy boundaries for you as a practitioner and your future clients, so you don’t feel chattered after giving a healing bodywork massage session. You will be working with your own 100% organic natural virgin coconut oil and essential oils.

All of the techniques explained will be documented in a manual, explaining in writing the technique, photo corresponding to the technique and anatomy corresponding to the technique. You will also receive a certificate of completion of your “Intensive Sacred Bodywork Workshop”.


Day 1:

09:00 – 09:30  Group meditation to set a sacred work space

09:30 – 12:30  Explanation & practice of techniques on back torso, shoulders, arms & hands

12:30 – 13:30  Vegan lunch break

13:30 – 16:00  Explanation & practice of techniques on hips, sacrum, legs & feet

16:00 – 16:30  Clearing & cleansing meditation after the practice 

Day 2:

09:00 – 09:30  Group meditation to set a sacred work space

09:30 – 12:30  Explanation & practice of techniques on the psoas, belly, diaphragm, ribcage 

12:30 – 13:30  Vegan lunch break

13:30 – 16:00  Explanation & practice of techniques on the front of the legs and neck

16:00 – 16:30  Clearing & cleansing meditation after the practice

Day 3:

09:00 – 09:30  Group meditation to set a sacred works space

09:30 – 11:30  Practice session 1: each participant gets two hours to poetically intuitively move through a full bodywork session, while playing their own symphony.

11:30 – 13:00  Lunch time

13:00 – 15:00  Practice session 2: each participant gets two hours to poetically intuitively move through a full bodywork session, while playing their own symphony.

15:00 – 15:30  Small break

15:30 – 16:30  Clearing & cleansing meditation after the practice full bodywork session.

Pre-Registration is required to attend, the price is 3.330.000 IDR and includes all materials and healthy vegan lunch on all days. For more information and registration email us to or WhatsApp at +62 812 3982 0292.

We are excited to invite any soul with or without holistic bodywork massage knowledge. Minimum age is 12 years old. Registration before 12pm on November 5.

Sofia Mellano is a certified Ayurvedic Yoga Massage therapist thought in ARYM Institute by Ananta Sylvain Girard in India. This method combines the traditional holistic Indian massage based on Ayurveda with modern yoga inspired stretches and strokes similar to Thai Deep Tissue therapy.

Martijn Vroemen is a certified Alchemy of Touch therapist thought in the “Alchemy of Touch Bodywork Academy” by Tapesh Paradiso & Anouk Devi. Alchemy of Touch is a dynamic & poetic form of transformational bodywork. Including Deep Tissue, Myofascial Chi-Release, Holistic Bodywork, Fluid Touch (Alchemy of Touch), Joint Mobilization (Trager), Visceral (Hara/ Belly) Work, Deep Tissue in Motion (Alchemy of Touch), Thai Yoga Stretches, Meditation, Osho Rebalancing Massage, Digital pressure Massage, Polarity Energy Work. More info on “Why I chose to become a Alchemy of Touch therapist?” can be found here. 

Sofia & Martijn’s knowledge & wisdom in Pleiadian & Sirian Lightwork from the Dolphin Star Temple Mystery School and ancient secret of the Flower of Life from the School of Remembering Mystery School will be included into the workshop. 

For reviews and recommendations from previous clients, click on any of the links below:




Living in the Light of your Heart, Sofia & Martijn

View Event →
12:00 AM00:00

Human Design Reading workshop

Schermafbeelding 2020-07-18 om 17.57.23.png

Living in Mana is all about moving human consciousness, awareness and spirit from living in the duality/polarity of the mind to living in the original singular reality in the heart. Living in Mana is a journey to living in the seed to the soul.

Human Design gives you an energy blueprint from the moment that you were born. Your unique Human Design energy blueprint will give you direction, shows you your purpose in life and what your energy is about and what not. To live out your authentic self and illuminate you’re not authentic self.

Human Design is really the foundation for your journey in self-transformation, self-understanding, self-adventure and spiritual growth. 

We have designed this workshop to create an interactive way for you to learn your foundational Human Design energy blue-print and to for you to learn other people’s Human Design.

This gives you a better understanding about following your authentic self and how others follow their authentic self. And you are able to illuminate your not authentic self and help guide people around you to illuminate their not authentic self. 

In this Human Design Reading workshop you will learn about:

-       The four different energy types within humanity (1.) Generator or Manifesting Generator, 2.) Manifestor, 3.) Projector & 4.) Reflector each energy type has a different role and purpose within humanity

-       The different strategies in life for each different energy type

-       Your authority and the authority of the people around you

-       What each of the nine energy centers/ chakras mean for you and the people you interact with, which chakras are open and enveloping for wisdom or conditioning and which chakras are defined/ closed to find your truth inside of yourself

-       How the energy inside of you and the people you interact with are defined, or perhaps split, triple split, quadruple split or no definition and what this means for your and the people you interact with

-       How to live out your life purpose by staying true to your unique soul’s profile and incarnation cross

-       What are the possible difficulties in the polarities of different Human Designs and how are you able to manifest the partner and life you desire, using and living out your Human Design.

After the workshop you will know the foundation of your own Human Design energy blue print and the foundation of the Human Design energy blue print from the people you interact with. To know yourself is to know your Human Design.

The whole workshop will be recorded on audio and given out to the participants who attend the workshop, so you can listen to the audio recording again and again. We will also be handing out your personal Human Design document, for your to read and reflect on after the workshop.

Saturday 31 October 12:00 till 4:00pm price 500k pp.

Living in the Light of your Heart,  Sofia & Martijn 

Want to read more about Human Design?

Check these two articles on our website:

Why Human Design?

Get your personalized Human Design Reading

View Event →
to Oct 25

Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshop

Schermafbeelding 2020-08-12 om 14.40.37.png

Living in Mana is all about moving human consciousness, awareness and spirit from living in the duality/polarity of the mind to living in the original singular reality in the heart. Living in Mana is a journey to living in the seed of the soul.

With the “Awakening the Illuminated Heart” workshop we intent to give each participant a healing journey to Awaken their highest potential in this life. This workshop will give you substantial tools and information for your ascension into higher levels of awareness and consciousness in this life -your Mer Ka Ba or Human Light Body-

This is an advanced workshop and we suggest all attendees to first attend the “Intensive Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing” workshop before attending this workshop. The Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing workshop gives you the tools to awaken your Divine Ka -Ka means Body in Ancient Egyptian-

In the healing journey participants will learn to move their awareness, consciousness and spirit from living in the mind (polarity/ duality) to fully embodied living inside the human heart (singularity).

During this 3 day “Awakening the Illuminated Heart” workshop you will receive a manual with all the information discussed in the lectures and self-healing meditations. All guided meditation processes will be recorded live and given to the you for your own self-practice.

Credits for the ancient secret of the Flower of Life and “Awakening the Illuminated Heart” teachings have to go to Drunvalo Melchizedek and the School of Remembering Mystery School in Sedona, Arizona. More information can be found on our website: 

We blend the teachings from Drunvalo Melchizedek together with Pleiadian Lightwork from the Dolphin Star Temple Mystery School in Mount Shasta, California, USA founded by Amorah Quan Yin. The Dolphin Star Temple Mystery school teachings are based on the Mystery school teachings of Atlantis, Lemuria and Egypt, channeled teachings from the Ascended Masters, Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, Andromeda Emissaries of Light and the Sirian Archangelic League of Light. More info:

Day one, Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshop:

09:00 – 09:30 welcome words

09:30 – 10:00  lecture on first process of the day

10:00 – 11:30  self-healing process 1

90 minutes self-healing meditation: harmonizing subpersonalities (Inner Nurturer, Inner Child, Inner Warrior, Inner Spirit), Self-Saboteur work into the four corners of the subpersonalities, subpersonality Harmonization Chamber of Light.

11:30 – 11:45  reflection on previous process

11:45 – 12:00  lecture on second process of the day

12:00 – 13:00  self-healing process 2

60 minutes self-healing meditation:

Meeting the Sirian Archangels, Sacred Geometry Chamber of Light for the Soul.

13:00 – 14:00  Lunch time

14:00 – 14:30  reflect on previous process

14:30 – 15:00  lecture on third process of the day

15:00 – 16:00  self-heling process 3

60 minutes self-healing meditation: alignment with Cosmic Cycles of Time, healing past, present, future Hologram, Spit Body Integration Chamber of Light.

