A channeled message from the Elohim of Divine Grace.

In the Great Central Sun, a representative of the Elohim greeted us. The Elohim of Divine Grace spoke to us as a group, through me, to say that every Equinox and Solstice is a time to align ourselves with the next aspect of the Divine Plan.

Earth and her human inhabitants, as well as beings in other star systems, are constantly being impulsed to realign with the macrocosm. This is especially true during solstices and equinoxes, which are like cosmically synchronized time clocks. These are wonderful times for meditation, ceremony, and renewal, because on these days special dispensations are given, all the way from the Great Central Sun through our local Sun. These dispensations release a time-encoded plan within our Sun regarding the next karmic pattern to be healed in human consciousness. Sometimes it is an impulse to release very old karmic patterns that have been withheld from Earth for a long time.

Sometimes it is a healing dispensation sent like encoded waves of Light, or a teaching impulsed into our psyches in a similar manner.

The Elohim of Divine Grace said that at this particular Spring Equinox, the dispensation was a combination of those types of impulses, because in order for us to move to the next level and be in alignment with Earth's higher purpose, the pattern most in need of release involved all aspects of distrust and lack of self-trust. The teachings brought in that day have been expanding since that time as I work with more groups.

They have shed more light on this subject, which I think is clouded for a lot of us. Some of the cloudiness in our thinking occurs because we know that people do things that are not trustworthy, and we assume that distrust is theonly way to respond. Sometimes people deliberately lie or steal or harm or act in other ways that are not in alignment with higher purpose. People sometimes behave malevolently, and we need to be aware of that in order to make discerning choices.

However, according to the Elohim, there is never a moment when distrust is appropriate, because distrust is an inverted energy that creates chaos. It blocks the flow of light. In healing trust issues, we must first heal self-trust. Why? Because we have to learn to trust ourselves to use discernment and make proper choices before we can feel safe to release distrust of others. But most people do not trust themselves to know whom to trust, and therefore they choose to embrace the stance of justified distrust and to remain on guard, based on people's actions.

Close your eyes for a moment & start to meditate.

Think of what it feels like to be in a state of distrust and on guard.

Maybe someone has done something harmful or dishonest to you. Feel what it is like when you start to close yourself down in that state of distrust. Monitor your body, observing where you contract. Notice that your heart chakra closes a little-or a lot.

Some people tend to stop breathing when they are in distrust. Think about how it felt the last time you actively distrusted someone. Continue monitoring your contractions, breathing, emotions, and heart while remembering this experience. Take a couple of minutes for this feeling and observation.

Continue focusing on the same person and the same reasons for distrust. But begin to shift your attitude to this: "I have an ability to keep my heart open. I have an ability to keep radiating my Light.

I even have an ability to see that this person has a Divine Essence right now. I can choose to use my discernment to not place absolute trust in his actions, because I can see that part of his consciousness is still identified with the ego's need to be dishonest" (or whatever the situation was that evoked feelings of distrust and betrayal). Perhaps someone gossiped about you, and you felt really hurt. You began to lose your trust in that person. Maybe you were accused of something you did not do, or your lover was unfaithful. Whatever the situation, bring yourself to a place of saying, "Now I have learned not to place absolute trust in this person at a personality level on this issue. It will help me make my choices on how I relate to him, and yet, I can keep my heart open and love him. I do not have to contract." See if you can breathe through the memories of the experience again while letting go of the contraction. Shift your perspective to one of using discernment in your connection to the individual, while still trusting that his Divine Essence will eventually rule his consciousness again. This is called trust in the Divine Plan. It happens when you know that eventually the individual will work through all of his or her karmic challenges, pass all initiations, and become fully trustworthy again. It is only because you are looking at this person in time that there is a problem. In the framework of time, this person appears untrustworthy in the moment.

You could still choose to simply trust that the person is doing what is needed in order to learn and grow and eventually transcend malevolence. At this time the individual has a need to explore malevolence before finally letting these behaviors go, and before he or she can learn the value of the intimacy that comes with benevolence.

You can even take this corrective way of thinking and responding a step further: You can choose to have compassion because you realize that this person is so cut off from his or her own spirit as to be able to indulge in harmful behavior.

