Part of my purpose in this life is to end the Male/ Female split, restore Male/ Female balance & equanimity on Earth, healing your Soul with sexual energy and full embodiment of your Higher Self, Christ Self and God/ Goddess/ All That Is.
A Resolution to Duality. Confront directly the illusion of separation and duality. Duality is simply a perception. Polarities are thought to be opposites only because of the way we perceive them.
I am here to invite you over and over again to look at how your personal beliefs and attitudes towards the members of the opposite sex and towards your own sexuality - affect all your relationships.
I am here to remind you of the delicate and powerful relationship between sexuality and the health of your Soul. Unless you can create a healthy and loving intimacy with your own body and it’s sexual and sensual nature, it is impossible to hope for enlightenment, Christ consciousness or ascension in this lifetime.
The purpose behind Pleiadian Lightwork is to bring about the Awakening off the 144,000, also knows as “the Second Coming of Christ en masse.” In order to bring about Awakening in yourself, your Higher Self and Christ Self must become cellularly anchored into your body.
This involved personal dedication to clearing your entire body, aura and hologram of all mutations, repressions, and karma. Commitment to following a spiritual path of your choice is necessary in order to accomplish this goal.
Pleiadian Lightwork is one of the paths through which you can accomplish this goal. However, in order for any system to work, you must be truly committed to taking responsibility for becoming the best you can be, living impeccably, and following the healing and transformational guidelines of that system. In my case Pleiadian Lightwork and the Dolphin Star Temple Mystery School teachings by the Pleiadian & Sirian Archangels.
Five step plan:
Human Design as your foundation for spiritual growth as an accurate unique blue-print to start following your frequency, resonance, energy over your ego logic.
Ka clearing and activation (Ka = body or vehicle in Egyptian) with Alchemy & Bodywork, Healing & Self-Mastery, Higher Self embodiment.
Ending the male/ female split with Healing & Self-Mastery.
Healing and awakening your Ba, or Soul, with Dolphin Tantra, Cosmic Tantra.
Clearing/ activating your Diamond-Lightbody and Merkaba with the Awakening the Illuminated Heart Ceremony.
Sacred protocol in Atlantis and ancient Egypt followed this same order. In fact, it was the abandonment of Sacred protocol that helped bring about the fall of Atlantis. Sacred protocol for spiritual seekers, students and initiates involved never giving the initiates anything that they have not been properly prepared to handle.
For example, in ancient Egyptian temples, a prospective initiate must have already been living in harmlessness and 100% integrity prior to being accepted into the mystery school. Priests and priestesses would speak with members of the persons family and community in order to learn whether or not the applicant was indeed known to be a “good person”.
Then the applicant would be evaluated, or read, energetically to determine whether he or she was sincere and genuinely ready to begin the mystery school practice. If the prospect initiate was deemed acceptable, he or she was first taught simple techniques for healthy boundaries and transcendence of ego identification.
These teachings were completed prior to beginning the activations and clearings in the Ka Temples. Why? Because it can actually be dangerous to open your higher dimensional connections if your identity is not aligned with spirits truth, as opposed to ego's truth.
If an initiate has dark astral affiliations from early life or past lives and cannot secure his or her auric field safely from these influences, higher- and multi-dimensional work can exacerbate this problem.
If the initiate is still identified with such karmic behaviours and attitudes as blame, shame, control, judgment, lust, greed, fear and hatred, he or she will be much more susceptible to influence and possession by dark entities such as the Annunaki, Dark-overlords, control lords and astral parasites.
This does not imply that you must be totally free of faults before entering the initiative path. It does mean that you need to be able to take responsibility for clearing and transforming these energies as they arise - as opposed to indulging in them and believing they are real.
The key ploy of the Dark Overlords for maintaining control over the human race involved maintaining distrust, control, and lust-based sexuality between the sexes.
Lust is the lowest of the lowest vibrational frequencies, even lower the pain, fear, guilt, blame & shame.
The Annunaki and Lucifer put their heads together long ago and realised that the male/ female split was the greatest source of separation and ego identity on Earth. It seems obvious that relinquishing this level of ego identity and separation is certainly vital prior to sexual and Soul-level healing and activation.
When your soul is free and beyond identification with separation and distrust, your sexual energy can be used to activate your Soul to spin very fast and radiate its light outward like holographic ripples on water.
These light ripples, or waves, literally spin your cells, fill them with light, and realign, or maintain alignment with, the orbits of the stars, planets, and entire cosmos.
The Lemurian & Incan tradition uses the same word for Christ as for sacred sexual energy. They recognise that the flow of sexual energy is inseparable from the Soul energy, enlightenment and ascension.
Pleadians are adamant that this step should never be taken prematurely because of the danger of exacerbation of astral connections and fear- and illusion-based emotions and thought forms. I have personally witnessed numerous people becoming paranoid, emotionally imbalanced and very entangled with the astral realms due to following mer-ka-bic meditation practices prematurely.
This is why the ascension and mer-ka-bic teachings where the last level of initiation as the seeker made his or her way through the ancient temples along the Nile.
For it is you and I who must usher in the Age of Enlightenment with our own higher consciousness and spiritual attainment. It is the human race who must evolve now into total impeccability and Divine Alignment with God/ Goddess/ All That Is.
What a relief it is to know that this time of the Age of Enlightenment has come and that our options for spiritual laziness and self-indulgent behaviours have come to and end-unless we enjoy suffering. Why have these options become obsolete?
Because the frequencies on Earth are continually being raised through deeper and deeper entry into the Photon Band. As the photonics particles interact, and attempt to blend, with your cells, they impulse you to let go.
