The Sword of Truth & Holy grail initiation is ONE of the Highest initiations you are able to receive on your journey into higher levels of consciousness and ascension in this life. Archangel Michael and his Divine Feminine aspect Michaella of the Light are the holders of the Sword of Truth & Holy Grail.
Why you should receive the Sword of Truth & Holy Grail initiation in this life, I will explain further. The Sword of Truth & Holy Grail is a Archangels Higher Dimensional service to humans, and what the Sword of Truth & Holy grail are. Archangel Michael & Michaella is the head of the Legions of Light, they attain the highest level of awareness/ consciousness within our part of the galaxy. The Legions of Light are those humans and higher dimensional beings who have dedicated themselves exclusively to aligning with, and protection of, Divine Truth, which is Light. Most people have heard of Archangel Michael or Saint Michael, Sao Miguel, San Miguel.
Most people have heard of Archangel Michael as a male being only. However, he has a Divine counterpart, Archangel Michaella. Michael & Michaella are twin flames, who when in one Light body only appear as Archangel Michael. This dual-natured archangel is also the protector of the Goddess, the Divine Feminine energy, and the “unio conjunctio”, or sacred marriage. Sacred Marriage can be between the inner male and female in an individual, or between a man and woman in separate bodies.
The Sword of Truth is the symbol for alignment with and protection of Divine Truth. The female counterpart to the Sword is the Holy Grail, which is the symbol for the Goddess and for sacred marriage.
When you are initiated as a carrier of the Sword of Truth and the Holy Grail, you are required to make a commitment to honouring the sacredness in all things and people, to never use the Sword of Truth for harm, to protect innocence, and to be receptive to Divine Truth at all times. In carrying the Sword of Truth, you are enabled to clear discerning choices, and eliminate unwanted influences in a nonharmful manner. For example, if you were sleeping and suddenly awakened in fear because of a dark being attempting to harm you, you could pull out your Sword of truth, point it at the invader, and commend in the name of the Legions of Light that it be gone. Under universal law of 100% free will, the entity will have to obey. If you move the Sword of Truth around and through your aura while saying, “I commend that all that is less than or other than I am be gone from my body, my aura, and my entire hologram,“ any invasive and malevolent energies will be forced to leave. The only exception to this rule is that if you have a contract with a person or entity that allows it to be in your energy field, you may have to clear that contract first. The Sword of Truth can be used to clear psychic cords as well.
Another function of the Sword of Truth is that of making discerning observations and choices. You can practice holding your Sword of Truth pointed upward while saying things that are true and false. The Sword of truth remains strong and brightens, in the presence of Truth. In the presence of deception, it dulls and/ or may go limp. If you practice this process with statements that you know are true or false until you consistently get a recognizable response from the Sword, you will be able to use it in other ways. For instance, if you are unsure about a person’s honesty, you can visualize the person in front of your Sword of Truth while imagining him or her talking to you. If the Sword of Truth remains strong and bright, this person is probably telling you the Truth, but probably lying to you if it dulls. Regardless of the outcome, you are responsible for discernment, not judgement. In fact, if you begin to use the Sword to judge others for feel superior to them, it will be taken away from you. It is only intended to help you align with Divine Truth and make choices based on knowing the Truth of your circumstances. If you are strongly invested in the answers you receive from the Sword, I would recommend not using it. When you are not 100 percent available for knowing the Truth, if you are more invested in a desired outcome than you are willing to let go, you may sway your own interpretation of the Sword of Truth’s answer. Misuse of the Sword of Truth in this, or any other way, will result in losing your right to carry and use it. The Sword will never harm an etheric attacker, but it will keep one at Swords length, at the very least. At best, it will remove the threat completely and permanently.