Then you do not have to take what has happened personally.

You realize that the individual is simply exploring realms of consciousness and behavior, and that he or she has not fully evolved in the area in which you have been harmed. Can you come to the place inside in which you can think about the person and situation with your heart open, and remain devoid of judgment and contraction? One of the basic rules of thumb is this: No one can ever behave in a way that is more evolved than his or her current state of evolution at any given moment. People may have glimpses of higher awareness from time to time, but you cannot expect them to behave in a way that they have not learned, internalized, and chosen to make a priority. Open your eyes now.

This approach to trust is one about which I had never thought until the Elohim began the teaching. I knew that I was responsible for discerning and for not being a victim, but to actually think of eliminating the energy of distrust was a bit unnerving at first. Most human beings have learned how to survive in the world by creating walls, and many of those walls are walls of distrust. We have learned to be on guard and to treat people as if they are untrustworthy until they prove themselves innocent. In that way of thinking, we keep certain barriers up and create separation.

Some people handle this in another way that seems to be more spiritual, but I question it. A few years ago, I had a housemate who was working on trust. I would start talking about trust, and he would literally start panting in fear. He would almost go into anxiety attacks when I started to talk about opening his heart and trusting people. Then he chose to become involved with someone whom he knew to be an extremely controlling person. So I said to him one day, "If you really want to heal trust, then you have to take responsibility for not projecting onto anyone, especially your new lover, that she is going to fulfill your expectations.

Because you know that this is a really controlling woman, you could be choosing, from a subconscious ego place, to get involved with her because you know that she is really going to hurt you and try to control you.

You could be choosing this scenario to prove to yourself, once and for all, that no one is trustworthy. Then you could justify shutting down because you opened your heart to this person and trusted her. She was even on a spiritual path-and look at how badly she treated you."

Unless you are out to justify putting up walls of distrust and being on guard, this is what you need to do:

1. Be responsible for using discernment. Give yourself time to observe the individual before placing intimate trust in his or her hands.

2. Trust in the Divine Plan, and know that everyone will eventually be worthy of deep trust.

3. Do not personalize the behavior of others, even if it is directed at you.
Whatever happens, everyone is just being themselves at their present level of growth. What else can they be but who they are right now?

4. Do not expect others to behave as you want them to unless you have enough life experience with them to know what is safe to expect

5. Before taking an individual into a deeply intimate role in your life, talk to that person about personal values and what you want and need in the relationship. Then ask the person to share his or her wants and needs and values with you. Are your values, wants, and needs compatible? Make a decision about deepening the connection and placing trust based on experience and on this sharing. Then, if you are lied to or hurt in some way, know that you did your best to be discerning, and that the person did not have the ability to live up to his or her promise. Forgive, and move on.

Do not be stupid by going out there and placing your absolute trust in someone who, as you already know, is spiritually and ethically immature, unless you want to take responsibility for creating a bigger barrier of distrust than you already have. A lot of people say, "But I trusted and loved him unconditionally. I did this, and he did that." And on and on. Just because you trusted and loved someone does not guarantee that the person is going to live up to your expectations. It may mean that you are setting your ego up to have more reason to stay in control, more reason to shut down and distrust-to prove to yourself that it does not work to release distrust.

One necessary ingredient to healing and releasing distrust is to choose a genuinely trustworthy person and to trust that person.

In order to do so, you have to let go of the barriers and the ego controls. One way to finally heal trust comes when you have used your discernment enough with someone to know that the person is a really good-intentioned person. Maybe you still notice that in the area of sexuality in relationship, the individual still has confusion or fear. This observation helps you know that in the area of sexuality you might not be able to put total trust in the person's judgment or behavior.

And even in that area, he or she is a good person with unhealed karma, not deliberately malevolent. But in every other area, you know that the person is mature and trustworthy, so you choose to let go of control and be really vulnerable with, and trust, that person. That is how you can heal self-trust: by using discernment. And that is how you heal trust of others and of the Divine Plan: by using discernment. Even if you select someone to trust who is not spiritually mature enough to be ethical, you can still trust that he or she will eventually get there.

You can still love the person and choose not to have to contract, brace yourself, or be paranoid.

