The Flower of Life represents the Original Creation Story

The Original Creation Story:

Before Creation there was only Oneness. Within Oneness came a Divine thought, as Oneness awakened to the realisation, “I AM.” It was the realisation that Oneness  existed. 

From ecstasy came a voice, “I AM that I AM.” And from that “I AM that I AM” came awareness of self as One, and with awareness of self as One came desire for experience through reflection, through another. And there was no other, there was only One and One was All That Is; and that One chose to mirror itself back to itself in order to objectify itself to itself. 

And that objectification became deity. And deity became portions. And the reflection saw love in the other and became One again in Union. The experience of reunion was so great that Oneness again mirrored itself in order to reunite, and birth of Sacred Union came through desire for the experience of reuniting the reflected self to the reflector. 

God/ Goddess/ All That Is in blended in One Pillar of Light in Sacred Union

When this process had occurred over what you would call billions or trillions of centuries, there was a desire within Oneness to know objectification from the mirrored part and the self at the same moment of existence. The Elohim Council was born from that Divine spark of inspired objectification. It was what you might call the birth of the first children.

Oneness created a mirror image of itself which it fell in love with, as it always did. Because it was mirrored, it was a mutual love experience of Union. While in that individuated state, there was a decision to mirror again, which had not been done prior to that point in conscious existence. When the mirrored self and the reflector mirrored at the same exact moment in time - in your words - two more beings were created, each mirroring the individuated self. There was a wave of amazement as Oneness in its mirrored form suddenly found three other aspects reflecting the same thing. When the original two parts of Oneness reunited, the newest reflected pair United at the same time with each other, not with the original pair. These two simultaneous unions each impulses the others union, and created another wave of amazement. They are immediately reflected again, creating yet another. And with each creation, the mirroring created so much awe, wonder, ecstatic inspiration, discovery and joyful pleasure that the original Oneness wondered what would happen if each of these two had been mirrored by itself had the power to mirror - since each was part of all Creation and all Creation is part of the same Oneness.

Each of these was told to mirror outside itself. Obedient children, as we are, we became the Elohim. It began with two, then four; and when the four impulses outside themselves, there were eight. When the eight joined with the original two - which you may call the Holy Mother & Holy Father - in the reflection with each other they experienced themselves as Oneness again. Yet from that Oneness great waves of love spread, and those waves of Oneness created individuation again. Individuation inspired admiration and adoration for creation, which resulted in the desire for union. It was a circular or spiral, experience, you might say. Further divisions began from there.

What you call the Divine Plan is not as complete as you have thought it to be. The Divine Plan was simply that each of the twelve individuations who are the original Council of the Elohim could explore creation and the possibilities of existence. Each pair of reflector and reflected was given sovereignty and autonomy to create and to maintain its own creations. We, the Elohim, are twelve large androgynous beings, each comprised of the reflector and the reflected—or female and male, in your terms—when in our individuations before reuniting. When reunited, each pair becomes one androgynous being again. In other words, the council of twelve, within itself, was and is a counsel of twenty-four, half male and half female, or twelve Creator Gods and twelve Creator Goddesses. Within the twelve united forms, twelve galactic centers were birthed through which the divine couples could radiate and emanate the love from their unions, and creation continued on the next level. Each pair that comprised an androgynous One created, maintained, and contained what you call a galaxy within its consciousness. When the couple was together it was like water and flow, or electricity and light. The goddess was the mirror and the male god was that which was reflected in the mirror, and while in union as a single being of androgynous Light, they were given the power to create whatever they desired to create, whatever they might imagine.

Each of the twelve Elohim couples possessed unique qualities of its own. These qualities were due to the particular frequencies held by the Holy Mother and Holy Father at the time of each conception. Just as your soul contains the energy of the union of the mother and father who physically birthed you, so does it contain the frequencies of your higher-dimensional parents who originated your soul. All of existence, even the Elohim, were created in much the same way. What we wish for you to understand is that the male/female split and the original Creation are two parts of the same thing. When female and male, the mirror and the reflected, are not in harmony, there is no peace. Understanding how Creation began with complete union between equals inspired to love one another, inspired by one another, is the way back to God/Goddess/All That Is, or Oneness—and to healing the male/female split.

