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We are beyond honoured to announce our new partnership with Living in Mana X Samadi Bali in Canggu!

From the first moment that we met each other and looked into our eyes, we felt an instant click, that said fully “Hell Yes”!!!

We are currently working on bringing everything that Living in Mana is about, in love, light and service towards Samadi Bali and the people of Canggu.

The next few months we will be hosting several meditations, workshops and events:

✨ Thursday 27th May Ascension: A Ceremonial Experience based on the Awakening the Illuminated Heart by Drunvalo Melchizedek, author of the Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life and founder of the School of Remembering. In this ceremonial experience you receive all the tools you need for your ascension. Ascension is simply moving our awareness, consciousness and spirit from living in the brain from the heart, to living in the most Sacred and Tiny space within our heart. Activate the Human Halo, activate the Human Light Body, Merkaba in Egypt, Rainbow body in Tibetan buddhism. After the ceremony you receive the audio recording of how to activate your beams of light and human halo. Also you receive the audio of the whole activation of the Human Light Body and how you can make the last 90 degree turn within the Ascension process that moves you from the 3rd dimension into the 4th dimension and beyond. Times: 17:00 - 21:30, costs IDR 500k special introduction price 35% discounted! Normal price IDR 750K.

✨ Saturday 29th May Introduction to Alchemy of Bodywork, learn Bodywork techniques around the belly/ Hara, psoas release, diaphragm, ribcage and collarbone area with a trigger point map that shows you exactly where in your body you are holding certain trauma trigger point and how to fluidly de-armour the body from any undigested issues. This introduction will be from 09:00 till 13:00 on Saturday 29th May, costs will be IDR 750k special introduction price 35% discounted! Normal price IDR 1.100.000.

✨ Thursday 9th June, Male female Balance Circle - Medicine Wheel Practice. It's time for males and females to come back to balance and equanimity and restore the trust between the sexes. In this Circle we’ll be using the Ancient Medicine Wheel practice to harmonise and restore the trust within our own sacred gift characters: inner nurturer, inner child, inner warrior/ warrioress and inner spirit. This video explains this spot on:

Thursday 9th June from 19:00 till 20:30, free meditation, if you want to receive the audio recorded meditation afterwards, this will be available for IDR 100k.

✨ Sunday 20th & Sunday 27th June, Human Design workshop. Eyes are the windows to our Soul. Human Design gives you, your unique energy blue print to follow your unique energy to live in alignment with your Soul purpose. 2 days workshop of 2,5 hours where we will go through all energy types, auras, strategies, authorities, 9 energy centers, profiles and incarnation cross from the people within the workshop. In Samadi Bali from 15:00 till 17:30 and online through Zoom around the world.

✨ Friday 2, Saturday 3 and Sunday 4 July, Alchemy of Bodywork level 1 course. In this course you will learn how to weave together multiple Bodywork technique into one river, between the thin line, between the pleasure and the pain, that allows us to open up the bliss body. Techniques and teachings include: Deep Tissue, Myofacial Chi - release, joint release, Thai Stretches, Fluid Touch, Joint mobilisation, visceral (hara/ belly) work, Osho Rebalancing massage, living in the heart and Dolphin Star Temple Mystery School meditations and activations. This 3 day training will take place in Samadi, all days from 09:00 till 17:30, costs will be IDR 6.500.000, also special introduction price 35% discounted!

If you have any questions about the above offerings or any questions in general, please reach out to me.

Photos & video by Samadi:

Martijn Vroemen