This article is spoken by Sirian Archangel Hermes, from the Sirian Archangelic league of Light. Also known as Hermes Trismegistus, or Thoth the Atlantean or Egyptian.
Thoth the Egyptain God and Hermes Trismegistus were the same being on Earth
Hermes speaks:
Sacred brothers and sisters of the Light, we are here to hail you into an awakening that has not happened on Earth for a great long time. In a sense, it has never happened, because much learning and growing has taken place, and much new experiences, since planetary awakening was last experienced on Earth. From that standpoint, the great awakening that is coming is beyond what has ever been. Yet there have been times of great awakening on Earth in which you have all participated to some degree. We wish you to remember that now.
The reason many of you have forgotten is this: when you remember the times of greatness, in your human persistence in believing in loss, you equate the past greatness with the grievous belief that because it ended you must have fallen. And this is a great misnomer. For the Truth is that Creation moves in Cycles. In innocence we are still trying to understand why the human consciousness has certain paradigms. We know that you have tendencies, and we know what is needed. But we do not always understand why you continue to go back to your tendencies, or paradigms, to make yourself wrong, as you do.
The paradigm we wish to bring to your attention at this time is a tendency, when something has occurred that has appeared to be traumatic, or that has ended a period of great awakening, to lose your connection to the great awakening, somehow believing that the trauma, the damage, or the loss occurred because the dark is greater than the Light. And this is a great illusion and a great lie that exists on your planet Earth at this time. And many of you have given much power and sovereignty away to it.
In the greater cycle of time (as explained in the previous article “ Why-did-we-get-into-duality-consciousness ? “, the Divine Plan unfolds in stages. There have been times on Earth when the forces of Darkness have overstepped their bounds and have gone too far in the destruction of the innocent. This has called for intervention from those who enforce Universal Law. When the overlighting devas of Darkness and destruction are no longer able to control their own forces, then physical action must take place. The Second World War went further than it was intended to go. And in both of those situations, humans have been called on to intervene through physical battle to stop the destruction that has gone too far. Because, you see, there are devas of groups who fight, or overlighting beings, or supreme Beings, as you might call them. Those Supreme Beings are following the Divine Plan. However, there are times when the human will, because of the collective consciousness of the people involved, becomes stronger then the being that rules them. They go too far.
When Hitler began his plan in Germany, the planetary karmic agreements between all involved required only about one-third to one-half the impact that actually occurred, before it was stopped. However, at the point at which it was intended to recede, it was as if a wildfire were suddenly blown but a great wind. It went out of control. Human addiction to the physic energy and power created through massive murder took hold of many of the German soldiers. Because of this, much destruction was required to stop it.
Many of you have subconsciously known this and have believed that it was a failure of the Light. You have believed that Darkness is stronger. But what you need to comprehend now is that it is simply a product of karmic co-creation. You have agreed to be on a planet of co-creation. When the collective consciousness becomes stronger then the overlighting forces, their own will takes over, whether it be for the Light or the dark. There also have been times when the friends whom you call the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, in their overlighting functions, have gone too far to stop disasters from happening that needed to occur. When the Light went too far, it also slowed down the Divine Plan, just as when human collective consciousness goes further into its Karmic Darkness then was anticipated.
You see dear ones, it is all a great experiment. None of these mistakes are ultimate. They are simply a process of all existence learning at the same time. And yes, there is a Divine Plan; because at some point in the future, everything has already come to a place of Oneness and harmony. And it is your own future that is constantly pulling you towards itself. There is a point of Divine resolution, at which all of existence is in agreement, as to the order of things. It is/ shall be a time of great joy and reunion. It is/shall be a time of great awakening!
The current situation on Earth is a great Awakening for some and for others, the current situation draws them back to old fears. The ones who are waking up see through the illusion of the past cycle of time in the darkness. Where 13.000 years ago, our consciousness fell from a very high level of consciousness into the darkness. The whole of humanity went into duality or polarity consciousness to experience, learn and grow from the Darkness a cycle of time that is also called sleeping consciousness.
Due to the past sleeping cycle of time, 1 % controle the world and its time to wake up!
Through the fall into the Darkness you have believed that it is not safe to open to your higher purpose, your higher potential. Although you have longed for the creation of communities, for a planet run by sacred law, for individual and planetary ascension, there is something in your psyches that stops you from going as far as you can to attain these accomplishments. What stops you is your fear of failure, your fear that what you want the most will be within reach and then something will come along and pull the rug from under you, and you “will lose again”. You feel that it will be unbearable. But in the greater cycle of evolutionary time, you see, you are always given times of strength before you must face your own karmic patterning’s. You are intended to use these strengths and positive reference points to help you transcend the challenging times when your karmas are brought to the fore.
