Our beloved friends Layla Aluna and Daniel Sun while saying fully yes to honour the Divine Feminine and Sacred Union in each other. Photo credits go to Gaelyn Miriam Larrick.

Our beloved friends Layla Aluna and Daniel Sun while saying fully yes to honour the Divine Feminine and Sacred Union in each other. Photo credits go to Gaelyn Miriam Larrick.

Wow what a magical Aquarian month it has been, for both of us Aquarians and all of the beautiful soul family we have met until the now and will be meeting into the future now. As the past & future are all happening simultaneously in the now. 

We celebrated Sofia her 29th birthday on the 29th of January, numerology of 29 is 2+9=11.

We celebrated Martijn his 38th birthday on the 30th of January, numerology of 38 is 3+8= 11.

This year is our numerology 11:11 portal year.

Sofia & Martijn well captured during the Rising in Love ceremony of beloved Layla & Daniel. Photo credits go to Gaelyn Miriam Larrick.

Sofia & Martijn well captured during the Rising in Love ceremony of beloved Layla & Daniel. Photo credits go to Gaelyn Miriam Larrick.

From these beautiful celebrations we kept celebrating our love and where invited to celebrate the Rising in Love and Sacred Union from our beloved sister @LaylaAluna and brother @Daniel_u_n on the magical island of Nusa Lembongan.

O my good Lord, what a living by example in Sacred Union and Rising in Love have Layla and Daniel broadcasted out into the collective consciousness of Mother Earth and her people. This celebration of love for one another has really set the example of how to Unify a soul family from all Star Clusters within our part of the Galaxy. Every single Star Cluster was represented to celebrate, their Sacred Union as an example of Unity in Diversity as one of the elements of the Sacred Matrix of Divine Flow.

This is what Unity in Diversity in Human Experience represents, One big Soul Family from all over the Galaxy represented holding hands in love and honour for one another and for Layla, Daniel and their Star Child. Photo credits go to Gaelyn Miriam L…

This is what Unity in Diversity in Human Experience represents, One big Soul Family from all over the Galaxy represented holding hands in love and honour for one another and for Layla, Daniel and their Star Child. Photo credits go to Gaelyn Miriam Larrick.

From the depth of our most Sacred and Tiny space within our hearts we thank our sister Layla and brother Daniel for inviting us to celebrate their Love and Union, this day of celebrating their love and celebrating our love simultaneously, did raise us to the highest frequency of love we have ever had the pleasure to experience. It goes into the Akashic Records as the most magical Sacred Union experience we have ever experienced and really sets the perfect example of how to pledge to honor the sacred feminine in both female and male bodies.

Galactic One LOVE representation. Photo credits go to Gaelyn Miriam Larrick.

Galactic One LOVE representation. Photo credits go to Gaelyn Miriam Larrick.

We were guided to offer the Sacred Matrix of Divine Flow Activation. Within this Matrix of Divine Flow are all of the elements of Oneness, God/ Goddess/ All That Is, these are:

  • Divine Love

  • Divine Grace

  • Surrender to Divine Will

  • Unity in Diversity

  • Divine Trust


All aspects from this Matrix of Divine Flow are represented by an Elohim. In this Activation we called in all of the individual Elohim's to help us with healing, dispensations of our cells, to start spinning according to these Sacred Matrix of Divine Flow aspects.

We offered this Sacred Activation after the ceremonial day, which we recorded and wanted to make this available to everyone who was present during the Celebration of Sacred Union of our dear friends Layla and Daniel. And also make available for those who would like to experience this Sacred Matrix of Divine Flow activation with the Elohim.

The Elohim are 11th & 12th Dimensional consciousness beings, who function as the guardians of the Holy Mother & Holy Father of All That Is who reside in The Great Central Sun of All That Is, they are the 13th Dimensional level of consciousness. The Elohim are 45 to 60 ft tall angels who we can call on to for dispensations, healing and clearing on all energy bodies levels: emotional, mental, etheric, astral, spiritual and physical. They can aid in helping erroneous spin patterns to be resolved and deep healing on all energy body levels.

This image represents how the group of Elohim’s might represent them selves to you during this Sacred Matrix of Divine Flow Activation

This image represents how the group of Elohim’s might represent them selves to you during this Sacred Matrix of Divine Flow Activation

We suggest for you to take 1,5 hour for this Sacred Activation, after doing this Activation once, the activation can become shorter. Just feel into your own sensory perception weather the Activation and dispensations are finished for you. Drink a lot of water or tea afterwards, take a bath in epson salt, or any salty water which will help integration of this powerful Activation. 

We start the Activation by guiding people from the Luciferian polarized/ duality Flower of Life that we carry within our brain:

Left the original Flower of Life and on the right the Luciferian geometry that represents polarity or duality

Left the original Flower of Life and on the right the Luciferian geometry that represents polarity or duality

At the end of Lemuria and Atlantis we fell into this polarity/ duality reality into the past 13.000 years, the falling asleep cycle. The only thing that happened was that we fell from living in our heart, to living within the polarized brain. Where Atlantis was a masculine human experience, technologically advanced civilization and Lemuria being a pure feminine, human experience, spiritually advanced civilization. Lemurians had one brain that was pure emotional brain only. Atlantis had one brain that was pure mental brain only. The Luciferian Flower of Life created humanity with both Emotional and mental Brain, both Emotional Body and Mental Body. The below image represents the cosmic cycles of time:

Ancient Egypt and the Ancient Egyptian Mystery school, the Ascension temple of Luxor, the Left & Right eye of Horus Mystery Schools, where the first Mystery schools that studied this new polarity/ duality Human Experience that are being continued today in the School of Remembering by Drunvalo Melchizedek guided by Archangel Hermes, or Thoth the Atlantean/ Egyptian God. And Amorah Quan Yin founder of the Dolphin Start Temple Mystery School in Mount Shasta California. 

We guided the Activation into the original reality, Flower of Life which is the original singularity reality created between the dream and the dreamer of the Holy Mother and the Holy Father of All That Is. 

It's within this original reality that we carry within our heart, as the first organ that starts to evolve when we evolve within our mother’s womb. Where we Return back to Source Consciousness. 

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It's the very center within the Flower Of Life, that holds the Tiny Space within our Heart, around this space is the Sacred Space within the Heart. The Ascended Masters sometimes refer to this space as the hidden chamber within the Heart.

We hope this explanation helps you before doing this powerful Sacred Matrix of Divine Flow Activation. Please wear a blind fold, too blind the pituitary and pineal gland for the fruitful darkness to become alive. And try to do this activation as much as you like, we do this activation as a daily prayer activation. Also try using a headphone for better sound and setting a sacred space.

While receiving this Activation you might want to internally sing this song to yourself:

Row row row your boat

Gently down the stream

Merrily merrily merrily merrily

Life is but a dream

Dreaming this Sacred Matrix of Divine Flow into your own Tiny most Sacred space of your heart and direct the same dream to Earth and all of your brothers and sisters, will make this dream true for all of humanity as we are in the process of Reclaiming the Divine Flow of Creation and returning to Male Female balance and equanimity.

Have a joyful experience, when you have any questions don't hesitate to reach out to us and connect.

In love, light & service Martijn

Martijn Vroemen