16:00 – 16:30  reflect on previous process

16:30 – 17:00  lecture on fourth process of the day

17:00 - 18:00  self-healing process 4

60 minutes self-healing meditation: clearing and activating your Kundalini and Sexual Channels Tantric Channels, Sacred Geometry Chamber of Light for the Perineum

18:00 – 18:30  reflect on previous process, end of first day

Homework      Sacred Geometry Chamber of Light for Pineal Gland.

Day 2, Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshop:

09:00 -  09:30  welcome words

09:30 – 10:00  lecture about first process of the day

10:00 – 11:00  self-healing process 5 

60 minutes self-healing meditation: Dolphin Moves, Dolphin Wave Chamber of Light.

11:00 – 11:30  reflection on previous process

11:30 – 12:00 lecture on second process of the day

12:00 – 13:00  self-healing process 6

60 minutes Sword of Truth & Holy Grail Initiation ceremony with Archangel Michael, the Sirian Archangelic League of Light, Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, the Ascended Masters and moving into the Sacred & Tiny Space of the Heart.

13:00 – 14:00  lunch break

14:00 – 14:30  reflection on previous process

14:30 – 15:00  lecture on third process of the day

15:00 – 15:30  self-healing process 7

15:30 – 17:00  reflect on previous process

90 minutes self-healing meditation: opening 3rd eye, activating beams of light, activating the wires to the beams of light, activating the human halo/ perfect golden sphere around the head from the tiny space within the heart. 

17:00 – 17:30  reflect on previous process, end of day 2

Homework      Sacred Geometry Chamber of Light for 108 faceted Prism

Day 3, Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshop:

09:00 – 09:30  welcome word

09:30 – 10:00  lecture on first process of the day

10:00 – 10:45  self-healing process 8

45 minutes: awakening activating your Mer Ka Ba (Human Light Body) from inside the Tiny most Sacred space inside the human heart.

10:45 – 11:00  reflect on previous process

11:00 – 11:30 lecture on second process of the day

11:30 – 12:15  self-healing process 10

45 minutes: multidimensional alignment, connecting to your true multidimensional self. Realigning all of your chakras with your 4, 5 6th dimensional self, 7 & 8 dimensional self, your 9 & 10th dimensional self, 11 & 12th dimensional self.

12:15 – 13:15  lunch break

13:15 – 13:30  reflect on previous process

13:30 – 14:00  lecture on third process of the day

14:00 – 15:30  self-healing process 11

90 minutes self-healing meditation: thirteen chakra meditation, linking your 13 chakras, with your Higher Self 13 chakras, linking your 13 chakras with Mother Earth and Anchoring your Pillar of Light from the Great Central Sun.

15:30 – 15:45  reflect on previous process

15:45 – 16:15  lecture on fourth process of the day

16:15 – 17:15  60 minutes: Ascension Chamber of Light. Last 90 degree turn, final step in the “Awakening the Illuminated Heart” awakening your highest potential, living in the heart,  living in the seed of the soul.

17:15 – 17:45  reflect on previous process, end of the workshop.

Pre-Registration is required to attend, the price is 3.330.000 IDR and includes all materials and healthy vegan lunch on all days. For more information and registration email us to or WhatsApp at +62 812 3982 0292

We are excited to invite any soul with or without healing experience and knowledge. RSVP before 12pm on October 22.

For reviews and recommendations from previous clients, click on any of the links below:




Living in the Light of your own heart, Sofia & Martijn

View Event →
to Oct 11

Intensive Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing workshop

Schermafbeelding 2020-08-09 om 17.56.08.png

Living in Mana is all about moving human consciousness, awareness and spirit from living in the duality/polarity of the mind to living in the original singular reality in the heart. Living in Mana is a journey to living in the seed of the soul.

Before you are able to move your consciousness, awareness and spirit from the mind into the heart, you have to have done your inner work. As your heart is your direct connection to your subconscious. Your subconscious part of mind that is hidden in your physical part of mind needs to be emptied from negative memories of this life, past life and ancestral lineage.

Our intension with this 3 day Intensive Pleiadian Lightwork - Energy Healing workshop is to give each participant the tools they need to self-heal the subconscious. Awakening your Divine Ka -Ka means body in Egyptian- Awakening your Divine Body.

Teachings we use come from the Pleiadian Lightwork - Energy Healing Mystery School the Dolphin Star Temple Mystery School in Mount Shasta, California, USA founded by Amorah Quan Yin. The Dolphin Star Temple Mystery school teachings are based on the Mystery school teachings of Atlantis, Lemuria and Egypt, channeled teachings from the Ascended Masters, Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, Andromeda Emissaries of Light and the Sirian Archangelic League of Light.

The 3 day intensive Pleiadian Lightwork – Energy Healing workshop comes with a manual with all the information needed to self-heal the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual elements in the 7 main chakras. Also we will be learning to practice a hands-on Pleiadian Lightwork – Energy Healing session on someone else (day 3). 

All guided meditation processes will be recorded live and given to the participants, so you are able to re-listen to the recordings, whenever you feel you want to remember. The recordings and the manual will able you to keep working on yourself, whenever you feel blocked.

Day one: Pleiadian Lightwork - Energy Healing workshop:

09:00 – 09:30  welcome word

09:30 – 10:00  lecture about first process

10:00 - 11:00  preparing for Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing process 1

60 minutes self-healing meditation process: grounding, aura clearing exercises, clearing with roses, clearing chakras. 

11:00 – 11:30  reflection on previous process

11:30 – 12:00  lecture about second process

12:00 – 13:00  preparing for Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing process 2

60 minutes self-healing meditation process: 

Bringing chakras back into present time, energetic de-cording (removing energetic cords). 

13:00 – 14:00  lunch break

14:00 – 14:30  reflection on previous process

14:30 – 15:00  lecture about third process

15:00 – 16:00  preparing for Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing process 3

60 minutes self-healing process: clearing negative pictures, beliefs, judgements, perfect pictures, thoughtforms.

16:00 – 16:30  reflection on previous process

16:30 – 17:00  lecture on fourth process

17:00 – 18:00  preparing for Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing process 4

Clearing psychic agreements (contracts), Physical, Emotional, Mental & Spiritual Synchronization Chamber of Light.

18:00 – 18:30  reflection on previous process, end of the day one.

Homework      that day before going to bed, do the process for the “Sleeping Chamber of Light” and doze off to sleep.

Day 2:  Pleiadian Lightwork - Energy Healing workshop:

09:00 – 09:30  welcome word

09:30 – 10:00  lecture about first process of the day

10:00 – 11:00  Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing process 1

60 minutes self-heling meditation process: meeting the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, clearing and activating your Ka Template, opening your Ka channels and Dolphin Brain repatterning.

11:00 – 11:30  reflection on previous process

11:30 – 12:00  lecture on second process of the day

12:00 – 13:00  Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing process 2

60 minutes self-healing meditation process: 

Dolphin Moves, Etheric Hands-On Dolphin Brain Repatterning, Integration Chamber of Light.

13:00 – 14:00  Lunch break

14:30 – 15:00  reflection on previous process

15:00 – 16:30  Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing process 3

90 minutes self-healing meditation process: Integrating and healing your subpersonalities, meeting your Inner Nurturer, meeting your Inner Child, meeting your Inner Warrior/ Warrioress, meeting your inner Spirit, balancing your Personal Shield, subpersonality Harmonization Chamber of Light.

16:30 – 17:00  reflection on previous process, end of day two Intensive.

Homework      that day before going to bed, do the process for the “Interdimensional Chamber of Light”

Day three: Pleiadian Lightwork - Energy Healing workshop:

09:00 – 09:30  welcome words

09:30 – 10:00  lecture on first process of the day

10:00 – 11:00  Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing process 4

60 minutes self-healing meditation process: clearing erroneous Neural Pathways, cellular Reorientation and Repatterning session.

11:00 – 11:30  reflect on previous process

11:30 – 12:00  lecture on second process of the day

12:00 – 13:00  Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing process 5

60 minutes self-healing meditation process: Higher Self Connection, blending with Your Higher Self, Divine Axis Alignment with your Higher Self, Divine Axis Realignment Chamber of Light.