Egyptian Thoth, Greek Hermes Trismegistus and Mercury were the same being on Earth
Parts of your memories are withheld from you, at times, until you have healed and strengthened enough to know how to deal with them. For instance, if you have a karma around misuse of power, and you have come to a place of recognizing this paradigm, regretting what you have done, you might choose to give up all your power as if you had never had it. Then you come into lifetimes in order to start learning about power from scratch again. When you reach the point of having power again in the right way, you are afraid you are going to repeat the past again. So, you only let yourself go so far. You hang there, stuck, because you are afraid to trust yourself. You have lost your connection to your divine sovereignty. The truth is that the fall from power was simply an opportunity for you to relive an ancient pattern in order to choose a new way. Thousands and thousands of years have taken place on this Earth in which the humans have progressed forward and fallen back, progressed forward and fallen back. But, as in the stories in Pleiadian Perspectives (Book), there are times when the collective consciousness of a group of people has said, “We need help!” We see that you have gone too far into the pain to be able to handle the truth. And so, we simply remove your memories of the pain, and you enter a time of grace: it is a grace period. And in that grace period your life begins to blossom again. You do not feel the pain. It still exists in your multidimensional hologram. But it is outside of your consciousness. You go about life, and you begin to spiritually awaken. You have beautiful experiences. Romantically, you learn how to experience surrender and tantric energy. You come to the point in which whole segments of your world are in peace, and joyful. It is as if, watching your society, it becomes a great, great musical symphony in which everyone is singing his or her part and is in tune. The suddenly something happens. That something that happens is a prearranged release of your karmic patterning’s. You have had a grace period in which to build your strength. You have learned sacred truths. You have learned how-to live-in harmony with one another. You have learned how to experience peace on Earth. And then it is as if an infusion takes place and the part of you that is still stuck in drama or trauma or past experiences is reintroduced gradually into your psyche. You are more prepared to deal with it than you were before because of all the learnings that you have had since the original karma transpired. All the strengths that you have built are now your tools with which to work. However, if you believe that your dreaded past will repeat itself, because it has happened before, then you forsake the very tools you have accumulated with which to transcend the pattern.
So yes, it’s like a time capsule released into your life, it has also been explained as the cycle of spirals. Every time you meet a certain point on the spiral, something occurs. If you are in a transcendental mode, each time your reach it, it will last a shorter time, until finally you prevent it and you move straight through without its occurring. You establish a new paradigm on the spiral. So, your life is very much like that. We would prefer to think of it at this time as a time capsule.
Now we want to explain your something about your Sun.
Your Sun contains all the information about what your higher purpose is in this lifetime. It is encoded so that when you are born into any lifetime your soul moves through the center of the Sun in a very special way. Not only do you leave an imprint in the Sun about what your soul intends to do this lifetime, also your soul is imprinted with the Divine Plan for Earth. So, when you are born you have the encodings within your makeup to align you with the co-creation of the reality in which you are entering. The Sun has the encodings of what your purpose is within that bigger plan. So, it is really important to connect with the Sun. The indigenous cultures of Australia, the Maya, the Inca, Native American, Egyptian and all of the sacred indigenous cultures were known to be sunrise people. They would gather and greet the sunrise each day because they know that it was that time that they would have integrated what the Sun had to tell them from the day before. They would come welcoming the birth of this new day because each day the Sun releases the new encodings that you need to follow currently. There are time periods when there are no new encodings being released, and you are held in alignment with previous ones.
When you face the Sun, it is wonderful to look at the Sun and ask it to come into you and reawaken your sacred memories. It is wonderful to say to the Sun, “I know you hold all my memories, and the key to awakening my soul, and my divine purpose”. Then welcome the Sun into your body and chakras.
