The Photon Belt

The Photon Belt is a Toric field of energy that emanates out from Alcyone in the Pleiades.

During our Solar Systems 26,000 year transit of Alycone, we spend 11,000 years outside of the Photon Belt of Alcyone (referred to as years of darkness), followed 2,000 years inside the Phone Belt (referred to as year of light), followed by another 11,000 years outside and another 2,000 years inside and so forth.

Alcyone is in this Photon Belt energy the full 26,000 year cycle and receives this Photon belt energy from The Great Central Sun the Source of All That is.

Cycles of Creation

Our Earth rotates around our Sun, taking approximately 365 days for one complete revolution.

Then our Sun (actually our entire Solar System) rotates around Alycone, the brightest star of the Pleiades constellation. One complete revolution of our Solar System around Alcyone takes approximately 26,000 years.

In addition, Alcyone (and our Solar System) are revolving around the Galactic Core (central region) or our Milky Way Galaxy. One complete revolution takes approximately 225 million years.

Now that we have had a quick glimpse of our cycles, lets now look at some of the energetic fields within our galaxy.

The Milky Way Galaxy

The Milky Way is made up of spiral arms (Fibonacci spiral arms), extending out from its central Galactic Core.

Our Solar System rests approximately two thirds out from the Core just off Orions Belt.

The entire Milky Way Galaxy is held within an energetic field, which is a Torus (or Toric field).

A toric structure is easy to picture if you think of a slinky and join the two ends together to form a donut. Energy moves up from the centre of the donut, along the energetic meridian lines of the Torus, over the top of the donut (in a fibonacci spiral) and moving back into the donut hole underneath, then moving out from the centre again… repeating the cycle over and over.

Thus energy waves are continually being released from the Galactic Core of the Milky Way (called Waves of Love), and are moving out through the Galaxy (via the energy meridians of the Toric field), and returning once again to the Galactic Core.

The Pleiades Toric Field

A similar toric field is also found emanating out from Alcyone in the Pleiades. The Toric field sits at right angles to our Solar System, and creates a huge donut field that extends out past our Earth’s Sun.

Energy moves around the Alcyone Toric field in the exact same manner as the Milky Way Toric field – via energetic leylines.

This Pleiades toric field is composed of Photons – the smallest possible particles of light in quantum physics. Hence the Pleiades Toric Field is commonly referred to as the ‘Photon Band’ of Light.

What are Photons ? Photons are emitted during the transmission of one energy state to another. Photons have zero mass, and no electrical charge. Photon energy is the energy of the future. Photons are what the ancients harnessed as energy for communication, stellar travel, energy production etc…. but more about that another time !

The Milky Way & Pleiades

The Toric field of the Milky Way and the Pleiades are implicitly connected. As energy waves move out of the Galactic Core of the Milky Way, extending out across its toric fields energy meridians, these toric leylines also extend out to the toric field of the Pleiades photon belt.

Thus electro-magnetic energy is moving from the Galactic Core and ‘electrifying’ the Pleiades photon belt… bathing its field in ‘The Waves of Love’.

Our Solar System

As the Pleiades toric field is positioned at right angles to our Earth, there are times during our 26,000 year revolution around Alcyone, that our Solar System sits either partly or fully within the Photon Belt (referred to as periods of Light) and greater periods of time where our Solar System is not within this Photon Belt (referred to as periods of Darkness).

Thus due to the width of the Photon Belts toric field, we spend 2,000 years in the ‘Light’, then 11,000 years in ‘Darkness’ then 2,000 years in ‘Light’ and then 11,000 years in ‘Darkness’ – making up our full 26,000 year cycle. And so the process repeats itself over and over.

Thus every 13,000 years we reach the PEAK central region of the photo-belt of light and this coincides with the the 13,000 year Stellar Cycle of our Sun.

The last time our Solar System was fully in the Photon Belt was in the Age of Leo, and with such a ‘surge’ in Galactic Core energy available to us at this time it also heralded the downfall of Atlantis….

