The original Flower of Life, Seed of Life reality that was created by Source that we have always available to us when we are living and breathing in the most sacred and smallest space within our hearts. Our hearts have always been our connection to all life everywhere.
What I am about to say is a view of what we call evil that is different from what most of the religions of the world believe. I am in no way attempting to protect Lucifer or sanction his acts. I am simply giving a new/ old perspective on what is behind what Lucifer is doing in the universe that, once understood, allows the possibility of transcending good and evil an entering pure oneness with God. The possibility of ending duality is impossible as long as we remain in the consciousness of good and evil. We have to transcend it and enter a different consciousness, but we cannot do that if we continue to judge.
As long as we continue to judge the events in our lives, we give power to them as either good or bad which determines the course of our lives. To end it and then transcend it, we must step outside this polarity. We must change, and this change has to come in some way from our not judging this world. For it is in judging that we decide that something is good or bad. That is the basis of good and evil, or duality consciousness. The key seems to be viewing all the worlds in our universe and all events within them as whole, complete and perfect, knowing that the cosmic DNA, the cosmic plan, is proceeding exactly as directed by the Creator.
The Lucifer Experiment: Duality
Many of us humans, especially Christians, believe that Lucifer is the cause of all evil and darkness that has ever transpired on this planet. We call what Lucifer did a rebellion, projecting an image that Lucifer is somehow going against the universal cosmic plan. But unity consciousness seesLucifer's work a slightly different Light. His work is not known as a rebellion, but as the Lucifer experiment.
Why would it be called an experiment?
Because that is exactly what it is, a test to see if certain parameters of life will work. Life is an experiment!
The instructions from God at the beginning of the Lucifer experiment were for humans to live free will. But what does free will mean? Does it not mean all possibilities, bit good and evil? Does it not mean that we would be allowed to do anything we wanted, with the idea, from a biblical point of view, that we would learn discrimination for the good?
Life was given the ability to do anything it wanted, all possibilities, try everything, it was given free will. Therefore, how could free will exist unless consciousness created the format for this way of being? And who creates consciousness? The one and only God. Lucifer did not create free will, but it was through his actions and decisions that free will became a reality. It was God who created Lucifer so that free will became a reality. It was God who created Lucifer so that free will would exist. Before the Lucifer experiment, there was no free will except during the three other attempts. All life moved according to the will of God, according to the cosmic DNA. There were no deviations, and free will was only a potential that life could someday try.
At one point, because free will was possible, we realised that there was a particular way we could experience this reality that had not been tried before. So we tried it. We actually tried three versions of it, and each time it failed. They were absolute disasters. The latest experiment and fourth attempt, with Lucifer heading it, used a different approach to create free will. This time God chose an area of consciousness that was just above human existence: This experiment began with the angels. So it was the angels who brought this new freewill consciousness to mankind to be lived here in these dense worlds, and life everywhere watched to see how it would fare.
With great respect between two brothers, the battle between good and evil began. It was a battle to death, yet neither could die. It was a battle that had to be, for it was the will of God. For the overall sake of the universe, Michael supported the side of the Light and the good and Lucifer backed the side of Darkness and evil. A new possibility was about to be lived. And we humans thought it was a great idea, this idea of free will.
The Bright and Shinning One
It becomes clear in the study of sacred geometry that nothing was created without intention and reason. It wasn't just a mistake, in fact, there are no mistakes. And when God created Lucifer, as you can read in the Bible, he was the most magnificent angel God had ever created. He was the most intelligent, the most beautiful, the most amazing of all angels. Se he had no peer; he was the top-of-the-line model of the angels. God gave him the name Lucifer, meaning "the bright and shining One". God gave him this name, so do you think God made a mistake?