As children of the Sun, when you greet the Sun it is an opportunity to reawaken those encodings within yourself. What you do with those encodings determines what the Sun can release to you on the next day. So, if the Sun releases encodings about your taking a step that is beyond what you have ever done before, and you are in resistance to taking that step, then the encodings are held and nothing more is released until you have taken the necessary step. There is a reciprocal relationship in which your soul feeds back to the Sun what you are ready to receive. Do you know, as you open your crown chakra, that inside your crown is a prism that has 108 facets? This prism has been called the names of God. These facets directly correspond to the time-release mechanism within the Sun. “The 108 names of God” is another way of saying that every consciousness has 108 facets of its own divinity and connection to Divine Source. There are facets that correspond to each aspect of relationship, others have to do with service goals, others have to do with learning about how to be a spirit in a body, and there are many more. These facets are very multiple within themselves. So as these facets within your crown are cleared, as the Light comes into you, each prism facet is able to refract that light. The state of full enlightenment is when all 108 facets of your prism have been cleared so that’s when the rays come in all 108 facets are illuminated. When you greet the Sun, the Sun’s rays respond to those facets in your brain, as well as to your soul, to see what you have cleared and what you are ready to receive. When you look into the Sun you can trigger on opening of a facet of that great prism simply by greeting the Sun and asking it to awaken you - if you are ready.
Within you, you contain a sorrow because you know you have awakened spiritually to some degree. But something happened in your consciousness, and this is what we have not fully understood yet. When the choice is made to enter into a next series of lifetimes for the purpose of service, learning, attainment or whatever, you forget about your past, including enlightenment and past-life ascension experiences. Your soul comes into your newborn body in a very pure slate, but as an empty slate. What you allow to register on that empty slate is up to you. What some of you have done is this: In that moment of rebirth when you are coming in without the full awakening you experienced on the others side, you feel that you have fallen. Something in you feels, “I thought I had gone all the way, but I must have been wrong, because here I am experiencing pain. Here I am experiencing a lock of love again. So that enlightenment, or that ascension, must have been false, or it would remain with me still. Something in it was wrong.” And dear ones, that is a lie. That is how humans still lie to yourself, because this is not true.
As above, so below, so within, so without. Hermes
We work with you to prepare you for full embodiment of your Divine Presence. But still, in most human consciousnesses, this old paradigm of self-doubt and failure interferes. Deep in the soul of those of you who still carry this old paradigm is a grief that even your greatest attainments in your other lives were somehow not as great as you thought they were, because you are not in that same level of attainment now. Martijn has had a great deal of this form of self-doubt and sense of failure. In his early spiritual awakening, in this lifetime, he remembered many psychic abilities. For instance, he was a teacher in the Ascension Temple of Egypt and still carry’s part of the energy from Serapis Bey. Who thought people the way of the ascension flame as the white ray of purity. Unfortunately, Martijn felt like a failure, as he couldn’t do certain things he could do in that time. But couldn’t do in his current reality and level of consciousness. But after a while he began realizing that he is here to do something different now. This time I am here to rewire the human logical system for a better future of Humanity and Mother Earth. It is very simple really. It is not that he has forgotten and will never remember again. It is just not his purpose in this moment. It is very simple. We hope that this example can assist you in understanding the dynamic that occurs when the misconstruing your human mind blends with your emotional reactions. You unnecessarily make things very complicated at times.
We (Archangel Hermes, the Archangelic League of Light and the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light) would like to assist you in release of those old energy paradigm. Let us begin by clearing your belief in your own failure, because you think you are not as spiritually evolved as you have been at other times, or as far along as you think you should be now. We would like to impulse you to release the fear that if you allow yourself to become fully enlightened again, something tragic will happen.
Before we guide you in this release, there is one more thing we want to explain to you. One of the reasons you go through certain cycles of lifetimes – one of the reasons you are sometimes on the healing table and painfully reexperiencing a past-life trauma – is that before you can move into Mastery on Earth, your hologram throughout time and space has to be cleared of all the illusions. Imagine that in a past lifetime your identity became locked in a belief in grief, failure, abandonment, betrayal, or any other experience of trauma. If you did not transcend that, and you have come to a point of claiming your mastery again., and you have not fully learned that lesson through life experience, then you must reexperience it until you have transcended the ego illusion. Or you can transcend the potential through remembering past pain and reframing or reliving it, with higher wisdom and understanding. You change your past. In order to stand in mastery, or Christ consciousness, all of your experiences throughout, and beyond, time and space must be cleared of false identities.
