God/ Goddess/ All That is/ Creation/ the Infinite Creator/ Source has put the keys to Source inside of your-self. To find Creation inside of your-self you will have to study Sacred Geometry, the Geometry of Creation, the Flower of Life. And what you will find out is that the Flower of Life is everything. The Flower of Life is YOU, you have it all inside of yourself.

The geometry of Creation starts within the first organ that starts to be created in our mother’s womb, it’s the Human Heart that’s being created first, and from the Heart the rest of the body forms. The mind is actually one of the last pieces of the puzzle that’s being created in your body. Your body is your highest creation in this physical existence, while you are experiencing your reality on Mother Earth.

In the brain we will always be creating from polarity/ duality, but once the Heart comes into the lead, everything falls back into balance. As the Heart lives in singularity.

Now to be fully living inside the most Tiny Sacred space within the Heart, you have to be experiencing your reality through your eyes like a child, your inner child. Before you are able to experience your reality through your child like eyes, you have to do your inner work. Which means healing your inner male, inner female, inner child and inner spirit.

Our “Intensive Pleiadian Lightwork Energy Healing workshop” is a perfect tool to heal yourself and to learn how to guide others on their healing journey. In our article “Why Pleiadian Lightwork’ you can read why this work can be so powerful and transformative for you.

Once you have done your inner work and you have Awakened your Divine Ka (Ka meaning Body in Ancient Egyptian), you are ready to Awakening your illuminated Heart.

In the Awakening the Illuminated Heart re-wiring the Heart to the brain in the original singularity reality is the core focus. The Heart becomes the dial that turns the radio to the frequency of life. Where the Heart knows the Oneness of Life and the brain receives all the frequencies you are able to choose to turn life to the frequency of only Love.

Part of the Awakening the Illuminated Heart is the initiation of the Sword of Truth & Holy Grail with Archangel Michael, opening your 3rd eye, activating your beams of light and Human halo. Once these are activated you are able to activate your Mer Ka Ba (Human Light Body in ancient Egyptian) is able to be activated. More information about the “Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshop” can be found using the link to our website.

With the Awakening the Illuminated Heart you bring your awareness, consciousness and spirit back to living in the original reality within the most Sacred Tiny space of the human heart. We were living in the space in the heart before the fall in consciousness 13.000 years ago when ancient civilizations fell into the darkness like Lemuria, Atlantis and ancient Egypt.

In my journey in self-discovery while studying at the Dolphin Star Temple mystery school I was guided to Melchizedek consciousness in the work that I was doing in Pleiadian Lightwork with the Pleiadian and Sirian Archangels. Through my own research I found out that there was a Teacher alive on Earth by the name of Drunvalo Melchizedek. I booked a training with one of his teachers, traveled to Sedona Arizona and started reading his books “the Serpent of Light, the kundalini of the Earth after 2012”, “the Ancient secret of the Flower of Life volume 1 & 2” and “Living in the Heart”. 

What did I get out of this workshop/ training? Basically it was my last step in self-discovery. After the Awakening the Illuminated Heart, I didn’t have to look further for the Truth. From that moment onwards I knew that for me to find a higher Truth, I only have to go into my “Awakened Heart” and “Mer Ka Ba” connect to my Higher-Self and there I will receive all my answers I desire.

These video’s will explain more:

More information about the “Awakening the Illuminated Heart” private healing journey can be found here:

“Awakening the Illuminated Heart” private healing journey  

More information about the “Awakening the Illuminated Heart” group workshops can be found here: 

Living in Mana.com Events & Workshops

Or on our Facebook event page: Living in Mana Events & Workshops

Martijn Vroemen