13:00 – 14:00  Lunch break 

14:00 – 14:30  reflection on previous process

14:30 – 15:00  lecture on how to facilitate Pleiadian Lightwork on someone

15:00 – 15:45  Pleiadian Lightwork facilitation session 1

45 minutes practicing doing Pleiadian Lightwork on someone, hands on

15:45 – 16:00  short break

16:00 – 16:45  Pleiadian Lightwork facilitation session 2

45 minutes practicing doing Pleiadian Lightwork on someone, hands on

16:45 – 17:30  reflect on previous process, end of 3 day intensive.

Homework: that day before going to bed, do the process for the “Quantum Transfiguration Chamber of Light”. The day after before going to bed, do the process for the “Emotional Healing Chamber of Light”. The day after that before going to bed, do the process for the “Love Configuration Chamber of Light”.

Pre-Registration is required to attend, the price is 3.330.000 IDR and includes all materials and healthy vegan lunch on all days. For more information and registration email us to or WhatsApp at +62 812 3982 0292

We are excited to invite any soul with or without healing experience and knowledge. Minimum age is 14 years old. Registration before 12pm on October 8.

For reviews and recommendations from previous clients, click on any of the links below:




Living in the Light of your Heart, Sofia & Martijn

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5:30 PM17:30

Full Moon Circle - Sacred Ulu Watu

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Living in Mana is all about moving human consciousness, awareness and spirit from living in the duality/polarity of the mind to living in the original singular reality in the heart. Living in Mana is a journey to living in the seed to the soul.

On this full moon we like to invite you for a introduction of what Living in Mana is all about, awareness, consciousness elevating ceremonial experience in our Sacred Ulu Watu sanctuary.

We will open the full moon ceremony with a Satsang, were everybody who comes to the ceremony can share whatever truth they would like to share and add into the group process. Something they would like to work on for themselves that they want to share with the group, healing old beliefs, negative pictures, negative thought forms, certain old paradigm contracts, past, present, future re-alignment with cosmic cycles of time. You name it, it may be positive, negative or neutral and everyone can share their truth and feel safe and supported while sharing their truth.

During the meditation process we will be inviting the Pleiadian & Sirian Archangels of Light to guide us in releasing any old stuff. You will energetically meet the Emissaries of Light that go by the names of Archangel Michael, Hermes, Saint Germain.

We will also be guiding the group into the most Sacred Space within the human Heart. The Ascended Masters call this space in the Heart the hidden chamber in the Heart or the Tiny Space within the Sacred Space of the human Heart. 

We as human, are basically one big Flower of Life with 50 trillion body cells. The Flower of Life is the geometry of creation, it’s the geometry of consciousness. And as above, so below, so within, so without. Which means that Source, Creation or God is outside of us, but we can also become One with Source, Creation or God within ourselves.

The Human Heart holds the first cells in creation, the human Heart holds the original reality that is singular. In our heart the Flower of Life, geometry of creation, geometry of consciousness starts. When you see the Flower of Life, in the center you see all the spheres coming together in One central point. This One central point in the geometry is the Tiny space within your heart. Around that tiny space of the heart is a larger space, which is called the Sacred Space of the Heart.

Within this Tiny space in the human Heart you become one with God, but how God will manifest himself to you, is up to God alone. Once your spirit, awareness and consciousness enter this Tiny space inside your Heart. The vibration goes up with a few octaves. Once you know your way into this Sacred Tiny Space within your own Heart you can keep going back to this space where you find only love, you can create from love and singularity. To Living in the Heart.

We received the Sacred Tiny Space in the Heart teachings from Drunvalo Melchizedek. Drunvalo is from the order of Melchizedek, which is a higher dimensional level of consciousness from the Sirius star cluster. Melchizedek consciousness came to Mother Earth to help the Earths people raise their consciousness and ascend with the Earth to a new level of consciousness.

Everybody is welcome to walk in from 17:30. We start at 18:00 and go on till 20:00.

Suggested donation is 100k. If you cannot afford to donate anything, please come anyways as the donation is not a commitment for us. 

Living in the Light of your own Heart, Sofia & Martijn

View Event →
to Oct 4

Intensive Sacred Bodywork workshop

Schermafbeelding 2020-08-09 om 14.55.43.png

Do you want to gain a deeper understanding about holistic intuitive bodywork & massage?

Would you like to learn how to poetically intuitively move through a body, while playing your own symphony?   

Come and join us on this unique hearted workshop. Where we brought together two different traditional and holistic methods ARYM and Alchemy of Touch. In this intensive Sacred Bodywork workshop you will learn how to give a holistic & therapeutic massage using techniques on the back & front of the body. You learn how to release energetic blockages, throughout the physical body’s nervous system, muscle & fascia (myofacial release). 

The workshop is designed and intended to give you enough understanding about holistic intuitive bodywork & massage to start practicing on loved once, friends, family and acquaintances. Also the workshop will give you a deeper understanding how the physical body holds on to physical, emotional, mental, and energetic blockages. After this intensive you are able to consider if you would like to pursuit deepening your knowledge and wisdom and become a Living in Mana – Deep healing bodywork & energy healer.

Living in Mana is all about moving human consciousness, awareness and spirit from living in the duality/polarity of the mind to living in the original singular reality in the heart. Living in Mana is a journey to living in the seed to the soul.

Our body is our highest creation in this physical existence, sacred geometry, the geometry of creation, the Flower of Life is you, it’s who you are, you are the creator of your own reality. 

You will learn the basics of the ancient secret of the Flower of Life, the geometry of creation and a meditation to reconnect back to Living in the Heart – the heart is the seed of the soul & the seed to the soul. 

Also we will be giving you energetic tools to protect your aura and set healthy boundaries for you as a practitioner and your future clients, so you don’t feel chattered after giving a healing bodywork massage session. You will be working with your own 100% organic natural virgin coconut oil and essential oils.

All of the techniques explained will be documented in a manual, explaining in writing the technique, photo corresponding to the technique and anatomy corresponding to the technique. You will also receive a certificate of completion of your “Intensive Sacred Bodywork Workshop”.


Day 1:

09:00 – 09:30  Group meditation to set a sacred work space

09:30 – 12:30  Explanation & practice of techniques on back torso, shoulders, arms & hands

12:30 – 13:30  Vegan lunch break

13:30 – 16:00  Explanation & practice of techniques on hips, sacrum, legs & feet

16:00 – 16:30  Clearing & cleansing meditation after the practice 

Day 2:

09:00 – 09:30  Group meditation to set a sacred work space

09:30 – 12:30  Explanation & practice of techniques on the psoas, belly, diaphragm, ribcage 

12:30 – 13:30  Vegan lunch break

13:30 – 16:00  Explanation & practice of techniques on the front of the legs and neck

16:00 – 16:30  Clearing & cleansing meditation after the practice

Day 3:

09:00 – 09:30  Group meditation to set a sacred works space

09:30 – 11:30  Practice session 1: each participant gets two hours to poetically intuitively move through a full bodywork session, while playing their own symphony.

11:30 – 13:00  Lunch time

13:00 – 15:00  Practice session 2: each participant gets two hours to poetically intuitively move through a full bodywork session, while playing their own symphony.

15:00 – 15:30  Small break

15:30 – 16:30  Clearing & cleansing meditation after the practice full bodywork session.

Pre-Registration is required to attend, the price is 3.330.000 IDR and includes all materials and healthy vegan lunch on all days. For more information and registration email us to or WhatsApp at +62 812 3982 0292.

We have decided to move the location of our "Intensive Sacred Bodywork workshop" 2-4 October to Canggu. We will be hosting the workshop in this wonderful villa.

Jalan Raya Tumbakbayuh, No.5A

Mengwi Tumbak Bayuh

Bali 80351


We still have a few spots left in the workshop, we limit the workshop to 8 people maximum. Pre-register for your workshop by WhatsApp +62 812 3982 0292

In love & service Sofia & Martijn

We are excited to invite any soul with or without holistic bodywork massage knowledge. Minimum age is 12 years old. Registration before 12pm on October 1st.

Sofia Mellano is a certified Ayurvedic Yoga Massage therapist thought in ARYM Institute by Ananta Sylvain Girard in India. This method combines the traditional holistic Indian massage based on Ayurveda with modern yoga inspired stretches and strokes similar to Thai Deep Tissue therapy.

