Pleiadian Lightwork is the name given to the healing, spiritual activation, and ascension techniques which are part of the Dolphin Star Temple Mystery School. These techniques are available to everyone through two sources:

1.) the books written by Amorah Quan Yin, especially The Pleiadian Workbook: Awakening Your Divine Ka  and The Pleiadian Tantric Workbook: Awakening Your Divine Ba, and

2.) the trainings she created, especially Full Sensory Perception (FSP) and Pleiadian Lightwork Intensives (PLI).

Introduction video of Amorah Quan Yin the Dolphin Star Temple and Pleiadian Lightwork:

What Is a Mystery School?

“A true mystery school is a spiritual system that can take an individual, wherever he/she is in present, through all of the steps to enlightenment and ascension. The word mystery does not mean elitism or secrecy. It means that the higher learnings and initiations are not revealed until the individual is properly prepared. It also means that the final stages of every path are truly a mystery that only the seeker can discover for him/herself, once the initiatic preparations have been completed. In other words, the final stage of awakening on everyone’s path comes through self-discovery.

Dolphin Star Temple is a mystery school system designed to assist participants toward full-body enlightenment, Christ consciousness, and ascension. In doing so, the intention is to glorify and sanctify human third-dimensional reality, by bringing it into full alignment with Divine Truth and Divine Love through all dimensions, not to run away from physical existence. The physical dimension is simply the place where spirits have an opportunity to experience life and its many circumstances, in a sequential manner through time and space. It is the place where higher-dimensional consciousness’s are grounded and experience one thing at a time. And it is the place in which all dimensions and aspects of consciousness can eventually meet and experience Oneness.

Therefore, as a mystery school of ascension teachings, participants are encouraged to be life-affirming and to fully embody their Christed Selves. Life is a great gift to our Higher Selves, or Holy Spirits. When our identities return to Truth, we become who we really are, and are released from false identities and ego. Then we are free to exist in the Divine Flow of Oneness through all dimensions with God/Goddess/All That Is.

The Dolphin Star Temple Mystery School is one of several mystery school systems on the planet at this time. When you choose to become part of a mystery school system, that choice is intended to be made from a place of knowing inside that it is right for you. A mystery school system should not be chosen from a place of fear of missing out, giving power away to a teacher or system, or from guilt or shame. It should only be chosen from a place of knowing inside that this is what you are drawn to, that you are ready to do your inner work. The right system will evoke enthusiasm and an inner knowing that it is right for you. 

Whichever system you choose from that place is the best for you, but not necessarily for everyone. You must be ready to take responsibility for all actions in your lives, past, present, and future. It is your responsibility to come to any mystery school and its teacher/s with respect and honor of the gift that is being offered, but not from the standpoint of giving any teacher a guru-like responsibility for your life. You come to become a master being, not to be a follower of someone else and make that person your master. To be a true living Ascended Master, you must first master yourself.”

What does mastering yourself mean?

Sovereignty means that you are your own ruler or master. There is no one above you. You only answer to yourself. We are all sovereign beings of light that are equal. You don’t need a guru or anyone to tell you what to do. You have it all inside of yourself. Whatever you choose, you are the chooser. 

At this special time on earth, we are moving to our own mastery and full enlightenment. You do not get there relying on others. Can you imagine being at “heaven’s gate” and being asked why you should get in? 

You reply, “well I was a disciple of ..... 🙄 and I did everything he/she told me to do...”. I think they would say “rejected, go back and do it again”. 

Many people have this codependency reliance on others. It could be a marriage partner, a guru, the government, spiritual teacher, someone who wrote a book, a close friend. These people do it trust their inner knowing, they live in self-doubt and irresponsibility. They always try and rely on what other say or recommend, so they do not have to come self-reliant. 

But how do you become enlightened and move towards self-mastery that way? 

Mastery means that you have become the master unto yourself, with no superiors. Mastery in sovereignty 24/7.

If you still live in a way that gives away authority to others, you are still the chooser. It’s a very bad choice.  You are here to learn to actively become your own master in everything. All answers you need are inside of you. All of them. 

You May learn from a spiritual teacher, a healer, an author. You May learn from a partner, a friend. Yet you choose what you believe. You are the chooser, even if you choose to give your power away...

