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Human Design Reading workshop

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Living in Mana is all about moving human consciousness, awareness and spirit from living in the duality/polarity of the mind to living in the original singular reality in the heart. Living in Mana is a journey to living in the seed to the soul.

Human Design gives you an energy blueprint from the moment that you were born. Your unique Human Design energy blueprint will give you direction, shows you your purpose in life and what your energy is about and what not. To live out your authentic self and illuminate you’re not authentic self.

Human Design is really the foundation for your journey in self-transformation, self-understanding, self-adventure and spiritual growth. 

We have designed this workshop to create an interactive way for you to learn your foundational Human Design energy blue-print and to for you to learn other people’s Human Design.

This gives you a better understanding about following your authentic self and how others follow their authentic self. And you are able to illuminate your not authentic self and help guide people around you to illuminate their not authentic self. 

In this Human Design Reading workshop you will learn about:

-       The four different energy types within humanity (1.) Generator or Manifesting Generator, 2.) Manifestor, 3.) Projector & 4.) Reflector each energy type has a different role and purpose within humanity

-       The different strategies in life for each different energy type

-       Your authority and the authority of the people around you

-       What each of the nine energy centers/ chakras mean for you and the people you interact with, which chakras are open and enveloping for wisdom or conditioning and which chakras are defined/ closed to find your truth inside of yourself

-       How the energy inside of you and the people you interact with are defined, or perhaps split, triple split, quadruple split or no definition and what this means for your and the people you interact with

-       How to live out your life purpose by staying true to your unique soul’s profile and incarnation cross

-       What are the possible difficulties in the polarities of different Human Designs and how are you able to manifest the partner and life you desire, using and living out your Human Design.

After the workshop you will know the foundation of your own Human Design energy blue print and the foundation of the Human Design energy blue print from the people you interact with. To know yourself is to know your Human Design.

The whole workshop will be recorded on audio and given out to the participants who attend the workshop, so you can listen to the audio recording again and again. We will also be handing out your personal Human Design document, for your to read and reflect on after the workshop.

Sunday 15th November 12:00 till 4:00pm price 500k pp.

Living in the Light of your Heart,  Sofia & Martijn 

Want to read more about Human Design?

Check these two articles on our website:

Why Human Design?

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