Schermafbeelding 2020-12-07 om 20.09.46.png

On this 12th of December, 12:12 we like to invite you for a Sacred Portal Activation experience in our sanctuary. In this activation we will be guiding you into a Higher Self 13 Chakras meditation, aligning your 13 Chakras with the Highest Divine Plan (divine truth, love & light) for Earth and her people and anchoring your Pillar of Light from “the Great Central Sun” into your Body & Soul Matrix. As we are moving into the Age of Aquarius, the Golden Age, we are moving from the old 7 Chakras system to the New Age 13 Chakra system.

13 Chakras meditation

On this potent portal day we will guide you in a deep meditation where you will be harmonizing, clearing and healing your 13 Chakras, with your Higher Self of Light 13 Chakras. Using Golden infinity symbols between your 13 Chakras and the 13 Chakras of your Higher Self of Light, your own Higher consciousness, your multidimensional self:

1.)   Earth Portal Chakras

2.)   Earth Transducer Chakra

3.)   Root Chakra

4.)   Sacral Chakra

5.)   Navel Chakra

6.)   Solar Plexus Chakra

7.)   Heart Chakra

8.)   Throat Chakra

9.)   Third Eye Chakra

10.)         Crown Chakra

11.)         Cosmic Transducer Chakra

12.)         Cosmic Portal Chakra

13.)         Thirteenth Chakra of Oneness

Asking your Higher Self, the Dolphin Star Temple Higher Council of Light (Pleiadian, Sirian, Andromeda Emissaries of Light) to clear and heal all of the 13 Chakras to the Highest good of your personal evolution in the present moment.

Linking aligning with Earth 13 Chakras

We guide you to connect with the Guardians and Overlighting Devas of Light of the 13 Chakras of Earth, to align you and your Higher Self to the Highest Divine Plan (Divine Truth, Love & Light) for Earth and her people. Linking your chakras with Earth 13 Chakras:

1.)   Earth Portal Chakra - Lake & Mount Batur, Bali Indonesia

2.)   Earth Transducer Chakra – Table Mountain, South Africa

3.)   Root Chakra, Uluru, formerly Ayers Rock, Australia

4.)   Sacral Chakra, Mount Kilauea, Hawaii

5.)   Navel Chakra, Delphi, Greece

6.)   Solar Plexus Chakra, Mount Fuji, Japan

7.)   Heart Chakra, The Tor in Glastonbury, England

8.)   Throat Chakra, Palenque, Mexico

9.)   Third Eye Chakra, The Great Piramid Giza, Egypt

10.)                 Crown Chakra, Mount Denali, formerly Mount McKinley, Alaska

11.)                 Cosmic Transducer Chakra, Mount Shasta, California

12.)                 Cosmic Portal Chakra, Machu Pichu, Peru

13.)                 Chakra of Oneness, Lake Titicaca, Peru

Linking your Chakras with an golden infinity symbol to Earths 13 Chakras. While you are embodying your Higher Self of Light, you will be guided to align your chakras with the Chakras of Earth. Asking that all of the healing, awakening and remembering be registered in Earth’s chakras, taking nothing away from you, giving an imprint that will benefit all of the humans on Earth in their own awakening, healing and remembering.

Anchoring your Pillar of Light from the Great Central Sun

It doesn’t matter from which Star system within the universe you, your essence, your soul comes from, each Soul on Earth has a connection to the “Great Central Sun” the Source of All That Is.

With a miniature you, in the form of a ball of Light with your consciousness in it. You will go out of Body with this miniature you inside a travel Merkaba. You will first travel to the Sun of the Milky Way and connect your Higher Consciousness to the Higher Consciousness of the Sun, sending gratitude into the Sun for the light, warmth and love that it send to you and Earth. Asking the Sun to work with you and impulse you with the encodings you need. In order to evolve into your higher purpose here in Earth.