Martijn Vroemen is a certified Alchemy of Touch therapist thought in the “Alchemy of Touch Bodywork Academy” by Tapesh Paradiso & Anouk Devi. Alchemy of Touch is a dynamic & poetic form of transformational bodywork. Including Deep Tissue, Myofascial Chi-Release, Holistic Bodywork, Fluid Touch (Alchemy of Touch), Joint Mobilization (Trager), Visceral (Hara/ Belly) Work, Deep Tissue in Motion (Alchemy of Touch), Thai Yoga Stretches, Meditation, Osho Rebalancing Massage, Digital pressure Massage, Polarity Energy Work. More info on “Why I chose to become a Alchemy of Touch therapist?” can be found here. 

Sofia & Martijn’s knowledge & wisdom in Pleiadian & Sirian Lightwork from the Dolphin Star Temple Mystery School and ancient secret of the Flower of Life from the School of Remembering Mystery School will be included into the workshop. 

For reviews and recommendations from previous clients, click on any of the links below:




View Event →
to Sep 27

Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshop

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Living in Mana is all about moving human consciousness, awareness and spirit from living in the duality/polarity of the mind to living in the original singular reality in the heart. Living in Mana is a journey to living in the seed of the soul.

With the “Awakening the Illuminated Heart” workshop we intent to give each participant a healing journey to Awaken their highest potential in this life. This workshop will give you substantial tools and information for your ascension into higher levels of awareness and consciousness in this life -your Mer Ka Ba or Human Light Body-

This is an advanced workshop and we suggest all attendees to first attend the “Intensive Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing” workshop before attending this workshop. The Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing workshop gives you the tools to awaken your Divine Ka -Ka means Body in Ancient Egyptian-

In the healing journey participants will learn to move their awareness, consciousness and spirit from living in the mind (polarity/ duality) to fully embodied living inside the human heart (singularity).

During this 3 day “Awakening the Illuminated Heart” workshop you will receive a manual with all the information discussed in the lectures and self-healing meditations. All guided meditation processes will be recorded live and given to the you for your own self-practice.

Credits for the ancient secret of the Flower of Life and “Awakening the Illuminated Heart” teachings have to go to Drunvalo Melchizedek and the School of Remembering Mystery School in Sedona, Arizona. More information can be found on our website: 

We blend the teachings from Drunvalo Melchizedek together with Pleiadian Lightwork from the Dolphin Star Temple Mystery School in Mount Shasta, California, USA founded by Amorah Quan Yin. The Dolphin Star Temple Mystery school teachings are based on the Mystery school teachings of Atlantis, Lemuria and Egypt, channeled teachings from the Ascended Masters, Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, Andromeda Emissaries of Light and the Sirian Archangelic League of Light. More info:

Day one, Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshop:

09:00 – 09:30 welcome words

09:30 – 10:00  lecture on first process of the day

10:00 – 11:30  self-healing process 1

90 minutes self-healing meditation: harmonizing subpersonalities (Inner Nurturer, Inner Child, Inner Warrior, Inner Spirit), Self-Saboteur work into the four corners of the subpersonalities, subpersonality Harmonization Chamber of Light.

11:30 – 11:45  reflection on previous process

11:45 – 12:00  lecture on second process of the day

12:00 – 13:00  self-healing process 2

60 minutes self-healing meditation:

Meeting the Sirian Archangels, Sacred Geometry Chamber of Light for the Soul.

13:00 – 14:00  Lunch time

14:00 – 14:30  reflect on previous process

14:30 – 15:00  lecture on third process of the day

15:00 – 16:00  self-heling process 3

60 minutes self-healing meditation: alignment with Cosmic Cycles of Time, healing past, present, future Hologram, Spit Body Integration Chamber of Light.

16:00 – 16:30  reflect on previous process

16:30 – 17:00  lecture on fourth process of the day

17:00 - 18:00  self-healing process 4

60 minutes self-healing meditation: clearing and activating your Kundalini and Sexual Channels Tantric Channels, Sacred Geometry Chamber of Light for the Perineum

18:00 – 18:30  reflect on previous process, end of first day

Homework      Sacred Geometry Chamber of Light for Pineal Gland.

Day 2, Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshop:

09:00 -  09:30  welcome words

09:30 – 10:00  lecture about first process of the day

10:00 – 11:00  self-healing process 5 

60 minutes self-healing meditation: Dolphin Moves, Dolphin Wave Chamber of Light.

11:00 – 11:30  reflection on previous process

11:30 – 12:00 lecture on second process of the day

12:00 – 13:00  self-healing process 6

60 minutes Sword of Truth & Holy Grail Initiation ceremony with Archangel Michael, the Sirian Archangelic League of Light, Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, the Ascended Masters and moving into the Sacred & Tiny Space of the Heart.

13:00 – 14:00  lunch break

14:00 – 14:30  reflection on previous process

14:30 – 15:00  lecture on third process of the day

15:00 – 15:30  self-healing process 7

15:30 – 17:00  reflect on previous process

90 minutes self-healing meditation: opening 3rd eye, activating beams of light, activating the wires to the beams of light, activating the human halo/ perfect golden sphere around the head from the tiny space within the heart. 

17:00 – 17:30  reflect on previous process, end of day 2

Homework      Sacred Geometry Chamber of Light for 108 faceted Prism

Day 3, Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshop:

09:00 – 09:30  welcome word

09:30 – 10:00  lecture on first process of the day

10:00 – 10:45  self-healing process 8

45 minutes: awakening activating your Mer Ka Ba (Human Light Body) from inside the Tiny most Sacred space inside the human heart.

10:45 – 11:00  reflect on previous process

11:00 – 11:30 lecture on second process of the day

11:30 – 12:15  self-healing process 10

45 minutes: multidimensional alignment, connecting to your true multidimensional self. Realigning all of your chakras with your 4, 5 6th dimensional self, 7 & 8 dimensional self, your 9 & 10th dimensional self, 11 & 12th dimensional self.

12:15 – 13:15  lunch break

13:15 – 13:30  reflect on previous process

13:30 – 14:00  lecture on third process of the day

14:00 – 15:30  self-healing process 11

90 minutes self-healing meditation: thirteen chakra meditation, linking your 13 chakras, with your Higher Self 13 chakras, linking your 13 chakras with Mother Earth and Anchoring your Pillar of Light from the Great Central Sun.

15:30 – 15:45  reflect on previous process

15:45 – 16:15  lecture on fourth process of the day

16:15 – 17:15  60 minutes: Ascension Chamber of Light. Last 90 degree turn, final step in the “Awakening the Illuminated Heart” awakening your highest potential, living in the heart,  living in the seed of the soul.

17:15 – 17:45  reflect on previous process, end of the workshop.

Pre-Registration is required to attend, the price is 3.330.000 IDR and includes all materials and healthy vegan lunch on all days. For more information and registration email us to or WhatsApp at +62 812 3982 0292

We are excited to invite any soul with or without healing experience and knowledge. RSVP before 12pm on September 25.

For reviews and recommendations from previous clients, click on any of the links below:




Living in the Light of your own heart, Sofia & Martijn

View Event →
to Sep 20

Intensive pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing workshop

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Living in Mana is all about moving human consciousness, awareness and spirit from living in the duality/polarity of the mind to living in the original singular reality in the heart. Living in Mana is a journey to living in the seed of the soul.

Before you are able to move your consciousness, awareness and spirit from the mind into the heart, you have to have done your inner work. As your heart is your direct connection to your subconscious. Your subconscious part of mind that is hidden in your physical part of mind needs to be emptied from negative memories of this life, past life and ancestral lineage.

Our intension with this 3 day Intensive Pleiadian Lightwork - Energy Healing workshop is to give each participant the tools they need to self-heal the subconscious. Awakening your Divine Ka -Ka means body in Egyptian- Awakening your Divine Body.

Teachings we use come from the Pleiadian Lightwork - Energy Healing Mystery School the Dolphin Star Temple Mystery School in Mount Shasta, California, USA founded by Amorah Quan Yin. The Dolphin Star Temple Mystery school teachings are based on the Mystery school teachings of Atlantis, Lemuria and Egypt, channeled teachings from the Ascended Masters, Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, Andromeda Emissaries of Light and the Sirian Archangelic League of Light.