In the ancient days of the knights and the quest for the Holy Grail, the young men went into the world carrying swords, which they agreed to use only in the protection of their country, women and children, themselves and their fellowman. Until these men had become so selfless that they could not harm another except for the above reasons, they could not marry. They had to find the Holy Grail first. The Holy Grail in this case represented the knights inner female self. To find the Holy Grail meant that he had surrendered in service to country and to spirit, was determined to know and protect Truth above his own desires, and had learned to care more about not harming others then he did about meeting his own needs and wants. “Beauty and the Beast” is the perfect story of a man overcoming his own desires to possess, control, save himself at the expense of others, and conquer. He learned to love more than he desired. He learned to respect and honor beauty and innocence, even at the expense of his own pain. He had found the Holy Grail within himself. When a man does this, he is ready to be with a woman in sacred marriage.
When a women finds the Holy Grail inside herself, she must then balance with her own male side, which is the carrier of the Sword of Truth. She ceases to lure men for her own vanity and control. She opens herself fully to receive a man, but only if he is able to meet her halfway. She no longer settles for inappropriate companionship in lieu of loneliness or fear of harm. Her attachment and possessiveness are vanished in her deep commitment to love and honor of herself and her partner. Unless he comes willingly, humbly and lovingly, she remains alone. She accomplishes this by surrounding to Truth, and holding herself and others in the Light of Truth before acting.
The balance between surrender and nonattachment, and action based on Divine Will and Truth, respectively.
The healing meditation for receiving your Holy Grail and Sword of Truth is really an initiation. Read the process thoroughly before receiving and becoming an active member of the Legion of Light. Once you have determined that you are sincerely aligned with the process, you will meet with Archangel Michael who will present you with your own Sword of Truth. Then Archangel Michaella will present you with the Holy Grail. Both symbols will find their natural place within your body or aura for safekeeping. Then you will use the Sword of Truth to move through your aura and body and do an astral clearing, and a clearing of anything less than or other than your own energy.
Once you have received the Sword of Truth you have to pledge to never judge what the sword of truth helps you see and to only use it to make discriminating choices in your life.
The use of the sword of truth is to cut away things, energy that are not you.
Now if you have a tidiness in your throat, and you are not sure if it’s your energy or someone ells his/ her energy. You take the sword of truth and move the tip of the sword through that chakra. And if it’s not your energy, you can ask the Sword of Truth to cut it away.
And it will literally just move it away from you.
Unless you have an attachment into it in some way.
So when you use the Sword of Truth for psychic clearing, or clearing away energies, if it’s your own energy block, maybe in your throat there are some words you had to say to someone.
The Sword of Truth won’t clear those words out of your space, but it will bring it to your consciousness, so you can make the choice to clear it yourself.
So if you are not sure what’s going on and you feel a tidiness somewhere, you can take the sword of truth from where you keep it in your aura and point the tip of the sword to the tidiness and ask the sword of truth to bring it to your consciousness so you can clear it out for yourself. If it is your own, Illuminate it with the sword of truth on behalf of your own free will.
When you are doing shamanic travel, or dimensional travel, in Awakening the Illuminated Heart Ceremony or private session with Martijn. You can hold the Sword of Truth in front of your and it’s a sign that you are a member of the Legions of Light, and it will literally cut through any energies that are in your way, so you can go where you intent to go without being sabotaged.
Archangel Michael is the highest angel alongside god, goddess “all that is’ in our part of the galaxy. He’s also holder of Divine Truth and Sacred Union.
When men carry the sword of truth, they pledge to never control and own a female with your sexual energy. And men receive the initiation of the holy grail to always come towards the female from a place of honoring and giving in a sacred way.
When women hold the sword of truth, you are agreeing on making sacred choices, about the men with whom you interact, that you will not allow yourself to be penetrated by anything that is not in divine alignment, and that you will not use your own control energy to seduce a man to not being able to live without you. Because females can also stimulate that energy in men, females can also be receptive and create that dependence through seduction, allurement. So if you are going to surrender into letting a man come into you, and the man is going to trust you to totally surrender into the sacred union, to help both people to come into Christ consciousness.
He needs to know that you are not going to possess him. So we have to restore the rust between the sexes. One of the agreements you make with the initiation of the sword of truth is to not use the sexual energy to control another person. Because the control energy is an male energy that both male and female can use, because we are both part male and female, yin and yang.