They impulse your cells to release all mutating forms and energies and to realign with the orbital movement patterns of the stars, planets and cosmos. The photons strive to bring you back into self-affinity, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. If you resist, you begin to die a little at a time.
Resistance becomes disease more rapidly than before. Your karmic returns are happening faster and faster. In other words, to straddle the fence no longer gives you a breather: it brings pain. And yet, pain is still a great motivator if there is no other.
The good news is that diseases and chronic emotional problems can be healed faster than ever by those who are willing to learn, let go, and be impeccable. I have seen amazingly fast healings of even the most virulent cancer in friends who decided to really go for it.
As the photons impulse you toward truth, wholeness, letting go, and divine alignment, may my service to you, add gracious assistance to you in your ongoing path of re-becoming al that you truly are: Divine and One with All That Is.
These materials are intended to impulse you to remember your own creation story, your individual myth. My guides say that when One person remembers and shares his or her experience of remembering, it impulses others to remember their own stories. Some of the details of your remembering of your creation may vary greatly; some may be very similar, or even identical to my own. It’s time now! It’s time now to remember everything!
Male Female Balance is what we are restoring on the Earth on a daily basis. It's been a very very very long time ago, during Lemuria that we lived in Male Female balance and equanimity on Earth. It’s in the fall of Atlantis by the Lucifer Principle and the Annunaki who came to the Earth and wanted to create Humanity as their slave race, that caused the Male Female split and separation to happen.
For thousands of years on Earth, and infinity longer within our solar ring and beyond, male/ female separation, competition, distrust, control, jealousy and imbalance have been primary sources of pain and karma.
As we are entering into the Age of Aquarius, the Golden Age, it is imperative that this be corrected and that sacredness and equanimity be restored. Whether you choose to be involved in a heterosexual relationship is not the issue. This issue is the internal and external balance between male and female in all aspects of your life.
For you to move into healthy Tantra and Tantric sexuality, healing your beliefs that might result into male/ female separation, competition, distrust, control, imbalance, jealousy need to be released and healed in order to avoid pain and karma. When moving into Tantric sexuality without healing these unconscious and subconscious beliefs, Tantric sexuality can actually be unhealthy for the soul, lingham and yoni area, in some cases it can even result in breast, genital or womb cancer.
As the sexual energy, life force and soul energy are inseparable with one another. The soul, sexual energy and life force energy are ment to be shared with a significant other in honour and respect for the Divine Feminine in both Male and Female gender and to be used in sacredness and Divine right action. When the soul and sexual energy are not being used in the highest alignment with Divine Truth it can be very damaging.
It's important to see one of the most crucial areas of control and power struggle between men and women, which is the lust and seduction game. The lust seduction games looks like this:
"He walks into the already crowded room at a party. She notices him right away. She smooths out her skirt, pulls her blouse a little lower off her shoulders, walks in his direction while nonchalantly sipping her drink and making a point to look the other way. Her posture and walk are seductive, her brows raised slightly as she walks past him. She manages to brush against him ever so slightly and says, "Oh excuse me," in a surprised sounding way, and walks on. Psychically the energy cords go out to him in a snakelike dance, hitting him with a burst of sexual energy, while she looks like she still doesn’t know he exists. He (consciously or subconsciously) feels the energy, watches her walk by, and hypnotically follows the leash, or energy cord, she has hooked to his body. He catches up, taps her on her shoulder and introduces himself. They are practically in bed already, with their psychic energy, but both pretend not to notice. As he talks to her she occasionally looks away, trying to not seem to interested. She even pulls her sexual energy a little back, to make him have to try harder to reach her. He talks awhile and then goes for a drink or a bathroom break during which he figures out the next game plan. "Do I simply come on strong or act indifferent for awhile? I know she likes me, or I think she does". He checks his hair, his shirt, opens another button on his shirt to expose his chest, re-buttens it, un-buttens it again, thens goes back outside.
He positions himself in the room where he can see her out of the corner of his eye but pretends not to see her. She notices his shirt and a sideways glance, smiles to herself in understanding the game, and looks the other way, pretending to not notice him at all. Both have their feelers out, but it is a contest now to see who will make the next approach. An hour passes, She goes to the bathroom, freshens her makeup, sets her eyes and posture, in that certain pose, and emerges again. She walks over to the refreshment table, still not looking at him directly but very aware of where he is in the room. He is undressing her and silently imagining being the hottest lover she's ever had. He sees her writhing and panting as he, with great self-controle, thrusts into her over and over again. He is becoming aroused and she can feel the heat of his passion. She silently chuckles and smiles to herself. he has a smug but satisfied silent chuckle as well as he walks over and without directly looking at her asks. "Having a good time?" She looks a little bored and replies, "So, so". She starts to walk away, but he takes her arm in his hand and asks if she would like to go for a ride with him. She looks at her watch, looks around the room, then sighs and says, "Oh, why not".
All the way from there, throughout the drive to her apartment and to the bed, they complete for who can entice the other the most but seem to want it the least. To act unaffected is vital. During sex they both focus more on being the best and on always trying to look sexy than they do on really sharing themselves with each other. She arches her back to lure him with her breasts. He purposely extends foreplay to try to break down her controls so he can blow her mind first. All the way to the end of the night where they casually agree to "keep in touch," neither let’s go of self-consciousness or control. They part. She is sure she has him exactly where she wants him. He silently walks away thinking, "piece of cake. She's hooked." And the beat goes on.
Some people play the lust & seduction game more directly. I call this the "Hey big guy," or "Whats happening, pretty baby approach?" approach:
One of the other struts for the other , seductively rolls his or her eyes, rubs against the intended, makes seductive sounds flatters, and fully intends to conquer. She may want to be “taken” or to be aggressive and make him loose control. He may be in either role as well. Their conversation is one of meaningless seductive innuendoes, ego boosting, and playing it cool. The sex is the “Oo, baby, baby” kind with little but physical release accomplished.
