

First of all you have to become aware that we are living in a holographic universe.

The Holographic Universe idea suggests that our universe contains a hidden order that connects every point to every other point in the universe. It tells us the whole of the universe is in every gram, thus providing subtle connections between seemingly unconnected events and places. This perspective also relates to the idea of a simulated or virtual universe, whereby our sensory experience is just an illusion produced by an artificial reality.

When you look around your surroundings, you get the feeling you’re living in a three-dimensional world full of visceral shapes, textures, patterns, and objects of all types. You have the feeling that you can interact with these physical objects and get an instantaneous subjective feeling in your body of their depth, size, temperature, texture and weight. This gives you a sense of the physical space around you and your location within it.

But what if this experience of space, location, and depth is all an illusion, a construct of your mind that is beautifully sustained from moment to moment? What if the apparent solidity and shape of the world around you is, in fact, an incredibly well-orchestrated hallucination produced by your brain. Perhaps we live in a purely informational space where matter and energy are not our reality’s fundamental qualities.

Believe it or not, a theory in physics that has been gaining traction recently is the Holographic Universe idea. It suggests to us that our perception of three dimensions is the product of our mind decoding information that arises from a two-dimensional, flat world. This occurs in the same way that a computer constructs a realistic, moving computer game from billions of bits of ones or zeroes embedded in a CD or hard drive. In other words, our senses are only perceiving information and not real physical objects, people, or things. That feeling of physicality is an illusion produced by our brain.

Read more about the holographic universe and an explanation video of Nassim Haramein on Gaia.com (click on this link)

With the holographic universe we live in explained. You have to know that everything that is outside of YOUniverse, is also inside of YOUniverse. That’s why quantum physics always says:

“As above, so below”

“So within, so without”

Everything we perceive outside of us we also carry inside of us. Just like we carry the singular energy of God, Source, the Divine, the Infinite inside the Tiny space within the Sacred Space of our Heart. We also carry all of our past, present and future experiences within our subconscious mind.

Everything Life, the YOUniverse brings into your reality, is connected to a positive, negative  or neutral memory that is hidden in ourselves as we’ll. Yes, positive, negative and neutral. As past, present and future are all happening simultaneously (click link to keep reading).

So before we can reach for the Divine, the Infinite, Source or God inside ourselves, inside the Tiny Space within the Sacred Space of our own Heart, we have to get the mote out of our own eye’s.


Now where is the mote? The mote is in our subconscious mind, the subconscious is the bridge home, the subconscious is where you have stored the memory. The memory in the subconscious is the mortgage on our soul. 

We are all perfect in our essence, our soul, but it’s the data in the memory of the Inner Child/ subconscious that is not perfect. The sacred subpersonality in each and every one of us, the Inner Child holds on to the subconscious memory. You can read more about “ Healing & integrating your subpersonalities, by clicking on this link “.

The spirit part of you and the divine are clear of the data, the memory, It’s only the memory in the child/ subconscious that is not free of the data and the intellect keeps living out this data if you are not aware and if you are not doing your inner work on clearing your subconscious mind.

Life is like this long painting, and it’s already painted and you are in it. And you don’t see the painting because you are in it. And you can erase the painting, so you become zero.

So how do you erase from your painting whatever you don’t like about the painting?

Using the total resources of your being: I am divine creator, the spirit (super conscious), the conscious mind, which is the intellect and the subconscious which is the physical part of mind. 

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There are many ways of clearing and cleaning the subconscious, the Inner Child and the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual rings within each of the chakras from negative beliefs, thought forms, pictures, contracts or agreements.

Ho ’Oponopono is one of the modalities you can actually use on a daily basis. But it only works “If the two make peace with each other in this one house, they will say to the mountain, ‘Move Away’ and it will move away”. Or “When you make the two one, you will become the sons of man, and when say, ‘Mountain move away’ it will move away. What Jesus meant with these phrases was, when the Mother and the Child become one in this one body, and a mountain moves into your life, they are able to move any mountain out of your subconscious part of mind. So this makes the relationship between the Mother and the Inner Child the most important relationship in all of creation. This video from Dr. Hew Len is very nice to practice on your own:

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Remember the old biblical phrase: if you knock I will open, if you ask, you will receive. Like Jesus said: seeking first the kingdom, and all ells will be added automatically. This video shows a few of Jesus his “Lost forbidden teachings”:

Other ways of getting the mote out of your own eye’s will be listed in separate articles below:

Why integrating and healing your subpersonalities 

Only when we have taken the mote out of our own eyes we are able to move our awareness, consciousness and spirit from living in the mind, to living in the Heart. With too much emotional trauma stored on the emotional body of the inner Child it’s not possible to move in to the Heart. Because you will simply not be able to move into the Sacred Space and Tiny Space and even if you are able to move into the Tiny space, the emotional pain that is still hidden within the emotional body that is connected to the Heart is the direct connection to the trauma within the memory within the Inner Child.

As humans we have 2 emotional bodies, 1st emotional body is connected to the higher heart chakra (ego/ duality/ polarity heart chakra) connected to the intellect. 2nd emotional body is connected to the heart chakra, the Sacred Space and Tiny Space in the Heart. It is the direct connection to the Inner Child and subconscious mind. Healing your Inner Child subconscious mind is why we need to get the mote out of our own eye before we can reach to the Divine in our own 4th dimensional heart. 

Once you have received one or sometimes two “ signature bodywork & energy healing session “ or “ Energy Healing “ sessions, in person in Bali or Online through Skype, Zoom, Whatsapp, FaceTime. You are able to move into the Sacred Space of the Heart and sometimes also the Tiny Space within that Sacred Space of the Heart.

Once you have taken the mote out of your own eyes, we can continue with the “ Awakening the Illuminated Heart’ healing journey “ where you will be able to reconnect your consciousness, awareness and spirit in the original reality that is singularity. The Awakening the Illuminated Heart healing journey can be done in person in Bali or online through Skype, Zoom, WhatsApp or FaceTime. For more info please “ connect “.

Much love and blessings Martijn  

Martijn Vroemen