
In the past months I have been confronted with re-acquiring Child hood trauma. And feel like sharing my Truth as I no longer want to avoid the Truth and confrontation with myself and the people that I inner act with.

When I was between half year and one year old, I fell from the diaper changing table. The result of the fall caused my largest childhood trauma. Emotions like abandonment, rejection, lack of trust, lack of manifestation, feeling unsafe and physical pain where imprinted into my subconscious and inner child.

It was a totally innocent accident that was never a cause of purposely dropping me or letting me fall. But it kept my subconscious and inner child hold on to distrust and avoiding truth and confrontation.

The fall caused my atlas vertebra to fall out of alignment, pinching my brain stem and the nerves running through the brain stem. It caused my lower body to be less connected to my brain.

Since my Human Design energy type, strategy, authority (Generator, wait to respond, sacral authority with G center defined and single definition) are in my lower 3 chakras and my lower body was not properly connect to my brain, I have been experiencing a lot of learning disabilities, dyslecticia, a sleeping eye, with a plaster over one eye so that the weaker eye would be able to become stronger. Learning disabilities in school, more difficult to learn how to read and write and process information. It caused me to having to go to a special school for children who had learning disabilities. This all caused me to have a very low self esteem, low confidence and low self worth.

Through the special school, I was placed among less bullying and competition then in the previous normal school, where kids were making fun of me because of my symptoms of misalignment.

After the special school I did manage to go to university and finish my bachelor degree in Marketing Management, it wasn’t easy but I did it. While previous school teacher would say that it was way to high of a goal for me. University was where I stepped into my power as a late blossoming Flower.

As we are living in a holographic reality, life has always been bringing circumstances into my life that would point into the direction of where I was holding this trauma in myself. But since the matrix is set up in the way that we always look for answers outside of our selves, it took me 34 years before I finally remembered what happened when I was only a half year to a year old.

I remembered because I went for a Pleiadian Lightwork session with my beloved teacher Suzanna Langman from Divine Connection. She opened my Akashic Records and straight from the Divine Truth of the Holy Mother and Holy Father God came the information that I fell off the diaper changing table, with all the traumatic consequences this innocent accident had.

I went in a journey to get my atlas vertebra reset back into its original alignment position. Lots of work on my subconscious and inner child of releasing the trauma, so that my atlas would also be able to come back into its original alignment. Everything is energy and physical changes can sometimes only take place if the subconscious inner child trauma is fully healed.

One night while I was sleeping my atlas shifted back into its original alignment position at 34 years of age of misalignment (spinal, hip, leg misalignment). The atlas had been pinching my brain stem and nerves for about 34 years. Once the altas was back in its original position, I got almost 50% more feelings in my lower body. Before I could not feel any energy running through my nervous system in my legs and hips or lower spine. After realignment I could feel sooo much more!

But when I wanted to get out of bed that morning, I could all of a sudden not walk normal anymore, my legs, hips, my whole body was evolved from the misalignment and all of a sudden had to recalibrate from being misaligned to alignment. It caused me to have to learn how to walk normal again, in the beginning I was literally walking like waddling duck. Walking stairs was a new learning process, no running no surfing since I first had to start with learning the basics again. It took me 6 months to be able to surf and run again.

When I was learning the Full Sensory Perception teachings from the Dolphin Star Temple Mystery school (2018) with my beloved teacher Suzanne Langman, in a session we again opened the Akashic Records and the same trauma was pointed out again, seemingly I didn’t heal the full experience just jet and had to relive it again on the healing table to release and clear the memories. We felt trough all the emotions that where burden in my inner child and subconscious part of mind.

Recently I have again been getting life situations come to me that where bringing lack of trust, rejection, abandonment, lying for your own good, avoiding truth and confrontation issues into my reality called life. Pointing out to me that it was jet again time to dive into any undissolved trauma from my fall off the diaper changing table when I was just under one year old. As it’s the 3rd time you would say, three times is the charm, or three times lucky!

This week with my beloved friend and Akashic Records channel Ashley Beasley we went into the records and the exact issue that my mind and ego though would have been healed was still causing me  to attract lack of trust, rejection, abandonment, lying for your own good, avoiding truth, confrontation, not honoring my own free will, sovereignty, autonomy issues into my reality called life.

We gracefully moved all the emotions out of my inner child and subconscious part of mind, I have to come to a place within myself that goes beyond forgiveness towards who caused the fall to happen, those who bullied me when I was easy to bully because of my misalignment. I have been reframing and repatterining the situation that happend as a baby to Divine Love, Trust, Truth, Self Acceptance, Unity in Diversity and surrender to Divine Will. The releasing of emotional trauma keeps coming and going and coming and going. All in divine timing with this emotional full moon in Scorpio which is amplifying the emotional release process.

I wanted to share my own childhood trauma story honestly towards the world, to inspire you to take action on yourself if life keeps pushing old situations and patterns back into your life. As they only come to you, to serve as a lesson. You can ignore the lessen and move on, this is spiritual bypassing and the universe will bring the exact same situation back into your life and reality until you have taken the time to fully heal all aspects of what caused your childhood trauma.

The deepest child hood traumas, will be triggered by your most intimate relationships. If your beloved is mistreating you, take a look into yourself, as it’s always something inside of yourself that attracts the circumstances that we need in order to resolve our own trauma within ourselves. As the law of attraction is inevitable. Stop pointing the finger at the other person and start pointing the finger to yourself and the unresolved childhood trauma that you still carry within your own subconscious mind, as it comes to you as a lesson on yourself.

In my personal healing process, I feel I am 3rd time lucky this time! 

In love, light and service Martijn 💚

Akashic Records are a collection of ALL past, present, and future experiences and learning for individual beings, collective consciousness and all that ever shall be.

The Archangels The Highest evolutionary level on Angelic consciousness still maintaining individuation self-motivated angels, holding dominion in a particular specialised area, as opposed to serving angels who simply do as instructed by beings on higher evolutionary levels. Examples: Archangel Michael/ Michaela is in charge Divine Truth and of the Legions of Light who carry the Sword of truth and protect beings on the physical plane who request assistance. Archangel Gabriel/ Gabriella is a messenger of God and interfaces between dimensions, maintaining communication as needed. They are their helpers and also make sure that human free will be honoured by all etheric beings. In my Healing & Self Mastery, Pleiadian & Sirian Lightwork sessions I work with the Akashic Records.

Martijn Vroemen