I am often asked why am I doing what I am doing and how did I get to what I am doing?

So let me take you on a journey through my experience:

I was born on Sunday January 30th 1983 at 3:22am in Heerlen, Netherlands this is when my spiritual being entered this Human Experience. Due to everyone surrounding me not being conscious of their spiritual being, my first years 29 years I didn't experienced myself as a spiritual being living a Human Experience.

Life hasn't been always easy for me, I had severe dyslexia ADD that caused me to not be the best student, I had to do the 3rd class over and eventually even went to a school for children who had difficulty learning. My parent where committed to improving my learning skills so we went to loads of specialists to improve my concentration and relief of my dyslexia. One day a specialist recommended me to improve my balance, as improving your balance leads to better concentration and better concentration to less dyslexia. From a balance plank I went onto a skateboard, onto inline skates, ice skating, skimboards, snowboarding, wakeboarding and in 1997 when I was 14 years old I was invited to the O'Neill Surf Academy. Working on my balance improved my focus, concentration and massively improved my learning ability.

When I was in the special school one of the teachers once said that I would be lucky if I would finish professional education, eventually with two fingers in my nose I finished my secondary vocational education and went on to graduate for my university degree in Bachelor Marketing management. Throughout my study years I started working as a personal trainer, fitness coach and Spinning teacher. My party years started with drinking beers with my Hockey buddies on an early age, also experimenting with psychedelic mushrooms, MDMA to achieve some sort of synthetic ecstasy.

In 2007 & 2008 when I was 24 - 25 years old I traveled around the world to 17 countries in one year with my girl friend at the time. Tried Ayahuasca, San Pedro, magic mushrooms and still I didn't wake up to my Divine Essence of being a spiritual being living a human experience. I felt like a human experiencing an human experience and thought that I wasn't spiritual at all.

After my around the world trip, through my affinity with Freestyle Sports I started my first real job as marketing manager for Monster Energy drink, promoting sugar cane caffeine water. I loved the job so much, because I could invest 500.000 euros a year on supporting the sports that have given me the confidence, concentration to accomplish my educational goals at that time. Throughout the years working there I experienced myself running into burnout symptoms. In 2010 the busy job and both of our lives moving very different ways, we split up after 8 years relationship. My longest relationship this far. Until in 2012 I decided to take it slower, my awakening started by diving deeper into keeping my mind, body & spirit healthier, eating healthier, working out, I started meditating, taking time for time instead of not looking at my over time hours as I was making shit loads of overtime hours. In 2012 I traveled to Peru for the 2nd time, went surfing in France, Spain and finished the year with another trip to Morocco.

2013 I kept doing the same, taking lots of time for time, work super hard until I ran into burnout and then take time off. At the end of 2013 when I was really running on my tooth flesh I received the news that they wanted to sell part of the company to Coca Cola and they had to cut budgets. After 5 years with Monster Energy, I took the pay check and left into the unknown. Rented my own house out on Airbnb and instead of staying in Netherlands I went traveling to surf, first Morocco then 3 times Bali in 2014. While surfing I started working on starting my own brand activation agency and within this my own branded Freestyle Sports Festival, Pro Freestyle. To give the sports that had given me the concentration, strength and focus to be able to finish my marketing manager bachelor I was driven to give these sports an urban platform to progression.

In 2014 I started dating and while on travel in Bali she wanted to go see a healer to do some work on her self. I said that she should do this, but I didn't needed this. Very stuck in my ego at the time hahaha After she came back with her experience I felt curious to also give it a try myself. I went because I felt like I could use some more confidence in starting and launching my own business. The healing helped me exactly with what I was calling in. So I tried another session and even continued working with Jelila healing in Ubud online when I returned to Netherlands.

After this relationship that introduced me to the power of healing. I went on my own for a few months. We pitched Pro Freestyle with the city of The Hague and where granted subsidy money to the first edition in 2015, in the mean time I traveled a lot for surfing and lived a nomad life renting out my home on Airbnb, which gave me the freedom to travel.

Then started dating a new girl and while dating I found out that my new girlfriends mom was a medium, healer. Even before meeting this girl in person, I could already feel that this was going to be a strong soulmate connection. Super open already to this as I had already done 4 healing sessions out of curiosity. That relationship really activated me, she went through a burnout herself and had a kundalini awakening and through her connection with her mom she was already activated and I feel I received a-lot of upgrades through this. But we where not meant for each other so we moved separate ways, still friends though. Rudy & Anna are for ever in my heart.

After a few months on my own and finishing our best Pro Freestyle events season in 2016 I was on a dating app and Suzanna, a women who's profile showed that she was a trans medium healer looked onto my profile and I was of course curious enough to reach out and ask her what kind of healing she was doing. We connected in person and my curiosity lead me to receiving 4 sessions from Suzanna where she combined de-armouring bodywork and Pleiadian Lightwork energy healing. She eventually in 2018 became my Pleiadian Lightwork Dolphin Star Temple mystery school teacher.