If you think back to our own human nature, we always tend to look to our heroes as that which we want to become. We look up to those people who have gone before us, who have blazed the trail in the direction we feel we want to go, and we model much of our behavior after our heroes. Because of the understanding of "as above, so below" it is the same of Lucifer. He wanted to be like his heroes, but he didn't have anyone higher than himself in his realm. He didn't have any heroes. He was the greatest archangel in creation. There was no one greater than he. Rather, the only hero he had was God, who was the only being beyond him, from where he could see. So Lucifer did something very natural - and I feel sure that God was aware that this would take place when he created him. He wanted to be as good as God - to actually be God - from a creation level. There's nothing wrong with merging with God, but that isn't exactly what he wanted to do. He wanted to be just like God. In fact, he wanted to be even better than God. Lucifer wanted to surpass his hero.
Lucifer was so intelligent that he knew how the universe was created. He knew the images, the patterns and the codes that had created the universe. But in order to be greater than God, he decided that he would have to separate from God. As long as he was part of God, he could not go beyond him. So, evidently with God's blessing (since He created him), Lucifer started on a great experiment to see what could be learned by creating in a different way from how God/ Spirit had made the original creation. He severed the love bond between himself and God and created a Mer-Ka-Ba filed that was not based on love, because once he severed the love between himself and God, he could no longer make a living Mer-Ka-Ba.
Archangel Lucifer and many other angels started on this great experiment to see what could be learned in this new way. As we said, similar experiments had actually been tried three times before by other beings, but those experiments had ended massive destruction and pain for everyone involved. Many planets had been completely destroyed, including one in our own solar system - Mars. But Lucifer was retrying this old experiment with a new method.
So he severed the love bonds between himself and God ( at least it outwardly appears this way) and created a Mer-Ka-Ba field that was not based on love. What he did was make an interdimensional time-space machine that we call a spaceship. This flying object - sometimes seen as a flying saucer but also many other shapes - was more than just a vehicle as we think of it, much more. It could not only move throughout the spectrum of this multidimensional Reality, but it could create realities that seemed to be just as real as the original creation. It is similar to what we are now calling virtual reality, only this was a virtual reality that could not be distinguished from the real thing.
So Lucifer made this synthetic Mer-Ka-Ba to create a reality separate from God so that he could ascend to the heights and be just as good as god, at least in his own mind. He couldn't be God, but he could be like God, his hero.
In order to convince other angels that this experiment was necessary, he chose a different pathway out of the Great Void to create his synthetic reality that was unique unto itself. To explain this in detail, we will move to the Garden of Eden.
In the Garden of Eden there were two trees: the tree of life, which led to eternal life, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. In the Genesis pattern of creation as seen in the Flower of Life, the pathway the little spirit took, coming up to the top of the original sphere of creation, was associated with the first tree, the Tree of Life. The spirit came from a single point in the centre of the first sphere and began to rotate in a vortex, creating the images that created the reality that leads to eternal life. The Tree of Life and Flower of Life are the same creation.
But there is another way that spirit can exit the Great Void, and it is associated with the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It is actually the same geometry, except that is has a different view of the geometry. In other words, there's another path to follow in sacred geometry to exit the Great Void and create a reality that appears the same but is geometrically and experientially different. Lucifer knew this, and he chose that pathway to create a new kind of reality he could control. At least controlling this new reality was part of his original intention. Archangel Michael's original intention was to simply create free will. Their inner agenda were different.
Creating a Dualistic Reality
Lucifer convinced a third off the angels in heaven to go with him to support him in this new reality. He convinced them because his particular pathway out of the Great Void resulted in a unique viewpoint that had not yet been lived or explored. From their angelic viewpoint of reality, it was a possibility of life and someone needed to live it.
important to at least the angels who followed Lucifer, this new pathway also contained a system of knowledge that was able to give and experience that had never been fully lived before in the original Reality of God. This experience centred around two pieces of geometric knowledge - rather simple pieces too, it would seem. These two geometric forms were primal knowledge about the Egg of Life and the source of all living forms.
The first sphere they were seeking fits in the centre of the Egg of Life and touched all eight spheres. The second sphere fits perfectly inside any of the six holes in the centre off the Egg of Life (just visualize the eight spheres of the Egg of Life inside a cube, which has six faces). This knowledge had always been known, but from within the original reality it was not possible to actually live and experience it. Remember, all sacred geometry has an experimental aspect. For your information see figure 17-1. The diamond view - a square turned 45 degrees - shows the Luciferian geometry of these two spheres.
