The geometry of creation, singularity, Oneness in the heart, instead of duality or polarity consciousness in the mind.
Sovereignty means that YOU are your own ruler or master. There is no one above you. You only answer to yourself. We are all sovereign beings of light that are equal. You don’t need a guru or anyone to tell you what to do. You have it all inside of yourself. Whatever you choose, you are the chooser.
At this special time on earth, we are moving to our own mastery and full enlightenment. You do not get there relying on others. Can you imagine being at “heaven’s gate” and being asked why you should get in?
You reply, “well I was a disciple of .... 🙄 and I did everything he/she told me to do.…”. I think they would say “rejected, go back and do it again”.
This is also were the difference between incarnation and reincarnation comes from:
· Incarnation, is when after you die, you come to havens gate and you are allowed in for a full review of your past life in what you have done wrong and right. You receive a full review because you did not give up on your universal rights, being 100% free will, 100% autonomy, 100% sovereignty and no rules try everything.
· Reincarnation, is when after you die, you come to havens gate and you are asked why should you get in? And you answer is that you gave your power and sovereignty away to some scientist, government, fake religion or guru. Which will be the reason why you will be rejected and you go back without a full review of your past life to do it over again. You do not receive a full review.
This is why reincarnation keeps humanity being clumsy, stuck in old paradigm darkness, dark energy, dark entities and dark parasites that keep humans who reincarnate holding on to old patterning and not willing to know Divine Truth. They have lost faith in the Divine, Source, Creation because of their holding on to subconscious beliefs, thought forms, negative pictures, contracts and agreements with the Darkness, Dark overlords, Satanic realm, the illuminati, Annunaki who have dominated human consciousness over the past 13.000 years. Read more here.
Many people have this codependency reliance on others. It could be a marriage partner, a guru, spiritual teacher, someone who wrote a book, a close friend, the government, scientists. These people do not trust their inner knowing, they live in self-doubt and irresponsibility. They always try and rely on what other say or recommend, so they do not have to come self-reliant.
But how do you become enlightened and move towards self-mastery that way?
Mastery means that you have become the master unto yourself, with no superiors. Mastery in sovereignty 24/7.
If you still live in a way that gives away authority to others, you are still the chooser. It’s a very bad choice. You are here to learn to actively become your own master in everything. All answers you need are inside of you. All of them.
You may learn from a spiritual teacher, a healer, an author, a scientist. You may learn from a partner, a friend. Yet you choose what you believe. You are the chooser, even if you choose to give your power away... Power is not an issue about controlling other people or situations. Currently there is a lot of misuse of power on Earth….
But it is about being in your inner power and trusting yourself and your inner guidance. However, if you never allow yourself to follow inner guidance and you never trust yourself, you are the one who chooses that. You are still the master over your destiny, you are the one who chooses that. You are still the master over your destiny, no matter whether you choose wisely or from the negative ego self. Even if you choose to follow someone else, you are one who chooses. No one else ever controls your life and choices. Only you do.
What a glorious reality! You are the master of your fate whether you realize it or not! If you do not speak your truth, you make that choice. Someone else may try to intimidate you or make you afraid, but you are the one who chooses to allow this to be your reality. It does not ever matter what another person does. It matters only whether you allow that to control your life or not. Even if you choose to let them choose, you are still the one who choose to allow that to happen.
If you have people in your life like that, clear all energetic contracts with them now. Make a new commitment to yourself to move into your spiritual mastery. Become the conscious ruler of your own life and fate.
A good place to start is with meditation and higher-self connection. Learning to ground and be in your body is a good beginning. You can learn these processes from “The Pleiadian Workbook from Amorha Quan Yin” or at any of Martijn Vroemen’s - Living in Mana’s private or group sessions. After you have begun grounding and doing higher-self connection, start practicing becoming the observer or watcher during meditation. Becoming the watcher during meditation is a great way to learn more about yourself. What does your ego personality do to try to distract you? Do not judge it, just observe and consciously choose. Being the watcher or observer is a path towards finding your true self. You are a beautiful being of light moving through life like a student in school. Everything is a lesson. When you see this, you start to move out of the “robotic mentality” and move back to who you really are.