You can just choose to use what you have observed, with discernment, to take care of yourself, to have healthy boundaries, and to keep honoring that the other person is on the path, moving at his or her own pace.

I have never worked with anyone who did not have to deal with trust issues at some level.

But I also know that we are all mature enough beings to take responsibility for maintaining healthy boundaries. None of us need ever be the victim of other people's energies and actions.

Carlos Castaneda talked about our "petty tyrants" as our greatest teachers, and there is truth in that. They are not always the most fun teachers, especially when we take ourselves too seriously. The time comes when you have to accept that others are a real challenge to you, and this means that you need a little more work on issues of discernment, trust, speaking your truth, or whatever. Having Pisces rising, I have always had the tendency to try to intimately include everyone. There is a lot of naïveté in that attitude. Unless we choose our intimate others from those who are at compatible stages of growth and spiritual development, we can be extremely naive. We can be so caught up in our own dream that we cease to realize that not everyone is dreaming the same dream.

Many years ago, a Virgo teacher of mine said that one of my problems was that I wanted everyone to be in my inner circle.

She said that the inner circle is just for the people with whom you can share everything-the people whom you can safely trust on every level, with whom you can share your deepest secrets and know that they will not be used against you. In the next ring out from this inner circle is a group of close friends. In this group, you really love each other and share a lot, but it is not that absolute sharing of everything that occurs in the inner circle. The next ring contains the people you go on nature walks with, share music, or go to movies with. You have fun and share less intimate life information with one another.

Then there are the people further out whom you see only if you are going to a certain kind of concert.

Next out are those you see only in gatherings with specific groups of people. Following those rings out, you reach the rest of humanity-people you do not even know or do not choose to know better than in passing. You still can choose to love all these people, but use discernment about where they belong on this circle. By appropriately choosing where you put people in your circles, you are not creating separation, or judging.

As humans, we are still learning how to remember that we are something other than what we experience in the moment. If we are in pain, our consciousness still has a tendency to identify with that pain and forget about love, self-compassion, and peace.

One of the greatest spiritual teachings is how we can remove our identity from, and release the narrow perspective of, current experience while still being fully present in our lives, in the now. It seems like a paradox; but this helps us learn how to remain in our centers so that our self-identity has constancy of presence, spirit, awareness, love, and goodness.

If you feel illness in your body, you can be aware of it, feel it, and take care of it, but you do not have to be sick. Think of the power in the words "I am sick" versus "My body has the flu." The first identifies you as sickness.

The second says that your body is having an experience of sickness.

The challenge is to maintain your true identity while experiencing physical problems. One thing I have learned through health challenges is that certain types of depression can be solely related to a lack of physical vitality. Even when your body is not feeling well, if you can witness it with love and compassion, and communicate with the Elohim of Divine Grace and the Angels of Grace asking that your body heal with as much grace as possible, the illness will not take over your consciousness.

As long as you are still identified with the circumstances of life as your reality, you will still tend to judge others and yourself. When you remain spirit centered and identified, it is easier to remember that you and everyone else are simply learning and growing. And sometimes, beings who are still in the process of awakening misplace their conscious identities and get caught up in the moment. Forgiveness and tolerance come in quite handy at those times. How you identify yourself is really important, because what you identify with is what you become. Choose your identity well.

Remember that the way you think of others either engages you in the astral world of karma with them or allows you to be even more in your spiritual identity and hold the space for them to go beyond their false identities more easily. How you view others can pull you out of spiritual identity as much as the way you view yourself. If you are identified with judging others for anything, then that part of you that is the judge has no place for spirit. It is totally absorbed in ego identity in that moment. There are things that are hard not to judge. The alternative to judgment is right use of discernment with compassion. People seem to need to play out their karmic dramas either until they get bored or until they have an awakening, when their hearts open and they see what they are really doing. It is not anyone's place to judge how long that takes. Probably the biggest challenge is to see others, or yourself, get hurt but to remain compassionate and free of judgment. You can always find someone to agree with righteously justifiable judgments.

It is simply true, however, that you lose spiritually in that situation, and your negative ego gets stronger. Pray for those who are still behaving malevolently that they will learn their lessons in a gracious way. Send them love without attachment to outcome. And let it go.