If you have people convincing you that the Flower of Life is a distortion and they are giving you the above as the original creation. I am inviting you to make up your own mind and take in the Lucifer Experiment story as explained here, to distinguish weather its truth or illusion, Light of Darkness, pretending to be Light.
Lucifer told the angelic worlds that we needed to do this experiment because the universe has missing information, and the only way to get the information was to live it. So he chose this particular view of geometry he interpreted his creation in a new way. This gave the experience of being inside a life form separate from the rest of reality. Many believe it was great and most important that is was new. There was hardly every anything new in creation.
The way of Lucifer was the diamond view of the Egg of Life, teh same dimensional view that humanity happens to be living at this moment in history. Yes we did follow Lucifer.
Remember the ninth chapter, "Spirit and Sacred Geometry" where we were at the second level of consciousness? Remember how the Earth is now living the three levels of consciousness (out of five possible levels) and how we had to rotate the second level of consciousness 45 degrees to the diamond view to get it to point to the next level, Christ consciousness?
Lucifer chose the square view, then turned it 45 degrees to the diamond view, the view in figure 17-1. It was this view of the Egg of Life he wanted to obtain, because this view was the one that was needed to experience both the inner and outer spheres that would fit into those openings we spoke of above. The seemingly innocent need for this information from this view (remember, on an experiential level) was a huge deal to the angels who's purpose was to create free will and live all possibilities. this was a possibility that might work. And it was a possibility that had never been lived before, or at least never been lived successfully.
So these are the details of how Lucifer did it. Again, I am merely reporting this information so that you can transcend the dualistic view of life into the next higher level, Christ consciousness, and "get thee behind me,' Lucifer, as Jesus would say.
The trick to this new reality was that spirit can separate itself; it can be in two or more spheres or places at one time. It is very much like cell division, or mitosis, except without form. It is what makes mitosis possible in the first place.
So the new reality was created with the same sacred geometry as the Flower of Life, except that spirit divided itself into two and began to rotate out of the Great Void in a double helix pattern from two completely different centers. this created the new reality. In addition Lucifer used the diamond view of the Egg of Life, turning it 90 degrees to the rectangular view in order to focus the new, untried consciousness through it. It became the lens through which we interpreted the new reality. This was revolutionary.
In creating the original reality, on the first day of creation at the first motion of the spirit of God, spirit moved itself to the top of the first sphere. Then we started the rotating pattern, which began creation. But there's another way to enter creation, where spirit would leave part of itself at the very first centre, which is the very first moment that creation begins, spirit would divide itself in two and leave part of itself in the centre and move the other part of itself to the top of the first sphere, the same way as in the other creations. 17-2.
But from then on, the next motion, on the second day of Genesis, spirit begins s double rotation motion, where the centre half of spirit rotates over one way and the top half rotates over the other way and forms the two sphere which make this pattern 17-3.
From there it divides itself again, to create this pattern 17-4.
It then begins a pattern of dividing and coming together. But it is primarily division, separating from one's self. It expands into this pattern 17-5 then continues outward.
This can keep going on and on and on.... and eventually you end up with exactly the same grid as the Flower of Life - the same laws, the same apparent reality, the same planets and suns and trees and bodies. Everything's the same except for one HUGE difference. The Flower of Life pattern has a single geometric centre - one eye, and a being who enters creation this way is connected directly to all life everywhere and to God. But Lucifers pattern has not a single geometric centre, but two specific centres - two eyes. No mater how big the grid is, when you come back to its centre, you'll find two centers or eyes. And it has been separated from God. there is no love. These angels of Lucifer have almost forgotten what love is. Remember what Jesus said, "If thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of Light".
If you meet people who are calling the Flower of Life, Seed of Life a distortion and the mandala on the right the truth. I’d like to invite you to make up your own mind, based on the information just shared with you in this article. When you look at the Flower of Life and Seed of Life in 2D, you see the image to the left. But then if you would turn the Seed of Life with 30% as it’s actually a multidimensional symbol. Tilting the Seed of Life 30% gets you to the mandala on the right side, which they refer to as the true Source coded. its bitterly the same thing put then seen through the eye’s of judgement, the eye’s of Lucifer.