Our Solar System is now moving into Pleiades Photon Belt once again, into another 2,000 years of ‘Light’, and by 2012 our Solar System will be entirely within this Photon Belt Toric field.

Please refer to the work of Russian Scientist Dr Alexey Dmitriev, his research and understanding of Earth & all our Celestial Bodies within our Solar System moving into a ‘highly charged photo region of space’ (ie the Photon Band of Alcyone).

Galactic Alignment

In addition to our Solar System transiting through the Photon Belt of Alcyone for over 2,000, on the December Solstice each year (Summer Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere and Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere), our Earth, Sun & Galactic Centre (in Sagittarius) align on the Galactic Plane – the flat plane of our Milky Way Galaxy.  This alignment is referred to as the Galactic Alignment.

During this Alignment, our astrological GALACTIC EVOLUTIONARY TRIANGLE – a tetrahedron of energy formed by the Earth, Sirius, Alcyone & the Galactic Centre is amplified into its greatest potential for the year.

this amplified TETRAHEDRON of energy that surrounds us seeks to ‘STRUCTURE the WATER’ within our bodies such that we literally become walking LIQUID CRYSTALS.  Every cell within our body is thus bathed in this GALACTIC LIQUID CRYSTAL Template resonance, which in turn ACTIVATES our DNA and ATTUNES (increase in resonance) our genetic potential.

This GALACTIC ALIGNMENT COSMIC BLUEPRINT – formed by Earth, Sirius, Alcyone & the Galactic Centre supports us in stepping into (both individually & collectively) our greater Evolutionary Purpose and helps us to step into the grandest version of the greatest vision that we have ever held for ourselves as a Human Liquid Crystal.

The energy of the GALACTIC ALIGNMENT is also amplified through our Solar Systems transition through the Photon Band/Belt of Alcyone – essentially weaving/birthing ‘The Divine Feminine’ within our hearts, minds and souls. 

During the Galactic Alignment, Earth receives direct energetic transmissions from Alcyone and from our Galactic Core/Centre of the Milky Way – The Waves of Love.

The Greater Central Sun (Galactic Core/Centre) is directly pulsing electo-magnetic Wave of Love vibrations though our Central Sun (Alycone), through our Sun and into Earth…..bringing through very high pulsations or frequencies of light energy to Earth.

What this electo-magnetic energy is facilitating is a shift in consciousness, a divine shift of the level of awareness of humanity from an egoic 3D state of fear, to a consciousness level of Wisdom… a 5D state of being.

Over the next 30-35 years (as we head towards 2040)  humanity is on the tipping point of a huge leap in evolutionary consciousness. Our Pineal Glands are emitting light our DNA is activating and our Heart Toric Fields are expanding into an awakened consciousness.   We KNOW in our hearts a more beautiful world and we are co-creating this world through global coherence with one another.

Solstice Sacred Photon Belt Activation

For this Solstice Sacred Photon Belt Activation we are going to be working with the Lords of Light of the Rainbow Flames, the Dolphin Star Temple Higher Council of Light, which is a collective Council of Higher Light beings. The Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, the Sirian Archangelic League of Light and the Andromeda Emissaries of Light. Learn more about the Dolphin Star Temple Higher Council of Light below in this article. Learn more about the Lords of Light of the Rainbow Flames here.

Dolphin Star Temple Higher Council

Contemporization of the Ancient Egyptian Mystery School

In ancient times, mystery schools existed in a more obvious and tangible form on Earth. At the height of Egyptian spirituality, for example, the entire culture was centered on the spiritual temples of the mystery school. A person from any walk of life might experience a spiritual awakening, recognize the importance of living in harmlessness and impeccability (to do what one knows is right in every situation), choose to awaken fully and become enlightened, and align with his or her highest destiny. These types of inner experience sometimes impulse spiritual seekers to join a mystery school: a system for healing, clearing, and moving through the initiatic path to enlightenment and ascension.

When the people of ancient Egypt experienced this impulse, they would go to the temples to be evaluated by the priests and priestesses. At times the priests and priestesses would give the prospective student assignments to complete before entering the initiatic path in the mystery school temple system.