The 3 day intensive Pleiadian Lightwork – Energy Healing workshop comes with a manual with all the information needed to self-heal the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual elements in the 7 main chakras. Also we will be learning to practice a hands-on Pleiadian Lightwork – Energy Healing session on someone else (day 3). 

All guided meditation processes will be recorded live and given to the participants, so you are able to re-listen to the recordings, whenever you feel you want to remember. The recordings and the manual will able you to keep working on yourself, whenever you feel blocked.

Day one: Pleiadian Lightwork - Energy Healing workshop:

09:00 – 09:30  welcome word

09:30 – 10:00  lecture about first process

10:00 - 11:00  preparing for Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing process 1

60 minutes self-healing meditation process: grounding, aura clearing exercises, clearing with roses, clearing chakras. 

11:00 – 11:30  reflection on previous process

11:30 – 12:00  lecture about second process

12:00 – 13:00  preparing for Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing process 2

60 minutes self-healing meditation process: 

Bringing chakras back into present time, energetic de-cording (removing energetic cords). 

13:00 – 14:00  lunch break

14:00 – 14:30  reflection on previous process

14:30 – 15:00  lecture about third process

15:00 – 16:00  preparing for Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing process 3

60 minutes self-healing process: clearing negative pictures, beliefs, judgements, perfect pictures, thoughtforms.

16:00 – 16:30  reflection on previous process

16:30 – 17:00  lecture on fourth process

17:00 – 18:00  preparing for Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing process 4

Clearing psychic agreements (contracts), Physical, Emotional, Mental & Spiritual Synchronization Chamber of Light.

18:00 – 18:30  reflection on previous process, end of the day one.

Homework      that day before going to bed, do the process for the “Sleeping Chamber of Light” and doze off to sleep.

Day 2:  Pleiadian Lightwork - Energy Healing workshop:

09:00 – 09:30  welcome word

09:30 – 10:00  lecture about first process of the day

10:00 – 11:00  Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing process 1

60 minutes self-heling meditation process: meeting the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, clearing and activating your Ka Template, opening your Ka channels and Dolphin Brain repatterning.

11:00 – 11:30  reflection on previous process

11:30 – 12:00  lecture on second process of the day

12:00 – 13:00  Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing process 2

60 minutes self-healing meditation process: 

Dolphin Moves, Etheric Hands-On Dolphin Brain Repatterning, Integration Chamber of Light.

13:00 – 14:00  Lunch break

14:30 – 15:00  reflection on previous process

15:00 – 16:30  Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing process 3

90 minutes self-healing meditation process: Integrating and healing your subpersonalities, meeting your Inner Nurturer, meeting your Inner Child, meeting your Inner Warrior/ Warrioress, meeting your inner Spirit, balancing your Personal Shield, subpersonality Harmonization Chamber of Light.

16:30 – 17:00  reflection on previous process, end of day two Intensive.

Homework      that day before going to bed, do the process for the “Interdimensional Chamber of Light”

Day three: Pleiadian Lightwork - Energy Healing workshop:

09:00 – 09:30  welcome words

09:30 – 10:00  lecture on first process of the day

10:00 – 11:00  Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing process 4

60 minutes self-healing meditation process: clearing erroneous Neural Pathways, cellular Reorientation and Repatterning session.

11:00 – 11:30  reflect on previous process

11:30 – 12:00  lecture on second process of the day

12:00 – 13:00  Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing process 5

60 minutes self-healing meditation process: Higher Self Connection, blending with Your Higher Self, Divine Axis Alignment with your Higher Self, Divine Axis Realignment Chamber of Light.

13:00 – 14:00  Lunch break 

14:00 – 14:30  reflection on previous process

14:30 – 15:00  lecture on how to facilitate Pleiadian Lightwork on someone

15:00 – 15:45  Pleiadian Lightwork facilitation session 1

45 minutes practicing doing Pleiadian Lightwork on someone, hands on

15:45 – 16:00  short break

16:00 – 16:45  Pleiadian Lightwork facilitation session 2

45 minutes practicing doing Pleiadian Lightwork on someone, hands on

16:45 – 17:30  reflect on previous process, end of 3 day intensive.

Homework: that day before going to bed, do the process for the “Quantum Transfiguration Chamber of Light”. The day after before going to bed, do the process for the “Emotional Healing Chamber of Light”. The day after that before going to bed, do the process for the “Love Configuration Chamber of Light”.

Pre-Registration is required to attend, the price is 3.330.000 IDR and includes all materials and healthy vegan lunch on all days. For more information and registration email us to or WhatsApp at +62 812 3982 0292

We are excited to invite any soul with or without healing experience and knowledge. Minimum age is 14 years old. Registration before 12pm on August 19.

For reviews and recommendations from previous clients, click on any of the links below:




Living in the Light of your Heart, Sofia & Martijn

View Event →
to Sep 13

Intensive Sacred Bodywork Workshop

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Do you want to gain a deeper understanding about holistic intuitive bodywork & massage?

Would you like to learn how to poetically intuitively move through a body, while playing your own symphony?      

Come and join us on this unique hearted workshop. Where we brought together two different traditional and holistic methods ARYM and Alchemy of Touch. In this intensive Sacred Bodywork workshop you will learn how to give a holistic & therapeutic massage using techniques on the back & front of the body. You learn how to release energetic blockages, throughout the physical body’s nervous system, muscle & fascia (myofacial release). 

The workshop is designed and intended to give you enough understanding about holistic intuitive bodywork & massage to start practicing on loved once, friends, family and acquaintances. Also the workshop will give you a deeper understanding how the physical body holds on to physical, emotional, mental, and energetic blockages. After this intensive you are able to consider if you would like to pursuit deepening your knowledge and wisdom and become a Living in Mana – Deep healing bodywork & energy healer.

Living in Mana is all about moving human consciousness, awareness and spirit from living in the duality polarity of the mind, to living with human consciousness, awareness and spirit in the original singularity reality in the heart. Living in Mana – reconnect to your essence. Living in the Heart – a journey to living in the seed to the soul.

Our body is our highest creation in this physical existence, sacred geometry, the geometry of creation, the Flower of Life is you, it’s who you are, you are the creator of your own reality. 

You will learn the basics of the ancient secret of the Flower of Life, the geometry of creation and a meditation to reconnect back to Living in the Heart – the heart is the seed of the soul & the seed to the soul. 

Also we will be giving you energetic tools to protect your aura and set healthy boundaries for you as a practitioner and your future clients, so you don’t feel chattered after giving a healing bodywork massage session. You will be working with your own 100% organic natural virgin coconut oil and essential oils.


All of the techniques explained will be documented in a manual, explaining in writing the technique, photo corresponding to the technique and anatomy corresponding to the technique. You will also receive a certificate of completion of your “Intensive Sacred Bodywork Workshop”.


Saturday 12th September:

09:00 – 09:30  Group meditation to set a sacred work space

09:30 – 12:30  Explanation & practice of techniques on back torso, shoulders, arms & hands

12:30 – 13:30  Vegan lunch break

13:30 – 16:00  Explanation & practice of techniques on hips, sacrum, legs & feet

16:00 – 16:30  Clearing & cleansing meditation after the practice 

Sunday 13th September:

09:00 – 09:30  Group meditation to set a sacred work space

09:30 – 12:30  Explanation & practice of techniques on the psoas, belly, diaphragm, ribcage 

12:30 – 13:30  Vegan lunch break

13:30 – 16:00  Explanation & practice of techniques on the front of the legs and neck

16:00 – 16:30  Clearing & cleansing meditation after the practice

Pre-Registration is required to attend, the price is $150 USD and includes all materials and healthy vegan lunch on both Friday & Saturday. For more information and registration email us to or WhatsApp at +62 812 3982 0292.

Sofia Mellano is a certified Ayurvedic Yoga Massage therapist thought in ARYM Institute by Ananta Sylvain Girard in India. This method combines the traditional holistic Indian massage based on Ayurveda with modern yoga inspired stretches and strokes similar to Thai Deep Tissue therapy.

Martijn Vroemen is a certified Alchemy of Touch therapist thought in the “Alchemy of Touch Bodywork Academy” by Tapesh Paradiso & Anouk Devi. Alchemy of Touch is a dynamic & poetic form of transformational bodywork. Including Deep Tissue, Myofascial Chi-Release, Holistic Bodywork, Fluid Touch (Alchemy of Touch), Joint Mobilization (Trager), Visceral (Hara/ Belly) Work, Deep Tissue in Motion (Alchemy of Touch), Thai Yoga Stretches, Meditation, Osho Rebalancing Massage, Digital pressure Massage, Polarity Energy Work. More info on “Why I chose to become a Alchemy of Touch therapist?” can be found here. 