But again who's in control here? God is. And God created this situation. It wasn't Lucifer who created this situation - it was God, one step before Lucifer. God created Lucifer and knew what Lucifer was going to do.
So there must be a reason for creating this separate reality.
Earth Humans as the Focus of the Experiment
Lucifer began this new reality shortly before we humans came into existence as a race - a little over 200,000 years ago. And we have become the key players. There must be a reason why all these things have happened. I think that the purpose behind this Luciferian experiment, which has been going on for these millions and millions of years, is now coming to fruition on Earth, and that Earth has been chosen as the place to give life new birth. This is what it looks like.
What ever the ultimate purpose for creating this new reality is I do not know, but it has become clear throughout the cosmos that the Earth has become the focus of this intense drama. And it appears as though the fruition of this experience is about to unfold before our eyes. You and I are the players who take this new reality and transform it in the direction of the ultimate purpose. We are to go beyond anything Archangel Lucifer and Michael had imagined. We are to be the children of the third way, a new reality born from the first tow.
We here on Earth are all part of this Luciferian experiment. All of us chosen this path, Every one of us on this planet has chosen this way, whether you like it or not, whether you want to be identified with it or not. You chose this, because you're here. And our physical mother, the Nefilim, are also part of the Lucifer experiment, and so is our physical father, the Sirians, though the Sirians have almost totally extracted themselves. The race from Sirius B, the Dolphins, were also part of the Lucifer expiriment. If you remember, the dolphins came down in a spaceship to the Dogons. They were also involved in technology. they had little hard-shelled vehicles for a long time too, but they gave it up 200 years ago and now they're making an incredible transformation back to unity.
I don't know if reverting back to a no technology world as found in the original Reality is actually the answer. I'm not certaiun. T think that we here on Earth are going to discover the answer. The answer is on this planet, whatever it is, and the people on this planet have become the grand catalyst of the experiment - the experiment upon which all life is now breathlessly focussed to see what happens. Why? Because what happens here on Earth is going to affect everyone everywhere. And I believe that this answer is coming through our hearts.
Using the Intellect without Love
This is how Lucifer convinced all these angels that we really needed to experience this new way. What happened to these angels? They served their love connection with God, with all life and functioned on one side of their brain, not on both - they functioned only with intelligence, not love. This has created races of beings that were incredibly intelligent but had no experience of love or compassion - like the Grays and the Martians, for example. In the past this always resulted in their fighting each other, sending life into chaos.
This is where Mars comes in, Mars was one of those races (not of the Lucifer experiment, but the one before that) that was terminating almost a million years ago. At that time life was destroying itself everywhere. Mars destroyed itself. it was constantly warring, constantly fighting, because there was no love or compassion. Then at one point they just blew their atmosphere away and destroyed everything. But right before they did, there were certain people who knew that destruction was inevitable and some of them were the Martians who came to Earth and settled in Atlantis, causing all the Mer-Ka-Ba troubles here on Earth.
This is the focus. The result of this Lucifer experiment wa that the Lucifer beings created physical ships and focussed on technology, creating an entire technologically based system and a separate reality from the original Reality, whereas the beings who did not separate from God had absolutely no technology whatsoever. They were led by Archangel Michael. Then the war of opposites began. Archangel Michael, the angel of Light, and Archangel Lucifer, the angel of darkness, began the cosmic war of duality that created our good-and-evil, dualistic consciousness.
Archangel Michael and the angels of light have living Mer-Ka-Ba fields that can do anything that Luciferian Technology can do, and even more. And Archangel Lucifer and his angels of darkness have their technological Mer-Ka-Ba and their synthetic reality. So we have two totally different approaches to life. Look at Archangels Michael, Gabriel or Raphael - they don't have technology and spaceships. They live in light-bodies, and their reality, the original reality, is based on light. It is what could be called light technology based on true love. The there's this other way, Lucifer's way, where you have all this material stuff to be concerned with. We have our houses and cars and all the things we feel we need. The whole web we're in is Luciferian technology. You can look out at the world and see the difference between nature, the original reality, and what mankind has done wit its separate reality created by the knowledge of Lucifer.