You will move your miniature self from the Sun towards the Central Sun of Pleiades, called Alcyone. You will move through the portal directly into the center of Alcyone, where you connect with the Pleiadian Archangelic Tribes of Light, to imprint you with the encoding of divine connection to the Pleiades.

Then you will move your miniature you from Alcyone directly into the Star Sirius, where you connect with the Sirian Archangelic Tribes of Light and the etheric Dolphin Spirts. Asking them to help you remember your connection to Sirius and Christ consciousness. 

Then you will be guided to move from Sirius, to the Orion belt, directly into the Milky Way, where you will be imprinted with your original purpose for coming to the Milky Way and your divine connection to this galaxy.

From there you will move the miniature you towards the Central Sun of the Andromeda Galaxy, which is the twin of the Milky Way. In the center of the Andromeda Galaxy, you will be imprinted with the memory of Oneness and Equanimity between Male and Female, before the Male & Female Split.

Using your travel Merkaba and intention you will be guided to move from the Andromeda Galaxy towards the “Great Central Sun”, here you will be guided by a guardian of “The Great Central Sun” towards the Crystalline steps of the throne of the Holy Mother & Holy Father of All That Is. Where you will receive a message and a gift from them that will help you on your journey. You will be able to give them a gift as well, the gift they want from you is something that still keeps you separate from their love. Perhaps it is self-doubt, distrust, anger, shame, or fear.

The Holy Mother & Holy father of All That Is will be imprinting you with encodings for you to remember your direct connection to Source and Oneness. After having time to merge with them into sacred male female union, you will be descending with your Pillar of Light from The Great Central Sun, pulling this Pillar of Light on the same journey as you traveled out of your body, back into your physical body. Anchoring your Pillar of Light from The Great Central Sun, anchoring it into your Body, Soul Matrix and connecting it to the Star Crystal of Mother Earth.

Living in Mana is all about moving human consciousness, awareness and spirit from living in the duality/polarity of the mind to living in the original singular reality in the heart. Living in Mana is a journey to living in the heart – the seed to the soul.

Everybody is welcome to walk in from 11:45 for community talk and home grown Lemongrass hot or cold tea. We start the Sacred Portal Activation at 12:12 the full activation will take around 90 minutes.

Suggested donation is 150k. Please RSVP to +62 812 3982 0292

We will be offering this 12/12 Sacred Portal Activation also online through Zoom live or you can receive the video recording for you to do this 12/12 Sacred Portal Activation on your own. Suggested donation is $10, to be paid into our PayPal account. After receiving the suggested donation you will be invited to join the Zoom meeting or receive the recorded video.

In love, light & service Martijn

Time zones of this 12/12 Sacred Portal Activation meditation:

20:12 Los Angeles 11/12

22:12 Mexico City 11/12

23:12 New York 11/12

01:12 Buenos Aires 12/12

04:12 London, Lisbon 12/12

05:12 Amsterdam, Berlin, Paris 12/12

06:12 Cape Town 12/12

08:12 Dubai 12/12

09:42 Delhi 12/12

12:12 Bali, Hong Kong, Perth, Singapore 12/12

15:12 Sydney 12/12

17:12 Auckland 12/12

Living in Mana is the name given to our practice & Sacred Ulu Watu is the name given to our Sacred Sanctuary. Living in Mana & Sacred Ulu Watu are part of Luxor Healing Arts PT -

PT Seni Penyembuhan Luxor.

Director: I Made Raymond & I Wayan Joost 

(Family of Mades Warung Seminyak, Kuta, Berawa, domestic & international Airport)

Martijn Vroemen has the KITAS working permit through PT Seni Penyembuhan Luxor – Luxor Healing Arts.

For questions call Raymond +62 812 3829 765

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2.) 12:12 Sacred Portal Activation meditation.png
3.) 12:12 Sacred Portal Activation meditation.png
4.) 12:12 Sacred Portal Activation meditation.png
5.) 12:12 Sacred Portal Activation meditation.png
11.) 12:12 Sacred Portal Activation meditation.png
Martijn Vroemen