Sofia & Martijn’s knowledge & wisdom in Pleiadian & Sirian Lightwork from the Dolphin Star Temple Mystery School and ancient secret of the Flower of Life from the School of Remembering Mystery School will be included into the workshop.  

We are excited to invite any soul with or without holistic bodywork massage knowledge. Minimum age is 12 years old. Registration before 12pm on September 11th.

For reviews and recommendations from previous clients, click on any of the links below:




Living in the Light of your own Heart, Sofia & Martijn

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12:00 PM12:00

Human Design Reading workshop

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Living in Mana is all about moving human consciousness, awareness and spirit from living in the duality/polarity of the mind to living in the original singular reality in the heart. Living in Mana is a journey to living in the seed to the soul.

Human Design gives you an energy blueprint from the moment that you were born. Your unique Human Design energy blueprint will give you direction, shows you your purpose in life and what your energy is about and what not. To live out your authentic self and illuminate you’re not authentic self.

Human Design is really the foundation for your journey in self-transformation, self-understanding, self-adventure and spiritual growth. 

We have designed this workshop to create an interactive way for you to learn your foundational Human Design energy blue-print and to for you to learn other people’s Human Design.

This gives you a better understanding about following your authentic self and how others follow their authentic self. And you are able to illuminate your not authentic self and help guide people around you to illuminate their not authentic self. 

In this Human Design Reading workshop you will learn about:

-       The four different energy types within humanity (1.) Generator or Manifesting Generator, 2.) Manifestor, 3.) Projector & 4.) Reflector each energy type has a different role and purpose within humanity

-       The different strategies in life for each different energy type

-       Your authority and the authority of the people around you

-       What each of the nine energy centers/ chakras mean for you and the people you interact with, which chakras are open and enveloping for wisdom or conditioning and which chakras are defined/ closed to find your truth inside of yourself

-       How the energy inside of you and the people you interact with are defined, or perhaps split, triple split, quadruple split or no definition and what this means for your and the people you interact with

-       How to live out your life purpose by staying true to your unique soul’s profile and incarnation cross

-       What are the possible difficulties in the polarities of different Human Designs and how are you able to manifest the partner and life you desire, using and living out your Human Design.

After the workshop you will know the foundation of your own Human Design energy blue print and the foundation of the Human Design energy blue print from the people you interact with. To know yourself is to know your Human Design.

The whole workshop will be recorded on audio and given out to the participants who attend the workshop, so you can listen to the audio recording again and again. We will also be handing out your personal Human Design document, for your to read and reflect on after the workshop.

Saturday 5th September 12:00 till 4:00pm price 500k pp.

Living in the Light of your Heart,  Sofia & Martijn 

Want to read more about Human Design?

Check these two articles on our website:

Why Human Design?

Get your personalized Human Design Reading

View Event →
5:30 PM17:30

Full Moon Circle - Sacred Ulu Watu

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Living in Mana is all about moving human consciousness, awareness and spirit from living in the duality/polarity of the mind to living in the original singular reality in the heart. Living in Mana is a journey to living in the seed to the soul.

On this full moon we like to invite you for a introduction of what Living in Mana is all about, awareness, consciousness elevating ceremonial experience in our Sacred Ulu Watu sanctuary.

We will open the full moon ceremony with a Satsang, were everybody who comes to the ceremony can share whatever truth they would like to share and add into the group process. Something they would like to work on for themselves that they want to share with the group, healing old beliefs, negative pictures, negative thought forms, certain old paradigm contracts, past, present, future re-alignment with cosmic cycles of time. You name it, it may be positive, negative or neutral and everyone can share their truth and feel safe and supported while sharing their truth.

During the meditation process we will be inviting the Pleiadian & Sirian Archangels of Light to guide us in releasing any old stuff. You will energetically meet the Emissaries of Light that go by the names of Archangel Michael, Hermes, Saint Germain.

We will also be guiding the group into the most Sacred Space within the human Heart. The Ascended Masters call this space in the Heart the hidden chamber in the Heart or the Tiny Space within the Sacred Space of the human Heart. 

We as human, are basically one big Flower of Life with 50 trillion body cells. The Flower of Life is the geometry of creation, it’s the geometry of consciousness. And as above, so below, so within, so without. Which means that Source, Creation or God is outside of us, but we can also become One with Source, Creation or God within ourselves.

The Human Heart holds the first cells in creation, the human Heart holds the original reality that is singular. In our heart the Flower of Life, geometry of creation, geometry of consciousness starts. When you see the Flower of Life, in the center you see all the spheres coming together in One central point. This One central point in the geometry is the Tiny space within your heart. Around that tiny space of the heart is a larger space, which is called the Sacred Space of the Heart.

Within this Tiny space in the human Heart you become one with God, but how God will manifest himself to you, is up to God alone. Once your spirit, awareness and consciousness enter this Tiny space inside your Heart. The vibration goes up with a few octaves. Once you know your way into this Sacred Tiny Space within your own Heart you can keep going back to this space where you find only love, you can create from love and singularity. To Living in the Heart.

We received the Sacred Tiny Space in the Heart teachings from Drunvalo Melchizedek. Drunvalo is from the order of Melchizedek, which is a higher dimensional level of consciousness from the Sirius star cluster. Melchizedek consciousness came to Mother Earth to help the Earths people raise their consciousness and ascend with the Earth to a new level of consciousness.

Everybody is welcome to walk in from 17:30. We start at 18:00 and go on till 20:00.

Suggested donation is 100k. If you cannot afford to donate anything, please come anyways as the donation is not a commitment for us. 

Living in the Light of your own Heart, Sofia & Martijn

View Event →
to Aug 30

Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshop

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Living in Mana is all about moving human consciousness, awareness and spirit from living in the duality/polarity of the mind to living in the original singular reality in the heart. Living in Mana is a journey to living in the seed of the soul.

With the “Awakening the Illuminated Heart” workshop we intent to give each participant a healing journey to Awaken their highest potential in this life. This workshop will give you substantial tools and information for your ascension into higher levels of awareness and consciousness in this life -your Mer Ka Ba or Human Light Body-

This is an advanced workshop and we suggest all attendees to first attend the “Intensive Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing” workshop before attending this workshop. The Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing workshop gives you the tools to awaken your Divine Ka -Ka means Body in Ancient Egyptian-

In the healing journey participants will learn to move their awareness, consciousness and spirit from living in the mind (polarity/ duality) to fully embodied living inside the human heart (singularity).

During this 3 day “Awakening the Illuminated Heart” workshop you will receive a manual with all the information discussed in the lectures and self-healing meditations. All guided meditation processes will be recorded live and given to the you for your own self-practice.

Credits for the ancient secret of the Flower of Life and “Awakening the Illuminated Heart” teachings have to go to Drunvalo Melchizedek and the School of Remembering Mystery School in Sedona, Arizona. More information can be found on our website: 

We blend the teachings from Drunvalo Melchizedek together with Pleiadian Lightwork from the Dolphin Star Temple Mystery School in Mount Shasta, California, USA founded by Amorah Quan Yin. The Dolphin Star Temple Mystery school teachings are based on the Mystery school teachings of Atlantis, Lemuria and Egypt, channeled teachings from the Ascended Masters, Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, Andromeda Emissaries of Light and the Sirian Archangelic League of Light. More info:

Day one, Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshop:

09:00 – 09:30 welcome words

09:30 – 10:00  lecture on first process of the day

10:00 – 11:30  self-healing process 1

90 minutes self-healing meditation: harmonizing subpersonalities (Inner Nurturer, Inner Child, Inner Warrior, Inner Spirit), Self-Saboteur work into the four corners of the subpersonalities, subpersonality Harmonization Chamber of Light.

11:30 – 11:45  reflection on previous process

11:45 – 12:00  lecture on second process of the day

12:00 – 13:00  self-healing process 2

60 minutes self-healing meditation:

Meeting the Sirian Archangels, Sacred Geometry Chamber of Light for the Soul.