Right after 3 healing Pleiadian Lightwork sessions and booking my flight to go to my favourite surfing destination Bali. I connected with a very profound Soulmate, who was also further on the spiritual path then I was at the time. She was Kundalini yoga teacher and spiritual guide. She was the first person who introduced me to the Twin Flame phenomenon, I had never heard about twin flames, but at one point she said that we could be twin flames. That profound love experience spiralled my awakening into 6th gear. From the moment that our sexual energy and soul energy had merged into the sexual act towards union. I started to get all sorts of Kundalini rising and ascension symptoms. Soon after meeting I went on to my adventure to Bali.

The Soulmate love connection was so strong that I invited her to come visit me and even supported her with paying half of the ticket to Bali. While I was in Bali my energy started to erupt like a vulcano, I didn't know that bliss and ecstasy was able to exist so super natural from within and due to the opening of my heart that I didn't experience in any of my relationships before. I went from a person who needed at least 8-9 hours of sleep a night, to sleeping only 4 hours a night. From the moment i arrived in Bali on the 17th of November till the 25th of December 2016 I only slept 4 hours a night. The 26th I selpt 6 hours, and then just continued sleeping only 4 hours a night for months. Usually only need 6 hours just before the New Moon when the energies would be the lowest. I would drop to sleep exhausted at 10 or 12pm and would wake up between 2-4am with way to much super natural bliss and ecstasy to be able to stay in bed. So I would start my day with Kundalini meditation, then yoga, then first light surf, eat, surf, read the power of love from Osho while being in my love bubble living the best time of my life in my Bali bubble.

While I was living my best life, for her it wasn't going that easy. She didn't ask her job to leave for Bali holidays and just booked the flight and thought she would get the holidays anyways as she had enough days to be taken. Then the job didn't allow her to go, her ex husband where she had two kids with got a hernia and she was not able to come and we decided it wasn't the right time for us to be together.

My kundalini awakening symptoms didn't stop though and I really felt I needed some assistance with my awakening process, as it was such profound energetic experience that I had never experienced before, such profound super natural ecstasy & bliss. So I went to see the healing in Ubud I had already done 4 sessions with previously. We went through a 4 days Gift of inner Harmony to heal and rebalance my inner matrix of inner masculine, inner feminine, inner child and higher self. After the first day, of rebalancing and harmonising my masculine to my Higher Self during my sleep my kundalini energy had another massive upgrade. From outside of myself, through my Higher Self and angelic team this supernatural ecstatic bliss was upgraded with the most profound beam of light that was poured into me from above my head down into my Soul, activating and awakening codes in my Soul that I needed to remember.

The next days was all about harmonising my inner feminine to inner masculine, inner child to inner feminine, inner child to inner masculine and higher self to feminine and child. Which had a great grounding effect on my energy as, I felt my multidimensional higher self energy just being too large and to big to be able to fit into my physical body. at times it felt like I was collapsing out of my body. After the sessions I felt way more grounded and in my body. I took this experience with me and kept working with my inner gift characters on a daily journaling practice for at least almost a year. This Kundalini awakening experience felt like an ego death experience and also transcended my fear of death. While surfing I just didn't experience the fear of drowning anymore and started surfing bigger waves with more ease and grace.

This bliss full ecstatic state of consciousness stayed with me for months, not sleeping much more than 4 or 6 hours a night until it subsided into my normal waking state. After my return to the Netherlands, I was guided to do an energetic re-alignment of my C1 atlas vertebrae. Through the Akashic Records session I was remembered that when I was a half year old, I fell and the fall made my atlas vertebra C1 go out of alignment. The out of alignment atlas vertebra was blocking the energy flow in my neck and also numbing my sensory perception from my navel down my legs.

I went into the process with a full body check up, where one leg appeared to be longer then my other leg, hips difference, difficulty rotating my neck without using muscle power. With a pendent we checked what minerals and vitamins I needed for better spinal lubrication. I did a few Cranial Sacral sessions to remove blockages from my energy centres that kept the atlas vertebra out of alignment. This didn't work, and I received the guidance to do a past life regression session to heal my fall from this life through all my past life's where I had experienced falling into death. We went into this session and worked on processing the emotional charge that I had taken on falling when I was half a year old in this life, I saw that I had contracted that to happen in this life so i would had a reference point of healing it through all my past lives. I saw my life as a mayan loosing my legs by torcher, my 2 middle ages lifetimes as a knight loosing life in battle, loosing life in the vulcano eruption in Pompeii, Italy, where I died loosing my legs and life in the eruption not being able to escape from the lava flow. And my last life of being killed as jewish prisoner in a German concentration camp. In this 90 minutes session we reframed all emotional charges I still had accumulated in my inner child and subconscious, to come to beyond forgiveness and acceptance.