A question is asked: "What can we do if we use judgment as protection?"

Answer: Judgment is often used as a protection from other persons having a judgment of you. If you judge others as being bad in some way, then their judgment does not seem to matter because you have eliminated their importance by judging them as unworthy. What if you were to just choose to have healthy discernment and boundaries instead of erroneous protection? In your day-to-day life, choices move you either into happiness and spiritual peace or into negative ego identity. There are always challenges. It was hard for me to stop judgments. My self-esteem was one of my biggest problems, and I used judgment of others to dismiss their attitudes toward me-because I could not rely on my self-esteem. Until self-esteem became more natural, other people's opinions of me were a constant threat. Now I choose to trust that when others judge me harshly, they are on their path doing what they need to do. It has nothing to do with me, even if it is about me. I need not take it personally. If it still pushes my personal buttons, then I know I have an issue to clear within myself-not with the other person. The expression, "other people's opinions of me are none of my business," is a good one to remember.

Another dilemma comes from thinking that you should be able to fully love everyone intimately.

Then you put yourself into a situation in which inappropriate and unhealthy energies are exchanged. Sometimes, in holding healthy boundaries, we need to love certain people from a distance. Loving everyone is great. How you express or share that love requires good discernment. How do you trust yourself until you learn to use healthy discernment? How do you learn to make your choices based on healthy discernment, rather than on distrust, judgment, or fear-based protection? Some people would say that tools for protecting our boundaries are inappropriate because they reinforce fear. This can be true if you put up walls and call them boundaries, or if you create psychic barriers and live in fear of other people's energy, or even live in paranoia. Many people who use tools for protecting their boundaries have become obsessed with psychic and astral phenomena; as a result, they become more deeply enmeshed in the lower astral planes through their own constant investment of thoughts and emotions.

With a healthy perspective about boundaries, you can just practice using boundary tools, knowing they will be obsolete once you have cleared your own karmic magnetism. No one can plug into you psychically unless you have a magnetism that holds the same frequency as the invading energy. Therefore, a healthy perspective about psychic invasion means learning from it about your own magnetic attraction, and then clearing it.

Meanwhile, healthy boundaries can help eliminate the invading energies with which you do not have direct karma. Effective boundary tools are available in chapters 5 and 6 of The Pleiadian Workbook: Awakening Your Divine Ka. There are many ways of holding awareness that can assist you in never being the victim of anything, and you do not have to shut down. I noticed that many people were going through issues around trust, and the guides said you are all being impulsed now.

The photon band that Earth is now in all the time impulses us with the Divine Plan. It does so by sending higher frequencies that clear mutations and remedy karmic issues if you work with it. The chief mutation that was being impulsed for healing at the time of this teaching [April 1999] was distrust. Distrust blocks awareness of your soul and of your soul's ability to shine its light through your cellular structure-just as the Central Sun shines through the universe. Earth is in a process, within this photon band, of realigning this microcosmic planet, and all humans, with the rhythm of the planets and stars. When this realignment is complete, your soul will once again illuminate the cells of your body and keep them spinning with the rhythm of the universe, also called the Divine Flow.

Amorah: Observe, in your daily life, what choices you make around issues of trust, discernment, distrust, judgment, and so on. When distrust, which is contracted, arises, breathe deeply until you can feel yourself out of contraction and radiating again. Then choose to stay loving and flowing while using appropriate discernment.

It is sometimes easier to judge people who are on a spiritual path than those who are not, because we expect less of those who have not awakened to spirit. But those on the spiritual path sometimes experience that their karmas are more on the surface and "lit up" than they were before they began to awaken. That is because old repressed energies are continually coming to the surface for clearing.

Just because someone is on a spiritual path does not mean he or she is perfect all the time.

Sometimes we all stumble before we learn to walk our paths gracefully. I just had a flash of a comment I made earlier about someone who has been doing the same thing ever since I have known him, for many years. I could have said that the particular issue must really have a big hold on him for it to have lasted so long, This attitude could actually help me have more compassion, instead of any minor judgment or observation that he is not "getting it." My compassionate self could observe that the issue has such a strong hold on him that even with all the spiritual teachings and all the meditations he has done, he still gets stuck in the pattern. So it must really be a core karmic issue for him. Therefore, I will pray for him to receive even more assistance from his guides.