The game can also be played in banks, restaurants, department stores, or anywhere else a man and woman on the make happen to meet. It can vary from, “Hey baby, wanta fuck?” to “Don’t I know you?” as the sexual energy hooks fly from one to the other. But the agenda is the same. Who can lure the other the most? Who can boost his or her own ego the most? Who can make the other lose control? Who can be the best in bed?
Another variety is the woman or man who can never do enough to please her or his partner. The motivation is to be giving enough that the other will finally notice you and tell you that you are okay; and maybe even toss a few crumbs your way. The other partner in this situation is usually very self-centered and gets off on someone else groveling and seducing for attention. The self-centered one steals energy this way while the needy partner continues to try too hard to please and hopes that a few crumbs will be tossed his or her way occasionally.
Notice that words like love, innocence, playfulness, trust, honesty, caring, respect, directness, and adoration have not even come up during the description of the variations of the lust/seduction game. Regardless of which role you play, or may have played in the past, it is a game in which no one wins. It is lose/lose instead of win/win. In fact the game itself is based on anger, control, separation, low self-esteem, self-centeredness, distrust, revenge, and desperation. Yes, desperation. In this game the biggest investment each player has is in not letting the other know how desperately he or she is in need of validation, soothing feelings of loneliness, or releasing built up tension and emotional pain. It is also true that the one who looks the least needy and least interested is just as desperate as the one who shows it. Often neither player even consciously knows that he or she is desperate. The ego facades are so strong that both have learned to identify with them. It is like planning a bad dream, dreaming it, and forgetting that you planned it. You simply live it and believe it is real. The people involved have truly fallen asleep and not reawakened to realize that they are just dreaming their own dream; that it is just an illusion.
The subconscious is hidden in the body, the subconscious is hidden from the conscious mind, the conscious mind, the intellect keeps living out what is hidden in the subconscious part of mind.
Female attitudes
First let us take a look at what has brought about the participation of females in the lust/ seduction game. For a very long time on Earth women have been considered second-class citizens. Though a few indigenous cultures have maintained the dignity of the female, the majority of Earth's people belong to dominant patriarchal cultures. The burden of keeping a relationship flowing and satisfying has been placed on women's shoulders. A woman must be pretty enough, sexy enough, stay young, always be fresh and inviting even after a long day with the children, keep a perfect house, and be a good cook. Any of these areas that are less than ideal is enough of an excuse for her man to look outside the home for a younger, prettier, or more emotionally satisfying partner. He may come home grumpy, smelly, and tired, but she is not supposed to notice. If she does notice, she is being a nag or bitchy. If he notices she is not up to pair in some way and complains about it, she is ashamed. If the woman does not buy into the shame game in which both partners actively practice trying to hurt each other, put each other in the wrong, and withhold love and positive attention. Women who choose to play neither role either end up as "old maids" or seductresses who only have short-term relationships. "Love them and leave them" becomes the credo and only way to survive with any sense of self intact.
Another type of woman involved in this deadly game is the control freak. She chooses wimpy men or maybe even men who are sensitive and emotionally available. She begins the relationship by boosting a man's ego, sympmathizing with him about his former disappointments and betrayals with women, even appears to confide in him about her own inner secrets. Then as soon as she is sure he is hooked, the control begins. She makes outrageous demands with threats of leaving, or by guilt-tripping him and telling him that he does not love her. She insults him and tries to make him feel like he is not good enough for her. She insults him and tries to make him feel like he is not good enough for her. She may be manipulating for money, special favours, or simply for the pleasure of making him suffer under her power. If he reaches his limit and threatens to leave, she either becomes falsely remorseful or psychologically begins to "tear him to shreds." The vicious cycle continues until someone has the courage to finally end it, or she finds a new male to challenge her and keep her amused.
A lot of women are seriously breaking out of these roles, They are releasing past pain and emotion, learning discernment, and learning how to be intimate and feel safe. And yet a lot of women are still in the process of redefining themselves as females, both autonomously and as related to males. Most women still either distrust and blame men for all their relationship dysfunctions, or blame themselves completely and remain naively blind, deaf, and dumb to their men's faults. Since it is obvious that neither attitude serves in bringing about harmony, equanimity, and trust, another choice must be made. That choice is one of self-clearing and self-healing, and learning to pick the right kind of men in the first place.
Below I have created several categories in which to classify the diverse approaches to agnd attitudes about men that women take. You will most likely find your own patterns under varying categories, although one category will clearly be your modus operandi. Try not to judge your own patterns or those of other women and men. It is simply time to recognize where they have come from, and what you need to do to change them. As you identify your own beliefs, judgments, and negative attitudes, list them on three separate pieces of paper labeled with the headings:
"Beliefs and judgments about hem and relationships"
"Attitudes and behaviours towards men and in relationships"
"Beliefs, judgments and attitudes about myself as a woman"
After you have written down your own personal agendas on each list you will have the material with which to work. I recommend that you use the technique for clearing beliefs and judgments given with my Healing & Releasing relationship & intimacy patterns guided process. The reward for your efforts will be self-respect, dignity, more self-love, increasing ability to use discernment in choosing partners and better relationships.
Some of the examples I have given may seem antiquated to you. But look at the attitudes your ancestors, grandmothers and mothers passed down. You may not be consciously holding onto these beliefs but may be holding them in your subconscious or as undigested issues in your body. Identify the ones that even remotely ring a bell and work with those until you feel clear with each one. I am sure that there are many more beliefs, judgments, attitudes and behaviours that are not identified here. Hopefully these will be enough to trigger your awareness of yourself in a deeper way and help you realise others that are not given.