Dolphin Star Temple Mystery School

Dolphin Star Temple (DST) is a Mystery School that continues the spiritual traditions begun by the great American healer and teacher Amorah Quan Yin (1950-2013). It is founded on the universal teachings of the ancient Mystery schools of Lemuria, Atlantis, and Egypt. And it also introduces new teachings for the extraordinary time we live in now—many of these teachings have been received from the Ascended Masters and the Archangels, as well as from the Pleiadian, Sirian, and Andromedan Emissaries of Light.

DST is also an international network of healers and teachers who are dedicated to the following principles:

1.     Our purpose here is to evolve in Oneness—physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

2.     Every human being is Divine Essence made of light and love whose nature is goodness.

3.     The Earth and all natural existence is sacred.

4.     Free will is an absolute universal right; impeccability calls on the self to surrender to divine will in faith and trust.

DST shares its teaching with everyone through the classes that it offers and through the writings & recordings that it provides.

The ultimate purpose of the DST Mystery School is to trigger a wave of enlightenment throughout the Earth and all her people. Such enlightenment by definition embraces the consciousness of all the beings of the Earth. And even this global enlightenment starts with each individual’s spiritual evolution and personal healing—in alignment with their multidimensional Higher Self and in unity with Divine Oneness.

Why should you need Pleiadian Lightwork in your life right now?

We are at a very special time here on Mother Earth, were since December 2012 we have moved into the photon belt, which is the energy that comes of the Great Central Sun, Alcyone, the sun of the Pleiades. It is also the Great Central Sun were the Holy Mother & Holy Father of All That Is live in.

The shift of Human Consciousness that is happening all over the Earth and in our part of the Galaxy is coming from the Great Central Sun, the sun of the Pleiades, Alcyone. All the healing, spiritual activation, and ascension techniques given in Pleiadian Lightwork learn you to align you with the Great Central Sun and the photon belt that is being emitted from the Great Central Sun. And as we are moving deeper into this photon belt, more and more deeper activations are being released, through this alignment with the Great Central Sun you are able to integrate and receive these activation of Light more gracefully. 

The Great Central Sun is like the center of our whole universe, it’s like the original Heart & Soul. If your whole universe was one being, the Great Central Sun would be the soul of that being, the essence of the being,  it’s the place where the Holy Mother and Holy Father exist in that center of Oneness with All That Is. And dimensional speaking, in Pleiadian Lightwork we work with a 13 dimensional system. The Great Central Sun is the location of the 12th and 13th dimensions. 

Each and every soul on Mother Earth has a connection to the Great Central Sun, not one soul on Mother Earth originates from our Milky Way solar system. But in order for your soul to travel from your solar ring, whether it be Pleiades, Sirius, Andromeda, Vega, Arcturian, your essence travels from your Sun of your star cluster through the Great Central Sun of the Pleiades, into the Sun of the Milky Way, before you will move into the physical body as the vessel you have received from the living spirit of Mother Earth. 

This is why Pleiadian Lightwork will be effective and efficient for everyone on our beloved planet. It connects you directly to the Source, Creation, the Infinite and gives you the tools to start healing your body (Ka in ancient Egyptian), your soul (Ba in ancient Egyptian) and activating your Human Light Body (Mer Ka Ba in ancient Egyptian). 

After learning Pleiadian Lightwork you will also be able to implement Pleiadian Lightwork in any of your other practices like for instance yoga, pranayama, meditation or even when you are practicing your favorite hobby surfing.

This is also why Living in Mana is a journey to living in the seed of the soul, to living in the Heart.

Does this resonate with you and you would like to evolve your journey to aligning yourself with your essence. On our website you can find when we will be holding our “Intensive Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing workshops” and our advanced “Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshops”. Visit www.livinginmana.com/events-workshops

More information about Pleiadian Lightwork can be found on our website: www.livinginmana.com/pleiadian-lightwork or on the website of the www.dolphinstartemple.org

Tons of Love & Light 🙏🏼💚✨

Some Love & Light activating video content for you to indulge yourself into:

Learning to Transcend Ego (from 18 min 10 seconds to 30 min 56 seconds the video becomes black, just scroll it forward to 30 min and 56 seconds, then it continues with a wonderful meditation)

Martijn Vroemen