A few nights after I had integrated this session, while being asleep my atlas vertebra went back into alignment naturally. The morning after my sleep I woke up and all of a sudden I felt 50% more feelings in my lower body, navel down into my legs. I all of a sudden could feel my blood & energy pulse through my veins & nervous system, which I could't feel the day before my atlas shifted back into alignment. Then when I wanted to get out of bed to experience how it would feel to be able to walk in alignment again, I came to the conclusion my nervous system that had grown out of alignment since I was a half year old, had to completely remember again how to walk and use my lower body. I literally had to learn how to walk again, I walked around like a drunk Duck, from wall to wall I needed my nervous system to relearn walking, walking stairs was almost impossible in the beginning. It took me 6 months from April 2017 till September 2017 to fully get back to be able to move around.

We did two Pro Freestyle events that summer and while doing them I was walking like a duck hahaha it did have an impact on my self esteem, self worth and confidence though and had a loving new girlfriend who was helping me through these times. After the Pro Freestyle season we where both signed up to learn Alchemy of Touch massage and bodywork academy's level 1 and 2. after experiencing a private session with Tapesh's his very feminine style of massage & bodywork. This 1 month intensive course really helped my body to biodynamic rebalancing. Which become the modality of Bodywork that I am guided to use these days. Straight after the 1 months training in 2017 I started my journey as a Bodywork practitioner, as it helped me in bio dynamic rebalancing my body after my atlas realignment.

My Soul was calling me to visit Bali again, the place where I had experience my most profound Awakening and since my body felt back in alignment I was so looking forward to be able to surf again after not surfing for a few months due to the rehabilitation I had to do. In the beginning I had times that I wished I had never done the natural realignment of my atlas vertebra. Now looking back, if I had to do it again, I would have done in again 100% sure!

After my atlas was corrected my body went into 100% alignment, which had an effect on all of my energy bodies, my lower chakras went into alignment and my sensory perception became more sensory. In Bali I felt the call to add Amara Samata's InnerGuidance Institute modality to my bodywork practice. innerGuidance is a modality using Breathwork, Inquiry, Intuitive Touch and Healing music into one practice that I could easily add to my Bio Dynamic Rebalancing massage and bodywork.

January 2018 I felt the calling to deepen my knowledge about the chakras and Suzanna from who I had already received 4 sessions popped up in my field. I felt ready to be initiated into the Dolphin Star temple mystery school teachings of Pleiadian & Sirian Lightwork. I had already heard a few times that I was Pleiadian or that my Soul had agreed to experience life before Earth on Pleiades. When I started reading the Pleiadian Workbook, then the Pleiadian Perspective of Human Evolution, so much remembering already happened. I went on to learning Full Sensory Perception level 1, 2 and 3, accessing the Akashic Records, healing the Divine Ka (body) & Divine Ba (Soul). Where these sessions helped me remember everything I needed to remember for me to now be able to do what I am guided to do, which is guiding humanity back to Oneness, Wholeness, Unity, Male & Female inner Sacred Union or Balance.

During my Pleiadian Lightwork trainings and accessing the Akashic Records I was guided my my own inner guides to go and see one of Drunvalo Melchizedek's teachers of the Awakening the Illuminated Heart. I went to Sedona July 2018 to do the workshop with Iryne and learn how to guide people into completely rewiring the Human logical system for the heart to come into the lead. Awakening the Illuminated Heart gave me all the information I needed to remember how to rewire the Heart to the Brain in the original reality. The Awakening of my heart was the most profound supernatural experience I had ever had, that I am the creator of. Without the help of Higher Dimensional beings like explained in my Kundalini Awakening. This experience the I am was the creator of this ecstatic blissful experience. Of becoming fully stable living within the hidden chamber of tiny most Sacred space within the Heart, the supernatural engine of ecstacy & bliss. Awakening the Mer-Ka-Ba or human Light Body. For the Heart brain to become the thinking mind and the mind brain to become the feeling mind. This is the journey for all of us to start thinking with our Heart brain and to start feeling with our mind brain. For the heart only knows the Oneness of Life.

While I was studying Pleiadian Lightwork, I felt the call to learn about Human Design and received my first Human Design experience with Yana Fry March 2018, with who'm I did my InnerGuidance training with. The reading basically told me that I was already doing exactly what my energy was supposed to be doing, guiding humanity to a better future and putting people back on track. After I had first started my own healing journey, then guiding others onto their healing journey. Human Design gave me a beautiful tool to help facilitate a foundation for peoples self adventure and self transformation. From this foundation I could help them in the transformational process from where ever they are on their path towards Oneness.

Since 2018 I have been guided to Alchemise these beautiful tools into "Living in Mana - Reconnect to your Essence" Alchemy & Bodywork level 1 and 2 trainings, my own Akashic Alchemy & Bodywork sessions, Healing & Self-Mastery Energy Healing sessions, Awakening the Heart Ceremony, Human Design readings, workshops and more to be continued!

All for the love of the birth of a new humanity 💛

Martijn Vroemen