The prospective student was accepted into the mystery school only after he or she had completed the assignments and prepared himself or herself by (1) understanding the difference between ego- identification and identification with the Holy Spirit; (2) making a full commitment to impeccability and honoring the sacredness of all things and all people; (3) learning that the circumstances of his or her life and relationships are teachers; (4) learning enough through meditation to hold safe boundaries; and (5) recognizing that life choices can no longer be based on emotional reactions such as fear, anger, and revenge.

At that point, the seeker would go before the Priestesses of Sekhmet, the lion-headed Goddess. The Sekhmet channels and priestesses were the clairvoyants. An applicant, before being accepted into the temples for training and healing, would stand before these clairvoyants, who had highly developed gifts of sight. 'They knew how to look past the most well-constructed facade to what was beneath it. The Sekhmet priestesses accepted individuals into the mystery school only when they saw that they were sincere and willing to be completely exposed on every level with nothing to hide, and were humble and grateful when ego and karmic agendas were revealed. In other words, if a seeker did not welcome wholeheartedly the knowledge of what needed to be healed, and what habits and attitudes were in need of change, then the individual was not prepared to accept the responsibility of the initiatic path in a mature and safe manner.

Once the seeker had passed through the Sekhmet screening and preparations, he or she would enter the Hathor Temples. There the loving Priestesses of Divine Mother Hathor would begin the process of healing and renewing the emotional and etheric bodies, and the inner child. Until the seeker learned how to love and care for the inner child, the innocence and purity necessary for holding Light were not accessible. Hathor explains in a channeling (see chapter

20] that the master being is actually a balance of the magical child and the mature spiritual adult. When the child and mature adult live in harmony, cooperation, and trust, great depths of self-love follow. Then and only then can the higher initiations be approached with any hope of a truly divine outcome.

This is because the innocence of the child is the balance to Divine Wisdom and knowledge. The purity of the child safely opens the door for Divine Power.

The awe and wonder of the child supports the spiritual creativity and Humility of the mature adult. The Priestesses of Hathor used hands-on healing, sacred sound, and mother love to help restore this sacred balance.

The seeker was sent for higher teachings from the priests and priestesses of Isis, Osiris, Horus, Maat, Ptah, and Thoth only when the Hathor priestesses said he or she was ready. Then the Ka activations would begin, alternating with kundalini work, higher teachings and practices, and other individual processes. The Ka is the vehicle through which the individual's Christ Self interfaces and becomes one with the personality and the body consciousness.

Next, step-by-step, and initiation by initiation, the seeker would progress through the mystery school system in a sequential order. To prematurely learn a psychic skill or multidimensional alignment can lead to misuse of power, possession, and great pain.

A mystery school is a spiritual place or teaching in which a human being can learn, experience healing and higher states of consciousness, and through right action and practice over time, attain to full-body and all-chakra enlightenment. After seven initiatic stages of enlightenment have been completed, the initiate moves into the next phase: becoming Christ conscious. When this final phase has been attained and service on Earth completed, the Christ Self may simply choose to raise the frequency of the body and ascend, leaving no physical remains behind, or choose to experience full-body, conscious death and move straight through the ascension portals, leaving the karma-free, physical body behind.

The goal in any mystery school, therefore, is to transcend all illusions of limitation on the physical plane, to live in alignment with Divine Truth, and accomplish multidimensional alignment with one's true self and with God/Goddess/All That Is-and all in surrender to the Divine Flow of Love- in other words, to become the Christ Self. The initiations along the way present the person with challenges and revelations relative to that person's karma and his or her tendencies toward misidentification with illusion and ego. As a person meets those challenges and transcends ego allurements, then the person moves to the next initiatic level.

Each initiatic level begins with a transcendental experience during which the seeker is given a reference point demonstrating the state of consciousness he or she will be in when that initiatic level is complete. After the person anchors that reference point, a clearing phase begins. The clearing phase includes life challenges, surfacing of old emotions, past-life karmic patterns and memories, and anything that needs to be recognized, healed, cleared, and transcended.