13:00 – 14:00  Lunch time

14:00 – 14:30  reflect on previous process

14:30 – 15:00  lecture on third process of the day

15:00 – 16:00  self-heling process 3

60 minutes self-healing meditation: alignment with Cosmic Cycles of Time, healing past, present, future Hologram, Spit Body Integration Chamber of Light.

16:00 – 16:30  reflect on previous process

16:30 – 17:00  lecture on fourth process of the day

17:00 - 18:00  self-healing process 4

60 minutes self-healing meditation: clearing and activating your Kundalini and Sexual Channels Tantric Channels, Sacred Geometry Chamber of Light for the Perineum

18:00 – 18:30  reflect on previous process, end of first day

Homework      Sacred Geometry Chamber of Light for Pineal Gland.

Day 2, Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshop:

09:00 -  09:30  welcome words

09:30 – 10:00  lecture about first process of the day

10:00 – 11:00  self-healing process 5 

60 minutes self-healing meditation: Dolphin Moves, Dolphin Wave Chamber of Light.

11:00 – 11:30  reflection on previous process

11:30 – 12:00 lecture on second process of the day

12:00 – 13:00  self-healing process 6

60 minutes Sword of Truth & Holy Grail Initiation ceremony with Archangel Michael, the Sirian Archangelic League of Light, Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, the Ascended Masters and moving into the Sacred & Tiny Space of the Heart.

13:00 – 14:00  lunch break

14:00 – 14:30  reflection on previous process

14:30 – 15:00  lecture on third process of the day

15:00 – 15:30  self-healing process 7

15:30 – 17:00  reflect on previous process

90 minutes self-healing meditation: opening 3rd eye, activating beams of light, activating the wires to the beams of light, activating the human halo/ perfect golden sphere around the head from the tiny space within the heart. 

17:00 – 17:30  reflect on previous process, end of day 2

Homework      Sacred Geometry Chamber of Light for 108 faceted Prism

Day 3, Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshop:

09:00 – 09:30  welcome word

09:30 – 10:00  lecture on first process of the day

10:00 – 10:45  self-healing process 8

45 minutes: awakening activating your Mer Ka Ba (Human Light Body) from inside the Tiny most Sacred space inside the human heart.

10:45 – 11:00  reflect on previous process

11:00 – 11:30 lecture on second process of the day

11:30 – 12:15  self-healing process 10

45 minutes: multidimensional alignment, connecting to your true multidimensional self. Realigning all of your chakras with your 4, 5 6th dimensional self, 7 & 8 dimensional self, your 9 & 10th dimensional self, 11 & 12th dimensional self.

12:15 – 13:15  lunch break

13:15 – 13:30  reflect on previous process

13:30 – 14:00  lecture on third process of the day

14:00 – 15:30  self-healing process 11

90 minutes self-healing meditation: thirteen chakra meditation, linking your 13 chakras, with your Higher Self 13 chakras, linking your 13 chakras with Mother Earth and Anchoring your Pillar of Light from the Great Central Sun.

15:30 – 15:45  reflect on previous process

15:45 – 16:15  lecture on fourth process of the day

16:15 – 17:15  60 minutes: Ascension Chamber of Light. Last 90 degree turn, final step in the “Awakening the Illuminated Heart” awakening your highest potential, living in the heart,  living in the seed of the soul.

17:15 – 17:45  reflect on previous process, end of the workshop.

Pre-Registration is required to attend, the price is 3.330.000 IDR and includes all materials and healthy vegan lunch on all days. For more information and registration email us to or WhatsApp at +62 812 3982 0292

We are excited to invite any soul with or without healing experience and knowledge. RSVP before 12pm on August 27.

For reviews and recommendations from previous clients, click on any of the links below:




Living in the Light of your own heart, Sofia & Martijn

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to Aug 22

Intensive Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing workshop

Living in Mana is all about moving human consciousness, awareness and spirit from living in the duality/polarity of the mind to living in the original singular reality in the heart. Living in Mana is a journey to living in the seed of the soul.

Before you are able to move your consciousness, awareness and spirit from the mind into the heart, you have to have done your inner work. As your heart is your direct connection to your subconscious. Your subconscious part of mind that is hidden in your physical part of mind needs to be emptied from negative memories of this life, past life and ancestral lineage.

Our intension with this 3 day Intensive Pleiadian Lightwork - Energy Healing workshop is to give each participant the tools they need to self-heal the subconscious. Awakening your Divine Ka -Ka means body in Egyptian- Awakening your Divine Body.

Teachings we use come from the Pleiadian Lightwork - Energy Healing Mystery School the Dolphin Star Temple Mystery School in Mount Shasta, California, USA founded by Amorah Quan Yin. The Dolphin Star Temple Mystery school teachings are based on the Mystery school teachings of Atlantis, Lemuria and Egypt, channeled teachings from the Ascended Masters, Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, Andromeda Emissaries of Light and the Sirian Archangelic League of Light.

The 3 day intensive Pleiadian Lightwork – Energy Healing workshop comes with a manual with all the information needed to self-heal the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual elements in the 7 main chakras. Also we will be learning to practice a hands-on Pleiadian Lightwork – Energy Healing session on someone else (day 3). 

All guided meditation processes will be recorded live and given to the participants, so you are able to re-listen to the recordings, whenever you feel you want to remember. The recordings and the manual will able you to keep working on yourself, whenever you feel blocked.

Day one: Pleiadian Lightwork - Energy Healing workshop:

09:00 – 09:30  welcome word

09:30 – 10:00  lecture about first process

10:00 - 11:00  preparing for Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing process 1

60 minutes self-healing meditation process: grounding, aura clearing exercises, clearing with roses, clearing chakras. 

11:00 – 11:30  reflection on previous process

11:30 – 12:00  lecture about second process

12:00 – 13:00  preparing for Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing process 2

60 minutes self-healing meditation process: 

Bringing chakras back into present time, energetic de-cording (removing energetic cords). 

13:00 – 14:00  lunch break

14:00 – 14:30  reflection on previous process

14:30 – 15:00  lecture about third process

15:00 – 16:00  preparing for Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing process 3

60 minutes self-healing process: clearing negative pictures, beliefs, judgements, perfect pictures, thoughtforms.

16:00 – 16:30  reflection on previous process

16:30 – 17:00  lecture on fourth process

17:00 – 18:00  preparing for Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing process 4

Clearing psychic agreements (contracts), Physical, Emotional, Mental & Spiritual Synchronization Chamber of Light.

18:00 – 18:30  reflection on previous process, end of the day one.

Homework      that day before going to bed, do the process for the “Sleeping Chamber of Light” and doze off to sleep.

Day 2:  Pleiadian Lightwork - Energy Healing workshop:

09:00 – 09:30  welcome word

09:30 – 10:00  lecture about first process of the day

10:00 – 11:00  Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing process 1

60 minutes self-heling meditation process: meeting the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, clearing and activating your Ka Template, opening your Ka channels and Dolphin Brain repatterning.

11:00 – 11:30  reflection on previous process

11:30 – 12:00  lecture on second process of the day

12:00 – 13:00  Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing process 2

60 minutes self-healing meditation process: 

Dolphin Moves, Etheric Hands-On Dolphin Brain Repatterning, Integration Chamber of Light.

13:00 – 14:00  Lunch break

14:30 – 15:00  reflection on previous process

15:00 – 16:30  Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing process 3

90 minutes self-healing meditation process: Integrating and healing your subpersonalities, meeting your Inner Nurturer, meeting your Inner Child, meeting your Inner Warrior/ Warrioress, meeting your inner Spirit, balancing your Personal Shield, subpersonality Harmonization Chamber of Light.

16:30 – 17:00  reflection on previous process, end of day two Intensive.

Homework      that day before going to bed, do the process for the “Interdimensional Chamber of Light”

Day three: Pleiadian Lightwork - Energy Healing workshop:

09:00 – 09:30  welcome words

09:30 – 10:00  lecture on first process of the day

10:00 – 11:00  Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing process 4

60 minutes self-healing meditation process: clearing erroneous Neural Pathways, cellular Reorientation and Repatterning session.

11:00 – 11:30  reflect on previous process

11:30 – 12:00  lecture on second process of the day

12:00 – 13:00  Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing process 5

60 minutes self-healing meditation process: Higher Self Connection, blending with Your Higher Self, Divine Axis Alignment with your Higher Self, Divine Axis Realignment Chamber of Light.