And the female energy needs to know that you are only receiving in a sacred way. Remember the ancient teachings where the knights would reach for the grail and literally die on the spot? What this mean is that when we reach for the sex without the sacredness based on divine right action, we cut ourselves off from our own soul. Because the soul energy and sexual energy are inseparable with one another.
The initiation of the sword of truth and holy grail has to do with the balance of divine right action and sacred union.
When Christ and Mary Magdalene where 28, they got married, not in church, but in the way of the ancient goddess temples. This is why the church had been hiding that Christ was married, because they didn’t want you to know the true story. In the ancients marriage was done in order to honor the divine feminine and a pledge to not honor and a pledge to not mix the energies.
The example the Christ was setting had to do with a man and a woman who are choosing to becoming Christ conscious beings, in order to do so, they could not mix the sexual energies with other people.
Because when the energies get mixed up, it takes up to 3 to 6 months to get this energy linked to the 3rd person out of that persons energy system, to be able to fully blend into sacred union. When someone ells his energy is there, it's impossible for the energy to be fully present. Because there is a magnetic link to the third person involved.
When Christ and Marry Magdalene married they married to honor this sacred union. In the ancient goddess and priest teaching. So this is where this initiation of the sword of truth and holy grail is about.
When you are ready to receive the Initiation of the Sword of Truth & Holy Grail please connect with Martijn for a private session, or the Awakening the Illuminated Heart Ceremony. In love light and service Martijn.
I will ask for your permission to continue with this initiation ceremony and if you feel this is something you would not like to receive just say so and I won’t proceed. Or you could say you would like to listen to the initiation ceremony, but not receive the initiation. Stay receptive and let the initiation move trough.
Archangel Michael of the light, come forth and stand in front of .......
Archangel Michael of the light, come forth and stand in front of .......
Archangel Michael of the light, come forth and stand in front of ....... as he’s holding the sword of truth
Ask his permission to continue the initiation of the sword of truth
Repeat this:
In the name of the I am presence that I am
In the name of my free will
I’m ready willing and able
To align fully and completely in the light
And in divine truth
I am here to request the initiation
Of the sword of truth
And to pledge my membership to the legions of the light I except the responsibility now
For using the sacred sword of truth
Only in sacred ways
I agree to except the responsibility
For aligning in my life
My actions my thought and my relationships
With the law of divine truth
I am ready willing and able
To release all denial
All dishonesty
And all laziness
That has kept me from being impeccable
I’m ready to live in impeccability now
I will only use the sword to uphold truth
Will never use it to harm another
Weather it will be physically or trough judgement
I shall use it for discriminating wisdom
For seal protection
And protection of divine innocence
And I now ask to receive the sword of truth from Archangel Michael
In the name of the I am that I am
I comment that all that is less than
Or other then I am
Be gone from my body, aura and hologram now
In the name of the I am that I am
I comment that all that is less than
Or other then I am
Be gone from my body, aura and hologram now
Put the sword of truth along your spine face with the tip up and ask the sword of truth to clean your light tube
Straight through all your chakras from the root till the crown, ask the sword of truth to clean your tube of light
Ask the sword of truth to clean anything that is less than the I am presence that I am
Ask that all that is less than of other then the I m presesnce needs to be removed from your tube of light
Take the sword from the centre of your body
Place the tip of the sword at the lower brain
Ask for anything to be cleared in order for you to bring forth the 4th dimensional brain In order to activate the 4th dimensional brain and activate the mental of light
Bring the sword of truth forward again
And feel where it belongs
Goes it in a chakra?
Or does it belong in your tube of light/ spine? Or in your aura?