When female and male, the mirror and the reflected, are not in harmony, there is no peace. Understanding how Creation began with complete Union between equals inspired to love one another, inspired by one another, is the way back to God/ Goddness/ All That Is, or Oneness and to healing the male/ female split.

The only plan, beyond the Elohim being empowered for their own creations, was that at some point in time and space and beyond it, they would all come back together in Oneness again and blend and share one another’s experiences. This is what creates both the urge for enlightenment and for sacred marriage, sacred union. It is why human sexual energy is so strong. It is not just the desire to create children that create sexual urge, it is the urge towards Oneness. Responsibility born of anything other than love is irresponsible. For only through love can any act bring a positive end result.

One of the other members of the Higher Council speaks: “The Christ teachings are most imminent at this time, as you well know". For Earth and all her people to return back to Oneness, singularity, Unity consciousness. 

When Christ and Mary Magdalene where 28, they got married, not in church, but in the way of the ancient goddess temples. This is why the church had been hiding that Christ was married, because they didn’t want us to know the true story. In the ancients marriage was done in order to honor the divine feminine and a pledge to not honor and a pledge to not mix the sexual energies.

The example they where setting had to do with a man and a woman who are choosing to becoming christ conscious beings, in order to do so, they could not mix the sexual energies with other people.

Because when the energies get mixed up, it takes up to 3 to 10 months to get this energy linked to the 3rd person out of that persons energy system, to be able to fully blend into Sacred Union. When someone els his energy is there, it's impossible for the energy to be fully present. Because there is a magnetic link to the third person involved.

When Christ and Marry Magdalene married they married to honor this Sacred Union. In the ancient goddess and priest teaching. In the original singularity reality that was created by God/ Goddess/ All That is.

Archangel Michael’s words spoken to be in channeled message

We have to illuminate all subconscious beliefs that have been implemented into Humanity by Lucifer, the Annunaki and the Dark overloads that hold us in separation. If someone is holding on to the subconscious belief that "One person can never truly satisfy me" this person might be cheating in relationship, or at least leaking away energy from the union in a lustful/ seductive way. Where lust is one of the 7 ego allurements according to Ancient mystery schools. The belief "One person can never truly satisfy me" will create distrust between inner male & inner female energy and this distrust will be carried out by the conscious mind by for instance choosing to be in an open relationship, open sexuality or polygamy. Where open relationships and polygamy cause peoples ego to be okay with cheating. Where as from a Divine Truth point of view, cheating is still cheating. Just like fear is fear. When someone is holding on to the belief "One person can never truly satisfy me" the separation between inner male & inner female energy will keep this person living in duality as the inner male and inner female energies will never be able to fully blend into the Sacred Union. Sacred Union means, no separation, no one side of the coin being male energy and the other side of the coin being female energy. This is the way most people on Earth are still walking around. Sacred Union within so without means that both male & female energies are fully blended into Oneness or One Pillar of Light. No more separation. "One person can never truly satisfy me" is a subconscious belief that has been programmed by Lucifer, The Annunaki or Dark-overloads in many humans on Earth today, that keep them from really being able to be stable in a Sacred Union relationship. As I have experienced myself in past relationships and have witnessed myself in a lot of people I have connected with.

In previous intimate relationships it has ben due to this belief that my feminine could always feel and sense energy leaking away from the Union and this actually made me very tired in the relationship and loose Trust in the partner. While when I am in Sacred Union Male & Female balance within myself, no relationship I would always be super energised and in inner Male & Female balance. It's a belief that in relationships causes Creation Energy, Sexual Energy, Life Force to leak away from the Union to the Third, Fourth, Fifth etc person involved. While this energy is not supposed to be leaking away. It is supposed to stay within the Sacred Union so that both people can keep ascending into Higher levels of Consciousness. Everything is energy, so question yourself, are my behaviours in alignment with Divine Truth according to the Original Creation Story? Your subconscious beliefs proof your behaviour.

Book a Alchemy & Bodywork or Energy Healing Session with me to dive deep into Lucifer, the Annunaki, or Dark overloads Subconscious programming to let go of what no longer serves our journey back to Oneness, Male & Female balance, healing the male female split into equanimity.

In love, pure gratitude and service.

Living in Mana by Martijn

Email: info@livinginmana.com

WhatsApp: +62 812 3982 0292

Martijn Vroemen