Welcome to this Free Masterclass into the Chakras where I am being guided to combine my Akashic Records channelled messages from the Dolphin Star Temple Higher Council of Light, the Pleiadian, Sirian & Andromeda Emissaries of Light, Ascended Masters and Quantum Human Design. In this content I am being guided to serve you with deep spiritual transformation wisdom to assist your Soul & Humanities Collective consciousness to deep healing from 3D darkness, illusion, duality & fear based reality to 4D of acceptance, neutrality, beyond forgiveness and to 5D unconditional love, peace, grace, unity & Oneness or non Duality consciousness New Earth. Get ready to dive deep!
Chakra 1 is the most vulnerable center of conditioning, it’s the ego heart chakra that we have to transcend from negative 3D Ego to positive spiritual Essence 5D. Chakra 2 Emotional Solar Plexus, Chakra 3 True Heart G Center, Chakra 4 Splenic, Chakra 4 Anja, Chakra 6 Crown or Head center, Chakra 7 Root, Chakra 8 Sacral, Chakra 9 Throat.
Within the Human Design body graph the Chakras or Energy centers don’t appear in their real following as they have been placed aside so the energy channels can be displayed. 1st Chakra will be the Root or base Chakra. 1nd Chakra will be the Sacral, 3rd Chakra will be the Splenic or Navel Chakra, 4th Chakra will be the Emotional Solar Plexus, 5th Chakra will be the G-center or True Heart Chakra, 6th Chakra will be the Ego or Duality Heart Chakra, 7th Chakra will be the Throat, 8th Chakra the Third Eye or Anja, 9th Chakra the Crown of Head center. These are the centres that we carry inside the body that have a conscious aspect to how we perceive reality. In the above Human Design chart you’ll see the Root or Base Chakra, the Sacral and True Heart G-center coloured, defined, closed. All the other centers are white, open or undefined.
The above explains the difference in having an center undefined, white & open or when a center or Chkara is coloured, defined & closed.
The 9 Human Design energy centers or chakra’s perfectly fit into the Atlantean, Egyptian 13 chakra system. The image shows the exact locations of all 13 Chakras and the additional chakras that are outside the body that don’t have a direct impact on how we perceive the reality. Earth Portal & Earth Transducer Chakras below the body at the bottom of the aura. Cosmic Transducer, Cosmic Portal & Chakra of Oneness above the body at the top of the aura.
Most vulnerable chakra of conditioning and keeping Humanity in the 3D matrix is the Ego Heart Chakra of the personality the front of the ego. This Ego Heart Chakra is where we have to Transcend the negative ego who judges negatively or has negative pictures or negative thought forms into our positive spiritual essence which is our Soul. Our Soul is 5D or Higher Consciousness at this level there can not be any negativity left. We have to Transcend negativity into 5D. The video above describes the function of this chakra, the video below goes into frequently asked questions.
2nd most vulnerable chakra within the body. The video above explains this chakra and the video below includes frequently asked questions about the Solar Plexus Emotional.
3rd most vulnerable chakra within the body. The Above video explains this chakra and the below video has frequently asked questions answered about this chakra.
4th most vulnerable chakra within the body. The above video explains this chakra and also has frequently asked questions included into the video.
5th most vulnerable chakra within the body. The above video explains this chakra and the below visor explains frequently asked questions about this chakra.
6th most vulnerable chakra within the body. Video to be recorded, stay tuned!
Do you know, as you open your crown chakra, that inside your crown is a prism that has 108 facets? This prism has been called the names of God. These facets directly correspond to the time-release mechanisms within the Sun. "The 108 names of God" is another way of saying that every consciousness has 108 facets of its own divinity and connection to Divine Source. There are facets that correspond to each aspect of relationship, others have to do with service goals. others have to do with learning about how to be a spirit in a bod. and there are man more. These facets are very multiple within themselves. So as these facets within your crown are cleared, as the light comes into you, each prism facet is able to refract that light. The state of full enlightenment is when all 108 facets of your prism have been cleared so that when the rays come in all 108 facets are illuminated. When you greet the Sun, the Sun's rays respond to those facets in your brain, as well as to your soul, to see what you have cleared and what you are ready to receive. Believe me: when you look at the Sun you can actually trigger an opening of a facet of that great prism simply by greeting the Sun and asking it to awaken you if you are ready.