When this is completed, the next level begins and proceeds in a similar manner until all the initiatic levels have been mastered. These ancient temples then, and the Dolphin Star Temple Mystery School now, follow this form of sacred protocol as a way of ensuring the seeker the greatest hope of attaining the highest goal in integrity and Light.

The Dolphin Star Temple

Dolphin Star Temple is a mystery school system designed to assist participants toward full-body enlightenment, Christ consciousness, and ascension. In doing so, the intention is to glorify and sanctify human third-dimensional reality by bringing it into full alignment with Divine Truth and Divine Love through all dimensions- not to run away from physical existence. The physical dimension is simply the place where souls have an opportunity to experience life and its many circumstances in a sequential manner through time and space. It is the place where higher-dimensional consciousnesses are grounded and experience one thing at a time. And it is the place in which all dimensions and aspects of consciousness can eventually meet and experience Oneness.

Therefore, in this mystery school of ascension teachings, participants are encouraged to be life-affirming and to fully embody their Christed Selves. Life is a great gift to our Higher Selves, or Holy Spirits. When our identities return to Truth, we become who we really are, and we are released from false identities and ego. Then we are free to exist in the Divine Flow of Oneness through all dimensions with God/Goddess/All That Is.

In early 1987, while I was attending a month-long workshop, the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light came to me at the end of a group process and led me on an out-of-body journey. During this journey I met four Pleiadian Archangels, named Ra, Maat, Ptah, and An-Ra, who would change my life and and the lives of many others. I was given personal spiritual activations and information and was told that these archangels and their helpers would be working with me throughout the training, and beyond. Their purpose was to teach me movement and hands-on processes that would, in Ras words, "enable humans to release neurological holding patterns that must be released in order to handle the upcoming frequency increases on Earth" This language was new to me at the time, but I believed them. Although I did not tend to trust etheric beings, I trusted them at once. They were so loving and clear.

Amazing lucid dreamtime with these Pleiadian Archangels followed. At night, while asleep, I worked with them, very consciously, to learn neurological processes, laser healing technology, and instruction on what was to come in the way of spiritual evolution for individuals and for Earth as a whole. Night after night we met and worked together in dreamtime. Then I would awaken and write it all down. After the training, they slipped behind the veils to allow me time to integrate and heal. Occasionally they would pop in during healing sessions with clients to assist or give me new instructions (this story is told in greater detail in my book The Pleiadian Workbook: Awakening Your Divine Ka).

In August 1993 these beloved, ancient friends and guides returned full-time and brought the Ka teachings. At that time I had never heard of Ka. Ra defined Ka as the "divine double of your physical body that creates an interface between you and your Higher Self. This enables you to finally embody your Higher Self fully and become a Christed Being" Ra and Ascended Master lesus Christ worked with me all evening, assisting me in remembering past lives as a temple dreamer in the Egyptian spiritual era. I had agreed with these Pleiadian Archangels, before my first physical incarnation, to be the one who would "dream these mystery school teachings into Earth through lucid dreaming and communication with higher-dimensional Light Beings." Tears and light encodings flowed simultaneously as I once again anchored this role. This was the step that led to the first Pleiadian Lightwork Intensive: the name given to the healing and teaching aspect of the Dolphin Star Temple Mystery School, which I founded later that year.

Our purpose in the Dolphin Star Temple Mystery School is to assist in bringing about the second coming of Christ en masse: when a minimum of 144,000 humans come into their full, multidimensional alignment, maintaining their Pillars of Light to Divine Source all the time. When at least 144,000 humans have attained Christ consciousness, an enlightenment wave will be experienced by all living beings on Earth. Everyone will have a brief experience of Divine Truth and enlightenment. Afterward, each human being will be enabled to make a conscious choice, based on that experience, about whether or not to continue in an illusionary, ego-based reality or to choose a life based on spiritual growth, Divine Love, and alignment with Divine Truth and the Divine Plan.