The bombshell seductress
Subconscious beliefs and judgments from women, about men and relationships with men:
Control or be controlled: there is no other way.
Men are ruled by their penises (to phrase it nicely)
No man can be trusted any further than you can see him.
The only power I can have over men is sex.
Men only want women who are the sexiest, prettiest and hottest in bed. I have to outdo other women to get their attention.
To make a man want me and then reject him is a turn-on.
To use men for money is a way of having power over them and making them look like fools.
To pretend to care about a man and be monogamous while fooling around with other men is to beat him at his own game.
Subconscious attitudes and behaviours by women, towards men and in relationships:
I hate men.
I enjoy watching men suffer over me.
I’ll never let any man have satisfaction of making me really care about him or know that I need him.
The dangling carrot approach: tempt them but never let them have it all.
Relationships are just a trap from women and serve men only.
Flirting with other women's lovers or mates in order to feel superior.
Turning men and women against each other by telling lies.
Telling your partners lies in order to get your way.
In relationships, someone wins and someone loses. Therefore, I must always make sure I win.
Subconscious beliefs, judgments and attitudes about myself as a women:
I have to make men want me in order to feel valid as a woman.
I hate men because I need them for validation.
I don’t trust myself.
Being a woman makes me less then, so I have to act better than in order to hide it.
I can only win a man if I stay really sexy, thin and seductive.
My body is my only source of control and value.
I don’t trust other women because they are just like me.
I always have to feel like I am in control of every situation. My only alternative is to feel out of control and powerless.
Women have to be devious to get their needs met.
I deserve to use and hurt men: If I do not do it to them, they will do it to me.
Never letting anyone know I feel insecure is a must for survival.
I must always remember bad things men have done in order to never let my guard down.
Trusting anyone is just being stupid and naive.
Never feel anything deeply except power over others, anger, hate, revenge, or arrogance.
Hurt others but do not ever get hurt.
Always keep my pride by judging others and feeling superior.
Demure Seductress
Subconscious beliefs and judgments from women about men and relationships:
Control or be controlled: there is no other way. I’ll make him think he is in control, but I will make sure I am.
Men are ruled by flattery. Boost their egos and make them feel important and you have them where you want them.
No man can be trusted any further than you can see him. But always make him think that you are so naive and innocent that you trust him even when he does something wrong.
I can have power over men in sexy by being shy and appearing to be conquered by their overwhelming charm.
Men are suckers for the femme fatale approach.
If I cannot get what I want any other way I can always cry.
If I cannot keep my man fully satisfied at all times, some other woman will.
Men like to feel like the big, strong protectors, so I will play along. It turns them on to think I am frail and helpless.
If I do not have an orgasm, I will fake one just to make a man feel masculine. Secretly this deception makes me feel more in control and superior.
Men do not like women who assert themselves, so I must be covert in getting my needs met.
Attitudes and behaviours towards men and in relationships:
You cannot expect a man to work as hard at making a woman happy as she works at making him happy. It is a woman's responsibility to keep the relationship working.
Do not let a man know you are not satisfied until it is too late. Then leave him suddenly.
Women are smarter than men but must never show it.
Say, "Honey or babe, can you explain this for me?" or "Can you do this? I am not strong enough."
Beliefs, judgements, and attitudes about myself as a woman:
I will never be fully appreciated because I am a woman.
Always be soft-spoken and sweet or I will be unfeminine.
It is unsafe for me to express my needs and feelings in a direct way.
If I do not keep myself young and sexy looking no man will want me.
It is shameful for a woman not to have a man in her life.
When I can keep my man happy I feel worthy as a woman. When he is unhappy I feel like a failure.
It is unfeminine for a woman to appear as intelligent as a man.
It is unattractive for a woman to show anger or to express any emotion in a deep or intense way.
I must always have my hair and makeup just right before I am around men.
It is my responsibility to know exactly what my man expects of me and to fulfill his expectations. But I cannot expect him to do the same for me. Men and woman are simply different in that way.
The man-hater
Beliefs and judgements about men and relationships:
All men are selfish, self-centered and uncaring towards others.
All men just use women whether it be for sex, money, or ego gratification.
Men are incapable of commitment and loyalty.
All men are two-timers.
Men think with their genitals.
All men want to posses, control, and conquer women.
If I don't outsmart and control him, he will outsmart and control me.
All men hate women.
No man is good enough to deserve having a woman in this life.
All men control women through sex. Therefore, I will never let myself feel sexual energy.
Attitudes and behaviours toward men and in relationships
Relationships and marriage are strictly for a man's convenience and a woman's sorrow.
Love between the sexes is just a lie, a fairy tale believed by fools.
I have to keep him feeling inadequate and inferior by insulting him and never being satisfied. It is my job to remind him continually of his faults.
In order to keep a man around I must keep him feeling guilty, inadequate and beholden to me.
By withholding sex I can keep him in need of me.
I must constantly show him that I am smarter than he is.
If I never act happy around him, he will try harder to please me.
I will find ways to use him before I am used.
Beliefs, judgements and attitudes about myself as a woman:
I will never be happy because a woman's life is always unhappy and unjust.
I must never let myself open my heart and trust anyone.
I hate myself for allowing men into my life just to hurt and use me.
I hate myself for wanting sex with men.
I will never try to please anyone but myself.
Women are always smarter and more trustworthy than men.
It is okay to cheat on a man. He deserves it.
I will never trust women who love men and who "pretend" to be happy. It is impossible without selling out as a woman.