You already are a sovereign master of your own destiny. You may simply have been using that truth haphazardly. Stop and asses yourself and your life choices. Do you move through your days in an automatic way that you have become programmed to do? Do you respond to life in trust and presence, or do you respond as an automaton doing what it is “supposed to do?” Do you consciously choose what you are doing? Or are you a robot stuck in the matrix? Do you have enough presence with yourself to consciously observe what happens in life, or do you simply always fit in?
Many people made energetic/ spiritual subconscious contracts with themselves as children or with their parents, that they must try to be like everyone around them and hide their true self. Are you like that? If you are, clear these contracts and make a new pledge to yourself to begin to question the reality you live in and your choices within that reality. As you meditate regularly you can begin to become more present with yourself, with other people, and with life circumstances. As you become more present you start to sense your inner guidance more easily.
The guides and higher-self are not here to do this for you. They are here to help you own your sovereignty and move into conscious mastery. They understand that if they try to do it for you, you will never learn to do it for yourself. A true guide of light or higher-self will often ask you questions. They are there to help you learn to think things through in your own unique way. They want you to weigh the pros and cons and choose to do what is absolutely the best and most right thing.
One of the ways of life that this leads to is you breaking through and always speaking your truth, never holding back with anyone for any reason. If you agree with someone, you tell them how that makes you feel and ask them why they are doing it. If this leads to a big eruption from them, then so be it. You are not responsible for their reaction. You are only responsible for speaking your truth.
Everyone in the world is learning and growing at their own rate. As consciousness is like a 360-degree circle and each and every one of us is on a unique place on this 360-degree circle of consciousness. You may be farther in certain areas and father behind in others. When we see that this is the truth, we can learn that nothing anyone ever does has anything to do with us, not really. They live in an expression of where they are in their own growth and conscious evolution on this 360-degree consciousness. If they still practice being judgmental, dishonest or anything else that is undesirable, they would do it with anyone that happens to be around. It has nothing to do with you. You just happen to be there, instead of someone else. Therefore, even if it seems like a personal affront, it is not. It is just them living in their current state of understanding and growth. Love and compassion are the natural things to feel when you understand this.
Love and compassion are the natural way of being for someone who is sovereign. The sovereign spiritual master has learned that it is not his/ her job to rule over others. His/her job is to honor the universal law of 100% free will. We are responsible for always following that law. We can never send a healing to someone who does not want it and who does not approve of it. We can never try to teach something to a person who does not want to learn. Proselytizing is a breach of the law of 100% free will. We can defend ourselves and speak our truth. However, if someone says they do not want to hear it, we are bound to walk away and no longer engage. It is possible to walk away in a loving and compassionate way that is free of judgement. Always know that the other person has a universal right to be exactly where they are with their life in this Earth school.
To be a true sovereign is to rely on yourself and your inner knowing in a deep and honest way. By embodying all of the positive qualities spiritual mastery is about, you can do that. Trust that your inner guidance is there, even if you have not yet become aware of it. You will. It is inevitable.
Knowing that the past 13.000 years our consciousness has been manipulated by the Darkness, the dark overlords, the Satanic realms, the illuminati, Lucifer, the devil, the Annunaki. All that you have ever been told as Truth, could happen to be not true at all. This is the difference between relative Truth and absolute or Divine Truth.
The Darkness has emended religious or spiritual teachings from Christianity, to Hinduism, to Judaism, Sufi and Islam. When you study early religious teachings like the Gospel of Thomas, you will find out that each religion started pointing towards the same One God, Source, Creation. All early regions told us that we are all part of the same source, creation or God. But in the meantime, all regions have been amended, changed. The Romans changed early Christianity to the Catholic religion we know today. They made us believe they were the original teachings of Jesus Christ. But in reality, they have kept us living in illusion. To learn and grow from the Darkness, the illusion, to know there is a higher Truth, which is Light and Light will always prevail.