The Pleiadian and Sirian Emissaries of Light, with me as their channel, in cooperation with the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of the Ray of the Ascended Christ, and the Galactic and Intergalactic Federations of Light, have brought about the contemporized Ka, Ba, and Mer-Ka-Ba teachings as they did in ancient Lemuria, Atlantis, and Egypt. These ancient mystery schools taught seekers in a specific sequential order. The sequence was, and is, designed to ensure that any student/seeker is prepared with whatever teachings, healings, activations, self-help tools, and initiations are needed before moving to a next level. Following are the sequential stages of the mystery school teachings:

  1. 'To be given self-help tools for clearing karma and releasing ego identity; meditation techniques; and teachings about impeccability.

  2. 'To awaken the Divine Ka and embody one's Higher Self.

  3. 'To heal the Ba, or soul, and return it to its essential state of splendor, glory, innocence, love, and connection to Source.

  4. To heal the cellular structure and clear mutations.

  5. To clear DNA or genetic mutations, and activate DNA of Higher Self.

  6. To heal the male/female split and refine sexual energy with loving tantric practice.

  7. To anchor the Laoesh Shekinah, or Pillar of Light.

  8. To reconstruct and activate the Mer-Ka-Ba and diamond lightbody, anchoring one through all dimensions in the sacred geometry of Light. All of this takes place within the City of Light Dolphin Star Temples, which are activated and anchored for each intensive training.

Dolphin Star Temple is one of several mystery school systems on the planet at this time. When you choose to become part of a mystery school system, that choice is intended to be made from your own knowing inside that it is right for you. A mystery school system should not be chosen from fear of missing out, from giving power away to a teacher or system, or from guilt or shame. It is intended to be chosen only from a place of knowing inside that this is what you are drawn to, and that you are ready to do your inner work. 'The right system will evoke enthusiasm and an inner knowing that it is right for you.

Whichever system you choose from that place is the best for you- but not necessarily the best for everyone.

You must be ready to take responsibility for all actions in your lives-past, present, and future. It is your responsibility to come to any mystery school and its teacher or teachers with respect and honor for the gift that is being offered, but not from the standpoint of giving any teacher a gurulike responsibility for your life. You come to become a Master Being-not to be a follower of someone else or to make that person your master. To be a true living Ascended Master, you must first master yourself.

As in every mystery school system, Dolphin Star Temple has its own Higher Council of Light. This Council consists of Light Beings from higher-dimensional levels who are dedicated to the awakening of humans via the particular system they serve. Again, each system has its uniqueness and beauty and equality with all other systems. You need not join this or any system in order to reap the spiritual benefits from its teachings. The channelings and meditations in this book are the heart of the principles of this mystery school.

I would like to introduce you to the members of the Dolphin Star Temple Higher Council of Light, who are the Divine Sources of the channelings included in the rest of this book. They are the Pleiadian, Sirian, and Andromedan Emissaries of Light, including Sirian Archangel Hermes and Sa-Ra, Archangel of Impeccability; Sirians Isis and Sekhmet and their helpers; Merlin and the Lady of the Lake (the earth names we have attributed to Father Eros and Mother Erotica, former Supreme Beings of the entire Andromedan Galaxy and still representatives of the Andromedan Higher Council); Goddess Hathor and those in service to her, the Priestesses of Hathor, also referred to as the Hathors, from the center of the Milky Way, and guardians of the portals between the Milky Way and Andromeda; Thoth, supreme father of the Atlantean and Egyptian Mystery Schools; three Elohim- Divine Love, Divine Grace, and Divine Innocence-who are always on our Higher Council, although many others are accessible when needed; two Karmic Board Emissaries of Light, who do not choose to give names; Goddess Antares; Ascended Masters Jesus Christ, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Quan Yin, St. Germaine, Joseph of Arimathea, and Kuthumi (again, others may join us when it is appropriate, but these Masters are actual members of our Higher Council); Archangel Michael and his messenger, Mark; and Osiris, our representative from Orion. There are many angels, fairies, and other helpers that often lend assistance who are not on our Higher Council. I hope you will enjoy connecting with these beloved ones as much as I have enjoyed their guidance and assistance.

Martijn Vroemen