As long as there is injustice towards women in the world, I must never let myself be happy or let go of my pain, anger and hate.
To be a woman is to be a victim.
I have a right to use men any way I want to. They deserve it.
I have a right to use seduction and sex to control men.
Some of the examples I have given may seem antiquated to you. But look at the attitudes your grandmothers and mothers passed down. You may not be consciously holding onto these beliefs but may be holding them in your subconscious or as undigested issues in your body. Identify the ones that even remotely ring a bell and work with those until you feel clear with each one. I am sure that there are many more beliefs, judgments, attitudes and behaviours that are not identified here. Hopefully these will be enough to trigger your awareness of yourself in a deeper way and help you realise others that are not given.
Now it is time to find replacements for these attitudes. Begin three new lists labeled as follows:
"Affirmations about men and relationships"
"New attitudes and behaviours towards men and in relationships"
"Affirmations about myself as a woman"
For each negative item on your first list, write an affirmation or describe a new scenario with which to replace it on the corresponding list. For example, if you wrote down, "All men hate women," on your new list write something like: "I am ready to draw into my life men who are loving and caring toward women and especially toward me." Or if you wrote down, "Control or be controlled: there is no other way," then your affirmation might be: "I am ready to take responsibility for letting go of control and making more discerning choices about the men with whom I choose to be involved." Just because your past experiences have been painful and less than ideal does not mean that your future experiences will be the same. Examine what has created the negative magnetism in your life. Have you harboured resentment and blame from one relationship to the next? If so, you have created a magnetism for those type of people and situations. Are you still looking for men who remind you of your father in order to have yet another chance to make it different this time?
"Perhaps if this new fellow will do ___ better than Dad did, i will finally be able to feel okay about myself as a woman." If you are consciously or subconsciously still thinking this thought, then your chances of finding a satisfying relationship are very slim. You must heal your own past, let go of your dad and all of your ex-lovers and ex-husbands, forgive them, forgive yourself; then you can create a new type of magnetism - one based on already feeling good about yourself, being a forgiving and understanding person, and knowing how to use discernment. If the new man reminds you of your "ex" then find someone else. You are getting off to a bad start and the results are predictable.
After the section about men you will find a section entitled "Women and Men", which includes a guided process for Releasing & Reframing relationship & intimacy patterns such as blame and forgiveness yourself and others. When you have completed working with your lists, move on to that section.
Male attitudes
For a very long time on Earth the standard set for men, order for you to fit in and be considered masculine, have been very limiting. In most cultures, men are not supposed to even acknowledge they have feelings, much less express them openly to their loved ones. Anger within certain limits has been acceptable. And in most cultures men are expected to be good providers for their families. However, it s not un-commen for a man in a supposedly monogamous relationship to be seen as simply "being a man" when he first with or has affairs with other women. in fact, peer pressure often condones it. He may be teased as being "pussy-whiped" if he does not choose to come on to the sexy cocktail waitress and fantasise with his buddies about having sex with her. To look at women as sex objects is considered manly and in control. men who do otherwise are considered wimpy or un-masculine, or teased about being gay. It takes courage and a lot of integrity for a man to step out of the role as a womanizer in many groups. Often his only sense of personal value as a man comes from having a woman treat him seductively or respond to his macho or seductive gestures.
Another archetypal male is the one who is wimpy and ineffectual. He has been browbeaten by at least one controlling parent - it could be mother or father. Nothing he did was ever good enough when he was growing up. He enjoyed poetry more than football and his dad hated him for it. He felt romantic and loving towards girls he liked and other boys made fun of him. He daydreamed in school and was yelled at by teachers. He may have been barely made passing grades and felt ashamed. The shame and low self-worth are the common threads in all of the agendas of the wimpy, ineffectual male. Underneath he is most likely seething with rage; and yet he barely squeaks out and stutters his words when backed into a corner - or even in everyday communications.
He secretly resents everyone who has ever "made him feel" inadequate. He is a victim, while fantasising about pulling the trigger on the teacher, lover, or parent who hurt his feelings. He withholds his creativity from himself and his life. He is totally stuck in self-pity and uses it to control others and be irresponsible in relationships. He has overtly rejected the macho male archetype, while covertly harbouring aggression and negative fantasies. He is passive/ aggressive, aloof, and withholding. Or he may be an over-pleaser who always picks people to be involved with who use him, abuse him, or put him down. He may get put down directly by his friends and lovers - or would be lovers - or he may feel put down because he knows he never gives enough or is good enough company. Either way, he is a social loser. He may even excel at his job, but receive little respect and appreciation on a personal level. He desperately wants a relationship and deep down hates women for the power they have to reject him.
Many men are sincerely attempting to break free from the archetypes mentioned. Some of these men still actively practice the "studly" attitudes and behaviours privately with pornography or by fantasizing about other women while with their lovers. The wimpy man may be taking assertiveness training but still secretly feeling inadequate and lazy about taking responsibility in relationships. The men who are attempting to break free face the challenge of being forerunners for anew male archetype. As Robert Bly pointed out in his book, Iron John, men today cannot find very many, if any, good male role models. You, who are breaking free, are in the process of becoming male role models for future generations. So upon what do you base your new way of being? My suggestion is that you base it on learning to be real, whatever that is for you. Through men's groups, meditation, workshops, private healing sessions with alternative healers, books, and sincere inner work, you have begun to undo the past within yourself. You have perhaps discovered the loneliness and grief of the sensitive boy who grew up in a world that was insensitive and much too fast. That little boy is the starting place. He was not calculating, tough, or condescending to women. You had to be carefully taught those attitudes, not only by your father, but also by your mother. Statements such as "Big boys don't cry," or "Your father would be ashamed if he saw you acting like that," told you to stuff your emotions and sensitivity away, be tough, and meet your father's approval, or be ashamed.
