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Living in Mana is all about moving human consciousness, awareness and spirit from living in the duality/polarity of the mind to living in the original singular reality in the heart. Living in Mana is a journey to living in the heart – the seed to the soul.

On this September Equinox we like to invite you for a Sacred Activation meditation experience in our sanctuary. In this Sacred Activation experience we will be guiding you in a photon belt healing & clearing meditation assisted by the Pleiadian, Sirian and Andromedan Archangels of Light.

What is the photon belt?

The photon belt is a band of Light that is being emitted towards our solar system from the Great Central Sun in our part of the Galaxy. The Great Central Sun in our part of the Galaxy is Alcyone, in the star cluster Pleiades.

Our Solar System has moved into the Photon Belt since 2012, and our solar system will be in this Photon Belt for 2.000 years. The Pleiadian Emissaries of Light will be able to connect us to this band of Light with grace and pure love. We will be doing this Activation on 4 energy centers, crown chakra, third eye chakra, heart chakra and root chakra.

Also we will be working with the Rainbow Diamond Council of Elders. The Rainbow Diamond Council of Elders are the Ascended Masters who have lived on Earth since the start of Human Evolution on the surface of the Earth. The Rainbow Diamond Council of Elders live in the Crystalline Cities of Light, each of the 13 Earth Chakra’s hosts a Crystalline City of Light.

The Equinox Sacred Activation will be a healing & clearing meditation experience were each participant will be guided to release evolution, healing in order for all of us to align ourselves with the Cosmic Plan of Light, the Divine Plan of Light, in the way God/ Goddess/ All That Is has indicated.

We will open the Sacred Activation with a brief explanation about the process and for each participant to ask any questions they would like to ask before we proceed with the Sacred Activation. 

We will also be guiding the group into the most Sacred Tiny Space within the human Heart. The Ascended Masters call this space in the Heart the hidden chamber in the Heart or the Tiny Space within the Sacred Space of the human Heart. 

We as human beings, are basically all one big Flower of Life with 50 trillion body cells. The Flower of Life is the geometry of creation, it’s the geometry of consciousness. And as above, so below, so within, so without. Which means that Source, Creation or God is outside of us, but we can also become One with Source, Creation or God within Sacred Heart.

The Human Heart holds the first cells in creation, the human Heart holds the original reality that is singular. In our heart the Flower of Life, geometry of creation, geometry of consciousness starts. When you see the Flower of Life, in the center you see all the spheres coming together in One central point. This One central point in the geometry is the Tiny space within your heart.

From within this most Sacred Tiny Space inside our Heart, we can re-create and transcend our reality from duality, fear, darkness, negativity. To singularity, love, Light and positivity, without polarity connected to whatever we create within this Tiny most Sacred space within our Heart.


This Equinox Sacred Activation is inspired on the work of Drunvalo Melchizedek, The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Awakening the Illuminated Heart. And Amorah Quan Yin, founder of Pleiadian Lightwork, the Dolphin Star temple Mystery School on Mount Shasta California.

Everybody is welcome to walk in from 18:30 for community talk and ceremonial Cacao. We start the Sacred Activation at 19:00 and go on till 20:30. 

Price is 100k. Please RSVP to +62 812 3982 0292

In love, light & service Martijn

Living in Mana is the name given to our practice & Sacred Ulu Watu is the name given to our Sacred Sanctuary. Living in Mana & Sacred Ulu Watu are part of Luxor Healing Arts PT -

PT Seni Penyembuhan Luxor.

Director: I Made Raymond & I Wayan Joost 

(Family of Mades Warung Seminyak, Kuta, Berawa, domestic & international Airport)

Martijn Vroemen has his KITAS working permit through PT Seni Penyembuhan Luxor – Luxor Healing Arts.

For questions call Raymond +62 812 3829 765

Martijn Vroemen