Find a place where it belongs and put it away now
Now we call forth the divine feminine aspect, Michaela
Michaela of the light, come forth
Each of you ask her to come individually for the initiation of the holy grail
Feel the presence of the energy of Michaela and the holy grail Be in a place of divine receptivity
Repeat this:
In the name of the I am that I am
I am ready willing and able
To receive the initiation of the holy grail
And gladly except the responsibility
For upholding and respecting
The divine feminine in myself and in others
I am gladly excepting the responsibility
For upholding the free will of others
For never upholding my will up on others
And in my own life
And in all my relations
I am ready to surrender
In divine receptivity
To the divine will
Of god/ goddess/ all that is
I ask permission to continue with this initiation of the holy grail In order to receive the holy grail
In my own free will
I am open to receiving the teachings And activations of light
Relative to the sacred purpose
Of sexuality
And union
In all my relations
I enter those relationships
In the spirit of respect and equanimity In the spirit of innocence and wisdom
In the spirit of decrement and surrender
I except the responsibility
In all of my sexual inner-actions
Of non-harm to my partners
And to myself
I except my responsibility for choosing my partners wisely And for only engaging in sexual activity
That is win win
For everyone in involved
I am ready to become Christ conscious being of light
And to assist all my relations
In becoming Christ conscious beings of light
In the spirit of surrender
And divine receptivity
I except the initiation of the holy grail now
And so be it
Hold out your hands and receive the holy grail from Michaela
Stay in silence to simply be with the energy of the sacred grail
Allow sounds to come forward in order to anchor the energy into your being
It’s up to you weather you want to poor the liquid from the grail over your crown Or weather to drink from the grail
Spread the liquid trough your chakras
You will know where you will have to put the grail by now
Put in in your auric field, soul or chakra
Asking Archangel Michael and Michaela of the light We ask the Ascended Masters of the light
Jesus Christ of the light and Mary Magdalene
We ask Merlin of the light
And mother Mary of the light
To come and blend with one another
Come and blend your energy field with one another
In the way male and female are meant to be blended together
And to blend with us in this space
So that we may have an experience or reference point in the sacred male and female balance and sacred union
We now call on directly to the holy mother and holy father all that is
We call on the holy mother and holy father all that is to come now
Send us your love, not only for us, but for one another
Help us understand love, on another being, in the way you love each other Let these beings be blended into one pillar of light
Holy mother and holy father of light
We are your children
We want to be like you
We ask you now to unfold these beings
To come into sacred union with one and the other To send us your love from your union
So that we may remember, so that we may remember
The holy mother and the holy father have said that there is a song that they would have brought to the earth that would create this sacred union
You are so beautiful to me You are so beautiful to me Can’t you see
Your everything I hoped for You are everything I need You are so beautiful to me
Imagine if you could truly from the dept of your heart sing that for one another That you will not settle for anything less
Take out the sword of truth
Set it back where it belongs
Set an intention not to harm Simply demand our right of truth
Ask you higher self of the light
To run its energy trough your tube of light
Aligning you with your own pillar of light and with your higher consciousness
Your own tube of light from the top of your aura, through your crown, out from your root until the bottom of your aura is being filled with your own divine essence
Breath into your crown
All the way down to the base of your spine
Bring the silver cord of light from your higher-self, down to the crown of your head And ask it to permanently connect you with your higher self of the light
And then you can relax your hands again when that is in place
Ask your higher self to take over your consciousness, your thoughts, your feelings, your attitudes, your actions
Repeat this:
All that has ever been
And all that ever shall be is here now
In oneness
All that has ever been
All that ever shall be is here now
Ask Mother Earth to send you some nurturing light trough your feet
To help balance the higher energies coming through to keep your grounded
Slowly start moving your fingers, toes and open your eyes and slowly come back to the space.
The Central Sun, Alcyone in Pleiades
The Holy Mother & Holy Father of All That Is live in the Great Central Sun, in the original reality that is singularity, rather then duality/ polarity.
Higher Self alignment example
Credits to this initiation ceremony go to Archangel Michael and Michaela of the Light for bringing this to the people of Planet Earth and Amorah Quan Yin for channeling this information and the further teachings of Pleiadian, Sirian and Andromeda emissaries of the Light.
Within private Living in Mana sessions or in the Awakening the Illuminated heart you will be receiving this very powerful initiation. Book your Awakening the Illiminated Heart or private session with Martijn by using the option to “connect”.
Tons of Love & Light Martijn
Founder of Living in Mana
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Living in the Heart – Awakening the Illuminated 💚
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Human Design Readings 🌟
Archangel Michael defeats Lucifer also known as the Devil who played another God’s game and changed the Geometry of Creation to living in the polarity/ duality of the mind.