Men have also been taught that they must perform well and consistently in the world - and in bed - in order to be considered worthwhile. Male self-esteem has long been equated with how much money you earn, the type of profession you choose, the physical beauty of your wife, the behaviour and success of your children, your sexual prowess, and the type of car and home you own. How can a man be real with this type of criteria for self-worth and self-esteem hanging constantly over him, weighing his merit? The new man must be very daring or very rebellious just to embark upon a new way of being. But this is the end of the millennium, fellows, and time for a new script.
Below I have created categories in which to classify the diverse approaches to, and attitudes about, women that men take. You will most likely find your own patterns under varying categories, although one category will clearly be your modus operandi. Try not to judge your own patterns or those of other men or women. It is simply time to recognise where they have come from, and what you need to do to change them. As you identify your own beliefs, judgements, and negative attitudes list them on three separate pieces of paper labeled with the headings:
"Beliefs and judgements about women and relationships"
"Attitudes and behaviors toward women and in relationships"
"Beliefs, judgements and attitudes about myself as a man"
After you have written down your own personal agendas on each list you will have the material with which to work. It is recommended that you use the technique for clearing beliefs and judgments given with my Healing & Releasing relationship & intimacy patterns guided process .
The reward for your efforts will be self-respect, dignity, more self-love, increasing ability to use discernment in choosing partners, and better relationships.
So let's examine your roles in the lust/seduction game. Be honest with yourself about even the subtlest tendencies that you still harbour. Some of the examples I have given may seem antiquated to you. But look at the attitudes your father, grandfather and ancestors have passed down. You may not be consciously holding on to these beliefs, but may be holding them in your subconscious or in your body. Identify the ones that even remotely ring a bell and work with those until you feel clear with each one. I am sure that there are many more beliefs, judgements, attitudes and behaviours that are not identified here. Hopefully these will be enough to trigger your awareness of yourself in a deeper way and help you realise others that are not given.
The macho seducer
Beliefs and judgements about women and relationships
1.) Women want to be taken, They like it.
2.) Control or be controlled: that is the game. And I will never let myself be humiliated by being controlled by a mere women.
3.) No women can be trusted any further than you can see her.
4.) The only power I can have over women is sex.
5.) Women only want men who are the sexiest, handsomest, and hottest in bed. I have to outdo other men to get their attention.
6.) To make a women want me and then reject her is a turn-on.
7.) To use women for money is a way of having power over them and making them look like fools.
8.) To pretend to care about a woman and be monogamous while fooling around with other women is to be cool or manly.
9.) I have to intimidate women with my physical strength in order to control them.
10.) Women were created for my pleasure and convenience.
11.) Any woman should feel honoured to get my attention.
12.) Women like the big, strong, protector type.
13.) All women are good for is sex.
Attitudes and behaviours toward women and relationships:
1.) Relationships are only on my terms.
2.) Marriage is for sex and to have my household needs taken care of. It has nothing to do with love.
3.) Love between the sexes is just a big lie. Love is for sissies.
4.) I hate women.
5.) I enjoy watching women suffer over me.
6.) I'll never let any woman have the satisfaction of making me really care about her or know that I need her.
7.) The dangling carrot approach: temp them but never let them have it all.
8.) Coming on to other men's lovers or wives in order to feel superior.
9.) If a woman wants me she's going to have to work hard for it.
10.) Act bored and unaffected even when I really want her.
11.) Always keep a woman in self-doubt so she never knows that she is as good as I am, or deserves better. Keep her down.
12.) "Love them and leave them," thats my motto.
Beliefs, judgments and attitudes about myself as a man:
1.) I am tough and emotionally untouchable. No one will ever get to me in a deep way.
2.) Lying is expected of real men.
3.) My worth is measured by my body strength and build.
4.) My worth is measured by my income, type of car, home, clothes, etc.
5.) I don't need anybody.
6.) I am God's gift to women.
7.) Men are born to be better than women.
8.) Men are smarter than women.
9.) I'll take what I want, however I have to get it.
10.) I deserve to use and hurt women: If I do not do it to them, they will do it to me.
11.) Never letting anyone know I feel insecure is a must for survival.
12.) I must always remember bad things women have done in order to never let my guard down.
13.) Trusting anyone is just being stupid and unmanly.
14.) Never feel anything deeply except power over others, anger, hate, revenge, or arrogance.
15.) Hurt others but do not ever get hurt.
16.) Always keep your pride by judging others and feeling superior.
17.) I secretly need to posses a woman in order to feel secure and worthy.
The Debonair Seducer
Beliefs and judgments about women and relationships
1.) Control or be controlled: there is no other way. I'll make her think she is in control, but I will make sure I am.
2.) Women are ruled by flattery. Boost their egos and make them feel pretty and important and I have them where I want them.
3.) No woman can be trusted any further than you can see her. But always make her think that you trust her.
4.) I can have power over women in sex by being the Romeo and appearing to be conquered by their overwhelming charm and beauty.
5.) Women are suckers for the Romeo approach.
6.) Buy her dinner or flowers and I can wrap her around my little finger.
7.) All women want to think that they are most beautiful and irresistible in all the world.
8.) Women are weak and helpless once I "make them" mine in bed. Sweep her off her feet and she's mine to control.
Attitudes and behaviours toward women and in relationships:
1.) Always keep women needing you. Give them just enough to make them want more, but don't give it.
2.) Make a woman think I am madly in love with her and she will do anything I want.
3.) Do not let a women know I am not satisfied until it is too late. Then leave her suddenly.