Your Sun contains all the information about what your higher purpose is in this lifetime. It is encoded so that when you are born into any lifetime your soul moves through the center of the Sun in a very specific way. Not only do you leave an imprint in the Sun about what your soul intends to do in this lifetime, also your soul is imprinted with the Divine Plan for Earth. So when you are born you have the encodings within your makeup to align you with the co-creation of the reality in which you are entering. The Sun has the encodings of what your purpose is within that bigger plan. So it is really important to connect with the Sun. The indigenous cultures of this land (Australia], the indigenous cultures of Maya, the Native American tribes, and all of the sacred indigenous cultures were known to be sunrise people. They would gather and greet the sunrise each day because they knew that it was at that time that they would have integrated what the Sun had to tell them from the day before. They would come welcoming the birth of this new day because each day the Sun releases the encodings that you need to follow currently. There are time periods when there are no new encodings being released, and you are held in alignment with previous ones. When you face the Sun, it is wonderful to look at the Sun and ask it to come into you and reawaken your sacred memories. It is wonderful to say to the Sun, "I know you hold all my memories, and the key to awakening my soul, and my divine purpose." Then welcome the Sun into your body and chakras.
As children of the Sun, when you greet the Sun it is an opportunity to reawaken those encodings within yourself. What you do with those encodings determines what the Sun can release to you on the next day. So if the Sun releases encodings about your taking a step that is beyond what you have ever done before, and you are in resistance to taking that step, then the encodings are held and nothing more is released until you have taken the necessary step. There is a reciprocal relationship in which your soul feeds back to the Sun what you are ready to receive. Learn more about this in my FREE SOLSTICE SACRED PHOTON BAND ACTIVATION .
7th most vulnerable chakra within the body. Video to be recorded, stay tuned!
8th most vulnerable chakra within the body. Video to be recorded, stay tuned!
9th most vulnerable chakra within the body. Video to be recorded, stay tuned!
Frontside of the Bodywork trigger point map developed with the purpose to release trapped emotions from the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual bodies. To raise ones consciousness to our next level of existence Oneness our Divine Destiny. To learn to release trapped emotions come join one of my workshops or level 1 and 2 practitioners trainings, visit or
Backtside of the Bodywork trigger point map developed with the purpose to release trapped emotions from the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual bodies. To raise ones consciousness to our next level of existence Oneness our Divine Destiny. To learn to release trapped emotions come join one of my workshops or level 1 and 2 practitioners trainings, visit or
Levels of Consciousness and the Map of Consciousness if there is fear or pain stored in the body, these fears or pains will be triggering yourself or people will be triggering them inside of yourself, as the Akashic Records teachings, “it is never the other”, “it is never only the other’, “it is never just the other”, there is always two people co-creating everything in this experience called life. To learn to release trapped emotions come join one of my workshops or level 1 and 2 practitioners trainings, visit or
The Human Logical system, we are all part of the Divine, Source, Creation we are the Divine itself as a reflection of Source. We can reconnect ourselves to our Divine Mother, Mother Earth, our Divine Father, Father Sun/ Sky/ Universe and bring these energies from as above so below into our Spirit. We all have a super conscious or Spirit that can be connected to our awareness & Spirit, where awareness goes energy flows. When we bring our awareness into the subconscious, the memory box or USB stick of the subconscious we are able to remove from the subconscious that is hidden I the physical part of mind, emotional, mental, physical and spiritual bodies and Awakening our Divine Ka. Ka is our Divine double of our physical body. We have to awaken the body first, after awakening the body we can start healing our Soul and start activating our Human Light Bodies or Merkaba’s. To learn to release trapped emotions come join one of my workshops or level 1 and 2 practitioners trainings, visit or