13:00 – 14:00  Lunch break 

14:00 – 14:30  reflection on previous process

14:30 – 15:00  lecture on how to facilitate Pleiadian Lightwork on someone

15:00 – 15:45  Pleiadian Lightwork facilitation session 1

45 minutes practicing doing Pleiadian Lightwork on someone, hands on

15:45 – 16:00  short break

16:00 – 16:45  Pleiadian Lightwork facilitation session 2

45 minutes practicing doing Pleiadian Lightwork on someone, hands on

16:45 – 17:30  reflect on previous process, end of 3 day intensive.

Homework: that day before going to bed, do the process for the “Quantum Transfiguration Chamber of Light”. The day after before going to bed, do the process for the “Emotional Healing Chamber of Light”. The day after that before going to bed, do the process for the “Love Configuration Chamber of Light”.

Pre-Registration is required to attend, the price is 3.330.000 IDR and includes all materials and healthy vegan lunch on all days. For more information and registration email us to or WhatsApp at +62 812 3982 0292

We are excited to invite any soul with or without healing experience and knowledge. Minimum age is 14 years old. Registration before 12pm on August 19.

For reviews and recommendations from previous clients, click on any of the links below:




Living in the Light of your Heart, Sofia & Martijn

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Intensive Sacred Bodywork Workshop
to Aug 16

Intensive Sacred Bodywork Workshop

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Do you want to gain a deeper understanding about holistic intuitive bodywork & massage?

Would you like to learn how to poetically intuitively move through a body, while playing your own symphony?            

Come and join us on this unique hearted workshop. Where we brought together two different traditional and holistic methods ARYM and Alchemy of Touch. In this intensive Sacred Bodywork workshop you will learn how to give a holistic & therapeutic massage using techniques on the back & front of the body. You learn how to release energetic blockages, throughout the physical body’s nervous system, muscle & fascia (myofacial release). 

The workshop is designed and intended to give you enough understanding about holistic intuitive bodywork & massage to start practicing on loved once, friends, family and acquaintances. Also the workshop will give you a deeper understanding how the physical body holds on to physical, emotional, mental, and energetic blockages. After this intensive you are able to consider if you would like to pursuit deepening your knowledge and wisdom and become a Living in Mana – Deep healing bodywork & energy healer.

Living in Mana is all about moving human consciousness, awareness and spirit from living in the duality polarity of the mind, to living with human consciousness, awareness and spirit in the original singularity reality in the heart. Living in Mana – reconnect to your essence. Living in the Heart – a journey to living in the seed to the soul.

Our body is our highest creation in this physical existence, sacred geometry, the geometry of creation, the Flower of Life is you, it’s who you are, you are the creator of your own reality. 

You will learn the basics of the ancient secret of the Flower of Life, the geometry of creation and a meditation to reconnect back to Living in the Heart – the heart is the seed of the soul & the seed to the soul. 

Also we will be giving you energetic tools to protect your aura and set healthy boundaries for you as a practitioner and your future clients, so you don’t feel chattered after giving a healing bodywork massage session. You will be working with your own 100% organic natural virgin coconut oil and essential oils.

All of the techniques explained will be documented in a manual, explaining in writing the technique, photo corresponding to the technique and anatomy corresponding to the technique. You will also receive a certificate of completion of your “Intensive Sacred Bodywork Workshop”.


Saturday 12th September:

09:00 – 09:30  Group meditation to set a sacred work space

09:30 – 12:30  Explanation & practice of techniques on back torso, shoulders, arms & hands

12:30 – 13:30  Vegan lunch break

13:30 – 16:00  Explanation & practice of techniques on hips, sacrum, legs & feet

16:00 – 16:30  Clearing & cleansing meditation after the practice 

Sunday 13th September:

09:00 – 09:30  Group meditation to set a sacred work space

09:30 – 12:30  Explanation & practice of techniques on the psoas, belly, diaphragm, ribcage 

12:30 – 13:30  Vegan lunch break

13:30 – 16:00  Explanation & practice of techniques on the front of the legs and neck

16:00 – 16:30  Clearing & cleansing meditation after the practice

Pre-Registration is required to attend, the price is $150 USD and includes all materials and healthy vegan lunch on both Friday & Saturday. For more information and registration email us to or WhatsApp at +62 812 3982 0292

Sofia Mellano is a certified Ayurvedic Yoga Massage therapist thought in ARYM Institute by Ananta Sylvain Girard in India. This method combines the traditional holistic Indian massage based on Ayurveda with modern yoga inspired stretches and strokes similar to Thai Deep Tissue therapy.

Martijn Vroemen is a certified Alchemy of Touch therapist thought in the “Alchemy of Touch Bodywork Academy” by Tapesh Paradiso & Anouk Devi. Alchemy of Touch is a dynamic & poetic form of transformational bodywork. Including Deep Tissue, Myofascial Chi-Release, Holistic Bodywork, Fluid Touch (Alchemy of Touch), Joint Mobilization (Trager), Visceral (Hara/ Belly) Work, Deep Tissue in Motion (Alchemy of Touch), Thai Yoga Stretches, Meditation, Osho Rebalancing Massage, Digital pressure Massage, Polarity Energy Work. More info on “Why I chose to become a Alchemy of Touch therapist?” can be found here. 

Sofia & Martijn’s knowledge & wisdom in Pleiadian & Sirian Lightwork from the Dolphin Star Temple Mystery School and ancient secret of the Flower of Life from the School of Remembering Mystery School will be included into the workshop.  

We are excited to invite any soul with or without holistic bodywork massage knowledge. Minimum age is 12 years old. Registration before 12pm on September 11th.

For reviews and recommendations from previous clients, click on any of the links below:




 Living in the Light of your own Heart, Sofia & Martijn

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Introduction to Sacred Bodywork Workshop
12:00 PM12:00

Introduction to Sacred Bodywork Workshop

Is Sacred Bodywork something you might be interested on?
Would you like to learn how to listen to the body signs through intuitive touch?

In this workshop you will learn the basic techniques to release energetic blockages within the body, a way to experiment preparing your own massage oil, sacred geometry and an special meditation to set a sacred work space.

Please Note:

  • Pre-Registration is required to attend, the price is 250k pp and includes all materials

  • For more information and registration email us to or WhatsApp at +62 812 3982 0292

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Full Moon Sacred Circle
5:30 PM17:30

Full Moon Sacred Circle

Our purpose in Living in Mana is to guide people to rewire our concious awareness and spirit from living in the Mind, Duality and Fear to live in the Heart, Oneness and Love.

During these Satsang evenings we hold space to energetically work on our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies and to share and realease any blockage or resistence within us. Even if this is a group meditation, each person will focus on their own inner healing process.

We will be guiding the group into the most Sacred Space within the human Heart. The Ascended Masters call this space the hidden chamber or the Tiny Space inside the Sacred Space of the Heart.

During the meditation process we will be inviting Your own Higher Self of Light, the Pleiadian & Sirian Archangels of Light to guide us in releasing any negative memories that we carry in the body.

More information about it here

Please Note:

  • Bring your own blanket, mat and/or pillow where you can comfortable lie down on

  • Suggested donation of 100 k

  • For more Info about us, the circle and Directions email us to or whatsapp: +6281239820292

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Human Design Reading Workshop
12:00 PM12:00

Human Design Reading Workshop

Human Design gives you an energy blueprint from the moment that you were born. Your unique Human Design energy blueprint will give you direction, shows you your purpose in life and what your energy is about and what is not about. To live out your authentic self and illuminate your not authentic self.

Human Design is really the foundation for your journey in self-transformation, self-understanding, self-adventure and spiritual growth.

This 4-hour Workshop gives you a better understanding about your authentic self and the authentic self from the people you interact with. You will learn about:

- The four different energy types within humanity 1.) Generator or Manifesting Generator, 2.) Manifestor, 3.) Projector & 4.) Reflector
- The different strategies in life for each different energy type
- Your inner authority and the authority of the people around you
- What each of the nine energy centers means for you and the people you interact with
- What are the possible difficulties in the polarities of different Human Designs

The whole workshop will be recorded on audio and given out to the participants who attend the workshop, so you can listen to the audio recording again and again. We will also be handing out a short overviews for your to read and reflect on after the workshop

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