4.) Always act shocked and hurt of the woman doubts my sincerity. Never let her suspect ulterior motives or deceptions.
Beliefs, judgments, and attitudes about myself as a man:
1.) Men are more cunning and clever than women but must never show it. Act innocent.
2.) It is natural for men to exaggerate and/ or deceive women in order to woo them and win them over.
3.) I must always act confident even when I am not.
4.) I need to have the attention of sexy, beautiful women in order to feel good enough as a man.
5.) Being the best - better than other - is all that matters.
6.) Acting casual and collected is the best way to make her chase me.
7.) I must be a hero in my woman's eyes in order to make her chase me.
8.) Never let the woman know how desperately I need her to look up to me and tell me how great I am.
9.) To have a woman under my spell makes me feel very manly and in control.
The woman-hater seducer
Beliefs and judgments about women and relationships
1.) All women are selfish, self-centered, and uncaring towards others.
2.) All women just use men whether it be for sex, money or ego gratification.
3.) All women are incapable of loyalty.
4.) All women are two-timers.
5.) All women control men through sex. Therefore, I will withhold from women sexually except when I want it for me.
6.) All women want to posses, control, and conquer men so I must do it first to them.
7.) If I don't outsmart and control her, she will outsmart and control me.
8.) All women hate men.
9.) No woman deserves to have a good man in her life.
10.) Women are an inferior species of weaklings.
Attitudes and behaviours toward women and in relationships:
Relationships and marriage are strictly for women's convenience and mens misery. Never get "hooked".
Love between the sexes is just a lie, a fairy tale believed by fools.
I have to keep her feeling inadequate and inferior by insulting her and never being satisfied. It is my job to remind her continually of her faults.
In order to keep a woman around I must keep her feeling guilty, inadequate and beholden to me.
By withholding sex I can keep her in need for me.
I must constantly show her that I am smater than she is.
If I never act happy around her, she will try harder to please me.
I will find ways to use before I am used.
Always keep a woman guessing and wondering how I feel about her.
Never let my guard down emotionally.
Never let her know anything that is meaningful to or vulnerable about me.
I hate women because they "make me" want them sexually.
To humiliate women is a big thrill.
When I am with a woman I own her and she had best to do what I tell her to.
When women get hurt - physically or emotionally - it is because they asked for it.
I hate women who are kind and loving because they make me realize that I don't have any light and love on my own without them.
Beliefs, judgments and attitudes about myself as a man:
Men are by nature superior.
I must never let myself open my heart and trust anyone.
I hate myself when I allow women into my life just to hurt and use me.
I hate myself for wanting sex with women.
I will never try to please anyone but myself
Men are always smarter than women.
It is okay to cheat on a women. She deserves it.
I will never trust men who love women and who "pretend" to be happy. It is impossible without selling out as a man.
I must never let myself be happy for let go of my pain, anger, and hate.
To be a man is to be tough and unaffected by others.
I have a right to use women any way I want to. They deserve it.
I have a right to use seduction and sex to control women and then dump them when I am through.
Some of the examples I have given may seem antiquated to you. But look at the attitudes your father, grandfather and ancestors have passed down. You may not be consciously holding on to these beliefs, but may be holding them in your subconscious or in your body. Identify the ones that even remotely ring a bell and work with those until you feel clear with each one. I am sure that there are many more beliefs, judgements, attitudes and behaviours that are not identified here. Hopefully these will be enough to trigger your awareness of yourself in a deeper way and help you realise others that are not given.
Now it is time to find replacement for these attitudes. Begin three new lists labeled as follows:
"Affirmations about men and relationships"
"New attitudes and behaviours towards men and in relationships"
"Affirmations about myself as a woman"
For each negative item on your first list, write an affirmation or describe a new scenario with which to replace it on the corresponding list. For example, if you wrote down, "All women hate men," on your new list write something like: "I am ready to draw into my life women who are loving and caring toward men and especially toward me." Or if you wrote down, "Control or be controlled: there is no other way," then your affirmation might be: "I am ready to take responsibility for letting go of control and making more discerning choices about the women with whom I choose to be involved." Just because your past experiences have been painful and less than ideal does not mean that your future experiences will be the same. Examine what has created the negative magnetism in your life. Have you harboured resentment and blame from one relationship to the next? If so, you have created a magnetism for those type of people and situations. Are you still looking for women who remind you of your mother in order to have yet another chance to make it different this time?
"Perhaps if this new women will do ___ better than Mom did, i will finally be able to feel okay about myself as a man." If you are consciously or subconsciously still thinking this thought, then your chances of finding a satisfying relationship are very slim. You must heal your own past, let go of your mom and all of your ex-lovers and ex-wives, forgive them, forgive yourself; then you can create a new type of magnetism - one based on already feeling good about yourself, being a forgiving and understanding person, and knowing how to use discernment. If the new woman reminds you of your "ex" then find someone else. You are getting off to a bad start and the results are predictable.
When you have completed working with your lists, move on to the next section.
Male & Female attitudes
You may have notices that many of the beliefs, attitudes and judgments in the women's and men's sections are identical. That is one of the most common problems in relationships. Women project distrust onto men and men project distrust onto women. It is like the cat chasing its own tail and never realising that the tail it chases is its own. If you are waiting for your partner to change in order for you to feel safe in changing, you are shirking your own spiritual and personal responsibility for creating your own reality and living in integrity. If you partner is genuinely untrustworthy and unlovable in your eyes, then leave. It is impossible to work out a healthy and satisfying relationship with a person who is not living in integrity with you, or who is in resistance. At the phase of evolution on Earth, you can only hurt yourself and hold yourself back spiritually by remaining in these relationships.