Of course, you can take this to the extreme - anybody, any life form whatsoever, no matter where they are, if they're flying around in technology crafts, they are part of the Lucifer experiment, flat out, I don't care who they are. But there's an entire spectrum of engagement with this experiment. There are some beings who are so far into it, who are so addicted to it, that they're helpless in a certain way. They cannot live without it. There's a spectrum of addiction to it all the way to and including people like us. We're addicted to it also, but we still have one foot in the original reality too.
It would be very difficult for us to take off all our clothes, which are now technological because they are made with machines, adn walk into the woods again with nothing but our bodies. We're definitly addicted to our technologies. On the other hand, we do have love. We have a tiny spark of love; we haven't completely severed our love from life. Thus we're some of the beings in the universe who have somehow not completely severed our connection to God. We have technology, but still sense and know what love is. It's weak, not powerful; it's not a blazing, blining light. But we still have it. We have both aspects. We have the original Reality potential still within us. Within our most Sacred & Tiny space within our Heart.
The Third, Integrated Way, Awakening the Illuminated Heart
An important understanding is that we Earthlings are finding the universal answer in a totally unique way that'snever been seen before. This whole thing between the original Reality and the Luciferian reality seems to be leading to a third way that is some kind of combination of the first two. If you cross your eyes when you look into the two eyes drawing (fig. 17-6), you may see the third way when you see three eyes. Then the middle path becomes a combination of both. You're actually seeing both of them superimposed over each other. View this figure as a stereogram, and you'll see that it creates a third, unique pattern. This new third way is the hope of all life everywhere. The universe has been at "war' for 200,000 years - the battle between the dark and the light with no apparent solution. Now it appears this struggle is going to culminate in a new birth, a third reality.
Technology Reconsidered
My angels told me this: "Suppose your body gets cold in this room, and you decide that you're going to go out and make something to heat the room. So you invent a heater, a really good heater, and some kind of energy source, whatever you need to heat the room. Then you put the heater in the room, it heats up the room and you get warm. From the angels point of view, if you did that, you just became spiritually weaker. Why? Because you were forgetting your connection to God. You could have heated the room or your body by your own inner essence, your heart directly connected to your Mer-Ba-ba, Lightbody, but instead you gave your power away to an object. The angels projected to me that as civilizations make more and more advanced technology, if that is the choice they have made, they are separating further and further from the source of life and are becoming weaker and weaker because they have become addicted to the technology. they need it to survive. The angels were saying that the beings in that UFO spaceship were spiritually very weak. In other words, I was not to look at them as a super advanced race, but as people who needed spiritual help.
The bottom line of this experience was that the angels wanted me to give up technology and concentrate on pure consciousness as the way to remember God. I hear all that. I really thought I understood the lesson they were giving me. Then as time went on I completely forgot ti. It's such a human thing to do! We forget and remember!
Just follow how science has proven, this is how we evolve in our mothers whom. The female ovum magnetises that sperm cells she want to give birth to. Once Female and Male pronucleus merge into the first Genesis pattern of the Vesica Piscis, we become two cells with spirit entering the middle. Not two spheres with spirit in each sphere.
We evolve into 3, 4 ,5, 6, 7 cells, Seed of Life, we evolve out into the Flower of Life 13 spheres, 13 cells. We become a physical blob in our mothers womb.
Science has proven that the first physical blob grow out into the Human heart, the human heart become evolved first. The the human foetus evolves and the brain, with two hemispheres of the brain representing duality evolve as last. Our eyes are the windows to our soul, evolve with our heart as the heart is the seed to the soul. We carry the original organic reality in our heart, nature also shows us that as the Fibonacci spiral or golden mean spiral.
Join my Awakening the Heart Ceremony or any of my other workshops or Trainings at Pyramids of Chi in Ubud or Sacred Ulu Watu, for dates and book check:
In love, pure gratitude and service @LivinginMana by @AwakenwithMartijn