What caused the Romans to crucify Jesus Christ? What caused the Romans to change the original teachings from Jesus Christ to something that is simply not true?
Their consciousness was influenced by the Darkness, Lucifer, the Devil, the Satanic realms. So, every time you went to church and I thought you were praying towards the right teachings, you were actually praying towards teachings that where amended to rule over and manipulate your perception by the Devil itself. You ended up preaching and praying into the wrong direction.
The darkness can hold your consciousness in illusion by dark energy, dark parasites, dark entities that house in your energy body, in your body and have an effect on what you preach, believe and perceive as your reality.
Scientists over the last thousands of years have also been manipulated in their ways, were they doing research manipulated by the darkness or were they researching on behalf of the Light? This video shows Nicola Tesla’s opinion about science: “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence”.
Most doctors who still believe humans are made out of matter only, they will judge people who practice spirituality or Quantum Physics as witch doctors or conspiracy theorists. While most judgements about other people, are usually reflections of themselves and in this case, this couldn’t be truer.
When you take a vaccine, did you ever check what ingredients are within this vaccine? Most vaccines contain soft metals like mercury, aluminum, which calcify the adrenal glands. The adrenal glands are connected to our energy centers, or chakras. Which means that our energetic, full sensory perception is being manipulated by these soft metals.
If you would ask a doctor whose consciousness is being manipulated by the Dark side, dark entities, dark parasites, old paradigm beliefs and agreements. This doctor would say that it’s not true, vaccines with soft metals are absolutely harmless. But in Divine Truth this is absolutely not the case.
Within the food industry lots of manufacturers use GMO’s (genetic manipulated organisms), pesticides, these organisms manipulate our energy and energy is spiritual, or spirituality is energy. They put fluoride in tooth paste and tell you, you should use toothpaste with fluoride to prevent dental plaque. They put fluoride in our drinking water, and tell you that the low amount of fluoride is not damaging to your health. But in reality, fluoride calcifies the pineal gland and other glands in our body that are connected to our energy bodies. Which makes the body not function in its optimal spiritual and energetic ability. This is why people still subconsciously believe they are not spiritual. But in truth we are all spiritual beings living a human experience.
So, to become your own sovereign master, you should start to question everything that comes into your consciousness. How do you do this? Do you own research! And don’t just trust anything that I am saying or someone else is saying based on his/ her beliefs but trust on your own inner guidance and inner authority. Your authority is never in the mind, your authority is always in your energy, in your body. You gut intuitive instinctual feeling, your sacral energy center responds to yes or no, your heart that tells you spontaneously that it is the wrong or right direction for you, your inner child is the spontaneous childlike part inside of you that only tells you once what is intuitively or instinctually right for you. It’s your mind who usually over writes your intuitive instinct and leads you into the wrong direction.
If you are reading this, and someone judged you as being a conspiracy theorist, this judgement is nothing but a mere reflection of themselves. We have been living in the Dark Forces reality for the past 13.000 years and this has been the conspiracy theory. Not the other way around.
Human Design reading (read more) can help you greatly in the foundation for self-transformation and finding your blue-print to your authentic self and to illuminate your “not authentic self”.
Energy healing (read more) and guidance to Living in the heart and “Awakening the Illuminated Heart” (read more) healing journey online & offline, will lead you to a life in singularity instead of living in the polarized mind. Creating from the mind always leads to good and bad, positive and negative outcomes. Creating from the Tiny space inside the Heart will lead to good, positive, singularity creations.
In the end, we are all One, connected through the geometry of creation, the Flower of Life. We hold creation within our own heart. In the hidden chamber or Tiny most Sacred space in the heart.
Much love & blessings Martijn
The Flower of Life pattern, geometry of creation pattern. We carry this original geometry in our own heart.