If your partner is a person of integrity and you both care deeply about one another, then you are responsible for busting your own resistance and control issues without projecting them onto your partner. Society has greatly encouraged just the opposite. It is time for men and women to release such societal beliefs as:
"One person can never truly satisfy me." When did One person truly satisfy you?
"I have to be the prostitute & the Virgin" or "I have to be the Gigolo & the Virgin".
"The battle of the sexes is a simple fact of life and unchangeable."
"It is impossible for men and women to ever really understand each other."
"Once the honeymoon is over, it is downhill from there on out."
"Relationships require intrigue and challenge in order to stay alive."
You mabye have other societal beliefs that you are aware of that you need to change. Use the process for clearing beliefs on each of these, as well as for any others you think of. One person at a time is the way change happens, until finally enough individuals create a "hundredth monkey effect." Changing your own beliefs and attitudes does make an important difference.
Recently while I identified a planetary contract held by members of both sexes that I would like to tell you about. First of all, planetary contracts are subtle - or not so subtle - psychic agreements between all members of the general populace of the whole planet. There may be small areas of Earth in which the people are not a part of these contracts, but from what I have seen, most of us are - or haven been. Apparently, back at the time when the Luciferian and Satanic energies infiltrated Earth and Earth's atmosphere, they realized that the single most effective way to hold back spiritual evolution and control humans was through the male/ female split. So what they did was send out massive thought-forms to all the women on the planet telling them; "No man can ver be trusted. All men want to control women and use them and hurt them. In order for you, as women, to protect yourself and each other, you must agree to never trust any man. Men will always keep you oppressed because they are physically stronger than you are. Therefore, you must also agree to always keep the battle of the sexes going in order to prove that you are right and men are wrong."
The message they send to men was, "No woman can ever be trusted. All women want to control men and use them and hurt them. in order for you, as men, to protect yourself and each other, you must agree to never trust any woman. You must keep women as an oppressed species or you will be oppressed. You must also agree to always keep the battle of the sexes going in order to prove that you are right and women are wrong."
When the whole of Humanity would clear this contract, the whole collective consciousness would relax from distrust into Divine Trust, creating more creative space, air and light within the whole collective and in each and every individual.
In order to clear these contracts, use the following process:
Ground yourself by going yourself a new grounding cord, call in your Higher Self, your guides who are off the Light to assist you in the process.
Simply envision a document that says "Planetary Contract" at the top. (Or write it out on a piece of paper if that is easier for you.)
At the bottom of the contract see your own name on one side and "All the women - or men - on Earth" on the opposite side.
See the quoted words for your gender on the contract:
"No woman can ever be trusted. All women want to control men and use them and hurt them. In order for you, as men, to protect yourself and each other, you must agree to never trust any woman. You must keep women as an oppressed species or you will be oppressed. You must also agree to always keep the battle of the sexes going in order to prove that you are right and women are wrong."
"No man can ver be trusted. All men want to control women and use them and hurt them. In order for you, as women, to protect yourself and each other, you must agree to never trust any man. Men will always keep you oppressed because they are physically stronger than you are. Therefore, you must also agree to always keep the battle of the sexes going in order to prove that you are right and men are wrong."
Imagine that you have a big red marker or stamp that says "CANCELLED" or "VOID" and write or stamp the contract as many times as you feel needed to cancel the contract.
Rip the contract into at least two pieces.
Imagine a roaring fire or ask the Lords of Light for a Rainbow Flames bonfire and burn the contract until there are no traces f paper left.
Affirm in your own words, or as follows: "In the name of my I am Presence that I am, I am ready willing and able to take responsibility for restoring trust, understanding, respect, dignity and true love to all of my relationships with women - or men. I am also ready, willing and able to use discernment in all my relationships with members if the same and/ or opposite sex. I am determined and filled with courage and will no longer play games with members of my own gender that in any way demean, humiliate, blame or judge members of the opposite sex or categorise them as "all the same".
If you still feel a lot of emotional charge around this issue, sit and run energy while blowing roses and breathing deeply until you feel released.
How can you try to be part of healing the Male Female Split? Be super conscious about yourself and how you behave in your relationship towards the opposite sex. Also the Dolphin Star Temple Mystery school home of Pleiadian Lightwork have introduced Pleiadian Tantra which we decided to call “Cosmic Tantra Experience” . Within this “Healing & Self-Mastery” module we guide you in Healing and Releasing certain beliefs and opening the Body temple for full Tantric Experience and Awakening the Soul (Ba in Egyptian) with the assistance of your own Higher Self, the Ascended Masters, the Great White Brotherhood of Light, Jesus Christ, Mother Mary, Pleiadian Emissaries of Light and the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light.
The Sirians and Pleiadians have created the Human Race, the Milkey Way galaxy. The Sirians know everything about Sacred Geometry, the Flower of Life, creation energy, sexual energy, soul energy and healing and restoring these Sacred Geometry aspects within the body. In this work we'll be working with Archangel Michael who's responsible for upholding Divine Truth/ Sacred Union and looking after the Legions of Light (lightworkers). Archangel Hermes, Archangel Metatron, Archangel Melchizedek.
The Pleiadians know exactly how to restore and healing physical body on an emotional, mental and spiritual bodies level. In this work we'll be working with Ra and An Ra from the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light.
What do you gain in Cosmic Tantra or Pleiadian Tantra? You gain everything as Cosmic Tantra will allow you to let the Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine in both Male Female gender Rise to its fullest potential and evolve your consciousness into the highest levels of Christ Consciousness on Earth.
Make sure you check our "Healing & Self-Mastery" page on www.livinginmana.com
In love, pure gratitude & service Martijn
Email: info@livinginmana.com
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