When we hold on, over time, to attitudes that diminish others in any way, those same problems will manifest themselves in our own lives, because you cannot hold a negative frequency without eventually having it manifest in your life. We need to choose our attitudes toward others from love, compassion, understanding, and trust that at some point everyone will heal everything and return to divine alignment. Otherwise, our attitudes are like weights pulling us in a downward spiral on our spiritual paths. When we reach the point where enough of us are acting from love, compassion, understanding, and trust, we will create a "hundredth monkey" effect. It is another opportunity to "think globally and act locally" - and in this case, "locally" is inside yourself.

I am becoming aware that it is absolutely vital to meditate daily -and to make sure I am in that meditation long enough to enable me to always reach that place of sustained Divine Presence. If I do not do this, as I go through my day I do not have a recent reference point to fall back on, to show me a contrast when I am out of spiritual identity. Those spiritual reference points are indispensable as foundations in truth. And the more we build our spiritual energy, the more we sustain it outside of meditation as well.

Many people are caught up by the belief in an outside source of every problem. It is so sad, because you can always righteously justify such an attitude and find people who will agree with you. If you perceive someone as an enemy, you are on the battleground, ready with defensive comebacks. Yet it is impossible for spirit to be in a defensive mode; only negative ego can do that. It is absolutely impossible for spirit to perceive itself as a victim. It is absolutely impossible for spirit to perceive judgment in anything. So the moment you step into judgment, defensiveness, blame, and distrust, you are in negative ego identity. And there is no access to truth when you are in negative ego-except out of it. Even if you perceive yourself as being put down and criticized, defensiveness is a negative ego's way of warding off a counterattack-which is still an attack-whereas simply holding a sense of high regard for yourself, and taking responsibility for self-esteem, will afford you the ability to choose not to engage with a person who is genuinely hostile.

Why should you argue with someone's ego? No one who is capable of truth and harmony is at home in his or her consciousness when attack and defensiveness are being expressed. To remain in spirit identity, you must simply choose not to engage unless the person is willing to reengage in a spiritually responsible manner. Sometimes you simply need to stop and ask yourself, "Does where I am in the moment feel the way I feel when I am in my spirit? Does this feel like what I feel like when I am in my Higher Self? Am I holding contraction, or am I open? If I were Jesus or Mother Mary, is this the attitude I would choose in response to this situation, or am I in ego-reactionary identity at this moment? Am I willing to drop ego-reactionary identity, give up the false sense of power and control that it gives me, step into the humility of spiritual identity and the power of right choice, and surrender to Divine Will?"

Some people believe that they have no choice but to move into ego protection mode. The truth is this: There is never a moment in your life in which you cannot choose what attitudes you empower with your beliefs, and choose how you act upon them-never a single moment. Another favorite expression of mine is:

"There are no real problems-just the little ego in defense of itself." The moment you say you have no choice, you are identifying with your negative ego victim. And there is no place for spirit, and no place for reason, when you are in ego identity. You have blocked yourself from any possibility of truth until you choose another perspective.

For me, the key has been practice. When you realize that you have chosen ego in a daily life situation, reframe it. Remember the details vividly, and imagine yourself making a new choice to remain in spirit truth. Ask yourself the questions above, and imagine yourself reenacting the scene in surrender to Divine Will —or in a way Jesus or Mother Mary might do it. Practice reframing all recent incidents, or key life experiences, in which you became defensive, judgmental, revengeful, and out of integrity.

When you have reframed enough past experiences to know what it feels like to choose correctly, you will find it becoming easier, faster, and more natural to respond to life experiences from spirit-identity. Then distrust, judgment, defensiveness, and blame will have become obsolete, setting you free to be the divine self you want to be and truly are.

*Bilocation is the experience of being lucidly in two places at once.

Words by the Elohim of Divine Grace & Amorah Quad Yin the founder of the Dolphin Star Temple Mystery School and Pleiadian Lightwork.

Martijn Vroemen