You are the future self of yourself twelve thousand years ago when Atlantis fell, or ten days ago when you blamed someone and judged them. You can go back to that time and see and remember what happened. You can go back to that time and see and remember what happened. You can forgive it. And, in your forgiveness, you have a great deal of impact on setting yourself free of past illusions of limitation and pain. Sometimes you may need to go back and talk to yourself in the past. Be your own healer by guiding your past self to change its decision. As you do this reframing you give yourself a new hologram for that time: a parallel past reality that is healed and whole. Then you operate psychologically and spiritually from the influence of your new past-life hologram. Sometimes this transcendence can be as simple as affirming, “That is my past. It is not my truth. It was just an experience. I am grateful for what I have learned, and I forgive.” And it is done. You do not always have to process and feel and reframe. You do not need to draw a life experience to you in order to relive it again. You do not always need to writhe on the healing table, the key for gracious and thorough release is to acknowledge to yourself, “Yes, I feel this pain. But I have transcended believing in it. I am ready to trust myself. If that same thing happens again, I would have more wisdom. I would not succumb to that addiction again, I would not go around playing the victim to make them feel guilty. I have grown spiritually and I trust my growth of consciousness since that karma originally occurred. I do not need to test myself again to be certain. I know.” When you can deeply and sincerely feel completion, without repressing emotions or contracting in any way, it is done.
I can feel a question arising: “What it means to change the past and create a parallel hologram?” This means that on the time and space continuum, as you currently perceive it, you perceive that everyone on Earth is having the same experience of reality. In truth, there are multiple realities coexisting in what you perceive as the same space. Realities are continually separating out, or paralleling each other. Some people experience themselves as being on Earth in total chaos. Simultaneously, others experience themselves as being on Earth in a time of great awakening and social reform. It is as if the hologram itself splits to reflect that which you are acclimated. There are even parallel realities in which you coexist. In one you made the highest potential choice at a key turning point in your life. In the other you did not, and it altered your life path.
As Hermes, I would just like to say before we begin this reframing your past, present, future hologram, that I am very happy to be with you again, and that I have worked with all of you in other lifetimes in the body of Hermes Trismegistus. Hermes Trismegistus is no longer accessible as that being but has dissolved into the light of higher consciousness. That aspect has become part of what I Am. So, those of you who were with me as Hermes, those of you who also have been with Thoth, will know my consciousness quite well. It is a joy and a glory to be with you again, as I promised I would be, a great long time ago.
So, let’s get ready to reframe some of the subconscious fears, that are hidden in the physical part of mind, hidden in the body. Subconscious memory you are not aware of with the intellect or conscious mind, but the conscious mind or intellect keeps living out subconscious fear and beliefs, which keeps you living in illusion.
All of you have a fear that complete spiritual awakening will be your death, or that it will lead to ruin. If you are sure that you have cleared this old paradigm belief, then simply use this information to deepen your truth.
In a personal “Living in Mana” healing process with Martijn Vroemen you will be guided to release those untruths, or beliefs, that have held you in emotional reaction. This read will simply be a remembrance. Old paradigm Dark realm beliefs are:
“If I allow myself to awaken fully and come into the glory of Christ consciousness again, I will also be destroyed. Our civilization will also be destroyed again if it spiritually awakens” Your belief is that you cannot bear that. That is why you have such desire to not allow yourself to let go completely. I promise you: it is an illusion. It’s simply a misinterpretation of your past experience. It is not truth.
“The Dark is more powerful than the Light” You believe this because when the periods of Light have ended, you thought it was because the dark was stronger. Where is it that you still believe the dark is more powerful than the Light. You are simply a beautiful Child who has innocently misunderstood its experiences. Truth is Light and it does prevail.
“You thought you needed to hold on to the fear (or any other painful emotions) so you would not make the mistake of awakening and being punished by the Dark Side again. You held on to the fear because you thought it protected you. The truth is that all it did, was hold you in illusion and pain and prevent healing and transcendence.”
Some of you made agreements with the Dark realms not to spiritually attain fully in exchange for their not harming you. You have agreed with some of the Dark forces, with Lucifer, with the Satanic realms, with the Annunaki, with the Illuminati, to give them your power in exchange for their protection. There are several levels to this agreement.
“You have agreed on a planetary level that as long as you are on Earth in a body, you will pay homage to some government. And every government on this planet is ruled by the Dark side at this time. This leaves you giving away your power to some government and keeps you from being fully sovereign.”
“You have agreed to not come into your full power. You have subconsciously hired “the dark forces” to protect you against themselves. It’s like paying the mafia not to hit you. Yes, it’s a little silly, is it not?”
Within the Pleiadian & Sirian Ligtwork, Energy Healing sessions, these beliefs and others can be reframed and cleared from your past, present, future hologram. The Ascended Masters, Pleiadian and Sirian Archangels will be able to support you in this process, together with the assistance of your own higher self. Sessions can take place online or in person here in Bali. “With great love and devotion, we are One” So be it!
Archangel Hermes